AuraFenrir — Tomorrow's Ascent 1
Published: 2013-03-01 02:19:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 296; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description ~Solitude

The first night Marceline spent without any company was also a sleepless night. The salt of her dried tears irritated her cheeks.

She held Hambo close to her heart as she waited for Simon's return.

But he never came back. Neither he, nor anyone else.

It was then that Marceline fully realized she was alone.


Marceline tried to find a logical explanation. She spent whole days doing nothing else other than wondering what she could have possibly done so wrong that it had caused Simon to leave.

What could be so unforgivable? What?


Maybe ,Marceline concluded , deep down, Simon was just like her father.

Both had abandoned her for no reason.

She bit her lip until it bled, but she didn't cry. She was tired sick of tears.


Maybe she wasn't completely alone. After all, Hambo was still by her side.


Marceline had never before realized the value of food until her supplies ran out. Without Simon, she would have to find supplies on her own.

~Lack and abundance

Canned food was abundant, but not infinite. And to complicate things even more, the radiation was starting to decompose food a lot faster than usual.

Marceline knew she would soon have to find another way to get food.

She missed Simon more than ever.

He would have known what to do.

He always had.


Marceline silently gazed at the bonfire every night. The memory of her first attempt to start one, which ended up causing a fire that was only stopped by a timely rain, still made her smile.

Since Simon had left, there weren't many other things that caused the same effect on her anymore.


It took months for Marceline to learn how to hunt, and it took much longer for her to learn how to hunt decently. For her own surpirse, she soon started to enjoy it.

If Simon could see her, he would have been so proud...


Why she couldn't think of Simon without feeling her heart breaking apart in grief? And more important, why did she still care so much about that selfish idiot that had abandoned her?


Marceline threw Hambo at a considerable distance away from her.

Suddenly, she couldn't bear to see it.


Marceline was going to get rid of Hambo. She had convinced herself that she could never forget Simon completely if that pesky teddy bear was always at her side. And if Simon had abandoned her, then Marceline would abandon him too.

But when she noticed that Hambo had lost one of its eyes, Marceline was unable to throw it into the fire; instead, she hugged Hambo just as she had done so many times in the past ,when she was a little younger.

How she could have ever thought she could get rid of it?


The next morning, the first thing Marceline did was going out to the the ruins in search for some thread and buttons. She spent the rest of the morning repairing Hambo.


From the shadows, Hunson watched how his daughter grew with every passing day. Sometimes, all he wanted was to be with her without the need of being hidden, but Marceline wasn't ready to meet again. Not yet.

And likewise,Hunson wasn't ready to face his daughter.


As much as she tried not to, Marceline always ended up whispering good night to Simon. She wondered if he could hear her, wherever he was. It was a childish idea, but it was also strangely comforting.

And there were times ,when she began to sink into her dreams, where Marceline could hear a faint voice whispering "Good night, Marceline."


Hunson didn't know why he always bothered with wishing his daughter good night.


Marceline wasn't a dependable girl anymore. After a few years of isolation in that destroyed world, she had become quite independent and courageous for her age. It was a real shame to see that the world in which she lived was as putrid as ever.


As she passed next to an empty music store ,Marceline decided that one day she would build her own bass.

Then, she could play the songs that Simon had taught her with his guitar, in the days when she was just a small child.

And Simon was more than just a memory.


"Memories are life. The people we hold dear always live inside our memories, even if they are not longer by our side."

Marceline didn't want Simon to die, let alone within her memories.

She would keep him alive by remembering him.


For the first time in years, Marceline allowed herself to shed a single tear for the sake of her lost friend.

It was just one, and yet, it expressed it all.


Hunson had taken his daughter away from Petrikov for one main reason: to prevent Simon of transforming Marceline into a humanly useless girl. Had he allowed Marceline to continue under the dangerous care of Petrikov, she would have become a dependent and pathetic child. Hunson couldn't just sit back and surrender his daughter to such fate. The Nightosphere would never accept someone that weak as leader.

What Hunson had done, he had only done it for love.

And if that love meant some suffering for Marceline, so be it. His daughter needed to be strong.

Hunson wished he could be as strong as her. Or at the very least, strong at all.


With her hunting prey hanging from her shoulders, Marceline delved into the ruins of a fast food establishment that were surprisingly stable. In one of the tables, she found some fries.

But instead of eating them, she guarded them like a treasure.

She still remembered how much Simon had loved fries...


He had postponed it long enough. His daughter was now ready to meet him again.

But ... was Hunson ready to face his daughter?


There was someone lurking in the shadows.

Marceline could feel it. It was a mysterious presence. And it was cold, very cold.

Could it be ...


The stranger emerged from the darkness. Marceline's heart stopped in her chest. For a second, she thought she was dreaming.

"Hello, Marceline."

Father and daughter looked at each other in silence. The surrealism of the situation nullified the existence of words.

For the first time in years, the Abadeers were together again.
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