Ashton42 — 3 World Powers

#alternatehistory #flags #russianempire #unitedstatesofamerica #worldmap #britishempire
Published: 2021-07-31 15:52:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 10093; Favourites: 54; Downloads: 9
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So the Great War of 1914 came to an end in 1916 following the stagnation and trench warfare that devastated the French Republic German and Russian Empires and costing the lives of over 15 million people. It was a ceasefire which has led to a uneasy peace of restoring the original boundaries prior to 1914. But in the wake of this peace, disability started to take root in the weaker Nations. Leading colonies to break off to become independent only to be absorbed buy new empires or former Masters.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire soon was dissolved in 1921 most of the nation would remain into the new independent Kingdom of Hungary but the Slavic people of the South broke off to make their own Nation such as Bosnia and Croatia. But Austria was then annexed into the German Empire of a unification of German peoples. Innocence re-establishing the Holy Roman Empire but under the banner of the German Empire. Germany would continue to play a role in the Slavic and South Eastern European Affairs following the collapse of the Ottomans and gaining footholds and influence within nations of Romania Bulgaria and Greece. Even the Ottomans themselves with Grant the Germans free reign within their own borders as long as the economy started to grow and Reformation were slow.

Prior to their collapse the Ottoman Empire sold territory to the Americans British and the German. In its dismantling the Ottoman Empire became the Ottoman Republic of Turkey in which they would become a proxy state of the German Empire and the territory of Iraq would become a German Colony. United States bought the Holy Land in order to keep the religious city of Jerusalem out of the hands of European Empires who would use and exploit their claim over the holy city in the holy land for their personal gains and reputation. It would be reorganized to create the nation of Israel which would remain a protectorate of the United States and have an American presence there to prevent any incursions against the new nation.

The Russians able to come out of the war without a revolution was able to reorganize from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy Czar Nicholas II wood step down from the throne following the Reformation means of the Russian government in 1925 leaving that he was not fit to rule this new Russia his daughter Anastasia would be crowned and Empress at the age of 17. Following the heritage of Katarina the Great, she would push the boundaries of the Empire, but no longer further west but rather to the South and to the east. Small Wars against Persians and Chinese would expand the Empire throughout the center of Eurasia pushing to the boundaries of British India and Afghanistan. Russians sold territory to the Americans in order to maintain good relations and also to maintain capital and wealth Within the weak Empire.

The French Republic suffering much throughout the Great War changed its stance on a more aggressive colonization plan in order to bring the resources and wealth from its colonies to be modernized in order to bring a much bigger presence to European continent in the event of Another War. Taking the opportunities of the week in China following the Chinese Russian war of 1928 other European powers including the French marched on and crush the remains of the Ying Dynasty ending 1000 year rule over the Chinese country. The French would continue his relationship with the British and the Portuguese to maintain what would be called the Grand Alliance a unification military powers of the British and French with the support of the Portuguese in order to maintain a balance power against the Germans.

The Germans suffered stagnation throughout the Great War was able to come out as Europe's winner in the long run still maintaining its economic and military power do suffered like the rest of Europe was able to recover quickly and establish itself as a protector rather than an aggressor. Focusing on the crumbling Austrian Hungarian Empire and ottoman Empires who are allies were able to unify under a single alliance with Germany and create a massive wedge between the former allies of Britain France and Russia. It also shifted from military domination to political domination as influences and guarantees of Economic stability and Independence and the other great European powers the kingdoms of Spain Sweden Norway and Italy Drew closer to the German Empire creating a German dominated Europe. And during the collapse of the Chinese dynasty the Germans were able to gain a great foothold taking the capital A Beijing and the strategically and economic importance of Shanghai allowing Germany to dominate the most of the prosperous and industrialized parts of China. End as payment many of the islands of the Dutch Indies where sold off to the Germans expanding their colonies in Asia and the Pacific. Though they lost a few of their African colonies they were able to maintain a standing presence there.

The British what suffered more of Manpower losses and international Prestige within its own dominions scrambled to maintain its dominance over its colonies and find new territories to expand. In Europe they were able to protect the Netherlands and Belgium to allow a permanent British presence on the European conflict and close enough to both the French for support and the Germans to keep an eye on them. They quickly moved in and took Dutch territory of the Dutch Indies as a compensation for British protection. The the great expanse of their empire in India continued to grow encompassing Afghanistan Thailand Saudi Arabia and Southern Persia. In order to counter Russian expansion in the Middle East and in China. The former allies of Britain and Russia would become Rivals once again preventing Russia from gaining more territory in the Middle East or even having a port in the Arabian Sea. Though they would lose the control of Canada due to a revolution/civil war and intervention by the United States of America the British considered the most powerful Nation on Earth and one of the wealthiest is now having to share the throne with the Germans and the Americans.

The United States of America following the events of the Great War took it upon itself to establish more direct relations both politically and economically with the rest of South America. With the wealth and infrastructure of the United States they were able to come out the greatest economic power of the world without being affected by war or dragged into either side of the conflict. Building strong clear relations and building up the infrastructure and the republics of the South American continent the US was able to bridge cultural gap between North and South America to create a independent New World Alliance to prevent European influence and European encroachment on free and independent nations of the new world. Canada outraged that so many of their sons and fathers who had died in the Great War were barely compensated for their actions Rose and Revolution against the government leading to three years of bloody Civil War (1928-31). In 1931 the United States decided to intervene to end the bloodshed but to also gain the territory of Canada. Britain outraged by this threatened war with the United States but the Canadiens denounce their loyalty to the British Empire and saying at least the Americans are close enough to provide Aid rather than allow the Civil War to continue on. So by 1932 the United States annexed the Dominion of Canada into itself adding 10 states to the union. And with its recent purchase of Greenland from Denmark to U.S. The American dominated almost all of the North American continent by 1935. And with the American colonies of Korea Japan and the Philippines maintained a permanent presence in Asia and the Pacific. Although neutral between the Grand Alliance and the German Alliance the United States did deal and negotiate trades with both sides and within individual parties. The United States maintaining the largest set of influence within the world maintained its identity as a freedom-loving nation providing the protection and stability of the Republic and constitutional government. Now the world stands on the power of 3 the US continues to play the role of speak softly and carry a big stick.

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