Animekittyx — A Melody To My Heart - YAOI CHAP 1
Published: 2012-07-28 10:16:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 3048; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 4
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Description Yami Atemu a high school student, also known as King of Games. Yami was a 19 year old student with a high duelling talent and a very big fan list, not to mention he was a very talented guitar player, singer and song writer. He was the frontman for his upcoming band Millenium. Every single girl in Domino High fancied him and wasn't afraid to show him either. They'd occasionally wave or wink at him and he'd look away in disgust and walk away, leaving them heartbroken, Everyone knew he was gay but they tried their luck anyway. He was very tall, light tanned skin, deep dark gem Amethyst eyes, black and pink pointed hair with gold bangs outlining his handsomeness. He nearly always wore leather pants and buckles, with a shirt and a cobalt blue jacket. He was no doubt a very handsome young man. Every girl envied Abi Yumino, his bestest friend, as they would hug and hang out all the time together. They practically did everything but sleep and go to the toilet together.

She was the bassist in Millenium, occasionally singing with Yami as backing singer, their band were quite popular, even only on a local level, and perhaps some friends in and around Domino City. Millenium were a hit, the four teen soon-to-be stars were highly talented. Yami would sing and play some guitar. Abi was the bassist and backing vocalist, Marik was lead guitar when Yami wasnt, either way he always played guitar. Finally Bakura was the drummer. The four teens were rising stars.

However although all the interest in him, Yami last year gave up all his singing and playing because his mother died. She was his last family left and when she passed, the loss hit him hard like a pile of rocks. The fact that he'd given up on singing and playing had Abi going insane, because they were getting big before his mother died, and he was so good at singing but he just refused to play, because the last time he saw his mother, was at the club he at played three hours before she died in a car accident driving home from the happy event. She was always at his clubs cheering him on, but now she wouldn't be and that scared Yami so much.

The thoughts of his mother screaming and twisting in agony had Yami refusing to play even so much as a note or sing a simple word, In fact Yami had just about given up on everything but eating and sleeping. Abi was all he had left and he stayed by her side. He would not talk or do anything else unless it was just him and Abi. Even then, as days passed, he did nothing but mope and mourn his hard and heavy loss. Depression welcomed him and he took it in openly. Abi even moved him in with her, because she feared he'd do something to himself. And even after a year of his mother gone, Yami had not cracked a smile. He'd only speak to Abi, and her alone. He knew of their little group of friends. He hadnt really considered anyone else friends however, because it was him and Abi since he was five years old, these people who seemed to talk and act friendly to Abi, it slightly irritated him, however he paid them no mind. He would never speak to them anymore, smile at them, they'd be lucky to even recieve a knowing nod whenever they arrived. Yami was just a blank page, Abi had been trying to cheer him up for months on end, but to no result.

"Abi? What can we do later?" Yami mumbled to his friend who was cramming her books into her school locker. "Dunno Yami, I'll cook us tea, we can watch TV and go to bed as usual," she moaned. He nodded. "Unless you wanna play guitar?" she hoped. He shook his head with a pale face and a dim loom over him. "Oh please Yami, I miss your voice, I know your mum and what happened Yami, you was with me at the club when we were told. But she would have wanted you to move on," Abi moaned unhappily. She understood how he felt, but surely it was time to move on. Yami saw the frustration in her face and lowered his head. "I'm sorry Abi, I am just not ready to go back to singing yet," He said unhappily. She put her hand on his shoulder and lifted his head. "Listen, I am your friend, so I'll wait as long as I have to, but please think about it," She said with a weak smile. He nodded and watched as she continued to place her books inside her locker. "You know," she continued as she sorted through her locker. "Bakura and Marik have been improving on their work," She finished, hopeful it would at least spark some interest in the teen. Yami just nodded. They were interrupted by two school girls walking past them. "Oh Yami is so handsome," One sighed to the other. Yami crinkled his nose, repulsed. He watched them carefully as they walked away. "That girl is so lucky to always be by his side, she should know how lucky she is," The other sighed as their voices drifted out of Yami's zone of hearing.

