Bayflight — Autumn Court- Asuna

Published: 2014-11-09 15:34:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 1723; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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Basic Information

{ Name } Asuna

Nicknames || Suna

{ Gender } Female

{ Age } 2.5 years

{ Appearance }

Aesthetics || Asuna is a pretty female with a slender yet wily build to her, though her generous overlay of fur can give the impression that she is larger than she actually is. This fur is sleek and soft, and though Asuna tries her best to keep it in check, it often tufts in random places and is quite prone to collecting little things from each day’s adventure. She is mostly a snowy, clean white, but on her back and face Asuna is patched with a mismatched collection of ginger and dark brown. Her right forepaw, which hosts her artifact, is splashed with ginger and tipped off with brown, and her left hind leg has a continued reach of this dark brown down to her toes. Asuna’s eyes are a pretty teal-blue and her horns are impressively likened to a stag’s. Seemingly the only mar in Asuna’s appearance is the portion missing from her left ear.

Horns || Asuna’s horns are undoubtedly Autumn Court, as are her mother’s and sister’s, and extend to an impressive height above her forehead with multiple points curling away from the root of her horn. At the point wherein they are attached to her head, her horns jut outward and around her ears as if to stabilize themselves.

Marking || Asuna has mixed emotions regarding her marking, which is slightly different than other Autumn Court cats’. When receiving her marking, Asuna was able to stay perfectly still except at the point where the final small cut is made- Asuna jerked back involuntarily so that her noble’s claw slipped downward in a jagged line three times as far as it ought to have been. In shame, Asuna later applied a replica of what the dot should have been at the top of her marking to prove that she could handle the pain.

Health || As of today, Asuna is quite healthy with no injuries to speak of. In fact, the only occasion that actually left a lasting scar took a portion of her left ear. Though she is slightly underweight as of the average felmark’s standards, for her size, Asuna is perfectly distributed and well-muscled beneath her soft pelt. Both Asuna’s physical and mental health are sound.

Personal Information

{ Personality }

Loyal/Dedicated || Most likely the first trait anyone would notice about Asuna is her overzealous loyalty towards her Court. Asuna would gladly lay her life down for a Court member and has a strong belief that her actions reflect on others’ perception of her Court as a whole; as such, Asuna is extremely honorable, even if she may come off as aloof to those who are not Autumn Court as well. Her dedication towards Autumn Court leads her to pursue any goal set in front of her by an authority with passion, and should she be told to do something, nine times out of ten she will do it. Even though Asuna is proud, she is loyal to the bone, and more often than not her loyalty will win. However, Asuna’s dedication extends beyond simple Court matters. Should Asuna put her mind to something, she will follow it through until blatantly ordered to stop or until she fails- and failure is simply not an option.

Proud || As just previously mentioned, Asuna has a lot of pride. This is not to say that she is unshaken in her own self-confidence- for this is not so- but that Asuna would often rather cut her own horns off than be made a fool of. She has felt shame before and does not want to feel it again; as such, she will often go out of her way to maintain a positive image. She does not like to admit that she needs help, and she especially hates looking weak or foolish. If Asuna is embarrassed she will attempt to recover so swiftly and strongly that she can overcompensate and come off as arrogant. However, Asuna’s pride does lead her to become a better combatant and Court member at times; she works all the harder because of it.

Ambitious || Though the word “ambitious” often carries negative connotations, Asuna is not the kind to actively seek or demand a higher role. She works hard for her Court and wants to believe that she is worthy of it, however, and whenever an authority role should open up Asuna cannot help but wonder if she is a candidate. She does not feel comfortable having to follow multiple felmarks’ orders, though she will do it if she must- however, given her own say, Asuna would rather be one of the felmarks leading. She feels most comfortable at the head of the pack rather than behind. So while Asuna may not wish any ill harm or believe she deserves to be promoted to something better, she does want to be trusted with something more.

Leaderly || Over the couple of years of her life, Asuna has slowly come to realize that she would prefer to lead than to follow. Of course, because their laws say it is so, Asuna follows her authorities without question; however, she excels in situations where she can be given the chance to be at the forefront or step up and take charge. Asuna is actually quite skilled at organizing others or inspiring them to follow her. Leading also gives Asuna a sense of purpose; whereas she does every day work and activities because she feels as if it is her duty, leading enables her to feel as if she is actively making a difference. If other felmarks are willing to follow her, she can even become more open and warm. Trust is a large issue with Asuna, and perhaps this is why she is so apt to lead- if others are willing to trust her to guide them, perhaps she can find it in her to trust them.

