azumariko — 2p!Italy x Reader: Taken (CH2)

#2p #x #fanfic #fanfiction #flavio #insert #italy #luciano #mafia #reader #vargas #hetalia #axispowershetalia #hetaliaaxispowers #xreader #hetaliareaderinsert #hetaliaxreader #2pitaly #2pitalyxreader #lucianovargas #flaviovargas #xreaderinsert
Published: 2015-04-07 21:30:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 6423; Favourites: 89; Downloads: 0
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Description A/N: Again, some cursing. But this is still the 2p's so you really should already have guessed that... Oh, and faves, comments and watches are always appreciated~


Chapter II

"Please, I'll give you anything."


Happened so far:

Reader-Chan, a young woman who supposedly went on a vacation to Italy with her parents when she was 14, where they died: Murdered by the mafia, it seems. She was later adopted by an Australian couple who are filthy rich and has some power as well, her adoptive father working for the government. Years later, when she was just walking home from her part time job in Rome, she was suddenly in a run for her life. Or at least her freedom and possibly also her sanity. She was captured, thought, and soon woke up to Italian curses and insults trown between two brothers. Having a quick... Uh... "Chat" with the older brother, named Flavio, she learned absolutely nothing whatsoever, other than he's kind of a wuss and loves fashion. When the younger brother, Luciano, stormed into the small room, however, she learnt quite fast that they were, in fact, the Italian mafia. Much to her dismay...

And this is where we left off...


Staring at the cealing of your prison new room in deep thought, you sighed. Why did this have to happen to you? Had you done anything to deserve this? Well, alright; you had to admit that you were kind of a smartass, but that wasn’t so bad that you deserved this, was it?

”You’ll have to stay here, in this room, until your parents pay the ransom. Then we’ll let you go, bene?”

Luciano’s words echoed in your mind. As if your ’parents’ would pay that ransom. They’d probably just get the police involved, kicked this so-called mafia’s sorry, Italian ass all the way to exoplanet PSR B1620-26 b and back again and then scolded you for letting yourself be such an easy target to kidnap.

Your father worked for the government, after all, he’d be able to get you back without even lifting a finger.

… Right?

You sighed again as you let your gaze, that had been glued to the cealing for the past hour, look over your cell. Well, they called it ’room’ but it wasn’t, really. It was the small room that you had woken up in. A sparnesly furnished room with wooden floors and dull, probably-once-white-but-now-gray walls and no windows. The only furniture in the room was a bed, a small table with two chairs and a bureau. Not to mention they locked the door, so it really was like a cell.

For how long would you have to stay here, even? Would you ever get to go home?

You didn’t know.


”Hey, Ma?” The young girl looked up her the woman with large, (e/c) eyes that sparkled with excitement.

”Yes, ___?”

”When’ll we be there?”

The woman laughed. ”Just a few more minutes now, dear. We’re coming into the airport now.”

The girl smiled happily and became quiet, content with the answer. They were soon in Italy; the place where she’d wanted to go to for years now. Just imagine it! Pizza, pasta, gelato… Just the food alone would be heaven!

Not to mention the culture! And the weather; no rain there, no. Oh, well; maybe a little but she could live with that.

The fourteen year old girl sighed happily, this would be the best two weeks of her life.

Or so she thought…


”We’ll be going out for dinner tonight, sweetheart.” The girls father said as he straightened his midnightblue tie a little. ”Just your mother and me, if that’s okay with you?”

The girl nodded with a frown. ”Yeah, yeah. You two have fun.” She sighed.

”Hey, don’t make that face, sweetie; we’ll make sure to bring you some gelato home, ’kay?” He continued as his hand left the tie and made it’s way to her cheek and pinched it lightly. ”You’re old enough to stay here alone now, maybe you could go out a little; just in the area, that is.”

The girl’s face lit up. ”Really?”

He smiled. ”Yeah, but you need to be back to the hotel before dark, okay? And call us when you get back so that we won’t have to worry.”

”Of course! Thanks Pa!” She said as she gave her father a giant hug. He laughed and hugged her back. ”Hey, don’t wrinkle my suit, ___!”

The young girl laughed with him. ”Sorry, Dad. I’ll be leaving now, then. I’ll see you when you come home from your… Romantic dinner with mum; Love ya!” She said and gave her father a wink saying romantic dinner.

Her father smiled. ”And don’t talk to strangers, hon.” He said as he started to flatten the wrinkels on his shirt.

She waived goodbye as she opened the door to the hotel room they stayed in.  ”Yeah, yeah; I won’t.”

