BabyPhoebe1991 — Rosie The Baby Doll [NSFW]
#abdl #rosie #dollification #blackroseseduction #babyphoebe1991
Published: 2017-11-16 11:39:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 21576; Favourites: 123; Downloads: 0
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Description Being famous can be interesting, depending on how famous you are. If you’re a famous writer, people will come up to you and ask for your autograph or ask when the next book is coming out. If you’re a famous comic book artist, many people will use your style to develop their own. If you’re a famous song artist or in a famous band, people will come to your events, potentially getting drunk or any number of things. And when you’re a famous artist in the kink community, well…you can potentially meet your biggest fan.

Rosie smiled, sitting at her first booth at her first kink convention. Rosie, or as the banner said above her, BlackRoseSeduction, was having the time of her life. She sat in her booth, in the corner of the artist’s alley. She had asked for this spot for two reasons…it was nice and quiet when need-be, and was also next to a quick exit back to the hotel she was staying at. It was nice seeing so many like-minded individuals, and nicer to meet some fans who she could draw some quick sketches for. It was also nice seeing all the different people in different outfits walking around. It was giving her some ideas, that was for sure…

She was humming to herself, doodling on her tablet, when another con attendee walked up to her booth. This one, however, was different in a a way. Most people didn’t carry around an entire suitcase with them inside of a convention of any kind, to say the least, unless they had something they wanted to show off. You normally kept your luggage in the hotel room, and brought the item down to the convention.

Also, most people didn’t dress up as a character from a kink fanbase, but needless to say the person in front of her was dressed up just like Elizabeth. The purple hair, the black gothic lolita dress, everything about this person was Elizabeth. “Oh my gosh, they told me you were here and I didn’t believe them! THE BLACKROSESEDUCTION! I-I’m your biggest fan!”

Rosie couldn’t help but smile. It was kind of sweet and cute, having a person dress up as your character. She honestly couldn’t help but tease the person. “Oh? I couldn’t really tell!”

“Uh huh! I made the costume all by myself, and all of these too!!!” She squatted down and started opening up the suitcase, revealing a black lolita-style purse and dolls, all of whom were dressed and made to look like one character or another that Rosie herself had created. “I made all of them too! I like making stuff, I-I like being an artist of many kinds and got a lot of inspiration from you!”

“Well that’s very sweet…maybe I could do a free commission for you? I don’t want to charge my biggest fan after all…”

“Oh no no, please I would love to buy you lunch if that’s ok! It would be great to know I was helping my favorite artist not have an empty stomach! And it’s quieting down since some of the major panels are happening today, so you could just put up a “Out for lunch” sign! A lot of the other artists in the more crowded parts of the alley are already gone!”

“Well…I’m not one to turn down lunch…ok, I can do that.” She quickly wrote on a piece of paper “Out for lunch” and grabbed her tablet, putting it into her bag.

Sipping her drink in the hotel restaurant, Rosie looked up from the cup she was drinking and smiled. “Thanks for this, I needed a break from the convention.”

“Oh anytime! Well I mean not anytime, but anytime this weekend if you want! It’s just so cool being able to sit down with you Ms BlackRoseSeduction!”

“Oh no, I’m just Rosie here. So are you from around here? And what’s your name?”

“My my the questions! Well my name is Em and I’m not from around here, but I had to vacation when I heard about you going to a con …”

“That’s understandable, I mean all these people are here for people like me. People making a living drawing what we like the most, and they’re just being themselves…” Rosie smiled, looking outside and blushing a bit. She started watching fellow attendees enter the convention hall across the street. So many people at a convention of this caliber…it was honestly a bit awkward and at the same time really fulfilling. To see this many people who were into the same things and for a few days just having fun, out in public, as themselves.

Which meant it was the perfect distraction for Em to slip something very quickly into Rosie’s drink.