Self-conscious || “Self-conscious” can have a double meaning, and in Asuna’s case, either definition applies. Asuna is both well aware of her flaws and skills and, at the same time, surprisingly lacking in self-confidence. Though Asuna is able- and skilled at- pretending to be confident and outgoing, deep down she is actually rather doubtful of herself. Asuna didn’t really have great role models in her life- as such, she latched onto the Autumn Court noble and aspired to be like them. However, she had no one to tell her if this decision was right or wrong, or if this action was wise or faulty, and because of this she tended to always second-guess herself or doubt if what she decided was right. This trait has carried into her adult life, though she has learned to hide it extremely well- any felmark who ever catches so much as a glimpse of her self-perceived weakness will be a surprised individual indeed.

Adaptable || Asuna has had to learn how to adapt to sudden changes or grief, and as an effect of this, she has learned to let the current of life guide her rather than try and swim her own way. Even if Asuna is hurting, she is able to push past it and keep moving. Should food supplies suddenly begin to run low, Asuna can adapt her eating habits; if snow collapses a den roof, she’ll fluff out her fur and sleep in the cold. The one trait Asuna does not actually recognize about herself is her selflessness, and often selflessness and adaptability go hand in hand- should hardship strike and changes then have to be made, Asuna will often take the lower road without complaint. She does not expect life to be easy or good to her, and as such she has no belief that things will stay exactly as they are.

Bold || Asuna does not know the meaning of the word “hesitation.” If asked to list out her fears, she would be hard pressed to find anything that truly frightens her. Asuna has experienced tragedies before, yet despite this, Asuna does not find fear in the things that have caused her grief or pain- instead, she seems to take these experiences and fight harder against whatever it was that wronged her. If she needs to fight, she will without pause. Though Asuna is not in any way bloodthirsty, she is not afraid to get her paws dirty, and if it must come to physical conflict she will not shy away- she is quite skilled at fighting, and perhaps it is this that has made her so fearless. She often does not consider the true danger of something she does until it is too late.

Encouraging || As Asuna never had anyone to do it for her, she often gives out encouragement to others. She truly does want others to succeed, and because she knows what it feels like to have to grow up without anyone to show their approval or give their input, Asuna will go out of her way to help another who seems lost. Asuna is actually not a pessimistic felmark, and even if she often doubts herself she tries to have faith. She doesn’t ever want another to have to feel as if they’re growing up alone, and even if they don’t necessarily want it, Asuna will try to step in. If another felmark asks her for help, Asuna will do her best to give it- of course, only so long as it does not harm Autumn Court.

Compassionate || Even though her zealous loyalty can mask her other traits, Asuna is actually a very kind and helpful individual. She is an extremely honorable felmark and, if she can, will assist anyone she can. Most are surprised to find that the felmark of steel actually has a heart, and a rather large one at that- though Asuna will become embarrassed if this is made fun of, it is the one trait she will not suppress in order to appear stronger. She believes that her kindness only makes her better, and she would be right- though she does have her doubts at times. For all her compassion, Asuna has difficulty trusting, and she finds it hard to accept the same help from others that she would give to them.

{ Sexual Orientation } Heterosexual

Preferences || Asuna is embarrassed of the fact, but she is actually quite susceptible to being charmed- even if she doesn’t show it. She tends to find dark-pelted and muscular males most attractive, though Asuna would rather not fall for a felmark that was not in her Court. She is also fond of dark eyes and the color green.

Goals || Asuna does not actually have any expectations of finding a mate and settling down. Having cubs is completely beyond her- though it may one day happen, if one were to ask her what she felt about having her own, she would be stunned into silence. Perhaps in the future she will get a better idea of what she is looking for romantically.

{ Trivia }

Fears || As aforementioned, Asuna does not have many fears. The only fear that she could actually identify as more than an abstract concern is failure.

Aspirations || Asuna would one day like to be the Court delegate. However, this is more of a secret hope than a goal- she accepts that it is unlikely for her to be chosen should another be needed.

Favorites || Asuna loves the scent of wildflowers. Her favorite color is green, and her favorite food is fresh trout. She secretly loves when somebody grooms her pelt for her, though she would never dare admit it.

Familiar Information

{ Name } Yui

Nicknames || None

{ Gender } Female

{ Age } 2.5 years

{ Species } Aleutian tern

{ Appearance }

Aesthetics || Yui is of average size and weight for her species, and is the common light-gray as well. The tips of her long wings are a sooty color that also patches her bottom feathers, and a sleek ring of black runs from her beak and around her head, banding over her bright eyes. Her beak is a dark gray as well.

