BaileyTrave — TLF: Aria

Published: 2013-02-27 17:16:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1560; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Finally finished! Hope you like!
OMG DESIGN CHANGE!!! <3 Hope you like~
Her accessory sheet and stuff is coming soon!

This sheet will be updated overtime i.e. Growth, scars etc.


{ Name } 

{ Nicknames/Alias }
- The Siren
- The Night Raven
- The Queen of Bleeding Hearts

{ Age } 
3 years

{ Gender } 

{ Appearance } 
[ Breed | Size | Body Type | Written Appearance | Disabilities / Scars ]

Breed ||
Turkish Angora X Bombay Mix

Size ||
A little bigger then the average cat

Scent ||
A mixture of the Spring breeze and the Ocean

Body Type ||
Lean and well build

Written Appearance ||
Aria is a little bigger then the average cat and is fairly lean but also well built. Her paws are medium sized and are equipped with long claws fit for fighting. Her tail is long and great for balance and despite its thinness can pack a pretty powerful blow. Her fur is medium to long length and during the summers gets a little shorter so that Aria doesn't roast in the hot sun. Her eyes are a piercing lava color and her main pelt is a medium grey color with a darker almost dorsal stripe-like grey marking running from the back of her head to the very end of her tail. Her skinny body is perfect for speed and sneaking away quickly without being seen. Her legs are long and powerful which add to her agility and when needed, she can leap slightly farther then the average cat can.

Disabilities / Scars ||
No scars or disabilities as of yet~


Ability ||

Voice Actor ||
To be decided

Voice Actor Role ||
To be decided




{ Allegiance } 

{ Rank } 
When in Haris: Watcher

{ Apprentice } 

{ Advantages } 
Skill/ Focus/ Ambition/ Quick Thinker/ High pain Tolerance/ Agility/ Stealth

{ Profession } 
Killer/ Spy/ Mother

{ Mate } 
Khazamair | Male | Merchant | *Kyarako


Orientation ||
Straight, any advances made by she-cats will be ignored.

Preference(s) ||
Strong, confident males who know what they want in life but also have a soft side and enjoy doing things with Aria.

Activity ||
Aria has settled down with her mate Khazamair and is currently raising a family while leading her double life as a feared serial killer in both Eden and Haris.

Looking For ||
X Quick Fling
✔ Lasting Relationship
X Doesn't know


{ Personality } [Kind/Caring][Rude/Cruel/Merciless][Independent][Cunning][Sly/Liar][Fair-minded][Mysterious][Stubborn][Distant][Cold/Unpredictable][Manipulative][Flirtatious][Protective][Murderous/Evil]

[Kind/Caring] - Despite her flaws Aria will always care about her friends and the cats she loves. She'll do anything to protect them and isn't afraid of hurting someone for the good of those she cares about. Even though current day Aria is a little harder to become friends with, get on her good side and you won't regret having her there. She will stick up for what she believes to be right and won't let anyone tell her otherwise. Aria believes in true love and happily ever afters. She tries to look for the silver lining in every situation even if there isn't one, despite how much she's lost. She enjoys kits and likes telling them stories. Aria can be quite friendly to the cats she cares about but even they will have seen her bad side. Though in most cases she will accept others for who they are unless she decides to judge them upon sight. You mess with her and you will regret it and once you're on her bad side it's hard to get back onto her good side. Though she protects those she cares about, Aria may sometimes get entangled in business that isn't hers to deal with and it isn't always appreciated. She doesn't like it when her friends lie to her, despite the fact that she does it all the time and if she finds out about your lies she'll give you an incredibly cold shoulder. 

[Rude/Cruel/Merciless] - Since Aria has returned to Eden her emotions have been everywhere, part of this is because she has lost everything she ever cared about. When she returned she became a Huskin which shielded and changed her emotions even more. Aria doesn't exactly care about cats she doesn't know and with those she's sent out to kill she shows no mercy. Aria can be either the cruelest cat or the nicest cat, depending on how you know her. She is incredibly rude and cocky and because of her being a former princess she thinks that she is Eden's gift to the world and that she should be treated as such. Aria takes orders from no one unless she feels she needs to and isn't the best listener. She always says she can take care of herself and proves it in merciless fighting over and over again. Some cats are terrified of her and usually try to stay on her good side. Aria is easily bored and may randomly walk away in the middle of a conversation and later may try to avoid you because she'll find you as a boring cat.