"Abi?" He asked again. She turned around to face him. "Yes?" She asked. "Thanks for always being there for me," Yami said with a nod. She hoped he would smile. But she understood. "Hey, what are friends for?" She said with a smile. "Can we skip next period and go to Domino Park for lunch?" he asked hopeful. She raised an eyebrow. "Why?" She asked almost smirking. "I just want to chill for an hour, and you know how much I hate Gym class," he replied. She shrugged. "Dunno, what do I get for getting you out?" She asked with half closed eyes and a smirk. "I dunno, a hug or pudding or something?" he replied. She smiled. "Deal".

As the bell for next period rang, Abi slammed her locker shut and walked casually down the corridor. Yami watched. She got to the end and turned around, noticing he was still at her locker. "Well come on!" She called. He ran after her. They walked out the front of school and Yami followed Abi into a hedge. Abi pushed the hedge aside and let Yami through. "Go on," she ushered getting impatient. Yami climbed through, getting scratched by a thorn and not caring. Abi had done this many times, he had watched her sneak out to go to Domino Academy, where her crush went to school. She'd go and watch him duel without him knowing and she's sneak back pretending she never went anywhere. Yami let her show him the way. She pushed past many hedges to show Yami a hole in the fence. He was surprised. "Go on, when you get through, stay behind the trees, prefects are patrolling at this time so don't go out otherwise you'll get both of us expelled," She instructed. He nodded and followed her instructions and waited for her. As she climbed through, she noticed a prefect walking towards the trees. She darted through and grabbed Yami's jacket, but her hand over his mouth and pulled him behind thicker trees. The prefect looked and shook his head continuing his patrols. "Now I'm gonna let go, don't make any loud noises ok?" She asked. He nodded and she let go of him.

"Follow me," She instructed. He followed her through the trees, eventually she began climbing a tree that over looked a brick wall. Yami followed and when he jumped out of the tree like she did, was amazed to find that they were out on Domino streets. "Wow, you sure have done this enough," Yami said brushing the dust of himself. She smiled. "Sure have," she replied. They trudged to the nearest shop where Abi knew the shopkeeper well enough to not get them into trouble for not being inside school. They bought some snacks for lunch and headed off. "Right, rules to being outside school, DON'T attract attention or you'll get caught. Act as casual and if you're outside normally. Stay away from main roads because the police patrol them every day. Don't go into shops as they call the police and last of all, make sure you have a perfect excuse just in case you get stopped. Follow these rules and you'll get away with it every time you bunk okay?" She asked. He nodded. She checked her watch. "Right we have exactly an hour before lunch so can we pop to the Academy quick, I wanna see Liam, then we'll go to lunch in the park to chill," Abi asked. Whoa she had fallen big for this 'Liam' person, Yami thought to himself. "Yea I suppose so," Yami replied not bothered. She smiled and led the way.

When they arrived at the Domino Academy. She helped Yami climb through another hole in the fence. She followed him and they went to what she called 'Obelisk Blue Dorm'. He didn't know what she meant but according to her Liam was there and it meant he was a very good duellist. Yami shrugged and followed her munching on a cheese twist stick. Yami followed her round the dorm and down the stairs. She led him out to a fountain, she pointed to 'Liam'. He was sitting with his friend that Abi called Zane on a desk, he was looking through his cards. He hade a medium length blonde hair, spiking out in all directions, he wore a blue jacket and black trousers and shoes. Zane had Teal spiky hair, a white and blue jacket on with black trousers and shoes. They both looked rather mean, but she seemed to like them. Yami pushed her towards Liam. "Go, tell him you like him," he said. She backed off with a huge blush. "No way! He'd never fall for me, plus I am to worried he'll hate me," she said with a pink blush on her face. She felt her long blue-ish black hair that pointed into defined tips. Yami rolled his eyes. They stood there for about ten minutes, she just looked at him and watched him. Yami was getting rather impatient until she sighed and left with him on her tail.