Health || Yui is as healthy as Asuna, and seeing as she does not like to stray from her side, Yui’s health often directly correlates with her companion’s.

{ Personality Overview }

Summary || Yui boasts a sweet and shy temperament, and she so often only speaks with Asuna that others tend to think she is dull or slow. However, Yui is actually extremely intelligent, and if she dares to trust another- and Asuna gives permission- she can provide an interesting conversation and give excellent advice. She is just as helpful as Asuna, though Yui has no pretense of protecting her pride- she is simple, to the point, and honest. At times she can almost be described as serenely childlike, for she does not overthink things and comes to conclusions quite quickly. If a matter requires deeper evaluation, only then will Yui dwell on it. She adores Asuna, and the two fit well together- Yui’s sweet nature is usually what calms Asuna down if she is angered. Their personalities balance the other’s well.

Court Information

{ Court } Autumn

{ Rank } Combatant

Previous Ranks || Cub – Combatant Student

{ Mentor }

Bruno | Former mentor | Combatant | Deceased | NPC

{ Student }


{ Powers } Elemental

Earthquake || The user can summon a small earthquake. These Earthquakes run the risk of injuring the user as well, though.

Uprooted || The user can uproot small to medium sized trees. This may also cause the user a headache.

Spikes || The user can summon stone spikes out of the earth. Size depends on the user’s power and concentration.

{ Artifact } Lambent

Appearance || Asuna’s artifact is a large piece of sapphire, which is wrapped around her paw by a long measure of corded and dried nettle, creating an abstract sort of bracelet. She calls the gem “Lambent” and is never found without it- she is actually fond of the artifact, and can feel gratitude or frustration towards it. To channel her power better, Asuna often stomps her paw.

Background Information

{ Family }

Nora | Biological mother | Autumn Court | Scholar | Alive | NPC

Alister | Biological father | Winter Court | Scholar | Deceased | NPC

Joan | Biological sister | Winter Court | Scholar | Alive | eliza1star

Heidi | Biological sister | Winter Court | Unknown | Deceased | NPC

{ History }

Cubhood || Asuna was born to Nora, an Autumn Court scholar, when the season of her father’s court had claimed dominance over all the territories. Alister was a Winter Court scholar, and though he cared deeply for Nora, Asuna had doubts throughout much of her life as to whether her parents had actually been in love, or if she and her sisters were meant to happen. Regardless, Nora grew strangely ill during her pregnancy, and the current Timekeeper was baffled as to why.

Asuna and her sisters, Heidi and Joan, were born on the day of the first snowfall. Though Asuna and Joan were both healthy and strong cubs, Heidi was sickly from the moment she took her first breath. If not for their Timekeeper’s efforts, it is likely she would have died in the first week of her life- but Heidi did live, and so did Nora.

Yet something had changed in Nora, and even on the days when she seemed to feel better she was always very distant from her children. For the first month of her life, Asuna attempted to do anything she could to draw her mother’s attention to her- she even did stupid things to see if she could solicit any sort of response, yet Nora never seemed to look at her or her sisters. Joan and Heidi eventually got over this fact and grew up without their mother’s influence, yet Asuna would always be hurt and baffled by Nora’s indifference.

She had no role model besides her ill mother and her overbearing father, who oftentimes visited his daughters without so much as a greeting for Nora. Alister seemed to want all three of his cubs to go to the Winter Court with him, but Asuna was uncertain. She knew this place- she liked this place. And with no role model in her mother, Asuna took to following her Noble’s example. Deep down, a tiny voice whispered to her that if she stayed and became the best combatant in the Autumn Court, then Nora would love her.

Heidi would remain weaker and occasionally ill all throughout their cubhood, but Asuna loved her. It almost felt as if Heidi were a younger sister instead of her littermate; she and Joan looked after her, and Asuna grew very close with them both, though in different ways. Joan was her best friend, and Heidi her little sibling, the felmark who needed her. She didn’t feel the need to always be with their father, for clearly he didn’t feel the need to always be with them. And Asuna was perfectly happy anyway.

Though Asuna loved her sisters dearly and felt more connected with them than anyone, she was always put off by how excited they seemed whenever Alister came around- and his visits were not even frequent. Though this seemed all the more reason to grow excited, Asuna grew slightly bitter; if he cared so much, why didn’t he visit at least every week? Every other day? She didn’t want to go to the Winter Court. She had made up her mind. She was going to stay in her birth Court, and she was going to be the best combatant they had ever seen.

