BaileyTheFox — ||Snakebit|| CH.4 Significant Other

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Published: 2022-08-07 07:20:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 3449; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Description |!| 'Snakebit' is a little book series of my own that I felt like making since I love writing. All of the characters in this "book" are reflected off of the Cursed AU as this is the dark and deep history of them before the curse even existed. In this series we follow Piconjo of whose life is full of bad luck and chaos just for the sake of proving his strength so that he can no longer be judged nor bullied for being considered weak and soft by his classmates or parents. |!|

CHAPTER 4: Significant Other

    Pico was pacing around the tree, awaiting Boyfriend’s arrival. As he continued to walk circles, he would ask many questions to himself in his head; How should I ask him this?..How should I approach him once he arrives?..How will I explain this to him if he asks why?..

    The questions and overthinking then stopped when he heard Boyfriend’s greeting. He would stop circling the tree, walking over to Boyfriend with a smile on his face, greeting him back.

    “So why did you want me to meet you here?” Boyfriend asked.

    “Um..It’s kinda a lot to explain if I must say-” Pico said, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

    Boyfriend looked at him with curious and wandering eyes.

    “Well…is there any way you can shorten the explanation to me?” he asked.

    Pico took a deep breath, grabbing one of Boyfriend’s hands with both of his. He looked Boyfriend in the eyes, them being just slightly clear to see through the shade his hood provided.

    “First, do you trust me?..” Pico said quietly.

    “Of course I do!” Boyfriend smiled warmly.

    “...Even if we…ran away together…?”

    Boyfriend stared at Pico for a second, wondering what he meant by that.

    “What do you mean if we ran away together?..” 

    Pico sighed, “I had a feelin’ you would ask that… But really what I’m tryna say is that I want ta run away with you- away from your parents and this place itself.” Pico finally managed to get out.

    “Why must we run away? Is someone planning to do something to us?!-”

    “No Boyfriend-” Pico groaned. “I’m sayin’ that I want to be with you forever!-... All of you to myself without your parents bein’ around.” He tried to explain more clearly.

    “Oh-” Boyfriend said, finally realizing what Pico meant. “But even if we did run away, where would we stay? I still feel I am far too young to be living on my own without my parents.”

    “I was plannin’ to do it once I turned 17 so that I could get us our own place, but I can’t wait another year! It feels so far away the more I think about it.” Pico sighed, letting go of Boyfriend’s hand.

    “Well you’re almost there… Just only a few months. Also, when exactly will it be your birthday?” Boyfriend asked.

    “April 13th..” Pico replied.

    “Oh that’s pretty neat I suppose- oh!- Mine is May 1st too by the way!” He shared.

    “I’ll keep that in mind for next year.” Pico softly laughed.

    “Hey- why did you have me bring my valuables with me again?”

    “Uh- let’s not worry about that anymore since plans kinda backfired.” Pico said nervously.

    “Oh, okay!”

    “. . .” Pico stared at Boyfriend for a moment, admiring how energetic and charming he was. “Say… How are ya able to be so happy about almost literally everything all the time?”

    Boyfriend shrugged.

    “I don’t even know… But I do know that life is too short to be wasting it on depressing thoughts!-” He paused, looking at Pico. “No offense to you of course- I make you happy, right?”

    “Yeah… All the time I look or do somethin’ with you it makes me feel like the happiest person ever although it may not seem like it.” Pico said, softly smiling.

    “Well, I guess that’s all that matters then!” Boyfriend said as he grabbed Pico’s little head and pulled him over to his face. “So after what you said…are we a…y’know, thing now?”

    “Like…a couple sorta thing?-”

    “Yeah! Like boyfriend and girlfriend- but just there’s no girlfriend and only boyfriends.” Boyfriend said, giggling a little bit.

    “Ya know you could’ve just said a gay couple.” Pico chuckled.

    “Oh, right-” Boyfriend said, his face looking a little embarrassed. He then started to look around Pico’s face, thinking. “I’ve never had a real boyfriend or girlfriend before… Have you?”

