BardArts — DIRPG | Conner | Lead Stallion

Published: 2017-11-11 06:09:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 2359; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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*Name: Conner

*Breed: Irish Draught x Mustang

*Age: 8

*Height:  16h 3 inches

*Origin: Mountains

Preferred Terrain: Wooded Mountain or Forest

*Color: Red Dun Pangare Splash (Pearl Carrier)

*Geno: ee aa nD PngPng nSpl (nprl)

Markings: Small white star with a long front right stocking and a back cornet

Eyes: Blue (minimal splash expression)

Other: He is a bit scraped up but his main large scar is over his left eye from the leader of his former Batchelor band. 
Recent Scars: Bear swipes along his hindquarters. A scar on his right foreleg wrapping around it from the rope of a human trap. A 4-inch shallow gash turned scar on his right shoulder.


Cocky - “Hey, I can totally beat you”

Conner thinks himself much more skilled than he really is.  He’s young still but old enough to know that there are better stallions then him. 

Sarcastic - “Of course, I’m scared of you little guy”

Quips, comments, roasts, he dose them all, and that gets into his trouble. 

Hopeless Romantic - “Why of course my lady!”

His mother regaled him with stories of his noble father and now he has the goal of being the utmost gentleman.

Soft Hearted - “No kid don’t cry come on ill help you find your mom” 

He never wants to leave someone needing something when it comes to mare or foals. He really is a good soul. He really cares for the well-being of mares and foals.

Born to the youngest mare of an older stallion's heard, his mother became infatuated with a dashing young stallion who wooed her and wowed her and convinced her to leave the elder stallion she was with to be his lead mare. He had promised her a glorious home in the mountains, and they had it for a short while. She was carrying his foal when he fought off another stallion and died of his wounds. 
He grew up just him and his mother in the mountains. He's fast and quiet because of his foal hood spent growing up hiding and running not being part of a heard or anything. He would be sent to hide when his mother had to deal with another heard or Batchelor's or predators. He always was a quick and fast one. When he reached the winter of his third year, he fell in with a set of Batchelor's who promised to care for his mom if he helped them hold their land. He agreed. When he was five, his mother passed away from starvation and neglect after an injury made her unable to get her own food. this neglect was unforgivable, and he broke all ties with them moving to the forest and plains. 
Now he is focusing on starting his own herd carving out a place of his own, Believing that he will better be able to care for his own mare better than his father. 

Herd: 8/9

Mares: 8

DiRPG Mare | Elethea  - El-e-th-ee- a
Age: 6
Height: 14hh
Body Type: Arabian x Mustang
Position: Lead Mare, Medicin Mare
History: Conners Lead mare and his love. They met when he had a hurt Gray and he needed help. He found her in a field of lavender her long mane in the wind, a small smile on her face. She was a healer who went where she was needed and that moment she was needed with Gray and Conner. From then on she and Conner got very close and began falling in love and fast. Within the season she was pregnant with his first foal.... or so he thought when his old flame Wendy showed up with a newborn filly. The extremely pregnant Thea got into quite a squabble with the Mare over her rudeness towards Thea but eventually calmed down realizing the mare must have been heartbroken. She harbors no resentment towards that Wendy mare... she only has his filly after all. When her colt was born she felt much more cemented in her position.

DiRPG Mare|Claimed|Gwendolin  - G-w-e-n-d-O-lin
Age: 7
Height: 13hh
Body Type: Welsh Cob x Mores Poney 
Position: Head Gatherer
History: Conner met her when he was a younger, only four years old, the older mare showed him the ropes of life before they were lost to one another in a snowstorm. The next spring they found each other again. She had a newborn filly on her heels and near cried at the fact that she had found the baby's father again and they were safe.... until she saw the very VERY pregnant mare standing behind him with a gelding and a large colt. Enraged she tried to fight Conner throwing her small frame against him. Then Thea got in between them and the mares themselves started to fight. It took all three herd males to stop them and even then the Elk had to get involved using his felted horns to keep the small yet fierce Wendy at bay. The only reason she chose to stay at first was she wanted her filly to grow up in a herd, then she chose to stick around to eventually challenge Thea for the place of Conners lead mare.

DiRPG Mare| Claimed| Eria  - E - r - a
Age: 5
Height: 16hh
Body Type: Thoroughbred
Position: Foal Care
History: Conner met this mare when he was still a bachelor and was his first claim attempt. She was neglected by her stallion and quite pregnant with another bachelor's foal. Conner stole her for a night trying to keep her safe from her old stallion but he fought for her back. Conner fought him but he still got away with her. Over a year later he found her alone without her now what would be a yearling. She was skinny, sunburnt, and alone. Conners now large band found her tangled up in a dying bush at the edge of the plains. She was sunburnt and exhausted. With the help of the herd Bluebirds, they untangled her long mane and tail and got her to some water. The exhausted mare was nursed back to health with the help of the herd lead mare and Medicine Horse. Now pregnant with Conners Third foal, she hopes that its happy and healthy.

