Animeria — Creepypasta - Alice in Wonderland

Published: 2013-03-28 19:14:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 4921; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 54
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Description “Authors Note: This has been my first Alice story I made for my friend ~xXcookieismynameXx who wanted to see her request and this so very bad, so today I made like both Toy Story the first movie and Alice in Wonderland mixed together as I also have the characters set and ready to begin the story. So sit back, grabs snacks, a drink and read away.”

In the beginning of the story/movie, the seventeen year old witch; Kira was hoping that her stepfather; Daniel will come back from New York during the summer vacation, but when Daniel calls Kira’s mother; Sara and tells that he’ll be staying for two more years, it breaks Kira’s heart because of her step-dad not coming back home and also never finding her twin brother again from the past five weeks during the month of May. As the last day of school came at last, Kira waved good bye to her teachers, T.A’s and friends as she went home with her report card. After making it home and entering her home, Kira found a note from her mom saying that Kira will be alone for the whole day and will take care of herself for that time, but what Kira didn’t know was her whole family were with her step-dad in New York and trying to find Kevin too. But as Kira made her after school snack, she had a staff meeting with her friends on her new chat website called “The Wonder-Chat” and spoke with her friends, as they talked throughout the tie, Kira said good bye and signed out as she told the gang to wait for her until she came back on soon, but as she was still eating, she suddenly saw a little rabbit with white fur all over its body and a bit of the same blonde hair as her. The rabbit was also wearing a waistcoat and caring a pocket watch in his hands, as the rabbit went into the garden, Kira finished her meal and she went to take a look, but as Kira didn’t find the rabbit, she found a large rabbit hole and it was no ordinary one either. Kira peeked in the hole and called out the rabbit twice, but then as she slipped in the hole and screamed for help.

But then she was now floating down to the bottom and soon see’s her clothes change into a outfit which looks a lot like Alice Liddle’s clothes from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, but as Kira finally made it to the bottom, she pushed down the sides of her dress and her fall went into a speed but luckily she was bounced onto a mushroom and landed safely on the ground. But after settling up her dress and fixing her black bow and earrings, she looked around and notice some view things changed in this place, so she looked around for a while but couldn’t find the rabbit until she heard two children playing a dog barking at the sight of seeing her, but when Kira got closer to them, she was shocked to see the children looked dead but still very young and the dog looking like a demon beast. But they didn’t hurt her at all and just welcomed her with a smile and telling Kira that she was in the kingdom known as Wonderland. But as Kira followed the children known as Twiddle Sally and Twiddle Ben along with their friend; Smile the Cheshire Dog, Kira was wondering more and more about the place as they walked through and playing games along the way like bouncing mushroom bounce, leap frog-cats, and even playing catch with a hedgehog. But as Kira was starting to get hungry and thirsty, the group decided to go see the hatter and his friends. As the group were coming to the hatters home, Kira spotted a tall man with no face but was still smoking rainbow colour smokes in the form of clouds, the children said that he was known as Slenderman the Black and Blue Caterpillar.

As Slenderman saw the group and asked who Kira was, Kira introduced herself and began to be curious about the shrinking potion and the growing cake piece, as Kira asked about them, Slenderman told her to take them for free needs as long as she was careful and for that Kira promised and asked Slenderman if he would join the group. Slenderman agreed on only one condition, he must carry his smoker pot with him and watch over the children for their need of care. Kira agreed and soon enough, Slenderman came along to the walk. By the time they finally found the hatter’s home, a tea party was continuing as a boy with black spiky horns was serving the hatter a tea with milk and sugar, and as the group said hello the three hatters, Kira saw who she thought it was her favourite character; Sonic the hedgehog, but the boy known as Zalgo the Dormouse Demon Child said that he’s known as Sonic.exe the March Hedgehog, and as Kira walked to the hatter, she slowly removed his hat but his hand was suddenly touching her hip and Kira scream as the hat was now flying up and falling onto Kira’s head, but she moved out of the blade’s way as it was heading to her. But as the hatter removed his hat from Kira, she saw that his face was not normal, but his smile was cutted by the blade he used and it was placed back on his hat, and his eyelids were burned off by a litter or a pitch of fire. But the hatter known as Jeff the killer Mad Hatter welcomed Kira and placed her next to Sonic.exe and the group into their place, Jeff served Kira a cup of tea with milk, sugar, and a tiny pinch of a love potion in it. But as Kira was beginning to get mad, Jeff kissed her on his cheek and Kira then began to drink her tea and the potion made her fall in love with Jeff. But after having a talk with her and then wondering if she could defeat a beast called The Nightmarer, Kira was then beginning to think about that but as the group invited Jeff, Zalgo and Sonic.exe to come with them, Kira saw the rabbit but in Kevin’s appearance at first and then changed back into a rabbit again, Kira was getting in confused but more curious and followed him to a castle where a queen lived.

