awesomeZero — Ubimire Gona: Blue Knight
#dinosaur #gona #knight #male #pachycephalosaurus #warrior #character_sheet #blue_knight #ubimire #celatat_bahe
Published: 2016-01-24 06:54:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 518; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Primary Information

        Name / Nicks : Ubimire Gona ‘Mutte Vinfonvin / Vinillix’ is their nickname, and they much prefer it over their own unless speaking to someone they know closely and even the rarer 'Ubi'.

        Species / Race : Ubimire Gona, is an anthropoid animal. In this case, an anthropoid dinosaur, a Pachycephalosaurus. On a side note,  when he was little he use to try and ram random things around the house with his head, like some of the other children in the village had been. This had not particularly end well and caused a minor concussion. Instead Pachycephalosaurus that were around could rake their heads up against each other in a sign of affection , otherwise the domes are considered to mostly be for show and attempt from Ubimire to ram against something was never shown again. On another side note, many are naturally fast runners and their tails are often long and stiff.

        Gender / Sex : Male

        Age / Date of Birth :   In the time that their body inhabited or partillay inhabited the physical realm he would likely be counted around 930 years old. Otherwise they would just claim their age is thirty or so. His birthday is January second in the earth calendar, making him a Gish Amote. He was born in 630 4+SE

        Height / Length :Roughly around nine meters or thirty feet tall. Seeing as he has to adjust to his own ‘new’ height, he might likely attempt squatting to get into places or simply break the door and doorway if needed but in most cases, he can’t fit into most buildings or anything. Before the height change had been found out and this was when he was actually conscious, he was around fifteen feet tall once he was fully maturing. It was actually pretty average height for those in his village but elsewhere it was definitely quite tall.

        Weight / Build : His weight is 6,280 pounds or so with a lot of muscular build upon him. Although at first glance it may not be noticed, most of the muscle is toned and inside the legs, for running and so on. On some level they had a slight preferred height and weight as they were in the past but mostly because it is a bit awkward being about twice the height you can remember, beyond that their preference is to stick to their current body shape.

        Skin Tone : His skin tone is in the shade of orange, arguably ‘Atomic Tangerine’ orange. There are also dark red stripes stretching across his back and around to his arms, legs and also his tail. Quite adjusted to warm and hotter climates it would take a large amount of heat and sunlight in order to achieve of a sunburn on the skin.

        Eye Color : The eyes are a dark green like blue such as Viridian but darker.

        Hair Color and Style :  Bald

        Other Physical Traits :
There is an allergy to cow’s milk that causes hives to appear on the skin, so most dairy products. He also has another food allergy, and that is to seafood which causes his throat to swell up and depending on how much was ingested can lead to fatality. He has roughly ten or so horns (2 in the back, 2 on the upper and lower  sides of the face, three on the forehead) and a hard dome at the top of the head, all around a beige like color. Also his ‘claws’ are a dark gray. He tends to stick to vegetables, fruits, and smaller or already cut up meat such as ribs or bacon.

        Psychological Traits : Ubimire is now often a calm and sometimes quiet individual (more often for a lack of knowing what to say). It takes hell (almost literally) to frustrate and anger him, and even then it is often quelled or submersed. He can last for long periods of time against most forces that lead to pain by will power, whether it be torture, extreme cold or so on. His often calm outlook or seeming is not always to be mixed up with reluctance or unwillingness. Challenges, duels, fights or often work will be undertaken if its seen as worthy to do and well paying enough unless large amounts of cruelty in it. In fist fights, depending on the person’s own determination and his liking of them, the fight may be thrown in their favor, if nothing serious is on the line. From time to time, there is a bit of a shy slip up, as he may show off to someone he has a crush on, whether it be with actual work or simply flexing like a fool for them.


            In the darker days, vengeance up his enemies is wish, specifically the ‘Brule Bernome’ line, who used to be just a line of Gnolls, so many years ago. From time to time, the idea of settling down comes to mind but it is often seen as more of a distant fantasy. Instead, he goes forward with his work and occasional wandering, sometimes thought to be for or to find peace. Sometimes wishing in the darkest depths of his soul for a natural death (not magic) to kill him and send him off elsewhere into a more peaceful plane, just not the hell he was in before.


            He still keeps the habit of pounding once on his abdomen for luck or after a victory, and sometimes while praying. His ancient and likely long dead friend taught him that. Beyond that, occasional humming may arise, a melody from an old song that his mother used to sing when he was just a hatchling, he can’t remember the words but it was something about the stars in the night sky singing down to the plants and the shadows. He isn’t much of a smart guy, but he knows the basics reading, writing, basic arithmetic, he even occasionally claims to speak a few words in English but his vocab there doesn’t extend far beyond, ‘hi’, ‘danger’ and ‘food’. His voice is a deep and soothing one, with a bit slide to it as if it was rolling across ice or if someone was trying to seduce or lure someone.