They went back through the fence, the way they came in, unknown to them, Liam was watching, he knew that girl was and has been watching him for some time, just who in the world was she and what did she want with him? He smiled as he saw her leave. "I think I have a admirer," Liam said to Zane with a smile, and with that he went back to his duelling. Zane looked on watching as they left.

Yami and Abi walked to the park in silence. Abi was thinking about Liam and Yami was thinking about his mum. Ra he missed her so much, if only he had made her stay and wait for him that night, then maybe she'd still be here. Abi led the way, they sat down under a tree and Abi opened her bag. She handed him his lunch and he nodded. She unwrapped her sausage roll and bit into it. God how she missed singing and playing her bass guitar. Without Yami playing, she could not play, as she had nothing to play along with. Yami munched his sandwiches in silence, as always he really had nothing to say. Until he spotted an ice-cream stand. He stood up and headed over there. "Where you going?!" Abi asked. "To get us an ice-cream each, is that a problem?" Yami asked with a harsher tone of voice. Abi backed down and continued eating. Yami continued walking over there. Yami ordered them both an ice-cream each. Strawberry flavour with sprinkles. He breathed out heavily. Yami then ran his hands through his hair and looked around the park. Abi was sitting on the grass, eating her food. A group of kids were playing tag under the trees opposite us and then there was a tree next to ours, not so far away. A young boy was sitting under the tree. Yami spotted his hair, it was exactly like his. There was only one person other than himself he knew with that hair and he too was supposed to be in school. This really caught his attention and leaving the ice-cream at the stand, he wandered over to the boy, keeping distance to avoid looking like a stalker.

As Yami grew closer to him, he felt warm as his eyes caught a glimpse of the boy's face. He was beautiful, Yami knew who he was but he had to see what he was doing all alone. Yami wandered a little closer, he noticed his head was hung and he was looking at something. Yami got closer behind him until Yami was directly behind the boy, and the tree he was leaning against. Yami noticed he was drawing. He looked over the boy's shoulder to see him drawing a woman, who looked very familiar to him. Yami frowned and leaned closer. Wait. That woman, she looked exactly like his mother! His body froze. As he gawped at the boy's stunning detailed drawing, Yami forgot he was leaning and lost his grip, he landed with a thud against the grass next to the boy. Yami was expecting him to jump and be startled by his sudden appearance, but he didn't move, he just continued sketching. "That serves you right for spying on me Yami," he said gently, but continuing to look into the picture and give it more detail. Yami sat up. Blinking and completely embarrassed. "Sorry Yugi, but I wanted to know what you were drawing, can you tell me, where have you seen this woman before?" Yami asked carefully. He continued sketching in silence for a few more moments before signing the picture, dating it and putting the sketchpad down. He finally looked into Yami's eyes. Yami's whole body jumped delighted.

His eyes were soft Amethyst, rounded and innocent. His hair was just like Yami's but his golden bangs didn't run up his spikes like Yami's did. He was also shorter than Yami but he dressed the same. "This woman calls to me in my sleep. I dream about her, I have done for the past ten months, she stays in my dreams all the time," Yugi explained. Yami was shocked. "She visits you in your dreams?" Yami asked. He smiled and nodded. Yami's heart warmed for the first time since his mother died. "Yeah its weird, she keeps appearing singing 'Help My Baby Be Happy'. She has a wonderful voice, like a siren calling to me. Although I have no idea what she means, I think she's a ghost, dead and haunting me for some reason," he explained. As he said 'Help My Baby Be Happy' Yami's body froze. "Wh-Why do you think she is dead?" he asked. He sighed and frowned. "Because she has cuts over her face, but she is really happy. Like she wants me to do something for her. She keeps telling me the same thing, and she sings a cute song that I have never heard before," He said with a smile. "Really? What does she sing?" Yami asked getting intrigued. "I don't know, she only sings one line. She keeps singing 'My Baby Here With Me Forever, Forever And Always'," He sang. Yami's body froze again, he couldn't move and he was shocked, it was like a slap across the face.