Melanie  - Mel - a - nee
Age 4
Hight: 17hh
Body type: Shire
Position: Foal Defence
History: Conner Found this mare in heavy labor in a ditch. Thea immediately went to go help her. The large mare gave birth really quickly and effortlessly, a surprise for her first foal. The birth did not go smoothly after that. The filly was fine, the wolves were not. The herd destroyed the pack due to Conners intuition and the fighting spirit of the herd. Grateful she asked to stay with them at least till the filly was grown. This stallion was a big change from her last lead. Stealing her as a yearling he manipulated her into believing that she was his favorite mare in the world and lured her away from her birth herd. Then he added her to his large harem and ignored her completely. She later herds from one of the elder brood mares that Mels Damn was an extremely fertile mare and he had wished for her so he took her daughter to try and promote her to join his herd, he never had any plans for her but as bait. Her heart broke and she swore off stallions. That plan went poorly when at age 3 she fell hard for a kind Batchelor. Since her stallion found no interest in her she was pretty much allowed to do what she wanted. She would sneak out and talk and be with that stallion as friends. One time it was as more than friends. Of course the one time she was with a stallion she gets pregnant. When her herd stallion found out he kicked her out, for he had no wish to raise another stallions foals. That's how she ended up with Conners herd and in good hands. 

Jay  - J - a - y
Age: 8
Hight: 15.3hh
Body type: Mustang
Position: Gatherer
History: Not much is known about her past, she wasn't highly willing to give up information much past that her colt Herons father died and She had been providing for the two of them alone. She was Quite nervous and took some coaxing to get her out of the woods by not only Conner but with help of his winter companion herd leader Rickon. She was much relieved to find out that Conners heard had many foals in it and was well established. Also there a large number of animals protecting them really reassured her that her colt would be safe here, as a yearling he was more at risk of being rejected by a stallion. So far shes just adjusting and fattening up

Stallions: 1
DIRPG | Claimed | Quinn  - C-w-in
Age: 4
Height: 18hh
Body Type: Gypsy Vanner x Shire
Position: Protege, Foal Sitter
History: Conner and Gray stumbled upon this young stallion, Barely older than a colt and still has no idea what he is doing... Conner and gray treat him like that. The lonely little guy had stumbled upon the resting pair and their grazing elk friend and requested to join them. Conner agreed on the condition that Quinn kept watch overnight, well at least half of it. Quinn agreed. Flightaly he woke Conner at the first sign of noise. Turns out his instincts has been right as a wolf soon attacked the pair. Quinn fought valiantly and Conner offered to take him under his wing. The lonely colt agreed. 

Geldings: 1
DRPG|Gray  - G-r-ay
Age: 9
Height: 16.1 hh
Body Type: Thurobreed
Position: Scout, Watch
History: He was a former racer and wanted more room to run, He and Conner are like brothers, giving each other plenty of bother. During a large snowstorm, Conner approached the human settlement when he herds equine cries. He found gray stuck in a stall miserable and angry. Conner offered him freedom. He took it and they ran off into the woods. The two bachelors became fast friends and competitors, often Conner trying to beat Gray and never winning. 

Colts: 3
DIRPG | Claimed | Cody  - Co - d - ee
"Cody" or "Codester"
Age: Half a Year
Height: 16hh
Body Type: Warmblood (Arabian influence)
History: Conners second born foal and first born Colt, by Thea, he dotes on his little-freckled colt. His mother loves him very much and gives him every moment of her attention she is able to spare. His Father dotes on him too as his heir. He sees Quinn as kinda big brother and they do a lot of training together. He also likes his big sister Ciara and they often play fight together. 

DIRPG | Claimed | Calder  - C - all - d- r
"Calder" or "Caldster"
Age: Newborn
Hight: 16.2hh
Body Type: Irish Sport Horse
History: Conners second born foal to the first mare he tried to steal, Eria, he was smitten with her. The colt was her second and he is a strong happy bouncy little one. He plays vigorously with the other foals and Is beloved by both his mother and father. He is absolutely doating on Catlin who he looks up to.

Heron  - H-air-on
"Hary" "or Ron"
Age: One year
Hight: 16.1 hh
Body Type: Friesian
History: At first a bit of a standoffish colt, he came to really let his personality out later once he adjusted to having so many foals around. He turned out to be a quiet mostly nonconfrontational Colt with a bitting temper. He has no interest in fillies and hates Ciara's teasing advances. 