        Abilities / Specialized Skills : Beyond his now natural abilities, there’s not much else to scratch the surface. He has good night vision, and a heightened trained sense of awareness of the things around him. More recent additions would be a small level immortality and growth along with it from magical reactions caused by a multitude of spells mixed together and left on effect on his body and absorbed into it, becoming part of it instead of loose flying magic, and altered him forever. Essentially this means, around every sixty years or so he would or will grow a foot taller and that he isn’t capable of dying from natural causes such as old age, starvation or dehydration as his body will simply continue on functioning.  


            He has a latent talent for holy shadow and lightning magic compared to the rest that could be achieved but it would need to be taught and trained into him, likely for months to years before being able to cast even the most basic of spells or magic among those categories He is currently not able to cast, well anything, not even cause a shadow to wiggle itself about with the most intense focus that he could achieve.

        Weaknesses / Fears :

Ubimire, has a slight fear of cars, mostly about the idea of being inside that moving vehicle. Which is why he can handle the idea of being on a motorcycle better from those he’s seen drive them, if he knew how to drive them and if he could even fit on one that is. He has occasional and rare anxiety attacks often surrounded by or followed by the thought of the hell he was previously in.

    Despite it is mentioned Ubimire has some level of immortality he can still be killed in numerous ways most of them being physical infliction or damage to him. Especially a strong blow to the top of the head, which even light ones may lead to concussions (he can’t be a football player).

    Allergic to seafood.

            Although he has a latent talent for certain kinds of magic. Both because of his own limitations and the previous magic having been absorbed into him, becoming part of ‘him’ and his body and no longer, well magic, it is more difficult for him to channel any magic through or out of himself. Which is why it would take much longer to learn any form of it than most.

A bit of a silly one, but that penguins will take over the universe through a violent uprising.

        Outfit : Ubimire has more of a care free and minimalist style. Often wanting to wear the least possible. Whether it be a kilt, skirt, loin cloth and so on. The exception is when it comes to armor such as his ‘knight / warrior’ outfit which was mostly made out of a steel, except for the hood of course. Blue and magenta like colors seem to attract his attention more among clothing.

        Miscellaneous :Ubimire tends to like flute music and often songs that are about romance of some sort or another. Although he tends to keep that secret and claims to like war ballads and the like, they are decent but not his favorite. Also he tends to like walking or running long distances, and swimming can be relaxing on occasion. Which is why beaches can be so great! Oh and he is attracted to males.


Currently they are more of a freelancer but they used to be connected to old mostly military like mercenary tribe/group Celatat Bahe, an ancient enemy of the ember clan (the latter updated the name).


He has an odd determination to ride a motor cycle of some sort within his life time, so virtually plenty of time left over to try that out.

        Background History : Ubimire was born into a single parent household in a tribe or clan of sorts. He was raised by his mother and others who were in the tribe as well as they were tightly knit the Celatat Bahe were for the past few decades. His mother Lilsn Dasroya had recently divorced for reasons that were never really brought up or asked. His home village of sorts used to be somewhere in modern day Centirun on Medirgitibai and was similar to current day Rubestokhar named Kraghoultri. The village was near the Maldon Oasis Plains. Most of those inside the tribe were mostly dinosaurs, elves and the rare servant who were often prisoners of battle or war or the even rarer kidnapped person often Gnolls. Servants were often adopted into the family, and even received pay after the first year or two. There were mentioned to be other villages that were apart from Kraghoultri, but Ubimire knew little of them. At the age of eight, he was put into training to become a mercenary of use to the tribe. Lilsn, had pulled some strings and had Ubimire placed into archer training. He did fairly well when dealing with basic reading and math skills. His training as an archer had been a flop otherwise. His sight had always been true but aim had been off or at least that is what the instructor claimed. He was not the only failure of an archer as at least one other had similar results. Oddly over this the two connected and became friends over how much they of terrible shots they were. The friend’s name? Marcus Cliss, although he had begun calling himself the red warrior or knight. Ubimire had a crush on him and kept it secret, to the grave. Ubimire had become interested in him, and even began adopting their foreign deity, who’s name was hidden in shadow and written in lightning, whatever that meant. It was, more or less a loose adoption rather than devotion. Figuring if the deity had led them together or at least to Marcus’ claim they must have not been that bad. Besides it felt like getting a closer connection to Marcus than otherwise. For the most part they referred to the deity as Blood eye. Blood Eye was not a Kelacaonian deity, and instead brought from elsewhere, such as Marcus family line was if traced further back but no one around at the time kept records of heritage to follow. Later Ubimire adapted a title or made up one of Blue Knight or warrior to match his friend’s.


