awesomeZero — Sue Choi Castiel
#sue #castiel #angral #erygnue #ergynue_mutant #charactersheet
Published: 2016-03-13 23:28:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 543; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Primary Information

        Name / Nicks : Sue Choi Castiel

        Species / Race : Erygnue ( Ergynue Species Profile ) Mutant- This creature is a Ergynue mutant that mostly resembles an arctic fox (with exceptions) normally as a result of mutations. There were other adopted and changed physical traits as well though more subtle and further described in physical traits. In order to list a few there is the long and semi-prehensile tail with a stinger at the end of it, a mouth capable of opening and stretching outwards and also the quite stretchable, throat and stomach. Another more mentionable trait to mention is the Ergynue’s capability to mentally mature at a rapid pace according to diet mostly based upon devouring the brains of other creatures especially sentient. 

        Gender / Sex : Sue, born as an Ergynue was born asexual. Despite the effects of the mutations which were mostly forced in by loose and uncontrolled magic Sue’s sex remained asexual. Sue’s gender or tendency to lean toward a gender however changed. As Sue now leans more toward identifying as ‘male’ however this is easily fluid and likely to change especially more likely if changing into another form later on.

        Age / Date of Birth : 0+ A week and a few days old. Born somewhere around the Pruthulu forest.

        Height / Length : Thirteen feet

        Weight / Build :800 lbs. The body build is curvy mostly curving somewhat inward and downward around the chest area and more outward around the hips. Sue has not particular set goal or different body shape in mind rather claiming that their current is perfectly fine for the moment.

        Skin Tone : Sue’s skin tone oddly enough remained a light grey and is very unlikely to get a sunburn.

        Eye Color : Sue's right eye is pink and its left eye is purple, both have regular pupils.

        Hair Color and Style : The color of their fur is white. The fur around the center of the chest area is oddly puffier and fluffier than elsewhere while the tail’s fur is fuzzy. The hair style they have is wavy, going off to the sides and of the face at the front even having a bit of a curl upward to on the right side and goes down to a little passed the back of the shoulders. The hair color is a baker-miller pink.

        Other Physical Traits : It has various markings upon its body most of which were gained from the mutation of sorts. The first group of markings head downward from either shoulder toward the chest is a stripe which end in three spikes one point downward, one to the left and the other to the right both match the pink hair color. The second group of markings is around the triceps just after the shoulder is another marking resembling more of a wave like armband which also matches the pink hair color. On both sides of the face a light black marking, it appears similar to a sharp looking 'F' pointing inward or toward the back of the head. The eye marking like most Ergeynue have, is upon the abdomen. The sclera is a light black like the, the iris of sorts in the marking is a pink, while the pupil is a bright purple.

    The mouth and jaws while in a stretched state appear rather similar to that of a sarcastic fringehead’s. Along with this the throat and stomach can also expand outward to a large size in order to devour larger things and contain them.

Unlike common Ergynue, full digestion can take anywhere from three to six hours
The mouth does appear to work ‘normally’ (as in closed and opened minimally) upon smaller foods and objects though can perhaps be noticed as large lips at a closer look. It may also be more difficult to chew apart vegetables. The mouth and jaws are capable of ‘opening up’ quite wide and stretching out to abnormal sizes in order to consume larger objects or food.

There is a stinger hidden in the fur of the prehensile tail until it is time to be used. The stinger is capable of injecting a paralyzing toxin that will be described later on.

        Psychological Traits :                

    Sue prefers being around people perhaps a small crowd at a restaurant or random people walking about the street. The sense of it is comforting and somewhat invigorating. They enjoy and often try to act charming or sly in some manner or another. Often they seem to size people up in some mental note of worth by various factors such as how smart they are, how they look and often the first and most important to Sue is what they wear and how they wear it.

            Sue tends to be loose and do and enjoy what they can get away with when alone or in less caring company. Often looking out more themselves and the benefits they could gain, especially if not caught with some of the shenanigans or worse acts to be found. Sue also has a drive for people both in the sense to be around them and to make some victims of being devoured based on what can be received and the ease of it and combated  by whether or not by how much Sue enjoys them or is connected to them. Games of course or toying around is something often sought as well, often getting excited over such.

            Most of all the self is looked out for and then those that are enjoyed are next down the line. New experiences may often be invited. Rarely would Sue act on someone else’s behalf unless it benefited them in some way or was to impress someone or act in a certain and perhaps ‘morally’ better way in front of others that have managed to get close.

