AshleyReyland — You Can Do What? 8
Published: 2008-12-29 16:56:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 274; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 2
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Description All warnings, disclaimers, and pairings in Ch. 1

It was the next morning during a Herbology class that the carrier was spotted again. The Preventers were watching the students play with plants that seemed determined to kill them when they heard a very loud noise. The pilots jerked their heads up to see the carrier and jumped up to see if they could see where it was going.

They reached the edge of the forest and Quatre sighed, “It looks like it’s heading back to our own time.”

Duo nodded in agreement, “So when it comes back we need to be ready to follow it. That way we can shut this whole thing down.”

Heero looked back at their shuttle, “We need the parts though, we can’t follow them on foot…”

Sally tapped his shoulder, “How about broomsticks?”

Everyone stared at her and she pointed to a pitch that was some ways away. On said pitch were indeed students flying around on broomsticks. Intrigued, the Preventers moved closer for a better view. They stood below the flying children listening to them yell plays and throw balls around. They watched them for a few minutes until suddenly a large lead looking ball came hurtling toward them.

The pilots all drew their guns and shot at it but the ball just kept coming. Heero and Wufei jumped to the side as it cut right between them and shot upward as if it were circling back. Duo spun around and threw a bomb at the attacking ball and it exploded in midair. Heero leaned down and picked up a piece of the ball and examined it. Above them the students started shouting.

“What was that for? Now we only have one practice bludger!”

“What did you do? I’ve never seen a magic object like that…”

“You don’t even have wands! How’d you blow it up?”

“Did you see them dodge? They’d make great players!”

Heero looked at the metal in his hand and turned to the other pilots who were just staring at the players in confusion. A woman with gold eyes ran over yelling something but Heero wasn’t paying attention anymore. They could use this metal to help patch up their shuttle. He looked over at the other pieces and discretely picked them up and put them into his jacket pocket. He then turned to look at the golden-eyed woman who was going off on his fellow Preventers. He wasn’t worried though, nothing fazed them.

“-Not allowed to use magic outside of class! You caused damage to school property!” the golden- eyed woman said, waving her hands at them.

“We didn’t do magic!” Duo protested, also waving his hands about in an overly done fashion.

“Well you did something! You, you…” she hesitated, “I’ve never see you before. Who are you anyway?”

Heero walked back over to his team and ignored her question, instead turning to them, “We can use these to patch out shuttle. See if we can heat it up and expand it.”

The woman looked annoyed at the fact that she was being ignored and promptly spun to go and get new equipment for the team. Sally took the metal from Heero and looked it over before passing it to the other pilots. Well, they were one step closer.


It was during the winter break that the Preventers finally found themselves able to get to a proper store and get the parts that they needed. They had left on the train with all the students to go back to London in hopes of finding a tech shop. They found one, just not one with what they needed. Of course what they needed hadn’t exactly been invented yet. They found substitutes to fix the shuttle and drug Duo out of the store before he caught the storekeeper’s attention with his yelling about the antiques that the store sold.

They checked into a place called the Leaky Cauldron; Dumbledore was supposed to come the next day with their way back to Hogwarts and their shuttle.

Heero walked by a mirror that was in their room, pulling his gun as it said, “My goodness dear, your hair is just as messy as the Potter boy’s.”

They all turned and stared at the talking mirror waiting for it to do something. Of course, it being a mirror, it did nothing. Slowly Heero put his gun away and walked to a different part of the room. The wardrobe next to Duo moved and he jumped away from it, landing neatly on the windowsill next to him. It was going to be an interesting night.


Dumbledore looked up from his tea as the six very drowsy teens made their way down the stairs of the Leaky Cauldron. He smiled slightly as they looked around like the shadows would attack them (of course that was a possibility in this place). They slowly walked over to the Headmaster and sat down around him at the table.

“Good morning, have a good night I presume?” the Headmaster asked with a smile.

Six glares met this smile; no they hadn’t had a good night. The mirror had spent a good deal of the night talking with the portrait across the room. That in itself had been enough to keep them from sleeping since they were such light sleepers. The wardrobe though had spent most of the night shifting as if it was trying to get comfortable. The people walking around in the hallways hadn’t helped any either. In the end they had spent the night playing cards and watching for signs of attack.

The Headmaster’s smile widened and he sipped his tea again, “Now then, the way you will be traveling back to Hogwarts is by portkey. All you have to do is touch it and it will do the rest.”

They all stared at him dubiously, as if they were just going to allow some sort of magical object to send them some few hundred miles away.

The Headmaster smiled again, “Or you could floo.”

Six eyebrows shot up as one in question.

“Travel by fireplace. You’d step into the fireplace and the magical flames would consume you and transport you to one of the Hogwarts fireplaces.”

