Animemaster1995 — Supreme Cyber Sonic/The End

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Published: 2023-11-03 21:13:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 3174; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 2
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Description Sonic was fully subsumed by the Cyberspace Corruption as he Blasts with Highspeed through "The End", destroying him once and for all.

He lost his Consciousness, as he floats through the Space, he hears a Sinister Voice in his Head speaking to him:

"You think you've Won right? Don't make me Laugh, it's only the Beginning of you're End, i will take your Mortal Shell as my new Body and i will destroy your Precious Friends and drown this World in complete Darkness"

The Darkness starts to go into him, as he flew to the Ground, as he was done with absorbing the Remains from "The End", his Body was glowing in an dark Purple, before it fades out imma.

Sonic lied on the Ground, motionless and unconcious as his Friends came to him:

Eggman: "There he is!!!" Eggman says ("Oh Sonic, i hate you so much, but i must admit that you have earned my Respect for destroying him.") Eggman thinks.

Sage: "It worked, i cannot believe it" Sage shockingly says.

Amy: "Sonic are you okay?" She was worried and let him lean on her Shoulder, so he can get up.

Knuckles: "Wow, you literally obliterated this Thing, he doesn't stand a Chance" Knuckles happily says.

Tails: "Hey Guys, something is Wrong with Sonic, look!" Tails says in an concerned Tone.

Suddenly Sonic's Voice starts to Glitch and a Maniacal Smile starts to come over his Face:

"You fools, you thought that you can defeat me, but you were so far from it, now with this new Body of mine, i will Conquer this World and drown it into Darkness, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Sonic/The End begans to Scream in Pain, as his Body gets subsumed again in Cyberspace Energy in order to Transform into Super Sonic Cyber, while he emits Shockwaves from his Body to Transform even further.

The Landscape was completely devastated and a lot of Dust was kicked up in the Air.

As the Dust settles, they couldn't believe their Eyes:

Amy: "This is it Guys!" Amy says in an scared Tone.

Tails: "No, it can't be" Tails utters.

Knuckles: "We are so fucked" Knuckles says.

"The End" forces Sonic to Transform into something, that is the Personification of Evil:


He was cladded in Supreme's Armor and he adapt a more Feral Pose and Purple Jet Flame-Like Cyberspace Corruption Energy came out of his Mouth.

His Five Arms on his Back where Charging 6 Dark Purple Energy Orbs (5 Small Orbs and 1 Giant Orb).


He screames as he Charges in Highspeed at them.

As it looks like their were done for, Sage throws herself between the Others and Sonic's Attack, forming a Shield as she appeal to them:

Sage: "Prepare yourself, i've got not much Time, there is a Possibility to Stop him and save Sonic, but we only have one Try.

Knuckles: "What is your Plan? to blow us up in the Air?" Asking her mockingly.

Eggman: "DON'T YOU DARE TO SPEAK TO MY DAUGHTER IN THAT WAY!!!" Eggman screams at him.

Knuckles: "Wait you have a Daug-"

Tails: "there's no Time for Bickering" Tails Angrily interrupting him.

Amy: "Please, tell us the Plan before it's too late" Amy begged.

Sage: I'll warn you, it is Dangerous and could Kill us all" Sage warns them.

Knuckles: "We will die when we are Standing Here wasting Time so tell it" He says.

Sage: "Knuckles, Amy you Two must Transform into your Hyper Forms to distract "The End", so Tails can convert My Body into Data and Form a Spear, which will someone of you throwing at his Head, so i can overload his Mind since his new Form is made out of Data and Destroy the Evil Influence on him." Sage says.

An awkward Silence, goes through the Crowd:

Knuckles: "Are you Serio-???"

Eggman: "YOU'VE HEARD HER, NOW LET'S GO INTO THE PREPARATIONS BEFORE WE ARE ALL TURN TO DUST" Eggman shouting at them, interrupting Knuckles.

"By the Way my sweet Daughter,

What is my Role in this Suicide Commando, that could possibly kill us all?" Eggman asked calmly.

Sage: "THIS!" She says as she waves her Hand, letting him disappear in the Cyberspace.

Again an Awkward Silence goes through the Room, Sage then says:

"Sorry Father, i had to!" Sage replies in an Sad Tone.

Soon they gather all Chaos Emeralds and Sage starts to Download Tikal's Prayer into their Minds.

Sage: "Now concentrate, to your inner Wishes and the Emeralds will Respond" Sage commands.


(An strong Aura was enveloping her.)

Knuckles: CHAOS IS POWER!!!