        Abilities / Specialized Skills :

-Form Change

           Able to shape shift into the form of other, organic creatures. The process requires the digestion of muscle or skin tissue usually referred to as flesh (even partially so). Once that is done the information about the creature's body is absorbed both partially into the cells and into the brain as well. Whenever intentionally triggered by a signal sent out from the brain, the cells of the body are easily capable of re-writting and re-purposing themselves once the signal is given in order to take the form of creature the flesh belongs to. This is an effective and also quicker method for adapting to a surrounding environment by obtaining or mimicking the physical traits of a creature that inhabits the area.


-Memory & Information Absorption

    Memory and Information absorption works in a similar process as obtaining a new form. It, requires the consumption of the 'brain' of a creature and the digestion of such. Once that is done the information and memories that were contained and broken down from the brain are transferred into Sue’s own. Where the information could be used to know where to look for food and what is food in the area to more complex things such as where something is hidden or acting as the original creature.

-Stretchable Ingestion

            One of the more abnormal traits simply by the extent it is capable. The mouth, stomach and throat are all capable of stretching to impressively large sizes in order to devour larger objects, food and so on. As mentioned in the Other physical traits section the jaw and mouth are capable of opening outward and expanding taking on a similar appearance to that of a Sarcastic Fringe head’s mouth. The throat and stomach are also capable of stretching outward to large proportions in order to devour and digest. At the largest the throat and jaws are ‘capable’ of expanding to devour something twice the Ergynue mutant’s own size and the stomach capable of holding up to about ten times the Ergynue mutant’s mass.

-Paralyzing Poison

         The stinger upon the Ergynue mutant’s tail is capable of injecting a toxin into victims. The toxin is quite fast acting often taking effect between one to five seconds. The effects of the toxin immediately paralyze the victim on the receiving end and causes the nerve endings to cease detecting any form of feeling throughout the body. The effect of the toxin often last anywhere between four to six hours (Unless treated).

        Weaknesses / Fears :

    The main weaknesses of Form Change and Memory Absorption are mostly how the abilities work and are obtained along with limitation. In order to be able to change into a different ‘form’ the flesh (or piece of) of the creature being copied must be digested first and only three forms can be had at a time. Markings such as tattoos were on the original will not appear. As for memory absorption, it can only be done by devouring and digesting the brain of the prey. It has a similar limit.

    A bit of a weakness to Stretchable Ingestion is that the rest of the body or more specifically the legs are rather needed to support the weight if even attempting to be mobile. It would also likely be a dead giveaway if something of large or greater size occupied the stomach while in a different form especially if it shifts or moves about.

    The ‘cure’ to the paralyzing poison is artificial sugars and sweeteners. If ingested recently before being injected with the toxin it may prolong the time it takes for the toxins to take effect upon the body.

        Outfit :  Sue tends to lean toward more of a ‘punk’ like style of sorts more or less because of the first clothes obtained, skirts and pink are also a bit desired as well among clothing. Other times aiming for ‘flashy’ or cool clothing is a bit secondary. The main go to and casual outfit consists of a grey T-shirt, with a pink bowl shaped skirt, and leg socks with grey and pink stripes.        

        Miscellaneous : They tend to enjoy more urban landscapes. Some of their likes include, pink, dancing (more swing dance like moves or disco), ferrets and weasels, skirts, ‘flashy’ or even frilly clothing, charming people and sweet foods.


            They have a bit of a small female preference romantically.


            There is a bit of a desire to work in service such as being a waiter.

        Background History : Sue was brought out into the world as one of three eggs conceived in an asexual reproduction process. Given birth to by Angral in the Ergynue manner and form (meaning letting the eggs out from the reproductive organ and out from the mouth). The eggs were ingested again and brought to the stomach in order to test for birth defects of the eggs (more or less ran by instinct) and let back out again the following day as one of two surviving eggs the other being their ‘sibling’ of sorts. It was not long after being let out for the second time that Sue’s egg hatched open and was born. It seemed that Sue was welcomed into the world by three creatures, one of them being their actual parent, a cow and a large fluffy weasel The weasel was laying around Angral who had placed the eggs in their lap while resting and the cow was merely watching nearby. Sue had taken more of a liking or connection to the cow’s ‘don’t care’ like attitude even at a young age. Sue and their sibling were often careful fed small animals as food while being surrounded by the forest and family of sorts. The feeding process was somewhat displayed by Angral as to first spew acid onto the food before devouring the remains. The two caught on after about the second attempt. The ferret did its best to keep Sue warm.

