Baringa-of-the-Wind — BS Catch [Updated]

Published: 2011-08-14 17:58:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 2145; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 56
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Description As the 7th anniversary of BS' establishment came about, as did Catch's 4th birthday.
The occasion was celebrated in true BS fashion with a carrot cake (made entirely of carrots) for the stallion in question, a real sponge cake for the staff, a little blue ribbon with Catch's name on it, and a whole afternoon of lounging about.
It was glorious for the young horse, who's advance into stallion-hood had fuelled his normal, slightly arrogant behaviour and made him almost as unbearable as Bullet.
He pranced around like fly in pursuit of a foal's rump as Grant opened up his stall and led him to the front of the stable block. Catch's attitude to the whole event was along the lines of 'how many pieces of cake can I steal?' - and it wasn't his own cake he was after - which was amusing for all of ten minutes, before everyone started playing a real version of hide-and-seek in order to keep the food away from Catchy.

John and Heather sat on a makeshift bench outside Beaumont Manor (made out of three planks of wood, an overturned barrel and some hay bales.)
"4 years... Passed pretty quickly, eh?" Heather put in, taking a large mouthful of sponge cake. John nodded, attempting to finish eating before responding, but since that took a rather long time, he began to mumble illiterately through his cake with an array of hand-gestures that insinuated nothing but that he seemed to want to start Latin dancing... and/or had a fly on his shoulder.

Grant was in charge of looking after Catch... And even though they weren't actually related, anyone would swear hands-down that he and Bullet were two of the same.
Considering how Grant and Bullet had begun to work together as a team, some of the BS team were under the delusion that dealing with Catch would be much the same, with a bit of work, he would be tolerable.
They were so unbelievably wrong it was laughable.

Seb sat beside the others, a sizable distance between himself at the regular BS crew. There was the obvious air of someone feeling thoroughly out of place where he was. No one would blame him, but it was rather unnerving.
Catch made a point of picking on the new member, but, unlike the others who would either grab the little shit by the ear and tell him to stop it (John and Theyn), or sit by and take it whilst whining about him, as Grant would, Seb didn't even seem to notice.
Catch decided it would be rather funny to take a large proportion of the man's shoulder in his mouth and bite down with an audible 'chomp'.
Theyn's ears flickered around suddenly; Kimber gasped; Kalib watched with measured eyes.
Seb did nothing.
He sat there, eating his cake, thoroughly unaware of what the young horse was doing. Or at least acting unaware.
Catch lifted his head up suddenly, staring at the back of Seb's head and snorted.
"I know you're there, Catch." He said in a voice thick with a southern accent. "And I don't care."
Catch stood still, looking down at him for a few seconds before swinging his dial around and looking desperately at Theyn.
What happened!?
"Don't look at me like that." She said. "I can't do anything about it. Guess you've finally found someone who doesn't care!"
Catch snorted, knocking the top of Seb's head with his bottom jaw and wandering off dejectedly.
"... Do you, like, not feel pain or something?" Kimber said abruptly from where she sat next to her father, who was tucking into the biggest slice of cake he could get his hands on.
Seb looked up, shrugged his shoulders, and, through a mouthful of cake, said, "mmhhmmnnpphh..."
She looked at him bewildered for a second, "Riiiightt..." And went off to get some more food.

Registered Name: Beaumont’s Catch Your Fancy
Stable Name: Catch; Catchy; OUCH, DON’T BITE ME!; Little Shit
Age: 5
Date of Birth: 18th June
Gender: Stallion
Breed: Thoroughbred
Realism: Realistic
Registered: N/A
Breeding Picture: fav.me/d2uc1on

Bloodlines: Baringa-of-the-Wind ’s Beaumont’s Chocolate Fancy x Hazel-rah ’s DD Catcher in the Rye
Ancestors to be Noted: N/A