(The Aura was taken over Knuckles.)


(Tails start to scream, as the Aura was starts to enveloping him, soon all of them starts to Charge their Energies, as they start to feel the inner Wishes of the other one.)

Sage: The Controller is the One that unifies the Chaos!"

(After her sentence, the Auras reached their Peak and suddenly, they silenced.)

Amy: "I-it didn't Work?!?" Amy sounded like she was about to Cry.

Knuckles: "It can't be, we've done it all rig-!" Knuckles said in an confused and angry Tone.

Tails: "What's happening?" Tails interrupting Knuckles.

A strong Light starts to envelop the Trio, transforming them into their Hyper Forms.

Knuckles: "That's Better, Time to kick some ass!" Knuckles says.

Amy: "Alright, We are counting on you Tails!" Amy says.

Tails: "I can do this! I won't disappoint you Guys!" Tails was very Determined about it.

Sage: "Remember, we only got One Try to for this" Sage warns.

Tails: "Got it! I will now begin your Transformation Process, are you really sure about it, Sage? You could Die if something went Wrong!" Tails asked her.

Sage: "Don't Worry Tails, i Calculated everything rigorously through, there will be no Risk, also i trust you the Most! You can do it!" Sage replies.

Tails: "Thank you, Sage! Alright then Let's do this!" Tears starts to flow into his Eyes after her Kind Words, he was now even more Determined to save Sonic.

"We will win this for Sonic!!!" While Tails continues to Form Sage with his Chaos Energy into a Spear, the other Two Mobians were charging at "The End" to buy them some Time.

The Final Battle for the Fate of the Universe and for Sonic's Life begins...

This Form is insanely Strong as Sonic is now the new Vessel of "The End", he combines the Super Speed, as well as the Complete Cyber Corruption Mastery of Super Sonic Cyber and the nearly Endless Dark Chaos Energy from "The End".

Only the Mere Presence of this Monster is so intensely Strong that it distorts Time and Space and creates Natural Disasters all around the World (Vulcano Eruptions, Earthquakes Level 10 or Higher, Mega Tsunamis and more).

He is capable to Run and even Fly at High Speeds and shooting Dark Chaos Energy Orbs in different Sizes at his Opponents, also he can Fire an High Concentrated Energy Beam made out of Cyberspace Energy from his Mouth which is powerful enough to Rip through Time and Space, creating rifts in the Universe and his Physical Strength is so high that he can injure the Trio, even when there are in their Hyper Forms.

His Energy Level is rising with every Second and Sonic's Body can't handle that much Energy and was in danger of being destroyed, so Tails and the others doesn't have that much Time left to Save their Friend and the Whole Universe.

After they give Tails enough Time, he arrives with an Spear made out of highly concentrated Cyberspace Energy.

Amy and Knuckles where Exhausted to fight against "The End".

Tails: "It's now or Never!, now like we've planned it before Guys!" he says.

Knuckles: "Alright then!, Sorry Pal this is will gotta be Hurting now a little!, Chaos BIG BANG PUNCH!!!, he screams as loud as he can, as he punches Sonic in the Ground, creating an gigantic Explosion, which was tearing the whole Ground apart, thrusting his Opponent into the Ground.

Sonic/The End: "Graaaaagggghhhhh!!!, CHAOS BLA-", he screams, after he was punching away Knuckles in an Wall, he was Charging an Enormous Attack as an Laser Beam, but he was interrupted as he was dragged to the Ground.

Amy: "Chaos...DIVINATION", she coughs out with her last remaining Power, releasing a Hundred gigantic Tarot Card-Shaped Constructs on his Body, repelling and binding him on the Ground.

"Tails..., I will leave... the Rest... to you!" she mutters, as she starts to lose her Consciousness.

Tails: "AMY!, KNUCKLES!" he screams.

Sage: "Calm down!, there were Alright!, are you Ready now?" she say out of her Spear Form.

Tails: "You were right! and yes i am Ready!", as soon he spoke those Words, he starts to concentrate and let out his Whole Energy, leaving the Sky in complete Darkness as Storm Clouds are forming in the Sky.


Tails: "Pathetic!", he coldly Ends the Sentence, CHAOS THUNDERSTORM!!! SIXTEEN STRIKES OF THE TEN-TAILED FOX GOD!!!, he speaks with an overlayed Voice, as an Gigantic Barrage of Dragon-Shaped Thunderbolts starting to come down to him, destroying the near-indestructable Armor of the Supreme Titan.