The door closed with a slam and left her father standing there, alone.

”They grow up fast, don’t they?” He said with a bittersweet smile as he continued polishing up his outfit. ”They really do…”


___ had strutted along the streets of Rome for a while now and she was starting to get a little tired. The afternoon had been fun; she’d bought some gelato and she found a nice park with a beautiful view where she sat down on a bench and ate her gelato. It was now soon dark and she began her way back to the hotel. Before she knew it, thought, she was lost.

”God, where am I?!” She sighed as she looked around the allyway where she had found herself, where on earth was her hotel? (A/N: Little did our dear, sweet Reader-Chan know that, years later, she’d find herself in the very same allyway; being stalked by the very same mafia that she was just about to- SHHH- River Song voice: Spoilers~!//Shot for doctor who reference)

She sighed as she saw the sun set behing the rooftops, what would she do now? She had no idea where she was and it was already dark. Should she call her parents and ask them to come and find her, but maybe that’d ruin their date?

She sighed again. There was no other way, so she picked up her phone and dialed her mothers number.

One signal…

Two signals…

Three signals…

She pouted and waited for her mother to answer her phone as she heard a ringsignal in the distant… Wait. A ringsignal?

She followed the sound around the corner and into the next allyway, where did the sound come from?

On the ground in the next allyway, she found it: Her mothers cellphone. But her parents were nowhere to be seen. What were there thought, was a small puddle of a fresh  and sticky, red substance of some kind that the phone was lying in.

She ended the call and picked up her mothers phone, getting some of the suspected blood on her hands. The phone was definetly her mothers, there was no doubt about it. But where was she?

___ made her way through the ally, shouldn’t they be somewhere around…?

She then heard a distant voice, but she couldn’t make out what it said so she stopped walking and just listened.

”Please… Do whatever you want with me, but… But not my daughter.” A male voice said.

Her father.

’Dad?’ She thought.

”And what makes you think we would listen to you?” Another male voice said, in an italian accent.

”Please, I’ll give you anything. Anything! Money, if that’s what you want or anything else!” Your father plaided.

”… Anything…?” The other male said.

”… Anything.”

”… Even her?” The Italian voice said, and you could almost see the smirk on his face as he said those two words.

”No. No! Not her, anything but her!” Your mother then yelled, telling you that she was, in fact, there as well.

The Italian chuckled. A cold and scary chuckle, and not the chuckles like your dad makes that are nice and kind. This chuckle was just evil, and dark.

There followed a long silence, where the only thing you could hear was your mothers whimpers of pain, you guessed she was hurt, your fathers deep breath, and your own heartbeat.

”You said anything...” The italian male said.

”Anything but her! I know you mafia people like money; and we’ve got loads of that. You can have it all!” Your father then huffed.

’Mafia?’ You thought, terrified.

”Anything…?” The italian asked and you felt as if you had already gone through this once before.

”Yes!” Your mother shouted and then followed a sound that sounded like somebody kicking her.

”I said: Be quiet, puttana!” Another voice hissed, this one also had an italian acccent.

The first italian voice chuckled again and he then said, with a voice that brought chills down your spine, the the three words that would haunt you for years to come…:

”Even your lives?”


You woke up with a jolt with sweat running down your forehead. Another nightmare.

Why couldn’t you just forget about it? It was several years ago and it was pretty clear they they wouldn’t come back. They were dead, they’d been for ages. Why couldn’t you let it go? (A/N: Let it go~ Let it go~ Can’t hold it back any more~) Why did you dream about it every night, why didn’t the images ever leave your mind?

Why did you have to relive your parents’ death over and over again through your dreams?

Looking at the time and realising it was already ten in the morning, you decided to get out of bed. Suddenly you heard footsteps outside of your door and within a few seconds it flung open and revealed an agitated Luciano with a knife in his hand, seemingly ready to stick it into anybody who even dared to annoy him further.

”Ragazza, what’s with the screaming?! Is there someone here?” He asked, a slight bit surprised when he realised that there wasn’t anybody else in the room but you, who clearly wasn’t in any more danger than he constituted with that switchblade in his hand.

”Ah sorry… Just a nightmare…” You said shyly, a bit embarassed that you had screamed in your dream without even realising it.

His face softened a bit and he lowered his knife. ”A nightmare, you say…” He trailed off and got a weird look in his eyes that you couldn’t quite place until he got back his usual, grim look again. ”That’s it?! Don’t bother me with this kind of bullshit again, ragazza.” He then said and you twitched an eye at him.

