AnimeSketch144 — Origins: Jack and Alex: A Giant Tiny Romance ch 1 [NSFW]
#macrophilia #microphilia #yaoiboyslove
Published: 2018-02-14 13:03:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 7116; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 1- Dipping Into The Beginning
This story takes place in a world where humans (Giants) and tinies live side by side. Their varying sized community is peaceful and understanding. A tiny can walk the streets without worry of being stepped on and humans… well humans can go about their day knowing tinies have safe ways of accessing table tops, buildings, and public places with convenient elevators and ladders.

Our story begins in the second week of March, one late spring break night at a popular hotel vacation spot. In the mix swimming pool.

Two ripped male humans: Brandon, a 5’9” tall bodybuilding stud with orangish brown hair and a party attitude. And Jack, a 6 foot tall athlete with long dark brown bangs and a cool dude personality. Casually enjoying their spring break with their heads and shoulders draped across the pool’s edge as they soaked.

The sounds of the tiny college and high school boys and girls swimming about the otherside of the pool that made Brandon’s ears perk up. He sat up a bit and nudged Jack. “Hey Jack, we got a few more days left of spring break.”

“Is there something you want to do?” Jack asked, lifting his head from its resting position.

Brandon nudged him again. “I’m a little at attention down there…” Brandon let his sentence trail off as he glanced down to his swim trunks a few times.

Jack blocks Brandon’s face with a ‘talk to the hand’, “Not today Brandon! You gotta find yourself someone else if all you’re gonna be is a horn dog for spring break.” Jack sighed.

Brandon sways out into deeper water. “That’s the plan.” He grinned and mouthed the words ‘tiny dipping’  before disappearing under the water.

Jack sat up in surprise as he whispers under his breath, “He’s not seriously gonna tiny dip is he?”

Now tiny dipping is a trend that started amongst humans for a while now. It’s the act of tiny napping usually done in a pool when no one’s looking. It’s usually harmless most of the time as most humans simply just hide their catch behind their back until it becomes too obvious. There’s a few occasions, Brandon’s for example, when tiny dipping is used to catch a quick toy to relieve horniness, it’s usually frowned upon but half the time these cases don’t arise due to the assumption the tiny may have agreed to it at one point or another.

Over at the tiny side of the pool, it was your average spring break rowdiness of drinking and partying. Amongst the populous side of the pool was a lone tiny, Alex, a shy 5 inch tall boy with brown hair. His eyes were remarkably special, his right eye was a bright yellow as his left was a neon blue, something one of a kind. He swam alone, almost like he came out for spring break by himself. He was unsettled by the noisy energetic other spring breakers. ‘I knew I shouldn’t have come alone.’ Alex thought to himself as he sighed. He took a deep breath and went under, ‘What am I talking about, all my friends don’t like the leave the house. They’re all shut-ins I swear.’Alex gazed seems upset, ‘I hate it.’ Alex swam to the drop off of the pool, the spot where the 7 inch deep water for tinies suddenlys drops off to an astounding 8 feet deep for the humans. The deep abyss awed Alex it was the only thing at the moment that cheered up his lonely spring break. Though what happened next could have been avoided if Alex had watched Finding Nemo. As a giant shadow emerged from the depths of the human waters. Alex had no time to react, especially for his first tiny dipping.

The human shadow of the 8 feet depths had his prey, a quick catch with minior slurping, enough breath to get him back to the other side of the pool unnoticed, and enough good acting to causally leave the pool with a 19 year old boy tiny in mouth. Brandon had successfully pulled off an unnoticed Tiny dipping.

Jack watched, shaking his head in disapproval as he watched Brandon carry all of it out. He made eye contact with Brandon as he was heading back into the hotel. He mouthed, ‘Horn Dog.’ nicknaming Brandon for his dirty plan.

Brandon simple smirked at his best friend as he headed inside, whether it was to piss off Jack or cause of the innocent boy’s panic squirming in his mouth.

Jack just simply sank back into the water to relax. ‘Not my problem.’ But even thinking that, Jack couldn’t quite relax.