Height : 17.1hh (175cm / 69 inch)
Estimated Weight : 1050lbs
Phenotype : A deep, dark red chestnut; darker over his shoulders, quarters and back, more recently darker at his hocks and pasterns, with cannons left paler.
Markings : Two uneven pasterns on his forelegs; a broad blaze; three bird-catcher spots on his near shoulder and another on the right side of his back
Scar(s): freeze-brand on near hindquarter; a few cuts on his legs from jumping into fences as a yearling; an odd scar just below his eye on his off-side
Eyes: Dark, caramel brown.
Genotype: | aa/ee/nBCS/Ff | »» | AaAa | EeEe | BCS+BCSBCS | FFFf |
Physical Appearance:
Adult: Very large, strong and yet still rather fine. His legs are long, clean and slender, big, muscular shoulders and quarters and a pretty, good-sized head with a dished profile, big muzzle and large, expressive eyes. Very big, strong, hard hooves. His mane and tail have become even more wavy and in the heat, uncontrollably frizzy, but his tail is oddly thin at the bottom – we may end up keeping it shorter for that reason.
[Update #1]: Although he hasn't gotten any taller, Catch now looks much more like an adult than he has before now. He has filled out immensely in his quarters and barrel and his shoulders are now big and strong. His mane and tail are under control (most of the time) with plenty of grooming and his tail's now a good thickness all the way through.
Foal: Finely built, he looks a lot like if you touch him he’ll shatter. He has long, thin legs, short back and muscular quarters with near perfect confirmation. He has a small, refined head, more like his mother’s than his father’s but has his Dad’s wavy mane and tail and spots.
Physical Traits:
Well-developed legs (80%) [#2 gen]
Good movement in all paces (90%) [#2 gen]
Pretty head (40%)
Big, strong, hard hooves (60%)
Wavy/frizzy mane (40%)
Color-Pattern-Markings (genetically decided – no exceptions)
Bird-catcher spots (50%) [#2 gen]
Hidden Flaxen gene (50%) [#2 gen]
Adult: As Catch has grown up, he’s, thankfully, grown out of his games of ‘look at me spook for no reason’, but has also forgotten the manners we spent months teaching him. Instead of patiently waiting for his feed, not nipping anyone, no stealing food,; walking quietly, not making a fuss and generally being a gentleman, Catch now insists on biting everything in sight for the sheer pleasure of seeing a reaction, making a complete mess out of everything he can find, bolting off for no reason and barging around acting like he owns the place. We’re seriously considering putting him in a field with Bullet so his unofficial uncle can teach him a lesson.
The little shit does all he can to provoke a reaction from everyone, which results in him often getting a cuff round the ear from John, Kalib or Theyn, Grant crying or Seb sitting there like nothing happened (which confuses Catch every single time).
Nevertheless, even though he’s a right handful, Catch can be absolutely lovely, especially when he’s spending time with Pal, his brother, to whom he is always the perfect example of what to become.
Despite all of this, he has some of the most wonderful natural movement we have ever seen, a hell of a jump and the confidence and boldness to tackle just about anything he’s presented with. Whilst it’s hard to get him focused and working efficiently, Catch’s full potential is something quite extraordinary that we anxiously await being able to release, and we hope Seb will be able to do this with him.
Foal: An absolute maniac since he always seems to have too much energy – I mean, seriously, he doesn’t calm down! However, he does have good manners and is very sweet, yet not as much as his mother and doesn’t seem to like it when he’s standing there with one of us hugging him cause he’s just too damn cute. Luckily, Holden’s streak of kicking and biting hasn’t rubbed off on this little guy and he’s perfectly well-behaved about 90% of the time (the other 10% is when he’s messing about with his favorite game of ‘who can I run away from and look like I’m scared of?’ He’s found that he has a talent of walking all calm-like down towards the pasture next to Fancy, then suddenly whirling around, jumping on the spot, eyes a-rolling, ears a-prickin’ and then bolt off in some random direction. I swear I’ve heard him laughing about it! Nevertheless, he does seem to have a real buck in him – yet we don’t know whether this will be a problem when we ride him in a few years
Personality Traits:
Extreme endurance (60%) [#2 gen]
Energetic (45%)
Bolts (55%)
Likes provoking people (65%)
Is always lovely around foals (35%)
Confirmation Scoring:
Head: --------- 4/5
Shoulders: --- 5/5
Forelegs: ----- 4/5
Hindlegs: ----- 5/5
Quarters: ---- 5/5
Total: ------ 23/25 - (92%)
Confirmation Notes:
Walk: --------------------------- 5/5
Trot: ---------------------------- 5/5
Canter: ------------------------- 5/5
Gallop: -------------------------- 5/5
Total: --------------------------- 20/20 - (100%)
Notes on Paces:

Natural Attributes
Speed: ------------------------- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Stamina: ----------------------- 5/5 » +~ » 5/5
Jumping Ability (height): ---- 5/5 » +~ » 5/5
Jumping Ability (width): ----- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Physical Awareness: -------- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Intelligence: ------------------ 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Adaptability: ------------------ 3/5 » +1 » 4/5
Consistency: ------------------ 2/5 » +0 » 2/5
Willingness: ------------------- 3/5 » +0 » 3/5
Agility: -------------------------- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Balance: ----------------------- 3/5 » +0 » 3/5
Total: --------------------------- 42/55 - (76%)