[Independent] - Aria has always done everything on her own. As a Princess she'd flee from the guards an have to be saved from thugs constantly by her former mate, Backstabber. Even from him she would hide and get into countless trouble and she continued doing it despite the consequences. Aria hates it when cats try to help her without her wanting them too and if you've pissed her off you'll know from the signs she'll give you. She likes doing everything by herself and can be seen as a loner in some cases. If you help her in a battle she won't thank you, instead she'll snap and probably explain how she had everything under control, even if she was getting her ass kicked. 

[Cunning] - Aria has always been incredibly canny. She loves puzzles and challenges which is part of the reason she became a Huskin. She likes showing off her smarts and can get incredibly cocky and isn't afraid to call others stupid. She enjoys making up strategies but sometimes may just rely on her wits in a situation and make up the plan as she goes along. Her wits outnumber her strengths which makes her quite an excellent fighter against enormous, blundering, idiotic brutes as she calls them. She's incredibly quick on her paws which makes her a deadly assassin and fighter. From time to time she'll even accept a cat wanting someone 'vaporized' for money and takes favor in it. Stab her in the back however, and she'll use her cunning mind to find you, kill you and then take all your money. 

[Sly/Liar] - Now you see her, now you don't. Aria is slick like a fox and slippery like an eel. She is sly and great at disappearing in tight situations. You never know if she's telling the truth or if she's lying but she'll always know if you are so you have to step lightly when talking to this she-cat. Aria enjoys creeping cats out and knows many passages under Eden that allows her to break into many parts of the city. Aria is a really good liar. I mean come on, her freaking secrets have secrets. Don't try to lie to her because she has very creative ways to find out the truth even if she already knows it. She hates cats who don't play along with her 'games' and may try to punish them if they aren't afraid of her when she wants them to be. She likes shaking cats up, even those she cares about so they know that she will do anything to survive.

[Fair-minded] - Aria always tries to be fair. In a battle she'll always give cats plenty of chances to flee and despite her knew personality hasn't really changed that much. She tries not to judge other when she first meets them (though sometimes she will) and tries to give everyone an equal chance to gain her trust. If you're lucky she may even give you a second chance to prove yourself to her. She likes making friends and treating everyone fairly. Aria used to think of Haris cats as equals to her, but since they killed so many of those she loved, she wants nothing to do with them and is taking her revenge by attacking silently and unseen. Still, even some cats in Haris she has befriended and tries to give them a chance to show they can change. If you're lucky she'll even give you a one way ticket into Eden but if you screw up she'll either send you back or just kill you and be done with it.

[Mysterious] - Few cats know about Aria's past and she can be quite mysterious. Many don't know if they can trust her and her loyalties have even been questioned. She is loyal to Eden but sometimes no one can be sure due to the way she acts. Aria can be incredibly secretive and she guards her secrets well. Not many know where she came from and usually, she won't tell anyone. Even Backstabber, the one tom she used to love more then anything, didn't even know the whole story. Bits and pieces have been told and there are many rumours about this she-cat and many secrets to be unravelled. 

[Stubborn/Sassy] - Aria won't do something she doesn't feel like doing and can easily make cats do what she wants by turning around and doing what she wishes to do. She can be incredibly sassy and ungrateful and many describe her as 'Impertinent' and 'Disrespectful'. She hates being scolded and told what to do and sometimes her stubbornness and lack of respect can get her into more trouble then she can handle. Still, she'll continue trying to get what she wants and sometimes may forget the feelings of other around her. Being a former Princess doesn't help the matter and in a way only fuelled the attitude she can have towards others. 

[Distant/Guarded] - Aria has lost almost everything she's cared about, including one of the six kits she had. Sometimes she can seem incredibly distant and may drift off and try to remember what her life was like before the war. She misses the happiness that used to fill her whenever she saw her mate and at night may even be heard crying in her sleep. Still, she guards her emotions carefully and usually hides behind a 'mask' (not a literal one) so no one can see how lost she is inside. She wouldn't be able to take it if she lost anything else so sometimes she may even push cats she cares about away because she sees herself as a omen of death. Aria doesn't want to feel the feeling she did when Backstabber did again so it's hard for her to show feelings of love towards others.