Meanwhile, with a towel wrapped around his waist, Brandon quickly slithered into his hotel room. Alex’s little screams were muffled by brandon’s tongue as the whole time getting to the room, Brandon had Alex wrapped head to toe in the wet muscle.

“Let me out!” Alex was crying by now. Suddenly he came spilling out of the giant maw and into the hand of his tiny napper.

Brandon wrapped his fingers around Alex’s salvia covered body. He chuckled has he began to inspect the tiny boy. “Hey cutie.” He grinned, he was liking what he had caught. A tender thin trembling boy with brown hair, a timid and cute expression, and a scared little voice a dominate top would die for. It was then that his eyes met with the tiny’s. “Oh! Yellow and blue eyes.”

“L..Let me go..” Alex tried to fight Brandon’s grip. “W..What do you want?”

All this only made Brandon hard as his boner fought the boundaries of his swim trunks. “I wanted a quick little fun time but apparently I hit jackpot. I scored the cutest play toy.” He said starting to rub his saliva into Alex’s bare chest.

Alex moaned and squirmed. His innocence fading as he tried to hold back his tears. ‘Help me!’ Alex cried in his head, ‘Help me someone, not like this!’

“I won’t hurt you, I’ll take the utmost care of you my little catch.” Brandon’s fingers were all over Alex’s body. Brandon had his hand down his swimsuit and around his raging hard one. “I kind of want to keep you, my little toy.”

“My..my friends will come looking...looking for me.” Alex tried to bullshit the fact he was alone.

“I feel you’d be calling for them then.” Brandon chuckled, “either way, you’re in good hands.” Brandon’s free index finger rubbed its way down to Alex’s crouch.

“Please NOOO!” Alex cried as Brandon began to rub and pull down his swimsuit.

That was the second Jack came in, “Brandon, I think you should let the poor tiny go. Don’t ruin someone else’s fun just cause you’re horny.”

“Help me, someone please.” Alex’s tearful moan cried out before he even heard Jack’s voice.”

Alex’s cry hit Jack’s ears. Jack’s eyes widened. Instinct suddenly took over as Jack suddenly lunged forward to land a solid punch across Brandon’s face. Jack knocked him completely off the bed. “LET the poor kid go Brandon! JESUS! He’s crying.” Something in him made him speak those heroic words, Jack didn’t even see the tiny yet, Alex’s cries alone were what click such sudden instincts.

Brandon, in the sudden punch, dropped Alex when he landed on the floor. He suddenly was overcome with anger. He pulled himself and stood to fight with Jack, completely forgetting the tiny boy on the floor. “Dude that hurt!” He swung at Jack with a punch but Jack grabbed both his hands and began to push him back.

Alex was completely disoriented. He looked around trying to figure out what had happened, one moment he was being molested the next there was tussling all around him. He turn to suddenly see Brandon being push back towards him. He screamed in fear and braced himself.

Jack, hearing Alex’s scream and suddenly remembering the poor tiny in harm's way, mustered the strength to throw Brandon to the side. His eyes finally found the small bare body on the floor. He lunged forward, like he was going for a touchdown and scooped up the frightened tiny boy. “I gotcha!” Jack rolled to his feet.

Brandon was furious now. He got up and once again came at Jack.

“Dude! Stop!” Jack had to think of Alex’s safety and continuing to fight with Brandon, the tiny boy in his hands would be in trouble.

Brandon went for a punch.

Alex was frightened, someone had suddenly encased him with their hands and held him against their bare chest. Alex curled up into a ball, scared for his life. The heartbeat of the one holding him was furiously beating with adrenaline.

Jack dodged Brandon and quickly elbowed him in the face. “Stop it! I have..”

Not listening to Jack’s words as he fell down with a bloody nose, Brandon kicked Jack’s legs and swept him off his feet in the middle of his sentence. Jack fell instantly, landing with a thud. And the sudden small crack of a bone. Alex let out a painful scream, which silenced the room. It had happened, two giants had injured an innocent tiny dipping victim. All fighting and anger vanished as reality sunk in with the small boy’s painful crying.