Fillies: 1
DIRPG | Claimed | Ciara  - See - Are - ah
"Ciara" or "Cece"
Age: Year
Height: 14hh
Body Type: Fjord
History: Conners first born foal, by Wendy, he adores his little girl and was amazed when her mother returned to the herd with the beautiful white-maned newborn. Despite her mother's insistence to ignore the other mares of the herd and only listen to her mother she is quite friendly to the whole herd and really enjoys playing with them and their foals. She adores her father who plays and spars with her often, she also likes her aunty Eria who teaches her all about the animals. 

DIRPG| Claimed| Caitlin  - C -A - T - lin
"Cat" or"Cattie"
Age: Half a year
Height: 17hh
Body type: Shire
History: Born to Melanie pretty much the moment when she ran into Conners small band. Thea helped bring her into her world coaching her mother. Apparently, some wolves attacked them at her birth. She didn't remember anything but she does have a small scar from the Incident. Her mom told her that her dad wasn't around because he was nice but her moms lead stallion at the time ran him off. Then he ran her off too when she was pregnant with her. This affected her little because she's safe and sound in Conners herd. She and Cece get along ok but she's not as strong as her and can only play a little before she gets tuckered out.  She is a quiet polite filly who barely speaks unless spoken too.


Companions: 10

Reed  - Bull Elk - 15%
Increases herd safety - Reduces members wandering - Aids in Fighting - Increases item findings - Increased Protection from Stealing
A Male Bull Elk, Reed is known around the woods as "that Big Red One Right?" or "Oh he's the one who struck out hard last fall." Conner and he have been friends since his ab sconce from his home after the death of his mother. Any time they spend apart is out-wayed by the time they end up spending together.
Cleo - Cow Elk - 15%
 Increases herd safety - Reduces members wandering
After her previous buck died in an attack from wolves she stumbled into Reed and the two hit it off. The foals are confused by her existence and seem to think that she's trying to steal there uncle Reed.

Ron - Bluejay - 5%
"Increases item findings - Reduces members wandering - Aids in Stealing - Increased Protection from Stealing - Increased food & ingredient findings"
A very bad luck with the ladies Bluebird.

Becky - Bluejay - 5%
"Increases item findings - Reduces members wandering - Aids in Stealing - Increased Protection from Stealing - Increased food & ingredient findings"
The Bluebird of Ron's affections.

Trixi  - Fox - 5%
Reduces members wandering - Increases item findings - Increased Protection from Stealing
An Odd roaned fox. She joined the group small and skinny and helped Quinn out of a human-made trap in exchange for a meal. He brought her back to the herd and Thea nursed her back to health and now she helps keep vermin a way from the herd's main food locations as well as gives general enjoyment to everyone with her sassy humor

Holly - DiRPG Ranch Dog  - 10%
 Increases herd safety - Aids in Stealing & Fighting - Increases item & ingredient findings - Increased Protection from Stealing
//15% Item Finding Increase///
A sweet hunting hound Who started tagging along after she recognized gray from her old ranch! She was just so flipping excited and she wanted to stick around with Gray he was her best friend and she never had much skill as a hunter anyway she could make friends with the elk, bluejays, and foxes.

Sammy - Small Dog - 5%
Increases herd safety - Reduces members wandering - Aids in Stealing & Fighting - Increased Protection from Stealing
Sammy is a small ginger terrier mix with long a wire hair coat. This scrappy little guy can often be seen trying to herd the foals into a circle or chasing any small animals not part of the herd away. 

Snowflake - Chicken - 5%
Increases herd safety - Increased Protection from Stealing
Snowflake is found most often on Eras back like a fluffy accessory. This is suspected to be because both are pure white and she blends in a bit more with the pure white mare. Or it could be a fondness... no one is sure.

Ash   - White Tailed Buck - 10%
Increases herd safety - Reduces members wandering -  Aids in Stealing & Fighting
   Ash was stumbled upon by Wendy hurt and in need of help but too stubborn to take it. So Wendy bullied him into coming home with her. He’s kind of like the stubborn young uncle of the herd. Who begrudgingly watches the kids and keeps pushing his big corvid brother Reed to spar in fights that the smaller buck will definitely  lose    

Albya - Borzoi Dog - 10%
 Increases herd safety - Aids in Stealing & Fighting - Increases item & ingredient findings - Increased Protection from Stealing
A white golden eyed Borzoi hound Alby, as she is often called, was found muddy, exhausted, and caught in a bear trap. Freeing her, Conner and Reed took her to a place where she could rest and got a few winks themselves before taking her back to the herd. She is sweet and quiet compared to Holly and often will spend her time watching the foals to keep them safe. She is friends with the Timberwolf of all animals, Cas, in the herd and is sweet on him.