For every Thunder Dragon that rained down on the Enemy, a loud and deafening Drum Beat was heard, ripping the Ground open, to the Point where only a Lava Pit was remaining.

Tails Energy Output was so intense, that behind him an Silhouette that looked almost like an Adult Version of himself, was starting to manifest.

Sage was overly suprised, as she saw this and was thinking:

"What are you, Tails?"

Tails snapped out of this Trance-Like State, as his Opponent screams loudly, he asked Confused:

"What's happened?, i've blacked out for a Second!, WHAT THE HELL???" He says as he saw the demolished Armor of his Opponent, "Did i did this?" Tails asked.

Sage: "We have no Time to Lose, now Hurry Up! I will explain it later to you!", she says.

Tails: "Right!", he says, as he storms in the Direction of his Opponent.

The Opponent throws everything at him, but Tails was able to dodge or avoid the Attacks, until he was hit by a Laser Beam that blasts him into a Wall.

He stands up:

"N-Not...Y-Yet!", he says and was able to get back in Track.

The Crackson Sonic's Body were starting to tear open, as Tails was rushing in Highspeed at him and screams from the Top of his Lungs:

"CHAOS CYBER SPEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAARRR!!!!!", and he thrusts the Spear into him as "The End" was firing an Laser Beam to hold it off.

Tails: "YOU CAN'T WIN, SONIC IS MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU ARE!!!", Tails screams at him.

Sage: "It can't be, why it isn't Working? Fine, you leave me no Choice!, I'm sorry Father!", she converts her remaining Power that was holding her Alive into the Lance, boosting it's Power to the Maximum.

At this Moment, Sonic's Data Form materializes behind "The End" and tries to hold him off:


Tails starts to use the remaining Power of his Hyper Form and transfers it to the Spear, while Knuckles and Amy did the same.


As "The End" manages to break free from Sonic's Grip, the Spear cuts through the Laser Beam enveloped by Blue and Red Cyberspace Aura with Hyper-Friction on it and hits "The End" on his Head.

The End: "NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!, YoU cAn'T DeFeaT ME, i'M a gOD, I'm tHe BeGInNiNg, i'M The END, i'M-" his Voice starts to glitch heavily as his Influence in Sonic's Body was removed.

Sage: Download Complete!" she says, removing "The End" completely out of his Body, leaving an Unconcious Sonic.

The Spear falls to the Ground and starts to turn back to her Original Form, much to her own Surprise, cause she was about to sacrifice herself to End this Battle.

Knuckles and Amy are arriving at the Scene, where Tails lies Exhausted on the Ground, holding the Hand of Sonic.

Their were so relieved to see that both of them are alright, especially Amy which was crying Tears of Joy as she saw Sonic was alive.

It takes some Weeks, but all of them were recovering from their Injuries and after that they start to go away from this Island, going there Own Ways.

Later in the Eggman HQ:

Eggman was furious at Sage:


Sage: "I'm sorry Father i-" she tries to Say, but gets interrupted.

Eggman: "I've, I've...I've almost Lost you my Dear Daughter!", Eggman say with an shaky Voice, hugging her.

Sage: "Father, I love you!", Sage replies.

This Words warming his usual Cold Heart, and he starts to clear his Throat and asked Sage:

"Did you make those Researches for me, i ordered you?", he says reverting back to his pragmatic Behaviour.

Sage: "Yes i did, Father and it is really Shocking what i've find out about Tails!", Sage replies.

As she was telling Eggman what she found out about Tails, he starts to grin evily and begans to Laugh Maniacally:

"That sounds really fascinating, Hahaha, Hahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHAHAHA-", he starts to coughing.

"I should start to Laugh less like a Maniac!", he coldly resignates.

"Anyways, we have to get back to Work", Eggman says.

Sage: "Yes Father!", she replies.

A flashback shows Moments before she converts her Life Force into Data:

Sage: "I'm Sorry, Father!", she was about to disintegrate, as suddenly a Voice emerges.

Unknown Voice: "Stop!, you don't have to throw you Precious Live away!", the Voice says in an Gentle Tone.

Sage: "Who are you?", Sage asked, but the Voice doesn't respond.

An warm Aura was flooding the Spear.

Unknown Voice: "This should be enough Energy!", the Voice says.

Flashback Ends.

Sage: "Who was this and why his Presence was so familiar?, Sage asked himself.

The Transformation Supreme Cyber Sonic/The End is belonging to:

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The Render of Supreme/The End is belonging to:

The Characters Supreme/The End and The End as well as the the Transformation Super Sonic Cyber are belonging to Sega.
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