    “No. I don’t think any of the people back in my old hometown would’ve liked me for who I used to be.” Pico said quietly.

    “So you really weren’t always like this, were you?”

    “Like what?-”

    “A bit high tempered, aggressive, stubborn… clingy of his guns.” Boyfriend laughed quietly.

    “Guess I couldn’t agree more.” Pico glanced aside of Boyfriend’s hands for a moment, looking back into his eyes. “But you… you’re different than everyone back there…So full of color and kindness.”

    Boyfriend blushed as he was flattered to hear so.

    “Well past all of that…” Boyfriend then rubbed his thumb against Pico’s chin, bringing it up to his lips a few times. “Me kissing you wouldn’t be weird, right…?”

    “Only if I didn’t do it first.” Pico smirked, grabbing Boyfriend’s body closer to him as he leaned just slightly over to reach Boyfriend’s lips.

    They’d make out for nearly 10 minutes, in the end, cuddling with each other against the stump of the tree.

    “You think your parents are worried about us for being gone this long?..” Pico questioned.

    “I don’t think so- I left them a note too saying that I’d be back in a few. They know I like to roam around outside a lot anyways.”

    “Oh, alright then.”

    “I still wonder though if they’ll accept me for who I am now.” Boyfriend said quietly, cuddling himself closer to Pico.

    “What do you mean by that?”

    “Like…if they’ll accept that I’m now gay for you.”

    “You plan on tellin’ them that we’re together now?-”

    “A lil bit.” Boyfriend glanced around for a bit. “They are smart…they would find out eventually if we kept it a secret.”

    “Heh, not my fault you show your affection so clearly.” Pico jokingly said.

    “Well I’m sorry that I love to share my affection so openly!... I can’t help it because I love you too much.”

    Pico blushed, softly smiling at Boyfriend. He looked up, the sky still bright and clear as ever. His mind would start to daydream, thinking of what his life may be like now since he’s finally found someone to share his feelings and thoughts with.

    “There is a lot of daylight left…” Boyfriend mumbled. “What should we do now?- Unless you wanted to continue cuddling.”

    “Hm.” Pico thought for a second, looking back down at the ground. “It might be a bit far, but I’d want you to meet one of my most nicest friends.”

    “Oh? Is this friend of yours back where you used to live?”

    “Yes. Somewhere around there at least.”

    “You think they’ll like me?”

    “I’m sure she will…Let’s just hope my other one isn’t around. He’s very rude and judgy, also being part of the reason why I’m like this now.”

    “Well now I really hope we only get to see the girl-”

    “Don’t worry too much. If he tries anything I’ll be sure to protect you.” Pico said in a comforting soft voice, kissing Boyfriend on the head.

    “...k…” Boyfriend said quietly, smiling a little.

    “Let’s go now shall we?”

    Boyfriend nodded, getting off of Pico and letting him stand up. Pico grabbed Boyfriend’s hand, starting to walk in the direction he’d assume was the way.

    “If your legs ever start to tire, just let me know and I’ll be glad to carry you the rest of the way until they feel better.”

    Their short journey had then begun, Pico having no clue where he was going but only made assumptions of where his old place could be. Boyfriend would catch on to Pico’s lostness as he would catch him looking around constantly from time to time, trying to make sure he was going the right way. Boyfriend offered to assist, leading the way to where he remembered walking towards his alleyway. It was a while until they had finally reached their destination thanks to Boyfriend’s memory. Once Pico had finally recognized the place, he would head directly towards where his favorite alleyway was, wanting to pay a visit.

    Pico looked around the area with amusement, missing this place already. Just as they were about to turn around, a familiar voice called for Pico’s name from the entry of the alley.

    “Well if it isn’t Pico!- Man, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you around.” He said.

    Pico quickly turned around with angered eyes, holding Boyfriend’s hand a little tighter to keep him by his side.

    “What do you want, Darnell?” Pico spat.

