ArmoredDeath166 — A calm winter vacation

Published: 2023-02-18 16:53:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 400; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Extra for: Hohentauern - Racing down the Mountain

Sooooo ... Both Nat and me are very jealous of our guys here. We also want a vacation! 


The whole situation was very picturesque. 

A frosty forest, the smell of pine, your breath making small clouds. It was all very lovely. 

Well, that was about to be ruined. The three of them (Joshua, who was there to participate in the event with Stuiben, and the twins who had come along for a vacation with their horses) had been talking about this and that, nonconsequential things mostly. 

Then the discussion turned to the upcoming event and Angel asked about what his preferred equipment was going to be. 

"It was required that we wear good protection." Joshua had learned his lesson about Angel and safety equipment, namely that she took it very seriously. "So I have my safety vest but I'm gonna tuck it under the jacket. Over it always makes me look like a cat in a sweater. Then I have my safety stirrups since they were required. I'm gonna ride bitless too, don't want anything to happen to Stuibens mouth if I fall off. Oh, and Rafael was nice enough to lend me a bareback pad." 

"Huh." Was Angel's only response as she knit her brows. 

For a few minutes, the only sounds were the horses breathing and swishing their tails. 

Until Angel loudly and angrily exclaimed: "Wait a minute." 

She fixed her brother with a deadly stare. Uh oh. 

"You don't own a bareback pad!" 

"Wait what?" asked Joshua thoroughly confused. 

Rafael had only flinched a little bit. 

"Did you just take mine and give it to someone else?!" 

"Well, you weren't using it these last months." He told her calm as can be. 

"I was busy! Did you also take my lunging whip?" 

"Uhm, maybe?" 

"And my hoof pick?!" 

"I think that one was Maggie." threw Joshua in. He was pretty sure he had heard her say that she was gonna borrow Angels since hers had broken. 

"And what happened to my sky blue camouflage rug for Bayadere? Because I was very sure I washed it and didn't use it but it still was dirty and ... Hey! Come back here you coward!" 

But Rafael and Rio had already galloped a good distance by the time Angel took up Abyss's reins. 

Loudly cursing she followed her brother. 

Well seems like this was now a race. Stuiben was very eager to follow his two compatriots. 

And who was Joshua to deny his horse a good run? 

Maybe he'd get to see the end of this argument. It promised to be entertaining. 


  • A serene picture about to be destroyed. 
  • I struggled with the background. Winter scenery is not my forte. 
  • Nat gave me some great tips though for drawing backgrounds in general. 
  • Hopefully, I can also apply them in the future. 

References: I had my own ones for this. 

Art by Angel

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