Applied Attributes
Coordinating a Course: ----- 3/5 » +0 » 3/5
Working Efficiently: ---------- 2/5 » +0 » 2/5
Judging Heights: ------------- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Judging Widths: -------------- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Controlling Speed: ----------- 2/5 » +1 » 3/5
Collection: --------------------- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Extension: --------------------- 4/5 » +0 » 4/5
Total: --------------------------- 24/35 - (68%)

Vices :
Box Walks ----- Tail-rubs ----- Weaves --------- Windsucks ----- Crib-bites ----- Door kicking
Anxiety --------- Laziness ----- Highly-strung -- Spooks
To Box ---------- To Shoe ----- To Vet ----- To Tack Up --------- Dentist ----- Food ----- Paws
Pulls Back ------ Barges ------- Naps ------ Head-shaking ----- Bites -------- Kicks ----- Bucks
Rears ----------- Rolls --------- Charges --- Bolts ---------------- General Aggression

Spooks at:
Plastic bags; loud noises; sudden movements
Is Afraid of:
Known Ailments: None
Hooves: Shod

Discipline(s): 3 Day Eventing
(At time of reference)
Ideal Workout Timing: 2 hours
Training Intensity: Medium
Ideal Jump Height: 4’5’’
Max Jump Height: 5’0’’
Stop him shaking his damn head about
Control his trot and canter more
Stop him bolting
(Riding notes)
General Riding Style: Very hard to handle, has a habit of shaking his head and throwing in little bucks, hard on the bit (thankfully it’s a Hackamore so his mouth will always be soft). Usually moves with long, wild strides, but can keep these under control in Dressage when paired with the right rider.
Jumping Style: Bold, tall, tend to just ‘fling’ himself over.
Galloping Style: Damn near impossible to stop is the best I can put it, you don’t want any rider less than thoroughly experienced taking him out for a run since his stamina is such that he will keep running far longer than it would take for someone to slip out of the saddle.
Kind of Rider Needed: Extremely confident, tolerant and rather easy-going. Someone who’ll put in the hours needed to connect with Catch and get the best out of him.
Notes from Handlers:
Grant: “What a little shit. He’s completely ridiculous… And I’ve nothing else to say on the matter.” *walks off*
Frankie: “A challenge. Such a challenge. He’s an odd one. Not impossible, but close. I blame Kalib for breeding from that brute, Holden. No offence meant to his stables, but breeding him was a mistake. What we have is a horse with incredible potential, but the mind-set that he’s the king of the world and doesn’t have to listen to us. There’s the chance he could be trained out of his attitude, but I think it’s unlikely he will go far.”
Seb: “One of my best friends. He’s strange… oh so strange, but he’s a horse that I respect for being kinda crazy. But he’s… I dunno how to phrase it. He’s special, but he’s very hard to handle… very hard to handle… but I love working with him. Every day’s different.”
Strengths: Excels in SJ as long as he doesn't think anyone's watching, and XC almost always, since he seems to disregard his rider and plough on through himself. Dressage is his weak point, having problems letting his rider control his physical movements, resulting in Grant and even Seb being turfed off in the arena just in time to watch the feisty stallion leap out of the arena and make a run for it.

Trainer(s): Frankie & Grant
Seb: Dressage; Show Jumping; Cross-Country
(Wins/Seconds/Thirds/Not Placed)
HARPG Competitions
Sunset-Valley 's Sunset Valley Show Extravaganza
Entry: Baringa-of-the-Wind.deviantart…
Handler: Kimber
Place: 1st
Prize(s): Pending
(wins/seconds/thirds/not placed)

