ahhh first time using my cintiq - I went with a more basic post so I could get used to things, and it will definitely take some time getting used to - especially since I'm drawing and looking at the same screen now and need to be careful of all the extra wires that my intuos didn't have wheeze
I'm so happy with it though, it means I can finally use my newer computer as well instead of lugging around two ahhhhh
Name: Rowan
S.O.: none atm
pronouns: he/him
personality: Rowan is a very sweet and trusting keb, willing to lend a hand to anyone who seems to need it. He'd much rather talk himself out of a problem than fight, and even then he's more likely to flee. That being said, he'd stand up to a problem and fight if it meant keeping a friend safe. His trusting nature can put him at risk of others taking advantage of him.
Likes: Autumn and everything that comes with it: the colorful leaves, the crisp air, the pumpkins and the hot drinks
Rowan belongs to AzureSoleiL
kebanzu belong to Hauket