Rosie sighed, looking back at her drink and taking a sip. “It really is something. I didn’t think there were this many kinksters or so in the world. Well…I mean I did, but I never thought I would see them all in one sitting.”

Em nodded. “I know what you mean. Just to know I’m not alone….and I don’t have to be when I go back home! I’ve picked up this perfect souvenir from the convention already…”

Rosie blinked. “Oh? Already bought something good…huh…my head feels funny…”

Em smiled as she watched Rosie slump backwards into the chair of the currently-quiet hotel, and giggled. “Oh…I didn’t have to buy anything except for my dolly’s new clothes and body…” She took Rosie gently, carrying her as if she were a drunk friend who needed help, and went back to her own bedroom. She had paid off the hotel security already, which means all of the cameras would be wiped. Nobody would know who or when Rosie was taken, but one thing was certain.

This was the last time anybody truly saw Rosie like this. The next time the world would see her, she would be a completely different person.

Rosie woke up some time later with blurry vision and a mouth that had something in it. She couldn’t tell what exactly, but something was wrong. She couldn’t move any part of her body, but she could feel all right. It felt as if something hard was encompassing her, some sort of shell that was perfectly molded to her body from the neck down. As she blinked more and more, she could begin to make up the contents of the room she was in. She was in a chair, she could tell that by the sitting position she was in. In front of her was a table with many tea cups on top of little platters. There were seats all around the table, and each one had some sort of stuffed animal on it. And sitting directly across from her, dressed in a polka-dotted dress and apron, was a familiar face. Em’s face.

“Hey there little one…how are you feeling? Aren’t you so adorable…my precious little angel…oh! I completely forgot, you’re locked right now! Oh oh oh, I’ll get a mirror! Be right back!”

As Em left the room, Rosie squirmed as much as she could but to no avail. She tried to piece together events, and it became quite obvious what had happened. This bitch had spiked her drink…and had done something to her. Brought her somewhere, to…what, a dollhouse in real life? A little girl’s room? The walls were pink and pastel, and in the corner she could see what seemed to be a changing table. All of these factors added up in her mind to one thing: This girl really was her biggest fan, and a psycho one at that. It was clear now that the thing in her mouth was a pacifier that she couldn’t spit out, and her body encased in a shell…

The truth of the situation became clear as Em entered the room again, holding a full body mirror and placing it in front of Rosie. Indeed, her whole body was in some sort of doll suit, with the only uncovered places being her face and her lower region. “Tada! One Rosie dolly almost ready to be played with! Don’t worry, I don’t mean in a naughty way, you’re a toy after all! I’m going to perfect my dolly soon, and then you’ll be a baby doll forever!” She walked around the table as she spoke, coming closer and closer to Rosie before petting her head. “It’s going to be all right…oh, and I should tell you now…Em is short for something…can you guess what little girl?” She smiled, holding up a remote, and pressed a button on it. Rosie could hear something happen down in the neck area of the doll suit and she tested it a bit, finding she could move her head around, but that was it. “Go on, nod or shake your head sweetie!”

Rosie gulped and shook her head. Emily was the only guess in her head, but it had to be something…

“It’s short for Mommy, you silly little girl!”

…else. Of course it was Mommy. How insane was this woman? As Em walked over to Rosie, Rosie was scared of what she was going to do next. But Em just held up the remote again and locked the neck again. Rosie was unable to move her head again, and yet Em herself tilted her head to look at her. “I have full control of your body my dolly…MY ROSIE…” She unhooked the pacifier gag. “You’re mine.”

“NO! Somebody help me please!!!”

Em just giggled at that, stroking Rosie’s hair. “Oh don’t worry my little girl, we’re far away from anybody who could hear you. Not that it matters, once I finish you up….now where did I put that thing….oh yes!” She smiled, quickly running over to a dresser and opening it, pulling something out. Turning around, she held it up.