mapal 's 1 Day Firelight Mini Show
Handler: Seb Fawkes
Place: 7th

Training Levels:
Flat Racing (Short-Distance) ------ Flat Racing (Long-Distance) ---------- Endurance Racing -- Steeplechase
Quarter Horse Racing
Dressage (Classical) -- Dressage (Natural) -- Show Jumping --------- Cross-country ------- 3-Day Eventing
Hunter Trials
Equitation --------------- Hunter ----------------- Show Classes ---------- Gaited ---------------- Halter
Color Classes ---------- Weanling Classes
Reining ------------------ Barrel Racing ---------- Keyhole Competition -- Flag Race ------------ Pole Bending
Steer Wrestling -------- Calf Roping ------------ Breakaway Roping ----- Team Roping ------- Cutting
Team Penning ---------- Bronco
Combined Driving ------ Draft Driving ---------- Fine Harness ------------ Roadster ------------- Pacer
Trotter ------------------- Carriage Driving ------ Pleasure Driving -------- Weight-pull
Polo ---------------------- Horseball -------------- Fox Hunting -------------- Jousting -------------- Bloodless Bull Fighting
Vaulting/Stunt --------- Trick-Trained ----------- Haute École
Trail Riding/Hacking --- English Pleasure ----- Western Pleasure ------- Parelli ---------------- Companion Horse
Side-saddle ------------- Gymkhana Games
Mounted Police -------- Cart Driving ------------ Plowing
Tack :
(Sd - [//]()) (Brd - ) (Nsb - ) (Bt - )
Key for these dots (open in a new window/tab)

History: Born at BS in the summer and began his training at 2 and is continually being trained as BS’ first 3DE horse.

Breeder: Beaumont Stables
Offspring: N/A
Availability: AVAILABLE for private stud
To request a breeding, please send a note entitled ‘Breeding name-of-the-horse’ to Baringa-of-the-Wind
Restrictions: Must be bred to
mares over the age of 5. Over 15.2hh tall. No heavy drafts. Realistic breeds. Natural coat-colors (can be out-of-standard for the breed)
Accepted Breeds: Hot-bloods (Arabians/Thoroughbreds), Friesians, Warmbloods/Sport Horses, Iberians (and similar breeds). (Note if you have any queries)
Age is not negotiable. We at BS do not believe a mare younger than 5 is mature enough to cope healthily throughout with gestation, and foaling could be a problem with immature broods.

Devnote if you feel otherwise and I may reconsider in certain situations.

Foal Design:
The foal design will be drawn by myself

Other Images:
Alternative References:
Color and markings reference
Foal image
Trotting polls
Free Jumping
Junior Halter at Sunset-Valley ’s Sunset Valley Show Extravaganza
With Pal in the field
De-nipping training by: BlueSpruceStables
BS group picture
Old reference picture

Art & Beaumont Stables ©: Baringa-of-the-Wind

I do not appreciate critique unless I request it!
Please keep your own opinions to yourself unless I ask for it - I will not be happy to hear you bashing my work.
It's forbidden to copy, transmit, distribute, display, reproduce, sell, heavily reference, claim, trace, reuse, license or anything else, without my written permission, capiche? All rights are reserved!
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Comments: 73

Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ??? [2011-09-05 22:40:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh that's just so Catch!!! I adore it, thanks! Hopefully he can finally learn some manners...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlueSpruceStables In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-09-05 22:42:13 +0000 UTC]

EEP Thanks
And thanks again for watching!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to BlueSpruceStables [2011-09-05 22:42:39 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShadowRaven1 [2011-08-14 19:23:32 +0000 UTC]


Ok, love the story, makes want to know more about Seb. Also, I love his nicknames xD who would have guessed that little Catch would grow up to be such a little shit! ... I'm not sure why that statement was so full of excitement
Anyway, beautiful picture once again Char. If I didn't already have so many horses from your lines I'd want a breeding with him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ShadowRaven1 [2011-08-14 19:25:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm so glad you like it! I thought BS needed another handful, since Bullet is almost tolerable now
Well, I may put him up for a few private slots in a while, so keep your eye out ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowRaven1 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 20:01:33 +0000 UTC]

Haha because a moments peace must not be allowed to happen
^^ I think I really have to get away from some of those lines first xD, I already have a horse with Catcher in the Rye as an ancestor, actually... I may have more than one.

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ShadowRaven1 [2011-08-14 20:34:51 +0000 UTC]

Fair enough ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowRaven1 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-15 22:01:15 +0000 UTC]

... I just realized you added more to your reference information o.0

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ShadowRaven1 [2011-08-15 22:14:14 +0000 UTC]

Mhmm ^^ Been working on adding in all the little details I could

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ShadowRaven1 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-15 22:16:11 +0000 UTC]

You're crazy dear, but that's a good thing xD

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ShadowRaven1 [2011-08-15 22:17:04 +0000 UTC]

I prefer 'completely off her rocker' but crazy works just fine too

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ShadowRaven1 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-15 22:22:43 +0000 UTC]

XD No, yours is definitely better, though it gives me the mental image of you as an old lady coming flying out of your rocking chair and running around for no apparent reason

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ShadowRaven1 [2011-08-15 22:26:52 +0000 UTC]

That's totally gonna be me when I give up on reality and start living as a unicorn in my own mind

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ShadowRaven1 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-16 01:28:16 +0000 UTC]

...This comment ... is amazing

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ShadowRaven1 [2011-08-16 07:43:17 +0000 UTC]

It's the truth

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Louvan [2011-08-14 18:58:00 +0000 UTC]

I like his alternative names

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to Louvan [2011-08-14 19:06:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much

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Marvelous-Mel [2011-08-14 18:52:31 +0000 UTC]

He grew up into a handsome fellow, no?
great job ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to Marvelous-Mel [2011-08-14 19:06:58 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Marvelous-Mel In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 19:12:41 +0000 UTC]

I'm guessing he has more fan-girls now?