He noticed Yami's horror. "Are you okay Yami?" He asked. Yami couldn't believe it. That song that she sang. he just could not believe it. "Yami do you know something I don't?" He snapped carefully jolting Yami in the side snapping him out of his own horror. "I-I can't believe it," Yami mumbled. "Believe what?" he asked curiously. Yami began singing the very line that the boy pointed out to him and shock over-come his face. "YOU! you sound just like her!" He stammered in shock. "That is because she is my mother Yugi, I wrote that song," Yami said with tears in his eyes. His jaw nearly hit the floor. "What?" he asked. "I wrote that song, With Me Forever was written by me, that was the last song I sang at the club a year ago, three hours before she died in a car crash," Yami explained. Tears filled his eyes and could not believe she was singing her son's last song. "I knew your mum had passed away but I didnt know it was that sad, so you're her baby?" He stammered in shock. Yami nodded tears rolling down his cheeks. He opened his sketchbook and handed it to Yami, who flicked through.

The whole sketchbook was filled with very detailed pictures of Yami's mother. She was dancing and was very happy. Why was she happy when she was killed?! Yami just didn't understand. he cried, tears streaming down his cheeks. Abi sprinted over to his noise. "What happened?!" she screamed. Yugi looked startled. Abi looked at the sketchbook and gasped in horror as she picked up the book. "She was singing Abi, Yugi tell her!" Yami cried to the startled Yugi next to him. Abi just went white and fell to the floor. Yugi hugged Yami, who's body tensed. "Please stop crying!" He begged. Yami's tears stopped and his eyes lit up. His body warmed to Yugi's touch and Yami returned the hug, his body made him.

"I think we might need to help Abi," He said to Yami, who looked at Abi. "Yeah," Yami chuckled. "Its nice you have her, although alot of the Domino Girls dont like it," Yugi said gently. "They can go to hell, I dont date girls anyway, I like guys," Yami replied a bit sourly. Yugi's eyes lit up happily. Yami backed away a little. Yugi blushed. "I don't often see people like me," He said sadly. Yami tilted his head, he was like him? He liked guys too. "I know you know of me, but I think now we're talking finally, I should properly introduce myself, my name's Yugi Motou," he said holding his hand out. "Yami Atemu, and my friend there is Abi-," Yami said getting cut off.  "Yumino, yes I know her from school, she's one of my friends, you should know Yami, you sit at our table at lunch nearly every day," Yugi giggled. Yami nodded and shrugged. Yugi crawled over to Abi and shook her. She was paler than a sheet of white paper. She sat up and rubbed her head. "Damn it Yami," She mumbled itching her head and when she woke fully she looked back and forth between Yami and Yugi. "Yami is Yugi here or I'm seeing double?" She mumbled poking her own head. Yugi giggled. Yami smiled for the first time since his mum had died. Abi was shocked. She hugged Yami tightly.

Yami was a little confused. "So I see you talked to Yugi, then Yami," she said with a smile. "Your friends," Yami stated. She smiled. "Of course stupid, he goes to our school! and sits at our table" She giggled. He nodded with a smile. "So how comes I haven't noticed you before," Yami asked. Yugi blushed. "I am always in Art, or in the music department for the last seven months doing stage paintings," he said nervously. Yami honestly didn't know that if he had been in music for the last year he would have met a more beautiful creature that what was in front of him. Yami felt stupid for not going. Hell if only he had lifted his head at lunchtime rather than facing the floor all the time and staying quiet he'd have seen Yugi's beauty many times. He cursed himself. "So you sneak out too?" Yami asked him. He smiled and nodded. "I do it to get away, nobody knows and those prefects are as dumb as first graders," Yugi giggled. Yami laughed and nodded his head in agreement.

