AnimeLover594 — Remus Lupin X Reader pt8
Published: 2013-12-24 02:13:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 6350; Favourites: 58; Downloads: 0
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Description It was Monday and you and Remus were leaving the library after finishing up the Herbology essay on why mandrakes are important to the wizarding community. But you knew today, well tonight, was a full moon and Remus looked like hell once again. You commented on it but the said, “I’m probably just coming down with something” lying once again. You could see it in his eyes and in the way he held himself but you weren’t going to call him out on it.

Then as the two of you turned the corner you saw Sirius and James being pulled along by the Hogwarts caretaker, but he wasn’t much for caring, that much you could see in the way he shook your friends. His name was Filch and he looked to be in his thirties but had thin and long brown hair that had an very unhealthy look.

Seeing as though Peter wasn’t there you assumed he had managed to run away while Filch was distracted with Sirius and James. Seeing tis you and Remus had slowly begun to back away and out of the corridor to avoid this but unfortunately Filch saw the two of you and yelled for you to get over t where he was. You frowned and treaded over there with Remus, “You two were part of this weren’t you?” he snarled. You were about you to give a sarcastic reply when he spoke again, “Setting everything up for these twats to trigger it”

“They didn’t do anything you troll” Sirius said, trying to defend you and Remus.

“Disrespecting a superior, that ought to get you another detention” you snapped.

“But we didn’t do anything” Remus snapped, surprising you, James and Sirius at his outburst. Flich ignored Remus and pulled the four of you along.

Professor McGonagall frowned at her desk as she saw Filch pulling you all into her classroom; “Professor, these four misfits have been disrupting the peace as usual” Filch accused. McGonagall raise a brow at you and Remus to see if you were going you argue, you gave a loud sigh and Remus rolled his eyes. “What exactly did they do?” she asked.

“These two” he said, referring to you a Remus, “Set up dungbombs leading to the Slytherin corridor and these two” he said shaking Sirius and James, “Were setting them off. And Black had disrespected a superior”

McGonagall sighed, “10 points from Gryffindor. And detention for all of you tonight after diner. Another detention for you Mr. Black, on Friday” she said sternly, “Now I am aware that the four of you should be in Charms by now?” she took your silence as a yes, “I will send an owl to Professor Flickwick letting him know that you will be excused” she said, scribbling on a piece of parchment, “Go on” she said loudly and the four of you hurried out glaring at Filch.

Throughout the rest of the day you noticed how stressed Remus looked and it was all from the detention he had to be serving tonight, on a full moon. You still weren’t sure how to confront him or when, but you were sure that if he missed tonight’s detention it was because of the whole werewolf thing. But once dinner was over you strapped on your messenger bag and head to McGonagall’s office for your detentions.

“Now I know you two didn’t do anything” she said giving a hint of a smile, “I only gave you the detention for Filch’s sake and this won’t be on your school record either. So feel free to do school work for an hour. But you two” she said refereeing to James and Sirius with a sudden sternness, “You two are here for two and a half hours writing lines. And if this behavior continues I will not hesitate to have the two of you off the Quidditch team.”

The hour passed and you began to pack up your things, “You had finished the Histroy of Mgic essay that was due tomorrow and the potions work for Wednesday. As you a Remus were about to leave Professor McGonagall called, “And Mr. Lupin, I suggest that you go down to the hospital wing for a potion; you look rather ill” Remus nodded.

“Do you want me to go with you?” you suggested. He shook his head, “No it’s alright. It’s late and you should get some sleep, don’t we have a test in History of Magic tomorrow?” you nodded and Remus walked to the hospital wing.

You stepped through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room, “[Name], where have you been” Lily asked as you approached her. “I sort of got a detention thanks to James and Sirius” you groaned and then you saw Peter walking toward the stair case to Boys dormitory, “Oi!” you shouted making stop dead and slowly turn to looks at you, “Sure is a good thing you can run fast Pettigrew” you said smirking. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and bid good night and went off to bed.

You turned your attention back to Lily, “Anyways, McGonagall let me a Lupin walk free but gave us time to finish up our homework while  but forgot about the test for tomorrow” you groaned.

“History of Magic?” Lily questioned, but you didn’t answer. You sighed an thought about how you could stay up then an idea came to you, “I’m going to go take a shower, I’ll probably stay up all night studying” you said and you walked to the stair way, pulling your bag back onto your shoulder. Lily nodded and went to talk with Annabelle.

After getting out of the shower and changing into your sleeping clothes, which happened to be an oversized shirt and pajama pants, you gathered your things in your arms and headed down stairs and an went to sit over by Lily and Annabelle, who were still talking. You plopped down and spread out your uncompleted work.

Lily turned to look at you and Annabelle said goodnight and went up the stairs. “So what have you gotten down so far?” she asked plopping down in front of you. “Nothing” you said trying not to smile at your misfortune. “… Well that’s helpful” she replied sarcastically. “Helpful indeed” Came a snarky voice that you wished you could punch.

“Sirius. Leave” you said not looking at him.

“Well that’s very rude of you to say” Came James’ voice.

“Piss off Potter” Lily said, as she went through your book to find the right page for the essay.

“Not you too Evans” James laughed.

Lily ignored James and started talking to you about how to start the assignment. “You know” Sirius said, and then slid across the floor to where you were sitting. He propped his elbows up and rested his head and looked up at you, only to see you looking very unamused at him. “You could just copy my essay” he suggested, grinning.