            It was not too long after that, while in the middle of the night Sue’s sibling had slipped away after some noise. Sue, quickly slipped away after them in some small worry and also not wanting to miss out on what could be found. The weasel which was wrapped around the two earlier pursued and carefully watched at a distance. Sue and his sibling snuck up upon two foxes whom were performing a summoning ritual. A ritual to bring forth a demon from elsewhere in the world. They had talked to the demon on an online dating site and wanted to meet for a small camping trip night out in the woods. Since the demon live particularly lived far away and would need to return home to the kids at a reasonable hour trying to summon them seemed an efficient if not somewhat creepy method of transportation. There were various ‘materials’ or creatures that were placed in a large magic circle made out of purple paint. Purple was simply used since it was one of the fox’s favorite colors and also the demon agreed to wearing a purple cloak of theirs in case the paint of the circle printed itself upon the demon during the summoning (which had happened before and it’s quite annoying really).

            Sue, spewed acid upon one of the fox’s faces and began breaking them down and devouring them. At the time it seemed that these two creatures were food as any and there was not a particular guidance not to do so or seemingly reason not to. Besides Sue was a bit curious as to how they would taste and slightly enjoyed the thought of messing with and devouring them. Sue’s sibling, timidly followed suit and did the same. The summoning circle’s materials which consisted of some other small animals such as some weird looking fish and apparently snails seemed to be appetizing as well especially after the fox that tasted quite sweetly. Sue simply began trying them out as well although it was less enjoyable as the creatures seemed dead beforehand. As Sue began devouring upon the ‘materials’ or better yet described as the small creatures being used in the magic circle their sibling slowly joined in as well. It was not long after that that Sue felt particularly odd as if their body was stretching and their mind more focused. Knowledge and information soon flooded into Sue’s mind from devouring the sentient fox’s brain. The knowledge given to them may be taken for granted by most as it mainly covered the basics from math, language, to cities and transportation in them and perhaps some less basic such as various images of clothes and dance. The stray magic (as Sue’s sibling would later mentioned) had helped enlighten them both and caused the other physical mutations. The Ergynue’s natural ability to change into creatures that the flesh has been devoured of was also to blame to a lesser degree for changing Sue’s base form or what they appear as without another transformation to what it is currently.

            It was not too long afterward that Sue explored out toward a nearby city of Porbub Kibune wanting to visit such in order to apply the new information that was raced into their mind. Their sibling was brought along as well but occasionally given the slip. The various people walking about some with amazing clothes others with not so much comforted and empowered Sue somewhat with excitement. Looking among them soon judgements and guesses were placed upon them to ponder their worth and possible things to obtain from them as Sue had taken from the fox earlier. Sue had slipped their way into a restaurant although briefly and saw various opportunity and possibly obtaining or achieving some idea of fun among the small crowd. That was, before a fight had broken out something about one guy owning money to another guy it didn’t seem to concern Sue what so ever so it was easy enough to leave. A few days later a ‘world leap’ occurred whatever that was. Angral wasn’t able to make much sense of it beyond some portals that appeared after some time and traveling about.


Kelacaolican Information

        Class : Miscellanea
        Balance : OC: 5 - MC: 5 - NC: 5 - GC: 5

        Inventory :


Gray T-shirt

Bowl shaped skirt

leg socks with grey and pink stripes.




1. Bag of mini-doughnuts

2. Utility knife

3. water skin

4. pack of band aids

5. Kitty T-shirt

6. travel mug

7. box of matches

8. Paperjam: A romance novel

9.  Love letter from some guy named Jzinbaal




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Comments: 26

Neiot [2016-03-23 07:44:24 +0000 UTC]

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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-24 05:44:20 +0000 UTC]

quick question how much cash do you carry around on average?

