anonlight — Scrowe

#force #oc #patrol #firedemon #interdimensional #originalcharacter #revenant #spacepolice #vigilante
Published: 2021-04-01 00:38:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 9116; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 1
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Age: 590 
Gender: Male 
Species/Racial Origin: Revenant 
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Dolan Bean (Comrade), Kerchek Kong (Colleague), Lola Cream (Companion), Rex (Comrade), Astraea (Comrade), CVNZA (Companion), Gabriel (Colleague), Fira (Colleague), Elton (Companion)/ Ichabod (pet)

Physical Description 
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 15 stone
Hair: None
Eyes: White

Personality/Attitude: Gruff, cynical, guarded, brooding, easygoing, somewhat compassionate, precarious, vindictive, self centered, anti-social, reclusive, persistent, resilient.
Skills/Talents: Socialising, anthropology, necropsy, psionics, fear, violence.
Likes:  Games, pop culture, sex, revenge, law, drugs, justice, strength.
Dislikes: Liars, remembering his past, criminals, injustice, weakness.
Place/Type of Residence:  

Member of the Interdimensional Patrol Force, Scrowe is a Revenant vigilante who acts like a loner and prefers to do things his way. Known across thousands of dimensions as a loose cannon and a wild card, he and the Interdimensional Patrol Force enforce the law and maintain order regularly, from making arrests to keeping the peace to solving mysteries and crimes. Despite this he and the team work as an effective unit, never bickering or getting into conflicts with each other 
Scrowe was once a being that was killed by a gang of empowered criminals, before being resurrected by a powerful necromancer as a Revenant and forced to do his bidding. When he found out that the criminals had been working for the necromancer, he hunted each of them down and killed them before making his way to his master. He broke free from his master’s control, but after a lengthy battle the necromancer escaped. When Dolan met him, they hunted down the necromancer while getting to know each other and form a friendship. However despite Dolan’s attempt to convince Scrowe to spare the villain, the Revenant went berserk and killed him and achieved his vengeance. But it did not satisfy him and he joined the team to atone for everything he had done while under the necromancer’s control.
Nowadays he is one of the most feared, respected and well known crime fighters in several dimensions and the group is the most famous law enforcers in most dimensions. 

Scrowe is a  revenant, a visible ghost or animated corpse that was believed to return from the grave to haunt/terrorize the living.
In most cases, revenants come back from the grave for revenge on those who wronged or even killed them, or to harass their families or friends. Revenants are often associated with spreading disease among the living, or even sucking the blood of the living, much like vampires
It should be noted that revenants are supposedly someone who has returned, especially from the dead, hence the reason why the word revenant is derived from the Old French word, revenant, the "returning" (see also the related French verb revenir, meaning "to come back") whether they are sometimes ghosts spirits, or even other times zombies to possibly actual living people.
Combat Merging: Users who have supernatural powers/abilities  can learn to infuse their combat styles with them.
They can developed a vagabond form of combat, picking up moves if traveled around the world and adapt those techniques to their own personal style. They can chain together a series of strikes and attacks in rapid succession on opponents, giving them little time to recover.

Crimefighting Mastery: User is able to become almost superhumanly skilled in all forms of crime fighting and law enforcement. Users are naturally talented and/or trained to find criminals and stop their activities, either through sheer intellect or the use of brute force.

  • Become skilled in  multiple forms of combat geared toward the prevention of crime.
  • Obtain near-mythical level abilities in  investigation and  crime suppression.
  • Adapt to  various tactics and techniques almost instantly.


  • Police Supremacy


  • Adoptive Muscle Memory
  • Enhanced Accuracy
  • Enhanced Preparedness - particularly if the character has a rather long career.
  • One-Man Army- an advancement of this ability which can make the user into a one man crimefighting force.

Enhanced Condition: User's physical and mental abilities are above the peak human  levels of other beings in their universe. This entails that they are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to beings at peak human level (in that verse), but not to supernatural levels .

  • Type II: One of the greatest minds in their world, strong enough to lift heavy vehicles and punch through steel, fast enough to move at subsonic speeds, agile enough to leap over small buildings and dodge supersonic attacks, durable enough to withstand bullets, grenades and low-to-medium explosives.