Caspian "Cas" - Timberwolf - 10%
Increases herd safety - Reduces members wandering - Aids in Stealing & Fighting - Increases food & ingredient findings - Increased Protection from Stealing - Increases Items findings
Found as a pup by Reed and Conner the first winter they were together Conner raised him to the age of 1 year before he decided to run off and join another pack. He returned to Conner a year later after they wouldn't have him. He's lived with Conner since and thinks of him as a big brother/father. He is a big wolf and known to pick fights with those he thinks are dangerous to his "pack". He has a big soft spot for the Borzoi wolf hound of all animals, Albya, tho and is definitely trying to romance her. 

Medium land claim - 25% protection from wondering | 10% protection from being stolen

Percentage Bonuses
Herd Saftey  - 70%
Member Wandering Reduction - 91%
Aid in Stealing - 65%
Aid in Fighting - 55%
Protection from Stealing - 60%

*Health: 100%

Stamina: 5
Speed: 5
Strength: 10
Stealth: 5

Art tracker:
*There are errors with diamonds that I have no idea how happened so ignore the totals except for at the top, those are correct*

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Comments: 10

Dancing-Ponies [2017-11-11 09:33:17 +0000 UTC]

His new ref is so smexy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BardArts In reply to Dancing-Ponies [2017-11-11 16:47:55 +0000 UTC]

I KNOOOOWWWWWWWWW. Im Drooling! Dude you need to get your but back over to DI and we should draw are sexy boys together

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dancing-Ponies In reply to BardArts [2017-11-12 21:42:20 +0000 UTC]

I am currently procrastinating on work.
And it is Sunday.
And I have Saturday school. 
I need help.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SammieAsMagPie [2017-11-11 07:36:41 +0000 UTC]

He is so handsome! Would he be interested in becoming allies with my stallion!? This would prevent them from stealing eacothers mares and helping the other protect there own etc and free art as well! 
This is my boy 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BardArts In reply to SammieAsMagPie [2017-11-11 08:24:55 +0000 UTC]

Conner would possibly be willing to Allie, can you tell me more about the benefits? 

I have a large herd and lots of protection so I have no worries about my mares being stolen (and am prepared to defend them tooth and nail)... so I'm more interested in breedings, Companions, and items.  

Free art is apricated especially if its sparing because that gains stats faster then training 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SammieAsMagPie In reply to BardArts [2017-11-11 14:24:17 +0000 UTC]

Well like I said art and protection but he'd allow relationships and such and possibly breedings (the only one I'd be hesitant with is his lead mare Wanaji) I don't have any companions yet I'm still sort of new and don't have much in the sense of currency with the group
But the benefits would need to be mutual, that's my only concern since I'm not sure what you'd be OK with, my stallion is only looking to grow his herd, make friends with stallions so he can keep his lead mare safe (until I can afford protection for her and such) and find love (his lead mare is a mule so it would be realistically unsafe for him to breed to her since he's a large draft horse) he's only got 4 mares and no foals so I'm not focused on breeding right now until I get a few things done and all but I do have one breeding planned with another persons mare

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BardArts In reply to SammieAsMagPie [2017-11-11 16:53:22 +0000 UTC]

Well with the spring season up next i have multiple companions who i plan to breed and by my cacullations, I will have extra: 

At least one large dog

one elk doe or buck. If its a buck id have to trade him but id be picky on that front

and one blujay. 

On the breeding front alll of your mares are on the mare lines so if one of them is a mule you should note the group cause its not marked down anywhere that she is and her genetics would have to be modified. we roll mule fertitly difrent and im not even sure that mules can be npc unless you baught them from the stor

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SammieAsMagPie In reply to BardArts [2017-11-11 17:05:28 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome! I wouldn't mind having a dog or bird companion but that's all up to you and such
I guess I need to fix that than I bought her in a special offer the group had and told the person she was a mule and they still designed her on the horse lines so I'll just note the group on that but I mainly want to get more active with the group and would love to have some allies for my boy so I can draw more horses and so he can have friends I may only breed a few times so my mares will be open for breedings and such

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BardArts In reply to SammieAsMagPie [2017-11-11 18:44:11 +0000 UTC]

Ok. your mares are safe from me. We can be Allies

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SammieAsMagPie In reply to BardArts [2017-11-11 22:07:35 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Just lemme know if ya wanna breed and such I'm open!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0