But the queen had trouble trying to keep her people safe from The Nightmarer, the beast soon arrives and tried to kill the queen, but she calls her guards as they try to take him away, but he escapes into his home, the abounded house where his child servant Sid and his guard dog are ready to kill anyone or even the queen herself. Back to Kira, she gotten lost and was now in a place called Queen Jane’s Pizza Planet, and it was one of the places Kira’s memories reflected from one of her movies, but as Kira spotted the rabbit go inside the building, she went inside too. As Kira was looking around the place, she saw children that looked just like Jeff, Sally, Ben and many others, but they were very happy to let Kira come and they began to call her “Alice”, Kira knew the name so she now called herself Kira-Alice since she’s hear in Wonderland of course, but as Kira saw the rabbit just standing on the table counter, it turned into its true human form to reveal himself as...Kira’s own twin brother; Kevin. As Kira was surprised and now happy to see Kevin again, he told her all about Nightmarer’s plan to take over Wonderland and wanting to kill Queen Jane and make her a killer, so Kira values to keep the citizens safe and protected from Nightmarer. As the twins say Sid(which looks so much and sounds a lot like Sid Phillips from Toy Story) coming to the crane game with Nightmarer, Kira and Kevin quickly got to the crane game and freed the toys just in time, but as Nightmarer captures Kira, Kevin promised to get help and wishes Kira to be alive too. As Kira was taken to the bedroom/torture room of Nightmarer, Kira was now scared to be alone in the place, but was then encountered by the captive creatures there who were Sir Rake, Sir BOB, Mr. Widemouth of the Bromwich, Red Eyed Spirit the fortune teller, The Mother; the assent of Red Eyed Spirit, Mr. Welldone of Welgodton, Prince Eyeless Jack; the queens adopted brother/friend, and Seed Eater; the weed killer.

But as Kira began to cry and prayed to see Kevin and the others again, a boy who looked very much like the character Link from the legend of Zelda games walked to Kira and sat with her, but he was known as Prince Phantom Link, he was the oldest adopted sibling to Queen Jane and said that he will be set free by the Alice of good, which was Kira all of this time who everyone was talking about, soon as Kira gotten sleepy, Prince Phantom Link slept with her for the night as everyone else did and during the night, back at the castle of hearts, Kevin had found Jeff the killer Mad Hatter, Sonic.exe the March Hedgehog, Zalgo the Dormouse Demon Child, Slenderman the Black and Blue Caterpillar, Twiddle Sally and Twiddle Ben, and Smile the Cheshire Dog were in the trone room with Queen Jane as her black sad eyes returned to her normal human beautiful eyes as she saw Kevin again. As she ran to hug him, Kevin told the queen that his sister was kidnapped and taken to that old house, but Jeff then told Zalgo to find Kira and tell her that a rescues team is coming, as Zalgo agreed, he turned into his forth form called the Demon Form and went to that old building. In the morning, one of the captives Red Must was beaten until Nightmarer turns to Kira as he asked which one of them all were Alice...Kira stood up them all and slapped Nightmarer on his face real hard, but as Nightmarer then saw the pureness in Kira’s heart, he soon figured that Kira was the Alice of good. As he left still feeling the pain on his cheek, the girl monsters help Red Mist up as he turned back into the form of Squidward, but then Kira heard someone coming and saw Zalgo now in a new form. As the hugged in relive, Zalgo told everyone about Jeff coming to save them all.