[Cold/Unpredictable] - In a way Aria's heart can be made of ice. She can be cold and uncaring and many don't know what she's going to do. Sometimes she has a very short fuse and may randomly snap at someone just for talking to her. She hates when cats try to comfort her and won't usually thank you for it. Her temper has grown since the war and her voice can send shivers up the most vicious cats. Her glaring eyes are seen often towards those that annoy her and she can be incredibly mean to those trying to help her out. Aria has even snickered once or twice when cats beg for mercy and later will regret doing so despite her personality. She doesn't try to be cold but being a Huskin, it's sometimes unavoidable.

[Manipulative] - Aria has a very manipulative tongue. Sometimes she'll use it for bad and can almost always get cats to do things for her. She can make her voice go sweet and sexy which works charms on toms. She doesn't like it when she-cats disobey her and usually even her skills don't have affect on the same gender. She uses a mixture of her voice and her eyes and doesn't break eye contact with the tom she's trying to manipulate just so he will do her bidding. Sometimes it doesn't work and it will piss her off to the point where she'll actually give up on you. The best results for her manipulating other is when they are attracted to her somehow. She likes getting others to do things for her because it means she doesn't have to get her paws dirty.

[Flirtatious] - Aria is an incredibly Flirtatious she-cat. She can make many toms swoon under her gaze and enjoys teasing them as well. Some cats call her The Siren because of how she'll use toms and then throw them away. In Haris she may use this ability to lure a cat to their death, another reason for her nickname. She likes getting attention and make even try to make someone she knows likes her jealous by pretending to like a different tom. Aria finds it gut splitting when two toms will fight over her but at times she may also hate it if she isn't the one who actually made the fight to happen. 

[Protective] - Ever since the war Aria has become incredibly protective of those she loves which are mostly her kits. She protects them with her life and refuses to let anything to happen to them. She'll freak out even if someone yells at them for something and can sometimes be way too overprotective of them. She'll rip the ears off anyone who touches them or hurts them and would hate to lose any of her kits. Sometimes, when she takes them out to play she'll give the rule that if she can't see them then they have to come back. She would give her life for her kits and would make anyone or anything who harmed them pay dearly.

[Murderous/Evil] - Aria rather enjoys her line of work. When a target begs for their life and says they don't want to die, she'll merely say that they should never have been born and kill them. She always thinks up a creative way and on each victim she'll leave either a raven's feather or a queen of hearts card. Aria will sometimes take a souvenir from her victim and in a way loves each of the cats she's killed. 'Love' means that before she kills them she may feel slight regret or envy and will always pray that in their next life they'll have a better one. She doesn't torture the victims she believes deserve to die quickly but sometimes, if her victim has done terrible things she'll kill them slowly while looking into their eyes. She never tells anyone anything about her murders and a nickname she has in Haris is the Night Raven or the Queen of Bleeding Hearts. No one in Haris actually knows who the killer is and only refer to the killer by the names above because no one actually knows that Aria is the murderer unless they see her when she kills them. Despite this personality Aria is still kind to those she loves and probably will never tell them about the things she does to her victims.


{ Backstory } [A Kit's Cries—>Princess of Eden—>A Love Forbidden—>Cries of War—>The Queen of Bleeding Hearts—>Current Day]

A Kits' Cries
“Everyone has always wanted to live happily ever after. Everyone wants to have a happy ending, find the perfect mate, raise the perfect family and die happily beside the one you love most. You want to love and protect those you care about with your life, see the stars cross their eyes when you tell them you love them and stay with them forever, chase away their fears and never let anyone hurt them.
Everyone wants a happy ending.
Sometimes however, it just isn't meant to be. Sometimes a cat is born to live through suffering and pain, to have to live through the worst fate just because the Gods can have a cruel sense of humor. 
I can never understand this, for I have always seen cats live happy lives however, some, like little Aria and her family just weren't meant to live a life full of happiness and rainbows. 
This family has probably been doomed to live a fate that I would never wish on anyone. Especially a family with such an amazing beginning...