Abi just gawped at Yami. He wondered why she was doing that. Wow I laughed, what's the big deal, I have done it before, Yami thought. "So Yugi, Wanna come round our house?" Abi asked. Yami nodded. "Won't your parents mind?" Yugi asked confused. "It's her house, Her cousin is Seto Kiaba so she owns her own house. I just stay with her since my mum died as I had nowhere else to go, Abi took me in as a great friend and we live  together since then," Yami explained. "I knew her cousin was Seto but I didnt know you owned a house," he said to Abi with a smile. Abi shook her head with a smile and pushed Yami away from her playfully. Yami glared at her then laughed with her. Yugi smiled.

"Well I can't come tonight, but maybe tomorrow?" he asked. "Sure! We're always there you know where it is Yugi right?" Abi asked. He nodded with a smile and thanked her. "Ok thanks, well I guess I'll see you in school tomorrow then?" he asked. Yami nodded. Yugi collected his things and waved goodbye. Abi grabbed Yami and they walked home. "Aint we going back to school?" Yami asked her. She shook her head. "Nope, I gotta talk to you," she said with a smile pulling him along. They hurried home and slumped down on their sofa. "Ok what's the deal?" she asked immediately. "Huh?" Yami asked confused. "Well since your mum died you hit rock bottom, and since you talked to Yugi a minute ago, you bounced back up top again like you was before she died, what gives? You've met Yugi before!" Abi asked. "I don't know, when I looked in his eyes, I go all warm, whenever he smiles at me I feel like my whole depression is washed away and I just wanna dance and sing," Yami said with a huge grin on his face. Abi chuckled.

"You my friend, are in love," She chuckled. He blushed. She smiled and then hugged him. "But it's nice to have the old Yami back," She said ruffling his hair. He smiled. "You haven't done that since second grade," Yami chuckled. "You haven't smiled since last year, I guess we are all going back to our old habits," she laughed and went into the kitchen to start dinner for them both. Yami got changed into his casual clothes and went into his room. He noticed his guitar laying dusty on its stand in his room. He wandered over to it. He picked it up. Blew the dust from it and wiped it over. Yami then started plucking a few strings. He smiled and began playing a tune and within five minutes he remembered everything he knew a year ago. Without noticing he was smiling to himself. Yami was playing again. He held himself back however. He wished not to sing. The wound of his mother dying was too much of a burden. No. He decided. He would never sing again, playing his guitar will do.

Abi froze, she thought she heard a noise. She frowned and walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. She stopped outside Yami's open bedroom door. She couldn't believe it, he was playing! She heard his notes and instantly reconised the tune. She wanted him to sing but no notes escaped his lips. So when the timing of the tune came back around she decided to sing.

"How can I, prove to you
Amazing beauty is never new
Blazing love is never missed
When you and I first kissed
Streaming tears of joyous song
With you is never wrong
Leaving you, I would never
My baby here with me forever
Forever and Always"

As Yami stopped his guitar note fading, Abi screamed happily and ran to him hugging him tightly. "Yami! You're playing again!" She screamed in joy. He smiled at her. "I sure am," he said happily. She ruffled his hair again. "Looks like we need to practise on new songs, because we are back in music baby!" Abi screamed happily. Yami laughed at her enthusiasm. "Can I ask you something Yami?" she asked. Yami nodded waiting for the response. "Why wasnt you singing to your notes? I wanted to hear your voice again," she stated gently. Yami sighed. "I dont mind playing Abi, but singing is out of the question, i wont sing again its my fault she's gone Abi, I could have saved her, If I had just told her not to come to the club then she's still be alive," He said hating himself loudly. "There was nothing you could have said or done Yami, its not your fault she died," Abi replied gently. "Please understand Abi, I dont mind playing but singing is out of the question," Yami replied firmly. She sighed defeated. "Well then Marik will have to sing, because i cant," She replied. He chuckled at her self loathing. That was her. "You've never tried a full song Abi, give it a go," He laughed. She pouted and ruffled his hair again. "Its good to have you back Yami," she giggled. Suddenly the phone rang. Abi paused and remembered. "Oh shit! Elliot was supposed to be calling!" She yelled and ran back into the hallway for the phone. Yami chuckled and smiled at his best friend.

