Show 'em a scrunchy face! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
This is my MLP OC, ScruncyFace Lost Piece.
I was going to name her Missing Piece but I think someone already has that name so. D:
Lost is a mare who searches for lost and missing items for anypony in need. She uses her magic like a metal detector of sorts that can pick up certain items based on density and weight. If you were missing a book for instance, you would tell her the size of it and she'd try to pick up on instances of the same.
Lost Piece
Likes to be called Lost.
Quirky, blunt and determined personality.
Has no special somepony.
Usually just wears her white headband, when it's cold out though she'll wear something around her neck. Her tail is loosely tied in a bun of sorts.
Lost doesn't know what it is to brush her mane.
Scared of being left alone or shrouded in completely darkness.
Lost Piece by *Atlased .
Drawn by *Atlased .
MLP:FiM by Hasbro.