Perhaps it was because of the love two cats shared that this family was doomed to have a terrible end. Perhaps it was because they had such a great beginning that the Gods decided that they should suffer...But I'm getting ahead of myself. It all started the night Adele and Haelius met.
Adele came from a rather poor family but was incredibly beautiful and smart, she won the hearts of many but she never loved them back and her Father was sure she'd spent a life alone. Haelius on the other hand was a crafter who was neither rich nor poor and lived a peaceful life. He too no care in love but more then anything he enjoyed helping others and seeing smiles on their faces when he fixed something they thought could never be fixed.
Adele owned a small shelter for homeless kits but because of her poor family the shelter was beginning to fall apart which threatened the lives of the young souls she took care of. When Adele got the bill that it would cost she instantly broke into tears. 
Perhaps it was fate that Haelius seemed to be walking by that night and saw her crying through the window. Either way he walked in, took one look at her and murmured the words “I can fix that.” He then dried Adele's tears and smiled, trying to lighten her spirits. Adele told Haelius that she couldn't pay him but they both came to an agreement that if Adele gave him a loaf of bread at the end of each week that would be payment enough. 
Day by day Haelius helped Adele with everything. Adele didn't love him but each day grew very fond of him. She never acknowledged that Haelius had growing feelings for her and merely continued to think of him as a friend. Still, the two became very close and very fond of each other but neither dared confess the feelings they shared.
Like always however, another tom liked Adele just as much as Haelius. Leo came from a wealthy family and had always wanted Adele for himself. Countless times he'd tried to woo her and countless times she'd turned him down. Leo quickly noticed the growing feelings between the two and grew incredibly jealous of Haelius. The two eventually got in a fight over Adele and Leo ended up chasing Haelius away, before buying Adele from her desperate Father.
Adele was taken as Leo's mate and was incredibly heartbroken, thinking that Haelius had abandoned her forever. At night she would sometimes stay in the old kit home and cry while she stared at a small eagle feather Haelius had given her. Even then she didn't think Haelius loved her and it wasn't until one stormy night that Haelius returned and Adele realized that every single time he'd said “I can fix that” he was really saying “I love you”. That night the two became mates, star crossed lovers as many of us may refer to them to and it was that very night the two fled into the night and away from Leo.
The two hid deep in a forest where they lived for a year, the fear of Leo gone. There Aria and Chase were born and Adele was thrilled by the birth. Haelius and Adele both finally agreed to move back to Eden so that the kits would grow up in an actual home instead of the dangerous woods.
The family moved into a small house in the poor part of town, they lived there in happiness, together and alone. They usually avoided other cats, afraid some might know Leo and usually the kits were forbidden from going outside. The kits hated being cooped up in the house and like most kits they snuck out one day to play outside. The two never thought that this one mistake would change their lives forever.
The Overseer, Cyrus had recently decided that he needed to start training a son and a daughter to take his place and since he didn't have a mate he set out to find a family willing to donate their son and/or daughter. Since he'd already found a son he set out to find a daughter and Aria fit the perfect description. He'd seen Aria and her brother, saw how independent and strong she was and instantly wanted he as his daughter.
He came to the family on a Summer's day while the kits' were playing outside and urged the family to allow him to raise Aria as his daughter. The parents both refused and Cyrus left in anger, threatening that they would regret their decision. At first the family was afraid but soon they forgot Cyrus' threat and that was when he struck.
It was a dark and cold night, not even the moon shone. At first they thought it was the wind but suddenly Cyrus was there and with some of his soldiers. He intended to take Aria by force and Haelius sacrificed his life so his mate could run into the woods with the kits and hide from the greedy tom. Adele ran, crying and as fast as she could into the night, hiding the kits and herself in a clump of bushes. At first, they thought for sure Cyrus had given up and when Adele left to scout she was killed in front of her kits. Petrified and wanting to help Chase ran out of the bushes and tried to get Adele to stand up and run, there, by her side he was also killed, their bodies dumped over the side of Eden and into the Abyss. Aria tried to remain quiet but a small whimper escaped her and it didn't take long for Cyrus to find the kit and steal her away from the bushes. 
That night he took her back to the bushes and assigned a young guard to watch her and be her protector. That night was burned into Aria's mind, making her grow up with a black heart towards her adopted Father. Though she respected him she hated him for what he'd done to her family, dooming him to a life of hatred and dooming Aria to a life of pain and misfortune...”