But as Kira was now feeling a pain in her head and ran outside of the room, but as the guard dog heard her, she went into the chamber where Nightmarer’s real bedroom is, and as Kira’s pain was starting to slow down; Kira couldn’t believe her eyes as she read his real name “Darkness: The Keeper of Nightmares” and in that point that the legend of Wonderland says that as the Alice commands her mutant-like toy army along with her blade called “Vorpal Werewolf Blade”, the darkness in Nightmarer’s heart will die and he will soon be reborn after his death. But as Kira felt now scared and climbed onto the bars to sit, she slipped off as the pain suddenly hit her chest as if something hit her like a arrow and Zalgo caught her just in time but they bounced on the stairs and they were a little hurt but Kira was...now in a coma sleep because of the pain. As Jeff and the others came to save Kira and the prisoners, they all see Zalgo holding Kira in his arms and he walks her into the room and puts her on the ground, but the others were now terrified about this, and Queen Jane decided to let only the prisoners go back to the castle but only leave Jeff and Kevin with Kira’s souless body. As everyone left, a bunch of mutant toys appear and the boys saw them bring Kira back to life with a healing potion and the rest of Jeff’s love potion, after they finished their task, Kira awakes and the first person she see’s was Jeff and hugs him by giving him a kiss on his cutted mouth. As the toys show them what Kira saw in Darkness’ real room, they taken some images and then soon hurry to Queen Jane’s castle to warn her.

But then Sid arrives in the torture room and pulls out the exploding rocket and tapes Jeff and Kevin together on it. But as Kira then returns and tells the boys about why Kira ended up in Wonderland was because of her curiosity and her sadness have gotten Kira into this mess and even when her family lied as they left for New York to see her step-dad and find Kevin too. But as the boys try to work together and help Kira get out of the box by using the shrinking potion to make Kira the size of a mouse and she successful squeezes though the holes and eats the growing cake piece to get back to normal size. But as Darkness arrives and takes Kevin and Jeff away, the guard dog blocks the door and traps Kira inside, but as the toys return to help Kira rescue them and give her the blade, Kira’s pureness grows as the memoires of the promises her friends and family made to her help Kira understand about the truth of her life and powers...and now, Kira is ready and begins an escape plan with her toy army. By the time they escape the backyard with more mutant and undead toys are waiting to be found, Kira’s toy army goes and joins them to begin her plan, and soon Kira see’s the citizens waiting for Jeff and Kevin to be free, Kira distracts Darkness and Sid with her charms and beauty, and then as the time was right, she commands the toys to attack Sid and she strikes Darkness on his heart to let the evil darkness die away, but as Darkness soon dies, he is reborn as a young boy about Kira’s age and in a boy appearance too, and Sid is theorized by the toys coming to life and Kira points her blade to his face and warns him that he ever does this again...he will be the one without his head and runs for his life back into the housed but is forever theorized in a lot of years. As Queen Jane thanks Kira for saving the kingdom and freeing the boys from the rocket, Kira soon remembers about her family and Darkness then takes Kira and Kevin with him to find the rabbit hole in the sky which will take them home, but as Kira asks Jeff the killer Mad Hatter to come along with his friends, Sonic.exe the March Hedgehog, Zalgo the Dormouse Demon Child, Slenderman the Black and Blue Caterpillar, Twiddle Sally and Twiddle Ben, and Smile the Cheshire Dog, Sir Rake, Sir BOB, Mr. Widemouth, Red Mist, Red Eyed Spirit, The Mother, Mr. Welldone, Prince Eyeless Jack, Prince Phantom Link and Seed Eater; Jeff decided to her and Kevin get home, and so they all ran to hurry before the hole is gone until the next day. But as everyone was lucky that they made it just in time, Kevin looked at the citizens and thank Jane for everything to keep on a eye on Kira, and before they leave to the hole and get back home, Kira runs to hug Jeff and they kiss as the love potion shares their love together for eternity, so Kevin and Kira both promise to never forget everyone at all. As they head to the hole with the same rocket Kevin was trapped onto, the twins waved good bye and they made it home, just in time and letted the rocket go to explode as the twins land on the sidewalk in the backyard, and as the twins see they clothes back to their normal selves again, they twins then became happy as they see parents and their brothers and sisters back home again. During the month of April, and after Kira’s older sister’s birthday, Kira makes her family each a different type of tea to try and as a result, everyone enjoys the tea and thank Kira. Just as Kevin finishes both Kira’s part and Kevin’s part of their adventures in Wonderland, the twins hope that one day they’ll see their friends again soon, and then Kira see’s a message from Jeff saying “Why is a raven like a writing desk? It’s because it’s feathers write a story about the land of love”, as Kira writes down the message and thanks Jeff for his love and everything, Jeff and everyone else over hears Kira and her family having the best time and waiting to tell the story of Kira-Alice in Wonderland.