Fear Inducement: The user can evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals. The target’s perception may be altered, causing them to see their environment as ominous and the user as dark and foreboding, or even as a monster.
Immortality: The user possesses immortality : an infinite life span, as they can never die, never age , and can shrug off virtually any kind of physical damage. Some users are the defensive type, simply preventing all damages, to appear physically invulnerable , while others are the regenerative type , surviving and quickly recovering from anything you throw at them while at the same time they are capable of resurrecting  themselves instantly after death and completely self-sustaining , free from all bodily necessities..

  • Cannot age once reaching a certain point.
  • Immune to diseases, toxins and drugs.
  • Wounds, even crippling or fatal ones, heal near instantly.
  • Time-manipulating powers can erase the user's existence, as opposed to biologically killing them.
  • May apply only to biological immortality, as the mind and/or soul may remain mortal.
  • Immortality power may be removed, rendering the user mortal once again.

Indomitable Hatred: The user has indomitably strong hatred; a terribly dark and evil emotion that is never ending and ever growing around a feel intense or passionate loathingness that can fill users with twisted and self-corrupting feeling to abominate all that they despise greatly, forever hungering to cause unimaginable harm to others. Their hate can also act as a makeshift source of power for their strength. Users can develop a a very strong desire for the suffering others that can have intense and possessive effect over them, which can lead to a far worse situation not just for the users enemies but for themselves.
Through their hate the user can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender, literally using their hatred to fight through the pain, possibly up to the point of cheating death and pushing themselves past their own limitations.

  • Ability Transcendence - Exceed ones own limitations through hate.
  • Combat Empowerment - Increases one's fighting spirit.
  • Control Negation - Be too hateful to be controlled.
  • Death Negation - Hate is such a powerful emotion it can even prevent the user from dying.
  • Fearlessness - Hate prevents someone to feel fear.
  • Hatred Aura - Generate an aura of hatred.
  • Hatred Detection - Identify the emotion of hate.
  • Hatred Empowerment - Become stronger through hate.
  • High Resistance - Resist many things through hate.
  • Self-Corruption - Hatred can have a corrupting effect to users.

Intuitive Aptitude: The user can instantly learn and understand the workings and mechanics of anything, regardless of how simple or complex. They can comprehend the complexity and exactness of events, organisms, objects, subjects, fields, powers, etc. without the need of long-term or special education, or explanation.

  • Escape Artistry  - ability to intuit how to avoid danger with the least harm.
  • Science Mastery - have intuitive knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and programming.
  • Sickness Intuition - to innately know different kinds of diseases and what effects that they have.
  • Social Mastery - intuitively know how to interact and gain a great voice, eloquence, & charisma. 

Other Variations

  • Anthropology Intuition: to have innate understanding of culture, tradition, and custom.
  • Danger Detection : to detect impending threats.
  • Game Intuition: to possess great skills in playing games.
  • Intimidation Mastery : to possess an innate knowledge of intimidation.
  • Law Mastery : to understand various laws.
  • Necropsy Intuition: to have knowledge of extracting information of a corpse.
  • Poetry Intuition: To possess knowledge and skill in poetry.
  • Pop Culture Mastery : to be intuitive in popular culture.
  • Profession Intuition: to have innate knowledge of various professions.
  • Riders Aptitude: to possess extraordinary driving and riding skills.
  • Solidarity Mastery: to possess inbred understanding of companionship, unity and teamwork.
  • Vehicular Mastery: to operate a variety of different vehicles (cars, aircraft, etc.) with ease.
    • Car: The user specializes in cars.
    • Mech Piloting Intuition : The user specializes in giant robots.
    • Spacecraft Mastery: The user specializes in Spaceships.

Life-Force Arts: The user can utilize the Life-Force Arts, a specialized system of techniques based around vital force. Life-Force, the energy inherent in living beings, grants great power to those who know how to access and control it. It influences vitality, growth and life itself. While magic can be a source of control for this power, it is not a necessity. Learning skills pertaining to this existential aspect can lead one to supernatural capabilities beyond the limits of one’s very being. While being capable of manipulating life is an understandable skill, one can also wield life-force for other abilities, such as supernatural attacks, physical alteration powers like healing and even controlling various forms of vital essence different from one’s inherent nature.
Materialized Guardian: The user can create/summon a guardian that may be a physical or purely spiritual being, with appearances varying greatly from humanoid (with various weaponry and skills) to animal or even mythical beings or even items like weapons, gadgets, vehicles, or just everyday items. The guardian will act to protect the user at all costs and fights on their behalf. The guardian's strength may be driven by the user's force of will or physical movements, or by its own independent will.
The user may be able to summon portions as opposed to the entire entity, such as an arm alone, in order to reduce the energy consumption and space occupation. The guardian may either appear next to the user, allowing the user to stand on top or surround the user as a form of armor, which can also be used to protect others.