Princess of Eden
Aria was trained in the ways of the Princess daily by the servants but often got into trouble because of her bad manners and rude personality. Aria would often be caught trying to sneak out of the palace and play with the kits of the townspeople. Cyrus scolded her constantly and always told her that being a Princess was her destiny, not living on the streets.
Still, Aria hated school and found memorizing mythical stories and the names of everyone in Eden and how best to deal with her subjects boring and often slacked in her work. She didn't like being scolded but at the same time wanted to try to piss off Cyrus as much as she could. Almost everyday she would get into life threatening situations despite her young age and Cyrus, as fed up as he was decided that he had to assign a different guard. A new cat had recently been discovered for his talents and was assigned to Aria to be her personal guard despite his young age and him being a Silarian.
Backstabber was a quieter cat and Aria didn't like him very much. She often tried to shake him off but he was always one step ahead of her and kept her out of trouble while following her around like a lost dog. He was a bit older then Aria but was still young to be a Silarian and Aria often tried to tease him to get him away from her. More then once she ended up with him pulling a knife on her or sticking his claws near her throat but he never hurt her. 
Aria always tried to avoid the crippled tom and even when she tried sneaking out at night Backstabber was always there, his voice haunting her ears, telling her to be more 'Mature' due to her being a Princess. That was the other thing Aria hated about him. Despite the constant times she'd told him not to call her Princess and to call her Aria he never did. 
However, as she got older she found herself developing feelings for him that she knew she shouldn't being feeling. Being a Silarian he could be punished by death for finding a mate so Aria told no one of her feelings and eventually they faded away.
As Aria got older still she continued with her studies before she became a full Princess and didn't have to attend her classes as regularly, giving her more time to bail on Cyrus and get into mischief. However, one day Aria took it too far and got attacked by a band of thugs. It was like Backstabber was her guardian angel because the next moment he was there and the thugs were gone and he was asking her if she was alright.
Aria then knew that she couldn't bury those feelings she had for him, though she didn't tell him and loving the Silarian only sealed her doom.

A Love Forbidden
Aria continued to remain silent about her feelings until one day on a rooftop, the same rooftop Backstabber had first saved her ass. The two had been talking and watching the sunset and one thing led to another and they both confessed their feelings. At first they were both shocked, each slightly hoping one of them didn't like the other but in the end they ended up as mates but kept it a secret.
Aria never knew how, but Cyrus eventually found out about the two and confronted Aria about it, threatening that if she didn't break it off that he'd kill Backstabber. The two got into a terrible fight and Cyrus declared war on his daughter, doing everything in his power to keep the two apart. Aria simply said that Cyrus couldn't control her life and how the rules were silly. 
Backstabber and Aria got into a ton of fights all the time but always remained together despite Cyrus. The two were meant to be together and the Silarian was stuck to Aria like glue. Aria loved Backstabber more then anything and despite her crush on Khazamair, she always promised to continue loving him. He was the stars to her universe, the tape that held her together and despite Cyrus' constant attempts to break the two apart they stood together stronger then anything.
Aria loved Backstabber and Backstabber loved her and to her that meant more then anything. Perhaps it was because of this love that Aria missed the dangers that Haris had been presenting. Either way, eventually the she-cat found that they were at war with Haris and soon she was plunged into a life of sorrow and into an alliance with the very cats who lived against the gods.
Soon afterwards Aria discovered that she was pregnant but before she could even tell Backstabber, Aria was kidnapped by Mephesto, the demon who'd taken over Zynamite.

Cries of War
Aria was tortured daily by Mephesto all because he found it funny. At one point he even cut open her stomach while she was pregnant and she had been lucky enough to survive. When the first cry for war was called Aria had been chained down beside Victor and forced to watch as Haris slayed the cats she cared about. It was only because of Grigorovich that she escaped and was plunged into the war. 
Aria fought her hardest beside the cats of Eden and Haris and against the Infected. Still because she was a Princess and because of her injuries still healing she soon found herself in trouble and Backstabber, in the turmoil, risked his life to save Aria's. Aria was heart broken and in an angry rage became merciless in battle and tried her best to avenge the death of her beloved mate. She wanted to kill Victor and all the Infected and when the war finally ended she looked around at the loss and realized that her adopted brother, Marik had also been killed. Aria was heartbroken and when she left to fetch Backstabbers body no one could find it, rising the mystery that he might still be alive. 
Aria returned to Eden but felt lost and often broke down in crying fits. She was left to rule the kingdom but didn't feel she could do it. Khazamair tried to comfort her and show her that he loved her but Aria constantly pushed him away, not wanting to be comforted.
Soon Aria left Eden, wanting to find Backstabber or his body, wanting to know whether he was alive or dead.