Calmed down and now sitting in the nearby medical office of the hotel (for just incase purposes), Jack and Brandon both had painful guilty looks on their faces as they waited outside. A human doctor holding his tiny female doctor coworker came out. Jack stood up with concern. “Is he okay?” Jack asked immediately.

The tiny doctor took off her mask. “It’s a broken leg but besides that the poor kid’s shakened.”

The human doctor spoke, “Any later and it might’ve been bad. You got him here immediately.”

Jack had ran the fastest he might have ever run before to get Alex to the medical office the moment he could. “Thank god.”

“We’ll bring him out now, can one of you make sure he gets to his room?” the human doctor asked.

Jack nodded, “I’ll take him there.”

The two doctors began to head back in. The tiny one took the second to say something to Brandon as they passed him, “Be careful next time okay?” Jack had lied and told the doctors Brandon had accidently knocked Alex off a table when drinking, better that than the true story.

Brandon stood up and went to Jack with his hands in his pockets. “Tell the kid I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m going to bed.”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow, Brandon.” Jack honestly wasn’t mad at Brandon anymore, he was just worried for the tiny. Jack felt it was his fault.

Brandon left as the doctors came out with Alex in hand. His right foot was in a cast. Alex kept his head down and quiet.
“Your friend here will take you to your room.” the male doctor kindly said as he held out his hand to Jack.

Alex just quietly crawled across and into Jack hands with tiny crutches where he curled up into a ball.

“Thank you two for your help.” Jack bowed his head as he left with Alex. They were both quiet for a while.

“So?.. What room are you in?” Jack tried to sound cheerful as he asked.

Alex simply wrote the room number 531 into Jack’s palm with his finger.

“Ok, 531 here we come.” Jack he hit the elevator button. “My name’s Jack by the way.”


Jack could read the quiet, and he felt responsible. The whole trip to the room was awkwardly quiet till they got to the door. Jack tried one last time to help the situation as he held out his hand so Alex could unlock the door. “I bet your friends have been worried, I’m so sorry for tonight.”

The door clicked unlock and Alex began to cry.

Jack panicked, he didn’t like making others cry. “Are! Are you okay?” he blurted out.

Amongst his weeping Alex answered “What friends? I came alone.” Alex curled back up into a ball in Jack’s hand. “No one wanted to come with me, no one was going to save me tonight.” Alex was emotional now as if so much was suddenly coming out, not just the incident with Brandon, but personal issues.

Jack was the only one given this moment to understand and comfort this tiny boy in his hands. He opened the door, realizing Alex’s words. “Aww come on. No crying. I’d like to think I came and saved you in time.” He let himself in as he walked to the human sized bed in the room. “Everything’s okay now.” He sat down.

“I’m all alone though, my whole trip has been boring and lonely.” Alex continued to cry.

Jack softly smiled and took his index finger to lift up Alex’s face. “Can I help then? Can I make up for tonight by hanging out with you for the rest of spring break? I won’t abandon you.”

Alex sniffed a few times, looking up into Jack’s deep blue eyes. “W..why would you wanna do that?” Alex wiped his nose with his arm.

“I feel so responsible for your leg, it’s my fault, I should have stopped Brandon from tiny dipping. I have to do something so that you forgive me?”

Alex sat up and hugged Jack’s index finger. “No, No!” Alex realized his earlier words about no one coming to save him were wrong, “I..I can’t thank you enough for coming to save me.” Tears ran from Alex’s eyes to Jack’s finger, “You came when I had no one. Th..thank you.” Alex blushed a bit.

Jack lifted his finger abit so that his eyes met with Alex’s again. ‘Such pretty eyes.’ Jack thought to himself. Jack smiled, a smile one usually makes at a crush or lover.

Alex noticed and pulled away with a bright red face. “Uhhh….”

Jack chuckled. “Sorry, you caught me staring.” he gently place Alex down on the ground. “Hehe I was just thinking you’re really cute.” he laughed a little, “But I understand if you don’t swing that way.” He got up, “Sorry.” He started to head for the door.

“Wait!” Alex let out a sudden shout.

It caught Jack by surprise, he turned around with wide eyes.