But she never thought that her sisters would think differently.

Studentship || When Asuna, Heidi, and Joan turned six months old, the time came for them to be given their markings; Asuna never expected her sisters to suddenly say that they wanted to go to Winter Court, with their father. She stood alone in stunned shock as their Noble agreed, as it was their right, and the two hesitantly padded away. Nora did not even rise from her den.

Asuna could not believe that she had placed her trust in her siblings and they left her. The two cats that she had ever trusted had shattered her faith, and Asuna withdrew, quietly reeling on the inside. She stepped forward to receive her marking, swearing to stay still. She succeeded- almost. When it came time for the final curled dot to be made, Asuna jerked backward slightly and the Noble’s claw slipped down in a jagged line. She was absolutely ashamed, made to forever wear a faulty marking, the proof of a self-perceived weakness. It was that day that Asuna decided she would never feel that way again, and the seeds of pride were sown.

Asuna was assigned, to her great surprise and slight bitterness, a felmark by the name of Bruno as her mentor. Bruno had been born to a Winter Court mother, and like Asuna’s sisters, he had decided to move to his father’s Court; yet only a month after he did, his father was killed in a tragic accident. It seemed Asuna was given to him as an apprentice to give Bruno more of a tie to his Court, for he seemed to miss the one he had left behind. Surprisingly enough, it would work.

When it came time for Asuna to find her familiar, Bruno took her all throughout the territory; yet it was winter, and many birds had moved south or were nestled away from the cold. Asuna began to fear that she wouldn’t find a bird to look her in the eye. In the beginning, she had ideas of only looking the fiercest, biggest birds in the face- but she quickly realized that she would be lucky to even find one at all. Bruno seemed to be reluctantly preparing to turn back and head home when they both heard a strange cry, and when Asuna looked towards Still Lake she saw a young tern wheeling in complete confusion through the nearby trees.

Without so much as a warning, Asuna bounded off, ignoring Bruno’s cry of surprise. She skidded to a stop at the shore, looking up at the little tern, and called out to it. A bright black eye turned towards her and met her gaze, and Asuna felt something click into place inside of her. She felt complete.

The little tern’s name was Yui, and she had been migrating with her family from the ocean, for it was too cold to fish in anymore. Yet she had gotten separated and had gone for the only water source she’d seen, and it was there that Asuna had found her, flying in circles and crying for those who had left her behind. Though Asuna felt badly for Yui, she was secretly very glad that the tern had gotten lost; Yui would quickly become her best friend, and she couldn’t have asked for any other familiar.

Asuna threw herself into training with vigor, welcoming when Bruno pushed her and even snapping at him when he didn’t. She wanted to be the best and she wanted it now. It was almost desperation that drove her. Every night she would return back to camp, exhausted, Yui resting quietly on her shoulder, and glance into Nora’s den. After about two months she stopped glancing.

Asuna was almost eight months old when she received the news- Heidi, her little sister, was dead. She’d been dead for a while now. Apparently after she had been given her marking, the ash rubbed into the wounds had infected them. Her weak immune system was unable to cope with the infection, and given that her marking was on her chest, it had a direct path to her heart. She was dead in days, never having bonded, never having a mentor. And Asuna had only found out now.

Though it had been many, many weeks, Asuna was silently crushed. It almost seemed like a sign- the marking of her father’s court, the court she had chosen over her birth court, had killed her. Traitors would be punished. Asuna was convinced that it was an omen, though she never voiced this thought. She was able to hide her pain and move on, wondering if Joan was alright. If she wasn’t, she likely wouldn’t hear about it until it was much later. As such she grew distant towards the idea of her sister, wondering why it was that she had ever left, and what kind of cat she was becoming now.

Asuna didn’t have time for friends. She and Yui were close, and though she was lonely, Asuna never complained- at least she had a friend at all. Bruno was nice enough, and so was his familiar- a belted kingfisher named Orrin who got along well with Yui- yet Asuna didn’t feel any personal connection to the actual cats inside her Court. Her dedication was to the Court itself, and to her familiar. Though it was a satisfying life to know that she was enriching the lives of those around her, it was also rather empty.