Elliot was another of their closest friends. He could play guitar really well and used to be in their band. However when his parent's divorced he moved away and stopped playing. He would still join them to root for them whenever they played however. He was their biggest and most enthusiastic fan. Elliot was a smart boy, funny and only a year older than Abi. His features were soft, he was slim with bright blonde hair, straight but not long. He had shiny blue eyes and a very nice personality. He was a very good friend. Yami nor Abi had any other feelings towards him except friendship and Elliot felt exactly the same for them. He was hyperactive most of the time, a very self loathing person, and yet he hated it whenever anybody else put themselves down. He was never ashamed to turn down a dare, and nearly always got what he wanted. For the lovely guy he was, however, his girlfriend Micky was not rightfully suited to him. She was selfish, obsessive and a very jealous girl. He loved herself and it had occured to Yami that she was only with his close friend, for money. However Elliot also being stubborn, there was nothing Abi nor Yami could do. he worshipped the girl and there was nothing Yami or Abi could say to change that.

Yami Shrugged away his thoughts and continued playing his guitar happily.

Abi listened whilst being on the phone to Elliot.

Yugi was the reason for this, Yami loved him. If Yugi made Yami happy, Abi would stop at nothing to make sure they were together for prom. She also made a mental note to get Yami to sing, but all she needed to do was convince him.

Abi made another mental note – Goal Before Prom: Get Yami and Yugi Together.

She smiled and continued  chatting to Elliot, knowing tomorrow, the fun would begin.
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Comments: 19

PassionateChaos [2014-11-21 21:55:14 +0000 UTC]

Hey!!! I believe you promised a sequel!! Keep writing I want to know what happens!!! It works as a short but come onnnnnnn please?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animekittyx In reply to PassionateChaos [2015-02-14 23:48:37 +0000 UTC]

haha sorry, i've been mega busy lately with the little one

I shall have a look into it and see what I can do

Thanks for your continued support


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ticklishnatasha In reply to Animekittyx [2016-04-06 02:43:44 +0000 UTC]

I want to read more of this! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MrsDragonDeamon [2014-02-01 23:04:34 +0000 UTC]

it´s sweet and beautiful! please go on!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anubisgirl13 [2013-08-09 08:14:10 +0000 UTC]

Aw, why did ya stop there? I want more, please, write more of this lovely story!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animekittyx In reply to anubisgirl13 [2013-08-09 11:59:48 +0000 UTC]

I will do thankyou for your lovely comment



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

anubisgirl13 In reply to Animekittyx [2013-08-09 12:05:19 +0000 UTC]

Yay! *big smile*
And your very welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PharaohAtem-16 [2013-07-07 21:35:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Valenntine2000 [2013-06-15 01:18:37 +0000 UTC]

There is a song that would go great to the story! It is Right here waiting!! Love the storY!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jjcutie1101 [2012-12-23 01:50:44 +0000 UTC]

OMG I LOVE IT i have two questions are you gonna continue and did you write that song

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animekittyx In reply to jjcutie1101 [2013-08-07 18:13:12 +0000 UTC]

hey thankyou I will continue and yush I did write it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

doctorwholover465 [2012-07-28 11:11:24 +0000 UTC]

This is really good!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animekittyx In reply to doctorwholover465 [2012-07-30 15:41:47 +0000 UTC]

you like it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

doctorwholover465 In reply to Animekittyx [2012-07-30 15:43:50 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animekittyx In reply to doctorwholover465 [2012-07-30 15:45:34 +0000 UTC]

i'm so glad

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

doctorwholover465 In reply to Animekittyx [2012-07-30 15:48:21 +0000 UTC]

.......but I still want

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animekittyx In reply to doctorwholover465 [2012-07-30 16:18:45 +0000 UTC]

kay kay moar will coome soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

doctorwholover465 In reply to Animekittyx [2012-07-30 16:29:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animekittyx In reply to doctorwholover465 [2012-07-30 17:25:54 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0