You couldn’t help but laugh, “Really? Copy from you; Sirius, you never get good marks in that class”

“That may be true my dear [Name], but I simply barrowed them from our book savvy friend” Sirius boasted.

“That’s happens to be called cheating, Sirius” you said, in a bored tone’ you gave a sigh and turned to look at Lily, “Sorry Lils, you need your sleep and… yeah” you said.

Lily sighed and stood up and dusted herself off, “Alright fine” she said, sounding disappointed, “But if you get a bad grade on it, don’t come complaining to me” she said, trying to sound threatening but ended up just sounding tiered. You waved her off and Sirius walked up the stairs to his dorm and James went to sit next to you.

“You guys didn’t run into Remus on your way back right?” you asked as unrolled a clean sheet of parchment.

“No, why?” he asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

“Well he said he was just going to go to the hospital wing to get a potion or something. But… he’s been acting kind of weird lately. Or maybe I’m just noticing it now or something” you said, hoping James might now something and would elaborate. He nodded as if though he was thinking it over.

“Yeah… I’ve noticed too. But I don’t want to straight up ask him about it, ye know” he said. At this point you were pretty sure that he knew something or had a theory. “Alright” you said, nodding, “Well… he’s bound to tell us” you added in, hoping that would give the final hint to James.

“Well here you are [Name]” Sirius said, and handed to the two pages.

“Did you copy this word for word?” you asked

“No.. I switched something’s up here and there” he said in a hurt voice, but his grinning made it the exact opposite. You rolled your eyes and went to work; as time passed some of the older students left to go to sleep, finishing their work but James and Sirius stayed and played some wizard chess, even though they should have been heading to go to sleep by now.

Sirius gave a loud yawn and stretched as he stood up, “Well I’m off children” Sirius said in an overly polite voice and gave a ridiculous bow and left to go to sleep. James stood up and stretched too then turned to look at you, “Don’t stay up till morning” he warned. You gave tiered smile and nodded.

Well of course you ended up falling asleep in the common room… again but this time is wasn’t Sirius who woke you up. “[Name]?” came a surprised voice. You sat up quickly, “IDIDN’TDOITISWEAR!” you shouted and looked around for the source of the voice that had awoken you. “Oh! Hello Remus” you said, looking up at him.

“Uh… good morning [Name]” he said, as you gathered you things and stood up.

“You feeling better?” you asked.

“What?” he asked, with a slightly frightened expression.

“You went to the nurse? Did you get the potion?” you asked, looking at him wearily.

“OH! Yeah- yes I did” he said, smiling awkwardly.

“Okay then… Uh what time is it?” you asked, as you noticed that no one was in the common room yet.

“Around six” he said, quickly.

“Oh” you said with a hint or realization then mixed with worry, “Well… Good Morning” you said and went up the stairs.

The day went by pretty boringly and you had already gone through two of your classes, this included History of Magic where you gave Sirius back his paper and thanked Remus, which left him confused. But you had gotten to the Great Halle before most of the student and managed to write letter to your parents. It was just a list of things that you wanted them to order for you so you could send your friends.

When you finished you picked up a biscuit and took a bite out of it as you left the Great Hall. “Where are you going?” Peter asked as he and the others entered the great hall laughing their head off, well really it was only James and Sirius. Remus was just grinning. “To send a letter” You said and walked off without greeting the others.

Once you got to the owlry you went to find your owl, [whatever his name] but he had already landed on your shoulder and was pecking gently at your cheek. You extended your arm so he could fly over there and stop pecking your fucking cheek. You took the letter off his foot and he fly over to get some water.

Unfortunately, the Ministry can’t afford to let any of the Auror’s off for these holidays, especially with things that have been happening. We don’t mean to worry you but be careful over the holidays. We are glad to hear about you making the Quidditch team and about your last two wins as well. We hope you have a good rest of the year and again we are greatly sorry.

Lots of love,


You smiled then at the very bottom written in frantic letters was dad and you couldn’t help but smile. You sighed and went to get [owls name] and  tied to letter to his leg and sent him off.
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Comments: 7

Piplup88908 [2013-12-24 04:29:27 +0000 UTC]

Nice. Looks like Remus is getting worried that the reader is catching on.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeLover594 In reply to Piplup88908 [2013-12-24 21:26:01 +0000 UTC]

Suspicion if GROWING!
and james is catching on too
and peter will remain clueless because he's an idiot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wolffreak567 [2013-12-24 04:24:10 +0000 UTC]

I agree, we do need more of Sour Grape Snape but I think that Lucius Malfoy the balarina is the best part. That or Lauren Lopez as Draco Malfoy. I love Starkid musicals, don't you?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeLover594 In reply to wolffreak567 [2013-12-24 21:23:20 +0000 UTC]

yes i love star kid
and Lucius reminds me of Thraduil (its the hair and the fabulousness) But yeah i love their musicals

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

wolffreak567 In reply to AnimeLover594 [2013-12-25 05:51:44 +0000 UTC]

Me too, I love the way they portray the relationship between Quirrell and Voldemort

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeLover594 In reply to wolffreak567 [2013-12-25 15:58:58 +0000 UTC]

oh my god
don't get me started

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

wolffreak567 In reply to AnimeLover594 [2013-12-25 20:47:09 +0000 UTC]

I won't

👍: 0 ⏩: 0