Natural Weaponry: The user possesses some form of natural weaponry, including clawsfangshornsbeaks , clubbed tails, etc., and knows how to use them.

Punishment: The user can physically, mentally, or spiritually punish any being for breaking the rules or the law. The user can either banish, kill,, or torment the victims with various forms of powers. When the law or rules are broken, the user's power of punishment can be absolute and unrelenting.

Pyric Energy Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate fire/plasma-based energies, the forces the drive and make up said elements.
Space Police: The user is a police officer that operates in outer space, usually as part of a larger peacekeeping/law enforcement operation.

Supernatural Flexibility: Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more flexible than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely more flexible than regular beings (in that verse).
They can bend and twist their body far beyond the natural limits of normal physiology, although still only from the joints. The user has extreme hypermobility , moving their body parts in ways that are normally impossible, and bend in ways they were not meant to.
Supernatural Potential: The user has a potential and capacity for growth and learning beyond the natural level, allowing them to learn and develop much more quickly, easily, and efficiently than what any average member of their own species can and even learn things which are physiologically impossible for the average member of their species.
Supernatural Regeneration: Users can regenerate completely so long as they are not instantly killed by an attack (i.e. DisintegrationIncineration , and One Hit Kill ). For some users, this involves that as long as the "core" is undamaged, they can regenerate. Because the cells and telomere lengths are constantly regenerating and rejuvenating, they do not age, recover any damaged body parts, and sustenance intake required is drastically reduced, to the point user is close to true immortality. Even complex parts such as damaged brain cells and nerves can be repaired, effectively keeping the mind intact and making decapitation more difficult as the user can simply reattach their heads to the neck, sealing the cut. The user is practically immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. They are immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to its unaltered state, blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts.
Tactile Psionics: The user can utilize psychic abilities via physical contact rather than from a distance.

  • Extrasensory Perception
  • Psychic Life-Force Manipulation
  • Tactile Mind Control
  • Tactile Telekinesis
  • Tactile Telepathy
  • Tactile Teleportation

Team Combinations: The users can combine their strengths to form powerful attacks against common adversaries. For example, if someone with Electric Manipulation  combines an attack with someone that used an attack with Water Manipulation . Not only do they do more damage than their attacks alone, but most likely be done at a bigger radius to take out more foes. Super-powered teams are not just for battle, some power combinations can save someone or some people for certain doom. An example would be when someone with Magnetism Manipulation  and someone with Telekinesis  lifts a heavy metal object that neither could do alone to give people time to escape from harm's way.
Some team combinations are usually done by teams or crew, but they are more effective if the users practice enough. Unfortunately, some combinations are ineffective against a certain being or fail to take out the whole army if the wrong power(s) are used.

  • Bond Empowerment
  • Charged Attacks
  • Companion Allegiance
  • Enhanced Cooperation
  • Power Mixture
  • Team Energy Manipulation
  • Union Attacks

True Form: The user can transform their bodies or weapons into their true forms if sealed, restrained, or just not activated, unlocking their dormant power in order to drastically increase their regular power. All their original abilities are increased along with gaining new abilities to their full power.

Unrestricted Movement: User can fluidly move around in any environment or conditions, allowing feats such as kicking off any/all surfaces including intangible and ever-changing surfaces. They can move with complete ease on land, air, water or anything else.
The user's movements can not be bound, restricted or sealed in any way, allowing them to ignore things like BindingAcceleration , and even Inertia . They can treat any substance, terrain or angle as if it was a solid, flat and smooth surface.

  • Adaptive Movement
  • Appendage Locomotion
  • Cut Performance
  • Enhanced Motor Skills
  • Omni-Surface Movement
  • Solid Maneuverability
  • Supernatural Athleticism
  • Supernatural Reflexes
  • Vigorous Activity

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Comments: 1

Exile-One [2021-04-01 00:57:19 +0000 UTC]

He looks badass.

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