    “Nothing nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing ever since the incident.” Darnell said calmly, walking closer to Pico. “Who’s this little guy you got here with ya, hm?”

    Boyfriend would slightly hide behind Pico, feeling a little terrified of the inconvenient intimidation between him and Darnell.

    “He’s my boyfriend.” Pico said sternly.

    “Ah. I had a feeling you were gay from the start.” He laughed, crouching down a little to Boyfriend’s height. “He’s so small too.”

    “Don’t touch him.”

    “I wasn’t planning to, but what if I-”

    Pico then aimed a gun at Darnell, cutting his words off.

    “You already know what’ll happen if you touch him.”

    “Okay, okay.” Darnell said, backing off. “Didn’t think you’d actually have the guts to use those things against me.”

    “Well now I do. I didn’t want to be like this but ya had to be the one to fuck it all up.” Pico remarked.

    “Me? Fucking it all up? You’re the one who accepted that silly joke of a bet!” Darnell exclaimed.

    “You think that the death of my parents is a JOKE?”

    “I mean…Did you expect me not to?-”

    Pico then let go of Boyfriend’s hand, grabbing Darnell by his shirt’s collar and pulling him close to himself.

    “Joke? Yeah, okay. Well would ya find it funny if I killed your entire family? The remaining people that you were only able to rely on to fuckin’ live with?!” Pico said angrily.

    “Even if I did kill them, I’d be perfectly fine on my own thank you very much.” Darnell then glanced at Boyfriend of who was looking a little scared. “Maybe calm your anger issues a bit will ya? I think you’re scaring the little doll over there.”

    “Little DOLL? Oh you’ll-” Before Pico could even finish, he’d start to tackle Darnell out of pure anger, them both fighting each other aggressively with their bare hands.

    Boyfriend would only watch them fight, panicking to himself about how he was supposed to break up two very tough and aggressive guys fighting each other. He didn’t want Pico to get hurt badly as he didn’t really care about the other one. His eyes tracked them both in terror as blood started to spill from both opponents. At one point, someone’s blood would end up flying onto either Boyfriend’s face or clothing as it would lash everywhere, the alleyway becoming a whole warzone. 

    Boyfriend would sometimes attempt to yell at Pico, trying to get him to stop before he ends up getting himself killed. His pleading cries were then eventually heard, Nene running around the corner as she was the first to catch the main attention of his cries. Nene’s face was then shocked to find out that it was Darnell Pico was choosing to pick a bloody fight with. Nene then rushed over, trying to wrap her arms around Pico’s entire body as he was currently the one pinning the opposer. Once she pulled Pico off of Darnell, she got in between them both, pushing their bodies away from each other aggressively.

    “ENOUGH YOU TWO!” Nene yelled disappointingly. “Now I don’t know why you guys are fighting, but it NEEDS TO STOP!-” She’d say as Pico was already trying to beat up Darnell again.

    Darnell stared Pico dead in the eyes, his face all bloody and bruised as one of his eyes were horribly wounded, him not being able to open it. Pico only stared back, the blood on his face being more visible since his skin was lighter than Darnell’s. Pico’s nose was bleeding, Darnell’s blood being drawn all over his shirt. Pico had a few bruises, but none that were visible on his face, only on his body that hid. They were both panting heavily, feeling slightly exhausted from the aggressive fight. Once both sides had calmed down, Nene let go of them both, trusting that they’d not attack each other anymore. The two bloody boys would only stand there, staring at each other with complete hatred as the blood from their heads steadily dripped onto their faces.

    “You may win this time, but the next, I won’t go out so easily like that because of Nene.” Darnell said blankly.

    “You best be lucky she got here in time cause your ass was about to get sent to another fuckin’ dimension.” Pico said, quietly, but menacingly laughing to himself.

    “Darnell, sit down right there for me while I take the other two over here to have a talking to.” Nene said calmly.

