This painting consists of two overlapping sets of moon phases. The most pronounced phase is shown in red and represents the blood moon. In the center is the other phase, shown in metallic gold and circulating in the center of the piece. Fifty-two black dots, one for each week of the year, link the moon phases together. Behind the moon phases are clocks and compasses, reflecting time and direction.
The black wavelength-like lines represent the gravitational pull of tides from the central moon phases and give a bit of horizontal motion to the piece. This horizontal element combines with the vertical and circular motion hinted at by the moon phases to create a great amount of energy and movement within this work. All of these images together create a feeling of slow, steady, powerful gravitational energy, and my goal is for the viewer to identify with the slow, yet steady undercurrent in their own lives.
Just as the moon steadily moves with great effect, our experiences gradually shape us into who we are meant to become. And who is that person that we’ll be transformed into? Only time will tell.