2013 retrospective : December @ Var, France
End of the year means christmas break, three weeks off uni means back to south of France to visit family. I both love and hate my native region. Despite that I can't stand the heat during summer, it's a beautiful place, Mediterranean sea & the Alps are magnificent, really revitalising at times. But my hometown is just a cluster of bad high-school memories and probably won't ever be anything else again. I don't even like calling it "home" anymore.
Didn't make it to the mountains, never enough time, but went by the sea on a storm day and that's what came out. It's in no way typical of what it usually looks like, turquoise water with clear sky and no wind nor waves are more our things. I loved the colours there, the quick evanescent shapes appearing in the foam, despite the spray dirtying my glasses & lens.
Started the year by the side of a lake, went across an ocean, visited 8 differents countries, did a bunch of stupid things in the company of crazy people. 2013 was the best of times & the worst of times. Retrospective is now done, long live the new year !