    Darnell then plopped himself down on the ground, sitting there angrily. Nene then nudged Pico’s shoulder, wanting him to come follow her. Pico was being stubborn the first few times she tried, but he’d end up finally giving in and joining Nene. Nene would lead him to where she saw Boyfriend back off once she appeared, him being very distant from the fight out of fear. Nene then looked at Pico, wanting him to go comfort Boyfriend so that he would come out of his hiding spot. Pico stared, standing there blankly, the blood all over him making him look all terrifying again. Pico then took a few steps in front of Nene, keeping his hands at his side.

    “Boyfriend. You’re able to come out now…It’s okay…” Pico said softly.

    Pico would then watch as Boyfriend’s head appeared out from behind the abandoned car slowly. Boyfriend then rushed over to give Pico a large hug. Pico groaned in pain as his hug would put pressure on the bruises that were on his body.

    “Oh you scared me horribly, Pico!- I thought you were going to end up getting yourself killed!” Boyfriend cried.

    “Yeah well…I’m fine-”

    Boyfriend then grabbed Pico’s face down carefully to inspect it, looking all around to check for wounds. Boyfriend would notice Pico’s nose bleed and a decently sized gash on his forehead that leaked blood.

    “You are not fine! You’re bleeding from your nose and head…” Boyfriend exclaimed.

    “I’ll fix it up once we get back home.” Pico said.

    Boyfriend then let go of his face, hugging him tightly again out of relief.

    “Agh-…Babe!-” Pico whined, groaning at the pain again. “My body hurts- Don’t hug so tightly..”

    “Oh- I’m so sorry!” Boyfriend said, letting go of Pico instantly. “...Do you mind if I check your body for any more possible wounds?” 

    “...I don’t mind…”

    Boyfriend would then lift Pico’s shirt up, blushing at how fit Pico’s body looked. He shook his head, getting out of that thought and focused on looking for possible injuries. He would spot a couple of bruises on his stomach and one that partially showed on his waist. Boyfriend wanted to see how big the one on his waist was, so without thinking, he pulled that bit of Pico’s pants away from his body, looking down at where the bruise was. Pico looked down at him confusingly with blush all over his face. Boyfriend then gently let that part of his pants wrap back onto his body.

    “You have quite a lot of bruises on your body…a really big one on your waist too-” Boyfriend said, looking up at Pico.

    “Thanks for lettin’ me know…” Pico said softly.

    “My pleasure!” Boyfriend said happily, putting Pico’s shirt back down.

    Nene would just be watching, admiring the unique relationship Pico has ever made during their years of knowing each other. She walked over calmly, a soft smile on her face with relaxed eyes.

    “I see you have found a special someone, huhhh?~” Nene said teasingly to Pico as she gently patted Pico’s back.

    Pico nodded slowly, a warming smile appearing on his face. Boyfriend looked at Nene with caution, not knowing if she was someone to trust or not.

    “Boyfriend, meet Nene, the bestest friend I could ever wish for.”

    “Well Hello Nene! It’s a pleasure to meet you!- Call me Keith if Boyfriend isn’t preferable to you.” Boyfriend greeted.

    “It’s nice to meet you too! I’m so sorry ya had to see those two fight like that…” Nene said in sorrow.

    “Heh- It’s okay!” He’d say, rubbing his head shyly.

    “Anyways, how did ya two meet? I’m very surprised that you were able to find someone perfect for you Pico!” Nene asked excitedly.

    “Well, we kinda ran into each other while I was on my way back to this alleyway…He then managed to find me a while later because of my cryin’ breakdown.” Pico said.

    “Ooo~ Well Boyfriend!- I think you might just be the luckiest man alive since you got Pico to fall for ya!” Nene laughed softly.

    “You think so too?” Boyfriend questioned.

    “Yup! No wonder he loves you…You remind me of the old Pico he used to be.” Nene claimed.

    “Alright alright- Enough talk about the old me-” Pico chuckled.

    “Awe Pico…You were really just like him thoughh!- So innocent…so sweet and kind…” Nene said, trailing off her words to make them a bit soothing.