’Is he even for real?! ”Don’t bother me with this kind of bullshit again”? Well, your majesty, Mr. ass-face, sir. I’ll try; for your satisfaction. God, he’s such a bother.’

A sudden look of extreme annoyance made it’s way onto his face and he gripped the bag in his hand, that you had just noticed, a little tighter until he raised his hand, released it and threw it at you; successfully hitting you in the face with it.

”Here’s some of your stuff,  clothes, toiletries and alike. You’re welcome~” He hissed between his teeth with a forced smile, his knuckels white from gripping his switchblade convulsively.

And that’s when you realised that you probably said all of that outloud.

”Breakfast, or lunch in this case, is served downstairs whenever you’re finished dressing. There’s a bathroom opposite of your room, you can use that to take a shower if you want.”

You just nodded and hoped that you could get back on his good side again, so that he wouldn’t murder you with that knife of his, which you feared would be the case if he got mad enough.

”And why don’t you slip into something more comfortable, while you’re at it?” He said and nodded towards the bag that was now in your arms as he walked out of the room and closed the door after him. ”Like a coma.” He then mumbled under his breath as he walked down the stairs to the dining room. He was already started to regret this whole idea.

Meanwhile, you had already started emptying the bag to see what was in it. It was the usual: A few shirts, some trousers, a sweater, a skirt and a dress that you couldn’t recall buying; probably one of the many that your parents had bought you, some underwear (which you blushed at, realising that either Luciano or Flavio most likely went and fetched these from your drawers at home), a notebook, your pyjamas, your Ipod, some toiletries and some other stuff that they’d probably found lying around on your night-stand in your room at home.

You put all of your clothes in the bureau and you then chose an outfit, grabbed the towel that was also in the bag and went to the bathroom to take a shower, making sure that the door was locked tightly.


Luciano stomped his foot on the floor in annoyance. ’What’s even taking her so long? Sure, I did say that she could take a shower, but an hour, really?!’

With his annoyance increasing by the second, he began fiddeling with his switchblade to keep from storming all the way up there, forcefully pull her out of the shower and fling her down the stairs to eat the godamned breakfast lunch that was already prepared and, now quite cool, on the table.

But that wouldn’t really be a very good idea, seeing as he wanted her to cooperate, and that really wasn’t the way to make her cooperate. If he wanted her to be afraid of him, maybe. But since his plan was to not make her afraid of him, he needed to keep his temper and be a little patient.

He glanced at the clock; An hour and fifteen minutes. He stabbed the table with the swithblade and sighed quietly.

Yes, it was going to be hard but it’d be worth it in the end. He didn’t really think that her parents’d be very pleased if they got her back in pieces, namely. He didn’t think thay’d be very pleased at all, actually, quite the opposite. And he’d be in big trouble, then, since they were quite powerful and had the recources to take his whole mafia down without any trouble at all.

So he needed to keep his cool for a while, until he got what he wanted, and then it didn’t really matter anymore. Just a little while, and then she’d be gone from his life forever. And thank god for that.

Pulling his knife out of the table again as he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair he sighed deeply.  

’Might as well rest my eyes while waiting for her to come down, right?’ He thought as he slowly drifted into a deep sleep, whilst sitting on a chair in the dining room with his feet on the table, switchblade still in hand.


When you were finally done with your shower and had dressed you went down the stairs that, supposedly, would take you to the dining room in deep thought.

How would you get out of this mess? What would even happen to you? What was waiting around the corner? Technically you were in grave danger; Luciano was far from reliable and frankly; Flavio didn’t seem much better. What if one of them, most likely Luciano, snapped one day and just stuck a knife in you? Because that was a danger which was very real, and very scary. You didn’t really feel like dying just yet, namely.

You sighed as you came down the stairs and came to a corridore where you could either go left, or right.

’Where was I supposed to go, again?” You thought as you tried to remember what Luciano had told you before. ’Did he even tell me?!’

After a few minutes of contemplating what the worst case scenario if you went the wrong way was, which you decided was that they’d think you were trying to escape, get pissed and then kill you at the heat of the moment; you decided that you’d take the right way. After all; always take the right way, ’cause the right way is always the right way.

Going right, you soon heard light snoring coming from the other side of the corridore in front of you and you went there quietly. There, you saw something you thought you’d never see: Luciano sleeping with a small, kind smile on his face.

Alright, of course he did sleep; he was human after all. But on the table, smiling? Now that was surprising.

