I will admit it, when Angemon and Angewomon fought against Myotismon was holy fate.
Seeing Holy Angemon and Angewomon teamed up together was ultra-holy-fate.
They really belong to each other, they are the feathered version of the Ying Yang.
So, it's natural for most fans ( including myself, of course) wishing to see them getting married and have beautiful digi babies.
Or perhaps, they are going to seal the deal the day they assume their Seraphimon and Ophanimon stages for good...?
When they do, please, do not bring a Cherubimon into the house as a roomie.
Because, sometimes, a third member of the family isn't that nice.
I imagined this scene as a very romantic one, Angewomon taking charge of the relationship. If I were to imagine who's the one who confessed first, I lean towards Angewomon. She's a bit more assertive ( which Ladydevimon can certainly attest) and once she has something in her mind, she'll pursue it. Besides, according to the bunch of shoujo mangas I have read so far - which many people already I should take with a grain of salt- when it's about confession time, it's usually the girl who asks the guy out. Like in Valentine and their famous homemade honmei choco chocolates... who can resist that?
I drew this digiangelic piccie for my dear friend and fellow digi artist ε=εノ≧∇≦)ノ
My friend's been a true one, standing by my side during the good and bad times, and he commissioned me this beautiful piece
As this is a PAID commission, I disabled the download button, added the watermarks and lowered the resolution.
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