When Asuna was about eleven months old and out hunting with Bruno, the four came across two slain jackalopes lying in a clearing. Both felmarks were wary, but it was Asuna to step forward and sniff the dead animals- and it was only when Bruno let out a gasp of sudden recognition did they both realize what had killed them. She whirled around just in time to see a fox snap at Bruno’s hind leg, catching it between its teeth, and yank him down to the ground. In fury Asuna stamped her forepaws against the ground, and almost as if the earth were rippling upward, two spikes jutted up and against the fox’s throat and chest. It immediately recoiled, releasing Bruno, who then crawled to the side trying to get to his paws. The fox snarled, for the two felmarks were blocking its path back to its prey, and once more it lunged at Asuna’s mentor. With a battle cry Asuna lunged forward and met the fox head on, grappling it with her spined horns and claws. It managed to snap at her ear, and she felt it sting with pain immediately, but the fox was close enough so that she was able to stab at its face with her horns. The animal staggered backwards as Bruno managed to get to his feet.

Concentrating and breathing just as Bruno had taught her to, Asuna fought to uproot the nearest tree, the effort burning behind her eyes and straining every muscle in her forelegs as she gripped the ground with her claws. Bruno kicked and snapped at the fox, fending it away with his head lowered and horns out, and when he saw the tree beginning to sway he used his own power to knock the fox backward with a shield of rock.

With a groan, the tree fell, and the fox let out a shriek as the trunk cracked across the back of its head. The fox fell the rest of the way with it, pinned down and abruptly silent. The two did not stay long enough to see if it was truly dead or not- Asuna snatched a jackalope in her jaws, the only prize of their victory, and then helped Bruno limp home.

Her mentor insisted that she had saved his life, and though Asuna thought he was being too generous she shyly accepted their praise. For the first time, she felt as if she were a true integral part of Autumn Court- not a machine, but a real, living individual.

Combatant || The following month, Asuna was deemed fit to graduate, and at a year old she became a fully-fledged combatant. Bruno, of course, was bursting with pride, and she grinned slightly as he touched his nose to her forehead and exclaimed how proud he was. She felt happy, but more than that, she felt wanted. Bruno wanted her around, and he loved her like a daughter. Even though Asuna didn’t really know what loving someone like a father felt like, she tentatively loved Bruno too. He had always been there for her, something her biological father could not say.

The next day, Asuna was woken very early by her former mentor. He whispered excitedly in her ear that he wanted to show her something, and slightly confused, she agreed. Yui and Orrin flew together as the two felmarks walked, and though Asuna finally dared to ask where they were going, Bruno replied with a sparkle in his eye that it was a secret.

They spent the entire morning and afternoon climbing rocks and even crossing a river at one point, yet Bruno only seemed to grow more excited the farther they went. Asuna began to fear that they were going to Winter Court- what if he was going to make her talk to Alister?- but soon enough Bruno veered away from the path to her father and sister’s home and moved north.

He finally stopped at a place Asuna had never seen before; the river roiled past wildly, splashing up against huge crests of rocks and tumbling away towards where Bruno said a waterfall fell. The felmark explained to her that, as a cub, his mother had once taken him and his siblings to the Dancing Rapids just before their time to choose their court arrived. Though Bruno ended up leaving Winter Court, the rapids always held a special place for him. As if eager to show her his enthusiasm, the felmark suddenly bounded away and leapt out over the water, landing nimbly on top of a large rock and calling to her over the spray. Orrin flew overhead of his companion, but Yui settled down near Asuna, afraid of the wild current. Asuna was too preoccupied with worry to listen to what Bruno was actually saying, and he began to leap to other rocks, showing off.

Suddenly in mid-sentence, the felmark went silent, and Asuna stiffened as she saw a look of surprise flash across his face as he slipped and fell into the water.

Bruno was one of the best swimmers Asuna knew, yet even when she cried his name and dashed down the bank, she did not see him resurface past the masses of slick rocks. Orrin immediately beat his wings and flew away, so far that Asuna’s voice could not reach him. Yui was in a panic; Asuna tried to stay calm and focus, running down the shoreline, but Orrin was so far ahead that she knew Bruno had to be too. Off in the distance, the kingfisher suddenly stopped beating his wings, and without so much as a shriek Orrin seemed to tilt and then plummeted with a quiet splash that was lost amongst the beating current.

Asuna was in silent shock as she slowed to a halt, knowing it was too late. For once Yui had no comforting words; she tucked herself into Asuna’s fur, trembling, and for a long time she stood alone at the shore. When the sun began its descent, she finally turned and made her way home.

The Court grieved, but of course none took it so hard as Asuna. Losing Bruno threw everything into harsh perspective- she had not done much with her life. She had trained, she had beaten a fox, and she’d added extra prey to the kill pile, but beyond physical work Asuna had made no progress whatsoever. The single felmark she could call a friend was now dead, and she had not spoken to Joan in six months.