            Instead the two moved on away from archer training and instead into warrior training. Which for the most part was running drills and practicing with various weapons before picking out a single weapon to prioritize in. The two were nearly inseparable for a time and both had chosen swords for the main weapon. Marcus preferred curved blades while Ubimire had preferred the standard claymore or bastard like sword. The two were recommended by instructors to prioritize in other weapons, Marcus was recommended and mentioned to be more skilled with the Warhammer and Ubimire the spear although neither wished to change their prioritizing. Enthusiastic or skilled fighters were selected and given to tutors or more personal trainers of sorts after running through the basics. The two were distanced and placed under different instructors but often they would both join together on assignments. Ubmire had been trained to the boned between missions by a female instructor mostly on speed and strengthening the legs. The instructor had been kidnapped by some other clan that was rising after about a handful of years that Ubimire was trained under her. The training from the previous elf instructor had been considered easier compared to the next ,Lilsn. She did not hold back with it. Most training sessions were painful and nearly non-stop, sometimes for what seemed like a whole day straight. Some of the lighter examples of these training sessions involved  the following, having to run with large blocks of metal or heavy equipment (the weight of such nearly as much as himself) and forced to run while avoiding objects thrown at Ubimire, having to pulverize blocks of hard stone to powder, and even having to take a diet! He endured it all with contemplating silence, mostly curious as to how the Marcus had been doing, as Ubimire himself was in the midst of training. His perception improved along with many other skills. It was often helpful to identify an enemy hiding in the corner of the room, a split second after entering it and to avoid their attack by simple movement such as ducking. The warrior training was around fifteen years overall and Ubimire was going on the age of twenty-eight.


    All had been well for a time. Not peaceful but that was not the work that was signed up for. The uprising clan, had become more of threat and an enemy. ‘Oaor Grissil’ later renamed the Ember Clan for those who joined as the centuries went on. Oaor Grissil had grown greedy and jealous of the Celatat Bahe’s reputation and wealth. The poison and destruction of war had started. Celatat Bahe had well accepted the challenge of war and used their money and resources to supply soldiers with weapons and armor if it was not already owned. A league of enchanters were hired to bless each suit of armor to keep up the warrior’s strength and to help sustain their bodies. War raged on and many died. The outlook of the war mostly seemed to be a Celatate Bahe’s favor as the Oaor Grissil’s forces and resources dwindled. Ubimire had helped in the battles, was not a war hero of great stature, alone that is. As he and Marcus continued the battle, they boosted morale that the war would end soon and there was no way for Celatate Bahe to lose. The two thanked Blood Eye, mostly because Marcus had convinced the other. Disaster struck. Marcus, had died and had his body dragged off the field of battle by a Elf wizard, and one of Ubimire’s past teacher that had supposedly ‘kidnapped’ years ago. Ubimire was challenged to meet them and fight them at night, in order to recover Marcus’ body and give them a proper burial and funeral.


    The wizard had prepared and brought Marcus body to the desert where the battle would take place. Both were ready and both wished to defeat the other with the quickest method possible. Ubimire ran around before lunging at the wizard with a thrust of his sword in an attempt to kill her. The wizard in turn cast a spell. The spell was of incredible power and very unstable construction. The spell was intended to rip the person’s soul from their body and shatter both across time and space but there were many problems in it. Ubimire’s blade stopped short of killing the wizard and he could barely hold it up. The pain received as the main target of the spell was excruciating like various needles and razors taking the time to remove the skin from the muscle tissue before trying to tear into that. He could barely muster the power to grip onto the Blood Eye necklace he had brought with him for the deity’s blessing but mostly in some way to honor Marcus and looked to the wizard. Swearing eternal allegiance to the deity if it would strike the wizard dead. Ubimire, faintly remembers the shadows dancing around the wizard, before Blood Eye fulfilled their end of the bargain or he assumed. In truth it may have been a many number of things, including the wizard’s own poorly and unstable spell. Lightning struck the wizard where she stood and the wizard cried out in pain! Releasing some kind of energy ball into the night sky which did not appear nor was magic. The ball exploded into nothingness and the wizard’s life was ended fractions of a second afterward but not before it tried using the same spell on Marcus in a moment of rage. Even then, the Blue Knight’s soul wasn’t saved.