Observing Luciano’s sleeping form for a moment you thought that he didn’t seem all that scary or mean sleeping. He looked kind of kind, actually. And without that godawful scowl that was usually present on his face  you had to admit that he was actually kind of attractive…

”Wait, did I really just think that?!” You said and hit your forehead with your palm. ”Bad ___, bad ___. You shouldn’t think like that!”

The sudden sounds made Luciano stirr and he groggily opened his eyes. Sadly, (A/N: ”Sadly”…) the sudden movements made his feet fall of the table, bringing him down with them, and he fell to the floor with a loud ’thud’.

Unable to contain it, you really tried, you let out a small giggle. The giggle then turned into a laugh and you couldn’t stop it anymore. You then stood there, laughing hysterically while holding your hurting stomach as Luciano glared at you, with a look that could possibly turn someone into mere dust when locking eyes, and a vain popping up from his forehead due to his raising bloodpressure from the immence rage he had at the moment.

Actually; rage didn’t really cover it. Wrath is more like it, possibly.

He was just about to start yelling at you for being such a pain in his behind when he stopped himself. Nice was it; nice and kind.


He sighed and counted to ten in his mind to calm himself down. Just a few days, and then she’d be gone.

”Just a few days…”

To be continued...

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Comments: 27

Apollosmoon [2017-02-01 05:44:20 +0000 UTC]

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH, you should make a half chapter that isnt related to the story line, and reader is on her period. Luci will have to put up with death-stares and mood swings for 5 days.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

leafstar1012 [2016-02-16 14:03:27 +0000 UTC]

Gotta love the planet name   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

leafstar1012 In reply to leafstar1012 [2016-02-16 14:29:30 +0000 UTC]

Never mind, I thought it was a reference...   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Musical-Cheshire-Cat In reply to leafstar1012 [2017-04-08 15:22:32 +0000 UTC]

I feel you I thought it was too  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kittykatrocks12 [2015-04-20 23:22:57 +0000 UTC]

Luci is going to have a hard time if he is forcing himself to be nice

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to kittykatrocks12 [2015-04-21 16:25:08 +0000 UTC]

Heh~ Yup, Luci's going to have a real hard time... Hehe. *referring to later chapters*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fairy-of-the-valley [2015-04-12 12:35:40 +0000 UTC]

The story is so gorgeous and complex. I love it so much, the plot is really interesting and keeps me at the edge of my chair.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to Fairy-of-the-valley [2015-04-12 17:14:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~!  I'm really glad to hear that, escpecially from you~   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fairy-of-the-valley In reply to azumariko [2015-04-18 08:24:36 +0000 UTC]

Aww, you're too sweet... ;-;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Terrencethetitan [2015-04-08 21:58:44 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sakura7773 [2015-04-08 13:09:37 +0000 UTC]

I loved the ending it was very funny and looks like Luciano started fell in love with reader-chan 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to Sakura7773 [2015-04-08 22:17:06 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to hear that~ Haha, I wouldn't go as far as to say he loves Reader-chan yet, but he definetaly harbors some kind of strong feelings for her. Oh, and the next part is up~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sakura7773 In reply to azumariko [2015-04-09 18:02:38 +0000 UTC]

I read it it cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Flyingvanilla [2015-04-08 11:04:46 +0000 UTC]

Good job bruh~ (i love the dw and frozen references)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to Flyingvanilla [2015-04-08 22:15:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~   The next part is up~   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flyingvanilla In reply to azumariko [2015-04-09 10:42:49 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

thedemidod [2015-04-08 02:59:34 +0000 UTC]

Bonus points for the dw and frozen references 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to thedemidod [2015-04-08 22:14:48 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad~   
And, haha, thanks. I just couldn't resist it... And I've updated~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mcbarnbarn15 [2015-04-08 02:48:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to mcbarnbarn15 [2015-04-08 22:13:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mcbarnbarn15 In reply to azumariko [2015-04-08 23:15:19 +0000 UTC]

omg yeesssss heheh u rock 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DarthChibFangirl [2015-04-08 00:37:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to DarthChibFangirl [2015-04-08 22:13:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~! And the next chapter is out~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarthChibFangirl In reply to azumariko [2015-04-08 22:15:03 +0000 UTC]

i saw ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MistTheElf [2015-04-08 00:11:57 +0000 UTC]

More plz?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azumariko In reply to MistTheElf [2015-04-08 22:12:52 +0000 UTC]

It's out~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MistTheElf In reply to azumariko [2015-04-08 22:39:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0