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to Marvelous-Mel [2011-08-14 19:18:33 +0000 UTC]

Maaayybee ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Marvelous-Mel In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 19:19:23 +0000 UTC]

Well, He has a new one now

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to Marvelous-Mel [2011-08-14 19:19:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ladybird2467 [2011-08-14 18:24:36 +0000 UTC]

I might eat him he is so cute :3

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ladybird2467 [2011-08-14 18:34:13 +0000 UTC]

.... I don't think Kalib would be happy about that

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ladybird2467 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 19:00:53 +0000 UTC]


I lol'd so hard when i saw on of his barn names 'OUCH DON'T BITE ME' Genius.

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ladybird2467 [2011-08-14 19:06:38 +0000 UTC]

It's quite true as well

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ladybird2467 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 19:18:59 +0000 UTC]

Lilly might have to grab a breeding from him when hes older

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ladybird2467 [2011-08-14 19:19:58 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like a plan
I might put him up for a couple of breedings at some point if people are interested ^^

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ladybird2467 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 19:26:52 +0000 UTC]

And you should he absoloutly gorgeous!
But I would have to find a perfect mare

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ladybird2467 [2011-08-14 19:27:34 +0000 UTC]

Well you have a bunch of wonderful mares!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ladybird2467 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 19:29:45 +0000 UTC]

hehe Any suggestions though? D: I fail at deciding, but i'm selling a few horses at the moment (to make room for more ) It would be nice to breed dez and Swift again at some point

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ladybird2467 [2011-08-14 20:35:41 +0000 UTC]

No idea He wont be up any time soon though, since he's only 4 and hasn't even completed his training But i'll put a big notice up if he's ever for stud ^^

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ladybird2467 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 21:48:35 +0000 UTC]

yeah I might have a few new mares in by the time he's up aswell

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to ladybird2467 [2011-08-14 21:53:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ladybird2467 In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 21:57:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeopardAppyLover [2011-08-14 18:00:09 +0000 UTC]

sucha a cutie!

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to LeopardAppyLover [2011-08-14 18:20:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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blaine-rr [2011-08-14 17:59:53 +0000 UTC]

Hansdome horse! I've been following Catch ever since he was a bitty colt! XD

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to blaine-rr [2011-08-14 18:20:39 +0000 UTC]

And here he is all grow'd up

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blaine-rr In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 18:32:10 +0000 UTC]

Yessiree! I love his markings!

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to blaine-rr [2011-08-14 18:34:27 +0000 UTC]

Me too Thanks very much ^^

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blaine-rr In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 18:40:52 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BlueSpruceStables [2011-08-14 17:59:46 +0000 UTC]

*FAINTS* I love with this horse! *steals* muahahaha

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to BlueSpruceStables [2011-08-14 18:20:49 +0000 UTC]

NAO! He's mine

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BlueSpruceStables In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 18:39:24 +0000 UTC]

lol *is still running away with him* you will never get me! *catch stops* Heyy come on we are escaping! *Catch bites hand* YOUCH! here take him *rubs throbing hand* Ill see you soon buddy *leans to pat the horse but gets a bigger nip on ther other hand* Ok OK i get it you dont want my to pet you *runs Awya Screaming as catch chases*xD

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to BlueSpruceStables [2011-08-14 18:40:54 +0000 UTC]

Silly Catchy *cuddles*

Catch: *NOM*

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BlueSpruceStables In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 18:41:43 +0000 UTC]

LOL he needs to learn not to nom on people *looks at bandaged hands*

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Baringa-of-the-Wind In reply to BlueSpruceStables [2011-08-14 19:05:08 +0000 UTC]

We're trying to teach him not to.....

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BlueSpruceStables In reply to Baringa-of-the-Wind [2011-08-14 19:08:16 +0000 UTC]

lol trying is the word! If you want Dawn can come over and try to help teach him? She is a natural horsemanship trainer and she fixed Chemi's kicking habit.

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