The End

Characters for the story:
Kira Tataguni: the Alice of good a.k.a Kira-Alice
Kevin Tataguni: The White Rabbit Werewolf
Jeff: The Killer Mad Hatter
Sonic.exe: The March Hedgehog
Zalgo: The Dormouse Demon Child
Smile: The Chesire Dog
Slenderman: The Black And Blue Caterpiller
Sally the Ghost Girl: Twiddle Sally
Ben: Twiddle Ben
Jane the killer: Queen Jane of The Hearts
The Nightmarer: Darkness the Keeper of Nightmares
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Comments: 40

TotallyDeviantLisa [2014-01-14 20:07:08 +0000 UTC]

Cool adaption.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to TotallyDeviantLisa [2014-01-14 20:12:01 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jane98katless [2013-05-22 23:46:27 +0000 UTC]

Is beautiful!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to jane98katless [2013-05-22 23:49:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Xd

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La-Mishi-Mish [2013-03-31 04:20:19 +0000 UTC]

Cute how Sally and BEN are Tweedle Dee and Dum XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to La-Mishi-Mish [2013-03-31 04:31:13 +0000 UTC]

You bet, it's because they always stay together, even when their apart

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-28 21:04:09 +0000 UTC]

cool art

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-28 21:07:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 21:12:09 +0000 UTC]

your welcome i like jeff the killer as the killer mad hatter

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-28 21:13:03 +0000 UTC]


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lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 21:32:53 +0000 UTC]

i love all your art

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Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-28 21:40:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you X///3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 21:47:33 +0000 UTC]

hope you make more

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-28 21:52:04 +0000 UTC]

I will one day

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lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 22:20:13 +0000 UTC]

thx your awsome

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Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-28 22:39:00 +0000 UTC]


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lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-03-29 08:33:12 +0000 UTC]


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Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-29 11:56:33 +0000 UTC]


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lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-03-29 19:07:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-29 19:08:04 +0000 UTC]


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lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-03-29 19:12:48 +0000 UTC]


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Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-03-29 19:13:13 +0000 UTC]


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lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-04-08 13:40:22 +0000 UTC]


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Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-04-08 15:00:38 +0000 UTC]


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lexilovesjeffthekill In reply to Animeria [2013-04-09 01:08:44 +0000 UTC]


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Animeria In reply to lexilovesjeffthekill [2013-04-09 01:55:15 +0000 UTC]


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TheCheshiireCat [2013-03-28 20:48:40 +0000 UTC]

Very creative ;3
I'll be posting my Creepypasta crossover with AliceInWonderland soon.
[[ Literature I mean. ]]
The story I'm writting I think would be a fun bonus level for the game I am hoping to start on in 2015 ^ _ ^ Kind of like something you gotta unlock once beating the game, plus bonus characters.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to TheCheshiireCat [2013-03-28 21:01:31 +0000 UTC]

Really, that super awesome, um...do you think I can voice Kira, because her voice would sound so beautiful when she can talk or sing. Would that be alright with you for your game if she can be in it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheCheshiireCat In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 21:11:22 +0000 UTC]

I guess. You'd have to find a role for her then, and I'm not gonna change what I have written so far for the literature part so yeah. Same thing goes for the main story [[ I throw in as many pasta's as possible so if ya want I'll throw her in too. You just gotta work with what I have written. ]]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to TheCheshiireCat [2013-03-28 21:14:26 +0000 UTC]

Okay, thanks again

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheCheshiireCat In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 21:20:14 +0000 UTC]

No problem

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to TheCheshiireCat [2013-03-28 21:38:39 +0000 UTC]


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DancrewProductions [2013-03-28 19:23:01 +0000 UTC]

What about the Tails Doll and Sally.exe?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to DancrewProductions [2013-03-28 19:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Well, I didn't think they would fit into the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DancrewProductions In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 19:59:44 +0000 UTC]

I see. Because they're both Creepypasta characters, right? But now I know you didn't put them there. That's fine.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to DancrewProductions [2013-03-28 20:04:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you and I hope you can share this to everyone

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DancrewProductions In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 20:24:04 +0000 UTC]

I hope I can.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to DancrewProductions [2013-03-28 20:42:30 +0000 UTC]

Why can't you?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DancrewProductions In reply to Animeria [2013-03-28 20:43:28 +0000 UTC]

Idk But I'll try.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Animeria In reply to DancrewProductions [2013-03-28 20:46:19 +0000 UTC]


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