The Queen of Bleeding Hearts
Aria left Eden, in search of her Backstabber. She hated Haris for what they'd done and blamed the cats' of Haris for Backstabbers death. She took shelter there however, abandoning Eden late at night and finding a small home in Haris to live. She searched everyday for Backstabber, each day growing stronger and more agile while she searched. Soon Aria gained the trusted rank of watcher, none of the cats of Haris remembering her from the war due to her staying hidden most of the time. Aria took this chance and soon began assassinating the cats she thought deserved to die, each time she killed one of her victims she'd leave behind either a Raven's feather or a Queen of hearts card, gaining the nicknames Night Raven and Queen of Bleeding Hearts, no one suspecting Aria to actually be the murderer they were referring to.
Not long after Aria gave birth to six kits' one of them being stillborn because of injuries from when Mephesto had cut into her. Aria became incredibly protective of her kits and in the end decided that the life in Haris wasn't safe enough. Soon she returned to Haris but the former Princess has changed. She took the rank of Huskin and became a deadly assassin. She told no one in Eden that she was the Queen of Bleeding Hearts who had become so popular in Haris and enjoyed going on her assignments.
From time to time she even took a commission or two to deal with a cat someone wanted dead. She laughed in the face of death and enjoyed telling her victims that if they didn't want to die then they should never have been born.
Aria could become violent and anyone her even hurt a whisker on her kits often paid for it way worse then they needed to. 

Current Day
Aria goes about her days as a vicious Huskin by day and the deadly Queen of Bleeding Hearts by night. She still cares about her friends but often lie to them and many have noticed the personality changes in the former Princess. She takes care of her kits and has even been granted permission to raise them in the palace due to her not currently having a home.
Despite her return she still goes to Haris to take care of her unfinished business and still searches for her beloved Backstabbers body so she can finally rest in peace. She often dreams of the day that he will return ti her but for now takes pleasure in raising their kits, favouring the ones that remind her of the tom who died saving her.

{ Family } [ Name | Gender | Rank | Status ]

[ Adele | Female | Townsperson | Dead ]

[ Haelius | Male | Craftsmen | Dead ]

[ Chase | Male | ???? | Dead ]

Adopted Father
[ Cyrus | Male | Former Overseer | Dead ]

Adopted Siblings
[ Marik | Male | Former Prince | Dead ]
[ Molear | Male | Townsperson | Alive ]

To be decided


{ Other } [ Orientation | Status | Sign | Fun Facts ]

Orientation ||

Status ||

Sign ||

Quotes ||

{ Relationships }

Heart Chart

{ Roleplay Sample } 

{ Written example } 


[ Copperpaw | Shadowclan | Apprentice ]
Copperpaw's silence was rudely invaded by a slightly smaller and darker apprentice, who talked in a rather, distinguished tone which annoyed Copperpaw, who turned around with a lash of his tail. "Do I know you?" the copper apprentice asked. It wasn't that Copperpaw didn't know anyone in his clan, it was just that he couldn't be bothered to care who most of them were. To him, those he saw lower then himself he didn't bother to get to know. He'd seen this dark apprentice around often and this tone he used with Copperpaw was one he used around other cats. Copperpaw didn't like the sight of the tom from the moment he'd laid eyes on him, he hated the fact that this cat could be a challenge or a threat to those Copperpaw wished to control and Copperpaw would have none of it. His eyes pierced into the other apprentices' as if challenging him to say something snarky that he'd later regret when Copperpaw sliced off his tongue and shoved it down his throat. Still, the tom couldn't help but let a smirk cross over his face, it had been a while since anyone had used a superior tone around him. Those who knew better didn't do anything that Copperpaw would take as a challenge, but this cat on the other hand obviously didn't. Still, two could play at that game and soon Copperpaw was swiping his tongue over his left paw, allowing his abnormally long claws shimmer int he night, threatening the other apprentice to watch where he tread because at this moment he was walking on eggshells. Before the cat could tell Copperpaw his name the copper colored cat spoke "You must be that cat...Enderpaw. Am i correct?" he spoke in a civilized manner, however, deep in his voice venom tainted it, as if he were trying to intimidate the other cat "I've heard quite a bit about you..." he spoke again, getting up and walking around the tom, dangerously close to him. "You're quite strong...for a pipsqueak that is." There it was, the line that Copperpaw had been waiting to release. Though he could have said anything to rile up the other cat, Copperpaw chose to say this. Though Enderpaw wasn't much smaller, only about six or eight inches, Copperpaw knew this would probably get to him and he wanted to see how he would react to this.