Rosie’s eyes widened as what she was was her own face, more or less. A doll suit mask that looked like her face, blushing and with wide eyes. The mouth of it had a bit of a hole to it, and as Em walked forward, Rosie could only tear up and screamed louder for help. There was no way to stop what was happening as Em turned it around, giving Rosie a close-up view of a dildo gag built into the mask. A tube both for voice quieting so nobody could hear her, and for feeding. Rosie screamed, which was her own downfall as Em slid the mask right into, and onto, Rosie’s face. “Your new body is special…we don’t have to ever take you out except for hair cuts! All the electronics are water-resistant, and that lovely new voice box of yours will translate everything you say into a perfect baby doll voice…”

“Mmmph!!! hhhmps hjhhmp hhhmmpppss” was what Rosie tried to say, but what could be heard by the outside world was instead a parody of her own voice with a lisp and a higher pitch. “Help! Somebody pwease help!” She screamed into the gag, and instead a giggle came out of the mask.

“Oh…this is so precious! Now all you need is your diaper!!!” Em smiled and pulled Rosie over to the changing table, lying her down on top of it. Pulling out a thick white diaper and putting it onto the new living doll wasn’t too hard, what with Rosie unable to move. Nor was it hard feeding her, as Em quickly left the room and came back with a bottle of what seemed to be milk. Tilting Rosie’s head up and feeding it to her made the distinction clear…this was not milk. “By the way little Rosie, this is called Soylent, and it’s all you’ll ever need. It has everything a little girl needs, so we’ll just call it Dolly Juice ok? Now go on…drink all the dolly juice up…” It didn’t matter if she had said that or not, Rosie was unable to stop the stuff from entering her mouth, and if she didn’t swallow it she would potentially choke. She had to swallow the stuff, and Em smiled as the bottle became more and more empty. “That’s a good dolly, drinking her baba…”

When Rosie finished the bottle Em sat her up and decided to dress up Rosie for bed. Opening a door on the side wall produced a closet filled to the brim with hangers, upon which held so many different outfits. Onsies, footie pajamas, rompers….and so many super frilly dresses. She grabbed one of the dresses, with its puffy shoulders and its bows, and slipped it onto Rosie’s doll figure before putting a matching bib that read “Rosie the Baby Dolly” and a bonnet. “Now you be good…not like you can crawl out!” Em laughed and laid Rosie down in a crib that had turned out to be behind her, the bars unseeable thanks to all the stuffies that laid in it with her.

As Rosie couldn’t move, the only thing she could do was cry out. “Pwease, wet me go! I no wanna be a baby doll, pwease wet me go…pwease wet me go…pwease…” her eyes were getting heavy, and Em giggled. “Seems the pills I mixed into the dolly juice are paying off…”

Rosie awoke the next morning not in the crib, but on the changing table again. Em was changing her diaper, and Rosie whimpered. “Pwease stop, I’s not a baby!”

“Aww silly I know, you’re a baby DOLL! And one that wet last night!” She held up the yellow diaper, and Rosie blushed bright red under the doll mask. She couldn’t have…”No, I didn’t wet! I’s a big giwl!”

“Oh but you did! And it’ll become more and more commonplace…over time you’ll realize this is where you belong, and when that happens I’ll happily take you out again! Don’t worry, you’re still going to be BlackRoseSeduction! I’ll allow you to draw by giving you control of your one arm, and the wifi here is specifically designed to make sure you can’t try anything dumb. I coded it myself…I’m a very smart woman if you couldn’t tell…” She smiled, taping up the new diaper and patting the front of it which just made Rosie blush even more. She had wet herself last night potentially. At this point it was safe to say there was no way out of this…she was going to lose her bladder control. She was going to lose her freedom. She was going to be a baby doll forever…

It was this mindset that fully locked Rosie into her new fate. It didn’t help that Mommy only feed her using a baby bottle, or that she was wetting more and more constantly. It didn’t help that the only noise she heard when she talked was a lisping little girl, or that she was always so pretty and adorable in the mirror. Slowly but surely her mind began to break, and Mommy was so happy when she saw this! She allowed Rosie to draw again only when she was sure there was no resistance left, and soon Rosie was telling everybody online how she had found a Mommy to take care of her. She was drawing again and everything was pretty much back to normal for those who didn’t know the whole truth…In fact, Mommy even said she would allow Rosie to go to conventions again, and it made her so excited!