Alex was blushing and fiddling with his fingers. “I… I swing that way.” It was all he could think of to say. During the whole tiny dip situation and even now Alex was trying to avoid staring at Jack’s shirtless swimsuit body. Jack’s chiseled frame was clearly sculpted from many years of sports and kept healthy through diet and exercise. Now he was been complimented by this attractive giant and his tiny heart was beating passionately for reasons Alex couldn’t comprehend, ‘Is this love at first sight or something?’ Alex’s mind asked its heart.

Jack came back and held out his hand for the blushing tiny boy. And sat back down on the bed with Alex in hand. Jack chuckled kindly, “I’m guessing you’re not seeing anyone?”

“Is it that obvious?” Alex asked with a sad tone.

“Isn’t that the point of being single and ready to mingle?” Jack joked with a little shimmy of his shoulders. His flirting was

“I’ve never dated anyone before…” Alex let out, he kept looking down like this was really weighting on his mind. He shuffled a bit, “I…..I guess what I’d like to say is..”

There was a pause between them until Jack spoke. “I have a pretty good idea.” Jack stood to his feet with Alex on all fours due to the sudden giant movement.

“You..You do?” Alex was caught by surprise.

“Yeah though I can’t be the one to speak for your own feelings.”

Jack was right, Alex knew what he meant but his face just grew brighter red knowing that this stranger was reading him like a book and that his own heart was screaming for him to ask out the very same stranger. Alex covered his mouth with one of his hands to his the redness. ‘I….! I need to control myself!’ He tried to scream sense back into himself but his eyes connecting with Jack’s as the last nail in the coffin.

Jack’s eyes clearly read what they wanted and were locked on it.

Alex tightened his fist, tears welled up in his eyes as he recalled Jack’s offer to not abandon him. “Jack!.. Jack would you be my boyfriend!?” Alex shot out every ounce of passion he had into the single question.

Jack stared down at the tiny. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

Alex quivered, “Y...yesh..”
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Comments: 14

Spraypaint-Face [2018-03-10 21:46:56 +0000 UTC]

This is very good!! You're such a great writer, so hot <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

whitebearboy [2018-02-17 12:22:31 +0000 UTC]

This is cute so far!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HJXShadow4ever [2018-02-15 03:04:44 +0000 UTC]

Omg pls make ch 2 pls I love this 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeSketch144 In reply to HJXShadow4ever [2018-02-15 03:55:59 +0000 UTC]

I'm on it ^-^ you can count on yours truly

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HJXShadow4ever In reply to AnimeSketch144 [2018-02-16 02:47:18 +0000 UTC]

Yay!!! 😄😄😄😄😄

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nolan-Yaoiste [2018-02-14 15:36:32 +0000 UTC]

Wow j'espère qu'il y aura une suite et si oui, je ne peux pas attendre * - * XD
 It will make him want to do it too ^^. But do you have the functionality to translate texts with your keyboard? If not I advise you that Google allow me to read your text in French and also to talk to you XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeSketch144 In reply to Nolan-Yaoiste [2018-02-14 19:28:44 +0000 UTC]

Je suis en train d'utiliser Google pour vous parler. J'espère que vous pouvez me comprendre.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cabela101 [2018-02-14 14:07:43 +0000 UTC]

Very nice,, and cool too , can’t wait to see more of it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeSketch144 In reply to cabela101 [2018-02-14 19:29:02 +0000 UTC]

there will be more. soon hopefully

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cabela101 In reply to AnimeSketch144 [2018-02-14 21:26:06 +0000 UTC]

Very nice, I can’t wait...also, I’m rather down today...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeSketch144 In reply to cabela101 [2018-02-14 23:25:04 +0000 UTC]

aaaww are you okay?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cabela101 In reply to AnimeSketch144 [2018-02-15 14:35:22 +0000 UTC]

I guess I just really miss my bf...since he passed and such

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AnimeSketch144 In reply to cabela101 [2018-02-15 14:39:33 +0000 UTC]

I don't know what to say....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cabela101 In reply to AnimeSketch144 [2018-02-15 15:11:21 +0000 UTC]

It’s past....I just miss him...we went well together and loved so many of the same things...I moved where I am now for school sure...but more so for him...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0