    “Okay, mom.” Pico said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

    Nene giggled, looking over at Boyfriend.

    “Well again, it was a pleasure to meet Pico’s first boyfriend. I hope you treat him well with all your heart!...” She then leaned closer to Boyfriend’s ear, whispering, “...He really needs it after what he’s been through…” She then backed away, looking at both of them. “I will be on my way now to go talk with Darnell, see you boys soon!”

    Pico waved goodbye with a smile on his face.

    “Bye Nene!” Boyfriend called, waving his hand.

    Pico then looked over to Boyfriend, setting his hand back to his side.

    “So what did ya think of her?” He asked.

    “She seems like a really nice person.” Boyfriend said, smiling. “But I think we should head home now so you can let your body rest…” He suggested.

    “I’ll be fine to keep wanderin’ around a bit.”

    “No Pico- You must let your body rest before you hurt it more!”

    “. . .” Pico would stare into Boyfriend’s eyes as they were full of worry. “Fine.” He’d sigh.

    “I’d carry you if I could, but I guess walking back will have to do like usual.” Boyfriend sighed, grabbing Pico’s hand to head out of the alley.

    Nene and Darnell were right by the entry, Pico and Darnell sharing evil glances at one another as Pico would stick the middle finger up at him as he walked passed him with an angry face. Boyfriend caught a glance at the two when Pico did so, waiting until they got fully out of the area to then lean against Pico’s arm as they walked. He could feel Pico’s tension start to break, his body being more relaxed and calm.

    After another long walk back home, they knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer it. Audrey, of course, being the one too and looked at Pico worryingly as she saw how beat up he looked. She attempted to ask what happened, but Pico only denied, saying that nothing happened. He then walked past her, going upstairs. Boyfriend reassured his mother that he’d help comfort Pico, running after him. Once he made it up to Pico’s room, Pico had already taken his hoodie and shirt off, throwing them to the side. Boyfriend’s face was then all red, his blood rushing at incredible speeds as he stared at Pico’s body. Pico looked over at Boyfriend, raising a brow.

    “Uh…Are you okay…?” Pico questioned.

    “Y-Yeah!- I’m all good…” Boyfriend said, using his hand to pressure air onto his face.

    Pico smirked, walking over to Boyfriend and grabbing him by the waist. He looked him right into the eyes, watching as the red blush filled his face again.

    “Ya seem to like what ya see, ay?” Pico said, glancing down at his body and back to Boyfriend.

    Boyfriend only stood there, trembling a little due to the overwhelming of Pico’s presence. Pico then dragged him over to the bed, pinning Boyfriend against it. He clutched his hands onto the bed covers, looking at Boyfriend with sexy narrowed eyes.

    “...Do ya wanna…” Pico trailed off, humping Boyfriend dryly twice.

    “M-Maybe not now while my parents are a-awake-” Boyfriend responded, his face all covered with nervous sweating and blush.

    “Awe but you already got me all bricked uppp-” Pico whined, looking down at the boner in his pants.

    “I don’t feel that I am ready just yet…I’m still kind of nervous.” Boyfriend said softly.

    “I’ll be gentle…?”

    “No not tonight silly-” Boyfriend giggled, pushing Pico’s face away softly and carefully.

    “Fine fine.” Pico said quietly, bringing his head back closer to Boyfriend’s face and giving him a kiss on the lips.

    “Now get that huge boner off of you before my parents see it-” Boyfriend suggested.

    “I’ll just chill out under the bed covers then since I don’t wanna make it go away on my own-” He’d say as he took his shoes off, climbing into the bed and covering the lower half of his body with covers.

    Boyfriend sat himself up, looking at Pico’s face.

    “Maybe you should wash up too- Your face is still a bit bloody.” Boyfriend said.

    Pico shrugged, taking the idea as he knew it’d probably feel nice to have a reliving calm shower. He’d pick out some comfortable clothes to wear and a towel, taking them into the bathroom to hang them up for when he got out. Pico then glanced out the bathroom door, looking at Boyfriend for a moment.

