Comments: 55
LuvLoz [2007-07-24 06:27:27 +0000 UTC]
Okay, I know this has been sitting in my devWatch for a while, but I wanted to actually have time to look at it. The kitties are so cute, I couldn't see the hatching one from the thumb, but I love him! Fantastic pencil/pen texturing. Is the colour an ink or digital wash?
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Malagent [2007-07-02 11:32:56 +0000 UTC]
Εwietne! ciekawy pomysΕ ΕΌeby koty fryggi wykluwaΕy siΔ z jaj ^^
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anachsunamon In reply to pseudolirium [2007-07-13 21:49:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I was never good at that part either ^^' (perspective and anatomy issues). This was my firs gelpen drawing since very long time, but I used to make tones of them every week earlier. Perhaps I should take my works less seriously, and do some random perspective and animal/human anatomy sketches, just for practice. It's really hard, you know? Cause I don't even know where to start. I don't have photos, models, not even this small wooden doll to practice with. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to take some courses or even better - begin art studies. This would really help me, but I'm afraid I'd loose all my joy comming from painting, and that it'd become some kind of stupid, boring routine. I'd hate that for sure
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pseudolirium In reply to anachsunamon [2007-07-14 21:17:17 +0000 UTC]
You're pretty good at perspective and anatomy, actually. Better than a majority of people, and the minor errors are hardly noticed unless someone like me, with a harsh hawk's eye, scrutinizes.
It's good to doodle and practice on scratch paper, I practice drawing little ball-and-joint people for poses, angles, etc. I don't have photos or the little mannequin guy either, so I usually have to wing it.
Art studies aren't quite as boring as they seem, I know I learned a lot from my private art class, and my teacher is so awesome. If you pick the right path and adjust, you'll like it for sure.
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anachsunamon In reply to pseudolirium [2007-07-30 13:31:00 +0000 UTC]
The problem is I don't have money for private courses. Everything extra I could spend on my art, I have to invest in media, because, since I was 11 I noticed, that the more cash you put in your paints and brushes, the longer they live and (obvious!) the better they look. Finally, after all those years I've chosen to paint with Winsor&Newton Cotman watercolors. Almost the most expensive ones here in Poland! Almost... cause there are W&N Artist's watercolors in internet stores, nowhere to be found in regular art shops, and they are the most expensive of all. I still have my first W&N watercolor cubes, which I've bought when I was like... 16? 17? So they really pay of. But that's all. I can't buy myself anything extra in this matter, cause since then I live on my own. It's a miracle that I was able to finish my studdies. Now I have to move do another city, find a job... until then - no money for art. And when I find a job - no TIME for art. So it goes... Private art classess are out of the question, as you can see xD I do so much envy you... Good luck!
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FoxMaq In reply to anachsunamon [2007-06-17 09:46:16 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, znaczy, ΕΌe jeszcze pamiΔtam.
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anachsunamon In reply to Lluhnij [2007-05-21 13:47:21 +0000 UTC]
Not stupid! Not at all!
I used photos of Nenneko of course ^^ But imagine the disaster of cats having wings...
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zaradei [2007-05-19 22:28:25 +0000 UTC]
Aaww... lovely..
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Grisznak [2007-05-19 16:55:12 +0000 UTC]
Super. Do tego ta kicia...meisterwerk.
Nawet szybko ci idzie...
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anachsunamon In reply to Grisznak [2007-05-21 14:01:18 +0000 UTC]
Tez jestem zaskoczona, ludziom zazwyczaj te listy ciagna sie jak flaki, za przeproszeniem, z olejem. A u mnie z dnia na dzien pomysl goni pomysl. Tylko tego czasu tak niewiele... W tym tygodniu raczej nic nie nabazgram, w piatek mam absolutorium >.<
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dallakro [2007-05-19 15:19:25 +0000 UTC]
amazing u.u
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Skoane [2007-05-19 15:13:38 +0000 UTC]
Great drawing...very nice artwork!!
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phantaz [2007-05-19 01:02:10 +0000 UTC]
Great job!
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anachsunamon In reply to KSteinhoff [2007-05-19 10:01:45 +0000 UTC]
oooops, must have missed it somehow ^^' sorry ^^'''
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InvaderDemeter [2007-05-18 23:51:19 +0000 UTC]
Gah! You're gonna be done in a month or two at this rate! X_X; I'm still not even done with two or three of mine! Damn artblock.
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