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Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-24 05:50:53 +0000 UTC]

60 in every stack is the handicap, and that's the average(I suppose).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-24 05:54:42 +0000 UTC]

you sure? Guess that's something that's been nibbling at me a bit, not too much but a little. I don't think I can say much since the average amount of money I carry on my person at most times is about.. zero. an awesome amount of zero. XD

Since I don't like spending money, especially not without a plan

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-24 06:35:22 +0000 UTC]

If you want your characters to start out with no money because it makes sense in their plot, that's alright, but the handicap is there for those who want to spend their cash early.

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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-24 06:38:42 +0000 UTC]

hmmm... could I bring it down to five coins each? think that sounds like a good small starting number to possible motivate with while still having some.. sorry if I'm being a bit difficult on money xD

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Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-24 06:40:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure, sure.

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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-24 06:46:21 +0000 UTC]


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Neiot [2016-03-20 01:14:29 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 02:45:56 +0000 UTC]

Hm, well since Ergynue's mental maturity can be quite rapidly depending on diet especially upon brains and likely even more so on one's capable of higher complex thought along with the magical ritual gone wrong giving everything a boost and somewhat distortion really.  As for personality, that is not absorbed from people although memories and information can be. In this case clear defined 'memories' such as going to the mall yesterday and so on were not given either.. perhaps I should try to make a better note on that?

Also yeah it's pretty similiar for Cynabel's sheet in case of personality stuff.  as for the abilities.. how should I nerf the poison and the other thing even further?  Not entirely sure how to go about that, seeing as they seem kind of weak to begin with..

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 04:12:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh, and could you remove the "Blank Form" from the top?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 04:14:44 +0000 UTC]


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Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 03:15:13 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yes, that would be great to make a better note on that. As for the nerfing, don't nerf the poison. Just nerf the bit that involves consuming living entities.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 03:21:49 +0000 UTC]

How exactly? Not trying to argue the point but I'm failing to see how or the issue.
The most I could come up with is saying that the could be gutted open but that doesn't seem worth mentioning since they're not invulnerable to weaponry.
I'll make note of what I can.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 03:24:12 +0000 UTC]

How to make a better note of their mental maturity, or how to nerf their abilities to consume?

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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 03:30:35 +0000 UTC]

The nerfing, although the first thing would be appreciated to as well just in case for betterment. Then again I could just knock the ability down to x3 instead x4 if that's what you mean.. Perhaps it would be better to put the mental maturity thing down under the 'species' area? (On a side note, I killed the dragon XD)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 03:38:55 +0000 UTC]

Knocking it down to double the mass would be better, then if I may suggest an addition to the weaknesses, say something along the lines of this: for every sentient being that they consume, they lose a piece of themselves, and the ability to mimic their appearance weakens over time.

As for the former, I honestly don't know how you could do that. I'm as confused as you, which is why I had a difficult time judging it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 03:44:41 +0000 UTC]

I can knock it down to double the size if you wish. As for the rest, I will not be taking that suggestion.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 03:45:31 +0000 UTC]


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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 03:50:48 +0000 UTC]

anything else on your mind? Currently I'm thinking about grabbing Chinese out the fridge because this is making me hungry if you believe how silly that is. xD
Oi... I always have that sense of forgetting something..

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Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 04:03:49 +0000 UTC]

Well, the characters are very interesting and I see them being accepted into the group soon, but in order for them to be accepted, they have to meet certain standards... and these sheets here are overly complex, for lack of a better term.

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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 04:08:58 +0000 UTC]

oi.. xwx;;;
Well, yeah. I did try to make it as complex and detailed as I could with not much fuel for reasons. Especially in the history section, which I'm always surprised I end up writing so much with very little concept behind it. *flops over* (Boneless Spareribs btw) At the moment I am a mixture of tired and light headed so I probably shouldn't tackle trimming down..though drive is saying otherwise..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 04:12:19 +0000 UTC]

Once you've finished all of that, could you let me know? I might have Sage-By-Day look over it because I don't understand it well myself.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 04:17:30 +0000 UTC]

Finished trying to simplifying everything you mean? Oi goodness xwx;;; I'll try and highlight and mess with anything that seems over explained...but no promises on getting much done on that front. As long as artistic depiction isn't an issue this time around or else... that'll be a major issue on multiple levels xD

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Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 04:26:07 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that's what I mean. Less is more; don't ever forget that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 04:27:28 +0000 UTC]

Not sure how to respond to that so I hope a simple 'okay' will do.

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Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-03-20 04:27:46 +0000 UTC]


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awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-03-20 04:32:41 +0000 UTC]

ok xwx;

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