All art and Aria (c) Me
Design (c) Me
Application Form (c) ~MoonTiger456
The-Lost-Felidae (c) ~MoonTiger456 and ~BaileyTrave
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Comments: 27

xAkatu [2013-04-26 06:58:55 +0000 UTC]

Note rp?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

BaileyTrave In reply to xAkatu [2013-04-29 17:35:56 +0000 UTC]

I have time to rp now~ Just send me a note whenever you wanna start~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xAkatu In reply to BaileyTrave [2013-04-30 00:40:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BaileyTrave In reply to xAkatu [2013-04-26 11:10:27 +0000 UTC]

not right now. I have way too many going ATM.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MetalWolfGemstone [2013-04-25 15:41:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh my GOD! So much new info! D8 (re-reading I remember I need to draw that pic of Meph torturing Aria >=3)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BaileyTrave In reply to MetalWolfGemstone [2013-04-25 15:51:41 +0000 UTC]


Yes a ton of new info, she's gone cold now but is nice to those she loves~
Plus her design changed a bit!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MetalWolfGemstone In reply to BaileyTrave [2013-04-25 15:55:21 +0000 UTC]

I noticed the new markings around her face =3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BaileyTrave In reply to MetalWolfGemstone [2013-04-25 15:57:47 +0000 UTC]

Same with her body, she has feet gray and more spots <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MetalWolfGemstone In reply to BaileyTrave [2013-04-25 15:58:35 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BaileyTrave In reply to MetalWolfGemstone [2013-04-25 16:01:02 +0000 UTC]

She's less boring now

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MetalWolfGemstone In reply to BaileyTrave [2013-04-25 16:05:10 +0000 UTC]

xD She was never boring before! She just looks more darker >=3 I can imagine that when her soul began to harden that these new markings began to appear on her face and body >=3)

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BaileyTrave In reply to MetalWolfGemstone [2013-04-25 16:13:56 +0000 UTC]


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Kyarako [2013-04-25 02:12:42 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, thats what awesomeness is suppose to look like~!

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BaileyTrave In reply to Kyarako [2013-04-25 02:26:55 +0000 UTC]

<3 thanks for coming to the join me!
hjrfncwnnciw THANK YOU!!! So glad you like it~

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Kyarako In reply to BaileyTrave [2013-04-25 02:29:52 +0000 UTC]


lol I'm glad I could watch~ I love watching my favorite artist's at work. ^_^

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BaileyTrave In reply to Kyarako [2013-04-25 02:39:06 +0000 UTC]


<3 I had fun!

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wakaz [2013-04-25 02:08:53 +0000 UTC]


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BaileyTrave In reply to wakaz [2013-04-25 02:26:01 +0000 UTC]


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MoonTiger456 [2013-04-22 22:49:23 +0000 UTC]

Do you happen to have a visual of her? So i can do the assignment? X3

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BaileyTrave In reply to MoonTiger456 [2013-04-22 22:52:37 +0000 UTC]

XD she's always had the same design, her sheet got deleted but you should be able to find her, if not I can do a quick sketch tomorrow for you because there have been some updates ^^ Is that okay?

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MoonTiger456 In reply to BaileyTrave [2013-04-22 22:57:21 +0000 UTC]

sure its fine! I can wait ^^

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BaileyTrave In reply to MoonTiger456 [2013-04-22 22:58:53 +0000 UTC]

awesome ^^

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melfurny [2013-02-28 15:29:39 +0000 UTC]

She sounds cool!

Princess, then she goes ba!

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BaileyTrave In reply to melfurny [2013-02-28 16:30:20 +0000 UTC]

LOL she's having an evil crisis

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melfurny In reply to BaileyTrave [2013-02-28 20:25:41 +0000 UTC]

xD That would suck.

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Kyarako [2013-02-27 17:30:22 +0000 UTC]

Aria is going to be a Huskin, Cool! A more dangerous path for the once Pirncess of Eden!

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BaileyTrave In reply to Kyarako [2013-02-27 17:42:49 +0000 UTC]

LOL yes. She has to take out her anger on something afterall

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