Maybe this portkey thing wasn’t such a bad thing. Consumed by flames? Who was he kidding? There was no way they were stepping into a fireplace, magical or otherwise.

“I thought as much,” the Headmaster said pulling a large screw from his pocket, “Now just touch this and we will be on our way.”

The Preventers looked at one another before reaching out and touching the screw.


Everyone’s eyes flew wide as there was a sudden hard tug on their navels and the world started to swirl and spin. Then as suddenly as it had happened, it stopped. The Preventers found themselves being flung to the hard stone ground. Heero turned his fall into a roll and landed in a crouching position. Trowa reached out his hand and flipped, barely avoiding smashing is head into the ground. Wufei angled himself so his shoulder would hit and rolled himself to the wall so he could see any attackers. Duo, Sally, and Quatre weren’t so lucky. They ended up stumbling in an ungraceful way and barely kept themselves from hitting the floor.

Dumbledore smiled again and went to attend to more pressing Headmaster issues. The Preventers looked at each other, all of them feeling nauseated and dizzy. Never again, no more magic for them. The Preventers on the ground got up and they all headed toward the grounds. New tools in tow, the Preventers got to work on fixing their shuttle.

The next morning found the Preventers walking into the dinning hall for breakfast covered in snow. Some time within the night it had started to snow on them. They hadn’t cared though; they were too close to being done to stop.

Much to their surprise, there was only one table in the dinning hall. There wasn’t even a teachers’ table. They sat down on the bench of the only table there was and started into the food before them. The girl with bushy brown hair suddenly sat down next her Heero, which caused everyone to stare at her like she was crazy.

She smiled warmly at the Preventers, “Hermione Granger. I was wondering if you could explain to me what the future is like? I mean, there has to be so many advances in technology, not to mention-”

And Hermione was off and nothing anyone could do would stop her. The Preventers just stared at her, vaguely wondering how she didn’t pass out from lack of air. After about two minutes straight of her talking and asking questions, Harry appeared behind her and rested a hand on her shoulder.

Hermione looked up at Harry and he sent the Preventers an apologetic look, “I think you have successfully scared them into submission.”

Hermione blushed furiously, “Oh, I’m so sorry! It’s just that the thought of getting a chance to know about the future-”

The redhead, Ron they recalled, cut in, “They know Hermione, everyone in the Great Hall knows.”

Hermione blushed again, murmured something about the library and ran off. Ron smiled and shook his head after his flustered friend.

Harry turned to the Preventers, “She likes to learn.”

“Apparently,” Wufei grunted and continued eating.

Duo looked up at Harry, “We fixed our shuttle, so we can see if your vision was right.”

Harry leaned forward, “Take me with you.”

The Preventers all turned and looked at him but it was Quatre who spoke up, “No offense but why should we?”

Heero nodded in agreement, “You’ll just get in the way.”

Harry’s eyes narrowed in a glare that was almost Heero worthy, “Because this is my fight and it’s my destiny to defeat Voldermort. You guys won’t be able to kill him, but I can.”

Ron nodded from behind him, “And where Harry goes I go.”

The pilots looked at Sally who suddenly hated being in charge of this mission, “I’m not going to be the deciding vote.”

Duo looked up at the two boys, “We’ll get back to you on that.”

Harry nodded in understanding and he and Ron walked out of the Great Hall as they had called it.

Trowa looked up from the book he was reading under the table, “Surely we aren’t going to let them come?”

Wufei looked at him, “You heard the boy, it’s his destiny to defeat this Voldermort person. We can’t stop his destiny.”

Quatre frowned, “But he’s just a kid.”

Sally looked at him pointedly and the Arabian blushed slightly.

Duo rolled his eyes, “He a kid who hasn’t had any training. He’s not a soldier, he’s a wizard for crying out loud.”

Trowa looked up again, “Precisely, and so is the person we’re going to be going up against.”

Wufei crossed his arms, “That’s true, we know nothing of this world as is evident by the way we keep getting into things here. Could you imagine a battle field?”

Heero spoke up for the first time since Harry had left, “It’s not up to us to decide the boy’s fate. If he wants to come then let him. We can’t stop him from following his emotions.”

Duo looked at him, “You can’t be serious.”

Sally shook her head, “Heero’s right. At least if we let him come along we’ll know where he is. If we don’t I’m sure he’d find a way to get there on his own. You heard the stories he told about all of his adventures. No, he’s not a soldier and no, he hasn’t had the training but he is a determined teenage boy who hasn’t lived a normal life. Isn’t that how you all started?”

None of them answered her since she knew damn well that it was.

“So it’s settled then, the boy comes with. But what happens if something happens to him?” Wufei asked looking over at Sally.

Sally looked back, “Same thing that happens if something happens to one of us.”

With that she closed the topic for discussion and reached over to grab some more bacon. The pilots took this in stride and continued their own eating.
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