ARC33 — Tifa gets into trouble...
Published: 2009-10-02 17:00:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 8240; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 15
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Description "Take that! *Smack* And that! *Punch*" Tifa was practicing her usuall workout with a practice dummy before going out, wearing a beautiful stunning dress with high heel boots.. "Whew..." She plops down on the couch looking bored and needing of excitement... looks like she's going to get more than she can handle. She gets up and grabs her papers for a local dance contest that her and Cloud was invited to.But then suddenly a portal to another world appears before her. "Whoa! Where does this lead too..." She hesitates for a moment, but then says, "... I'm going for it! Cloud can go to some silly dance by himself." She then jumps him without hesitation. "Woaaaaaaaaaah! Holllly craaaaaaap!." *SPLAT* "Oww...." Tifa says as she lands hard on a bamboo surface. She gets up and sees this amazing Jungle world. "Wooooow!" she says with awe. She begins to walk, But she realized something, "Oh man *Hits her head* I forgot to change into my normal clothes on! Oh great, and I got these high heel boots on..." She moaned, but walked on anyway. She was looking around, amazed at this jungle world, when suddenly a peach bobs her on the head! "Oh what?" She looks down at it, and sees a baboon coming down to eat it. "Oh my gosh! You are the cuuuuuuutest thing!" She squeaks. She still has her paper from the dance contest, and a pen she had put in her dress pocket. So she begins to write the cute baboon, but when she turns to look it at it, it is gone! She scans around, and the baboon climbs up her back looking at the paper. Tifa giggles, than says, "Like the picture?" The baboon looks at it curiously, " Oooh eeeoh ahh!" he coos. But then he snatches the paper right out of her hand and runs away! "Hey come back here! Ugh, last time I talk to a baboon." The baboon dances around happily with the paper, " Ehh ooh ahaha! Awww, ohahah!" Admiring himself. Tifa storms up and says, "Alright hand it over you little sneek." "Neooh!" The baboon says, not wanting to give it up. "Comon you little thief give it up, I want it on the count of three! One... two... HEY LOOK BANANAS!" The baboon quickly looks, and Tifa snatches the paper back. "Wow, I can't believe you're that dumb!" She says chuckling. "Waaaaaaah!" The baboon crys. "Oh comon, quit the baby crying! I'm sure your parents would be disappointed in you." *RAWWWR* Tifa hears from behind, "Ahhhh!" She turns around to a whole menacing army of baboons, looking angry. "Oh boy... see I told you they would be pissed! Go easy on the kid, they can be difficul-*trips over a branch* Tifa gasps, as the baboons launch forward ready to chase her. "AAAAAAAAAHHH!" She shrieks, running as fast as she can. As she is running, she stumbles, trips, rips her dress a little, then says, "Oh perfect day to wear heels Tifa!" She says to herself. Running as fast as she can, she sees a horrible ending. A large gorge is coming up head! She looks back, and jumps into the air with all her might! Wait... is... she... is Tifa flying?! She looks down in awe, "What the hell!? Am i flying?! What on earth is- *Gasps loudly*" She looks up in terror, as a flying wild man in a loincloth on a vine has grabbed onto her dress, carrying her! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She shrieks in terror, but that was the least of her worrys. She feels something shaking her boot, looks down, and sees a baboon biting her boot! "AAAAAHHH! GET OFF *punch*, GET OFF *smack*, GET OOOOOOF!" Throwing a punch and a smack, the baboon finally gets off, but with her boot gone with him as well! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" She screams as the wild man still carrying her by her dress, swings high up to a tree. She comes falling down right into his arms screaming. "Oh! Put me down, put me down right now! Gosh..." *GRRRRROWWWLLL* Her and the wild man see the army of baboons coming torwards them. Tifa terrified says, "Ok ok PICK ME UP PICK ME UP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!" She screams as she is taken up by the wild man, surfing down the tree. Twirled, thrown up, hanging on for dear life, Tifa screams, "HOOOOOOOOOOLY CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!" The wild man carries her through a series of loops, loops and more loops! At the end of it, more baboons are coming, but in front this time! She shouts as she sees them coming, gets behind the wild man, and prepares to defend. Luckily she has a shield ring on for tough times. She activates the ring, and baboons deflect of it like crazy. "Hahahaha..." She chuckles, but one last baboon latches on to her shield!  The wild man quickly grabs on to a vine, while Tifa grabs on to his face with her feet. "Get the hell off of me monkey!" She screams. Her bare foot pounding the face of the wild man, and her other boot around his neck, she finally gets the baboon off. Unfortunatley, her shield gets caught on a vine! "Dowaaah!" Nearly choking the wild man, her legs dispatch from him. "WOAAAAAAAAH WOAAAAA!" She shouts, the wild man rolls his eyes at this poor creature. Hanging on by a vine, all the baboons come racing down on the vine to her, breaking it! "AHHHHHHHH!" She screams as she falls, but the wild man comes in just in time, latching his foot onto to her bare foot. As all the baboons hang on her shield for dear life, the wild man swings over a large branch. "OOOOH MY GOOOOOOOOOSH!" She screams, as her shield and the baboons collide with the branch beneath her and the wild man. "WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Tifa flys through the air, with the wild man waiting to catch her on a hollow trunk entrance. *CRACK* As he catches her, the trunk splits open, making him do the splits. "Ahh! Over there!" She points out to the wild man. All of the baboons comes towards them once again. The wild man taks Tifa and dives into the trunk. "Woooooooooooaaaaah! Hooooooly craaaaap!" She screams down the trunk. *Crick-crack* The trunk begins to break open, sending the baboons, the wild man, and Tifa down! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She shrieks falling into the abyss. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The wild man latches onto three vines with his feet and hand. His hand, burning like hell, holds onto the vine as much as he could. *Boooooooooing!* He lets go of it at the bottom, springing him and Tifa up to a tree. The tree trunk falls down right towards them. "AAAAAAAAH!" She shouts, as the wild man jumps from tree to tree. The trunk nearly misses them from about four feet, making them safe. Tifa breathing heavily, sees the head baboon and the baby, floating down with her shield and boot. "Oooh eee aahh ooeh weeeh aahh!" The wild man says to the monkey. Tifa begins to side walk away, but the wild man turns to her quickly, "Ahh!" She sqeaks. The wild man looks at her paper, takes it, and gives it to the baboon. Satisfied, they float down happily. The wild man turns to Tifa, but Tifa had side walked to the other end. "Oooh... Ahh! Oh crap, I'm in a tree with a wild man who talks to monkeys..." She says nervously. She reaches the other end with her feet, "Oh this is good Tifa, yeah this is goo-*almost falls*Ah! Wait... one...two... *gasps* Waaaah! Ohhh.... this cannot get any worse..." *Thunder crashes and rain pours down* Her face begins to shrink, and her hair wet along her face. "Oh perfect Tifa, your 50$ boot is gone, a wild man is here, and it's raining! Wait I know, this is just a silly dream! I'll just close my eyes, *Closes eyes*look down *Looks down* and I will see..." The wild man hanging onto the tree, looks at her curiously. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" She shrieks loudly. "AHH oooh noo!" She balances on her foot. The wild man climbs up the tree, and pushes her with his finger backwards onto a tree branch. "Alright now, just please stay- just stay- stay back, please." But the wild man ignored her. "Please stay back, just stay *Puts her barefoot on his chest* back!" He stops, and then notices her barefoot, playing with her toes. "Hey what are you- what are you doing? *Her face goes from a frown to a big smile* Ahahahaahahah! No stop that please! I'm very ticklish! AHAHAHAHAAH!." But the wild man ignored and kept wiggling. "NO PLEEAAAASE STOP, AHAHAHAHA, NOT MY TOEEEEES! AHAHAAHAHAH!" The wild man began to stop slowly, instead looking up her dress! "No get off... get off... GET OFF GET OFF YOU BASTARD!" *SUPER KICK*" A huge flash of light ignited, and then all of a sudden, "OOWWWWWWWWW!" Cloud said painfully. Tifa then stared dumbfounded. She was back in her room! "Cloud! Oh my gosh cloud it's you!" She hugged him tightly. Cloud still in pain says, "Gosh, I was looking at this weird portal that popped out of nowhere, then I get super kick from... wait Tifa, what the hell happened to you? Your missing a boot, your dress is torn, and you look like you got attacked by baboons!" Tifa then started her rant. "I WAS ATTACKED BY BABOONS! Alright, I was going to the dance contest, when a portal just opened up right in front of me! So I decided to go through! I end up in this amazing jungle world, and then I see the cutest baboon! I drew him on paper, and he snatched it away from me! I took it back of course, but then he starts crying. I turn around, and there's an army of baboons! A huge tree full of them! Screaming and growling at me! So I ran as fast as I could, and of course the worst happens when a huge gorge is in my way. I jump as far as I can, and suddenly I was flying in the air! Swinging! Flying! I was in the air! And I look up, and there's a flying wild man in a loincloth carrying me by my dress! I screamed at the top of my lungs of course, but then a baboon was biting the hell out of my boot! I punched punched and punched it off, but it got away with my boot! He was carrying me all throughout this jungle, lifting me up, falling, shrieking! We finally get to saftey, but then it starts to rain. And as if it couldn't get any worse, he starts to get curious. I put my barefoot to his chest trying to make him stay, but then he starts tickling my toes! I was laughing like mad, you know how ticklish I am. He stopped finally, but looked up my friggin dress! So I did a super kick at him... and here I am!" Finally stopping her rant, Tifa was out of breath and tired. Cloud looked dumbfounded at her rant. Then Cloud had said something he would regret, "... You drank too much before the contest didn't you?" Tifa's face turns bright red and WAM! Peforms a super kick to Cloud's head, knocking him out. "Last time I EVER go through a portal.." Tifa says moaning. She plops down on her bed, and tries to forget this horrible experience. "I wonder what world I even went to..." She wondered...

The End!
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Comments: 2

LordManda2 [2014-06-12 13:42:43 +0000 UTC]

if we count Kingdom Hearts, this actually isn't that far-fetched x)
nice job

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

3DFootFan [2012-07-25 18:18:03 +0000 UTC]

Very nice. Great story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0