    It had been removed from his body yes, and it was no longer on the regular plane of existence that mortals dwell while alive. He was in hell, or what he thought it to be. He could not see or hear as in the normal sense, but he could feel and all was quiet on that other plane. He could feel other presences in it, not warming ones. Those of alien and obscure nature, seeming to swim through and move about in absolute silence. Time passed, and the sense of time was lost. Centuries had passed by, time moved forward and continued to. The silence remained, and terrified his very soul as he held onto sanity and existence. Then, he felt something, something had disturbed the creatures that lurked their and briefly the silence. What felt like a boom or a blast between planes of existences, dimensions, a brief pocket or hole caused. He could briefly sense others in the silence with him, but yet not as things were shaken up. He felt the way out, and slipped through it. Waking up in what was his ‘grave’ of sorts. His head rested upon a pillow, in some casing not far beneath the ground, and small string and tube, the tube poking out of ground somewhat. He was buried in his armor, with Marcus’ sword. He was in fact buried somewhere around in 658 4+SE but the unstable spell cast upon him had created multiple anomalies. While time and space moved forward Ubimire’s coffin and himself had been dragged back in time and distorted in space, dragging it back to about 555 years ago and never quite set fully upon the spacial plane and managing to both be in and outside of the physical realm for quite sometime and the ‘true’ location never being known. It was not until the same incident that had allowed him to return his soul back to his body when the physical location had fully been set somewhere out in the Medirgitbai desert by pure luck.

He pulled the small string, and soon the casing, had risen from underground and to the surface of the desert opening and releasing Ubimire from the grave. He dug next to his to find Marcus coffin and there he was lying in peace with Ubimire’s  old sword and that was all that was needed to know. He hoped for a while that Marcus would wake up from death like himself, but it did not happen. The Blue Knight’s sword would have to be enough for Marcus to know that the Ubimire was around if he ever did wake up. It wasn’t until much later of wandering and searching that some of changes in the world and in perspective had arrived. He was still in top shape as ever despite having been buried for what seemed like an unfathomable amount of time. He searched and but he couldn’t find the home village. New villages were stumbled on and more advanced civilizations found instead. Some new fears were founded, and also the change to himself was founded as well after a while of noticing everyone and thing around being ‘too’ short. The armor had kept him alive, but while strengthening and sustaining him, and mixed in with the attack of the poorly constructed spell that the wizard cast on Ubimire to not just kill him but mutilate his very soul and body had caused some abnormal size changes, and effected his body permanently. There must have been some other enchantment on the armor to keep it strong or held together as well, as it grew with him and the only remaining one. It wasn’t long afterward, that he had begun wandering about taking up jobs as in his past profession, simply now by his lonesome and across worlds.

Kelacaolican Information

        Class : Dinosaur
        Balance : OC: 60 - MC: 60 - NC: 60 - GC: 60

        Inventory :

[Casual Outfit]

-blue loin cloth

-Red Eye Deity Necklace

[Sword Holster]

-Flamberg sword



1- Hood [grows with him]
2- tail protector [grows with him]
3- arm guard x4 [grows with him]
4- guisses x2 [grows with him]
5- greaves x2 [grows with him]
6- Pauldron x2 [grows with him]
7- Breastplate [grows with him]

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Comments: 2

Neiot [2016-01-24 19:10:50 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awesomeZero In reply to Neiot [2016-01-25 01:19:40 +0000 UTC]

last attempt at drawing. If not, nah. Anywho here you go.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neiot In reply to awesomeZero [2016-01-25 20:50:58 +0000 UTC]

There is still more for you to modify here. I'll jot down some more pointers.


        Name / Nicks : You might have to rename him. Refer to what I said about his Background History.

        Species / Race : Where did his race come from? There were no dinosaurs in Kelacao prior to 400-600 4+SE, so his race had to come from somewhere.

        " Only if they're a Bojurian or something from the Field Guide , they will be native. All assorted species and races did not exist until 400-600 years ago, so if you have a Kelacaolican-born character who is not a native nor from the long line of humans who first set foot in Kelacao , that won't make them native, and you will have to explain where their line began, and in what world. " - FAQ C-7

        Gender / Sex : This is fine.

        Age / Date of Birth : Reword this entirely. Remove the detail where it says he is "930 years old". If he was born in 630 4+SE, he would be 375 years old

        Height / Length : This is fine.

        Weight / Build : This is fine.

        Skin Tone : This is fine.

        Eye Color : This is fine.

        Hair Color and Style : This is fine.

        Other Physical Traits : This is fine.

        Psychological Traits : This is fine.

        Abilities / Specialized Skills : This is fine.

        Weaknesses / Fears : This is fine.

        Outfit : This is fine.

        Miscellaneous : This is fine, but I feel like there should be more.

        Background History : You're gonna have to rewrite the history. Not the whole history, but the information involving Kelacao. Ubimire's race had to come from somewhere, and you'll have to add this into the first paragraph: What planet was his race from? How did they get to Kelacao? Did they adopt Kelacaolican names right away or are there traces of his heritage in his name?

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