Which was when her mind 100% snapped.

It was one year after her initial kidnapping, and Rosie was in a comfy pink onsie, drawing at one of the many booths in the artist’s alley. She was sitting not in a chair, but in a baby walker made for an adult, giggling and looking at all the pretty and kinky people walking around. Mommy was having fun too, going around to panels and to the artist’s alley.

Rosie checked her phone, one that Mommy gave her so she couldn’t do anything bad, and smiled. Mommy should be out of a panel by now…where was she? And then she heard it. A familiar voice, Mommy’s voice, heard above all others, said six words. A single tear fell down Rosie’s face before she just went back to work, knowing her new family would soon be expanding in the future.

“Oh my God, I’m your biggest fan!”
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Comments: 14

brestovia0012 [2019-02-11 01:42:01 +0000 UTC]

Seems to be very inspired by "Misery" with a lot less physical torture (no hobbling). I liked it a lot. Thanks for this. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BabyPhoebe1991 In reply to brestovia0012 [2019-02-11 03:36:50 +0000 UTC]

No problem!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SuperCuteBomb [2018-07-06 05:18:18 +0000 UTC]

Cute and scary; i wike it!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

BabyPhoebe1991 In reply to SuperCuteBomb [2018-07-06 05:26:23 +0000 UTC]

Fanks ^^ I have one other ABDL story (so far), two vanillas, and two feminization ones >.<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SuperCuteBomb In reply to BabyPhoebe1991 [2018-07-06 05:35:26 +0000 UTC]

It's all good to me. I draw what peeps consider ABDL becuz of my preferences for cute but I'm into all manner of things really. You have a great gallery~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BabyPhoebe1991 In reply to SuperCuteBomb [2018-07-06 05:36:31 +0000 UTC]

*bites lip* Well they are all things drawn for me, I can't draw >.< Wanna get back into Maya for a project, but scared.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SuperCuteBomb In reply to BabyPhoebe1991 [2018-07-06 06:00:57 +0000 UTC]

Nothing wrong with that we do what we can. Just taking the effort to get all this up here in one place is great. And as for Maya thing just go for it and see; there will be people out there to enjoy it~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BabyPhoebe1991 In reply to SuperCuteBomb [2018-07-06 07:21:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rosie-BRS [2017-11-17 07:57:24 +0000 UTC]

Such a fun read for soooo many reasons. <3

1. I'm definitely not big enough to have my own booth at a kink convention, but I love the thought of it! I was actually at an anime con recently chatting with artists about how the came to be artist alley artists. Fun timing.~
2. I WISH I could pick up this heavy thing and take it with me everywhere! My tablet is sort of a monster, so it stays at my desk. ^^
3. Everyone's been capturing my mannerisms pretty well in these stories... how you guys doin that? :0 
4. I love that you still let me draw and attend conventions in captivity~ That's such a cute detail, I couldn't overlook it. 

Thank you very much! I blushed and laughed.~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BabyPhoebe1991 In reply to Rosie-BRS [2017-11-17 11:42:06 +0000 UTC]

*curtsies* You are very welcome ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cotton-CandyAnnie [2017-11-17 02:38:55 +0000 UTC]

So good so good so goooddddf

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BabyPhoebe1991 In reply to Cotton-CandyAnnie [2017-11-17 02:50:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DreamerDon [2017-11-16 11:54:38 +0000 UTC]

Awesome story, like always

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BabyPhoebe1991 In reply to DreamerDon [2017-11-16 11:55:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^

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