haha I posted this page so many other places yesterday that I forgot to post HERE - where it all started!! there will be no new page during August because my Patreon dipped below the $300 '1 Page a Month' goal mark and didn't re-hit that goal until it was already August - SO! the next page will be in September!
anyways, in non-Sunder news my professional life as a virtual reality artist has been absolutely exploding lately. I'm gonna spend the month at a place called AR House LA, which is basically an influencer house for people in tech. I'll be working with the creator of Tilt5 (an augmented reality system) and another VR artist to collaborate on a (hopefully) interactive virtual reality art piece!!
I'm also gonna be on a podcast (more news on that later, if I remember to post here... you have a better chance of hearing more about it on tumblr or twitter ) and there's a SLIGHT chance I might be making a VR fashion piece for London Fashion Week??????? I DUNNO MAN. IT'S BEEN WILD. Twitch streaming is also going well, and I invite anyone reading this to come hang out with me on Monday nights (that's tonight at 5pm pst!) while I work in VR!
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