    “Hey…ya wanna take one with me?-” Pico offered. “I promise I won’t try anything.”

    Boyfriend would look at his hands, turning his head to the bedroom’s mirror as he did seem to be pretty dirty as well. He then looked back to Pico, softly smiling.

    “Sure- let me go grab my clothes real quick.”

    Boyfriend would then rush to his room, grabbing out some shorts and a t-shirt along with a comfortable pair of black underwear. He then took a towel, heading back over to the bathroom that was located inside Pico’s room. He shut the door behind him, hanging his clothes and towel on the railing. Pico was already getting the shower ready, constantly checking to make sure it was the right temperature.

    “I hope this ain’t too weird for you…after all, I’m not forcing ya to take one with me.” Pico said, turning back around to face Boyfriend.

    “No no, it’s fine! Just uh…don’t be too judgy on my size…” Boyfriend would say as he started to take his clothes off.

    “What do you mean your-” Pico then paused, looking at Boyfriend of who was already completely naked.

    Boyfriend had his hands up to his chest, glancing shyly at the ground. Pico’s face then filled with blush as he found Boyfriend’s body shape very attractive. He then finally realized what Boyfriend meant by “size” as he couldn’t help but notice his dick. He wasn’t too small nor too large compared to himself, but instead actually pretty decent.

    “Well- Uhm- I don’t wish to overwhelm you more with uh…mine…” Pico said nervously as he then removed the remains of his clothing.

    Boyfriend then of course stared back, blushing intensely at the size of Pico’s dick as it throbbed just slightly. It was huge and all pent up because of his horniness from earlier.

    “..Holy…” Boyfriend mumbled to himself. “You think I’d even be able to take that?” Boyfriend questioned in disbelief.

    “I think you could…with just a little lube or somethin’ I guess-” Pico said, smiling nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. “Anyways- let’s get in before the water gets cold-”

    Boyfriend agreed, stepping into the shower right after Pico. From time to time they would help wash each other, especially their hair. Boyfriend at first found it a little awkward but got used to it quickly as he liked the way Pico rubbed his hands against his head while washing his hair. Boyfriend would help Pico clean up his bloody face, trying to clean the wound too without hurting him too much. Once he was done, he would just play with Pico’s cheeks, squishing them and tilting his head from side to side. Pico only smiled warmly, blushing at Boyfriend’s cute interactions. Their showering lasted nearly 15 minutes due to the distractions Boyfriend got while playing with Pico from time to time.

    They both then got out, drying themselves off and putting their clothes on. As they walked out of the bathroom, Boyfriend suggested that they should watch a movie together. Pico agreed, allowing Boyfriend to pick a movie. Boyfriend would then turn on the tv in Pico’s room, looking through movies on Netflix. He would try to find something that both of them would possibly like. Pico went over to get comfortable on the bed, leaning back in a position he liked best. Boyfriend had then finally picked something to watch, a movie called Murder Mystery. He opened the description of it up, setting the remote on the bed as he then ran downstairs to grab a couple of sodas and snacks. He would place them on the nearby desk, handing over a coke to Pico and a sprite for himself. He picked the remote back up, pressing play on the movie as it began to run.

    Boyfriend would huddle himself under the covers next to Pico, cuddling up next to him like a puppy.

    “You know…I hope our relationship lasts an eternity. I really love spending my time with you, Pico.” Boyfriend said softly.

    “I couldn’t agree more. You’re all I could ever ask for out of a person.” Pico said, rubbing his head closer and next to Boyfriend’s. “If anyone comes between us, I’ll be sure to make them regret it for the rest of their lives…”

| End of Chapter Four.|

Next Chapter: www.deviantart.com/baileythefo…

Author's Note:
"Now that you have gotten this far into the series, please do be aware that possible NSFW action may take place at some point. Thanks for reading if you've made it this far <3"

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