Shortly after, she would learn that Alister was killed in a griffon attack only a couple of weeks prior to Bruno’s death. Though Asuna had in no way been close to her father, it made her wonder how Joan was even more. Yet she had to be loyal to her Court…and so she slowly began to turn herself back towards her duties, trying her hardest to be personable- and failing. Her ability to trust had been crippled, and for over a year it would remain that way. As if to prove to both others and herself that Autumn Court was still her everything, Asuna made her own addition to her marking- a dot over top of it, the way it should have been originally, almost to say “Look! I can handle this!”

Time passed, and as it did she began to hope that her dedication might earn her the final honor- an authority role. Yet each time that passed, Asuna’s silent hopes were dashed. When it came time to name the new Timekeeper, Asuna pricked her ears slightly- and another felmark was chosen. It was then that Asuna became annoyed with herself. It was time to get past her own misgivings and issues and start getting involved in her Court- for real.

She had to make friends.

Roleplaying Information

{ Character Status } Active

{ Methods }

Notes || Preferred

Skype || Preferred

Comments || Closed

Google Docs. || Open

Forums || Closed

Chats || Limited

{ Lengths }

Script || Open

100-200 words || Closed

200-400 words || Open

400-600 words || Open

600-800 words || Limited

800+ words || Preferably closed

{ Time Zone } Eastern Time, UTC-5

{ Roleplay Sample }

Autumn chill seeped into Asuna’s fur as she slipped through the woods, flicking her tail as she walked in silence. The only noise she could hear nearby was the air stirring around Yui’s elongated wings as she flew overhead, and off in the distance every now and then the rustling of some unknown animal crawling through the undergrowth. The season of her court was beginning to take its reign, and there was no better time to get out and try to befriend some of the cats she had grown up and lived alongside for over two years. Lush moss sprang gently beneath her paw pads, and the felmark sighed, drawing to a halt as it began to taper away to wet earth and a sloping bank. Yui wheeled further away, and Asuna blinked serenely, glancing up and watching as her familiar dipped down to tease the lake’s surface with her wings.

This is where I met you.

Yui beat her wings for several seconds, hovering just slightly above Still Lake, before she returned to her companion and settled down with a flurry of feathers right in front of her. The tern’s intelligent eyes glowed, and Asuna knew she was not the only one thinking that. There had been a reason her paws had carried her here today- perhaps she needed reminding. Even when she’d thought that she had lost the few cats she’d cared for, she’d been blessed with three new friends- Bruno, Orrin, and Yui. Even if two of them had passed on, they had taught her valuable lessons; and perhaps the most valuable of all was the one she’d had the most grasping. Friendship. She knew she had trouble trusting- and she knew her pride kept her from admitting it, too. But perhaps this year- this month- she could try and apply that lesson to her life now.

After all, it was a new season.

”What’re you thinking about?” Yui asked simply, tilting her sleek head. Asuna blinked and turned her attention back towards the little tern, and after a moment’s hesitation she smiled slightly.

”It’s nothing, Yui.” She slowly stood, shaking out her calico pelt and offering her shoulder to the tern. She seemed to consider it for a few seconds before fluttering her wings quickly to reach her perch, settling in. Asuna seemed to relax beneath the feathery weight of her familiar, and with a final long glance toward the silent lake, the felmark flourished her tail and turned back towards the trees.

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Comments: 24

Foxbunni [2014-11-10 07:41:49 +0000 UTC]

wanna rp with snowy of spring?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to Foxbunni [2014-11-10 23:55:02 +0000 UTC]

Definitely!  ;u;

Would you prefer notes or Skype?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Foxbunni In reply to Bayflight [2014-11-11 03:26:27 +0000 UTC]

either ^^ if you want my skype, it's swifty.samai
is it alright if you start first? i'm in class right now ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YollerZ [2014-11-10 02:46:51 +0000 UTC]

yes yes yes ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to YollerZ [2014-11-10 23:54:50 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

YollerZ In reply to Bayflight [2014-11-11 01:18:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zannakat [2014-11-10 02:01:42 +0000 UTC]

X3 Pretty

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to Zannakat [2014-11-10 02:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zannakat In reply to Bayflight [2014-11-10 02:27:49 +0000 UTC]

X3 Np

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pavrzlove [2014-11-09 22:02:15 +0000 UTC]

everything is good except you need to change the artifact. The gem part is fine- but Felmark can't make complex bracelets like that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to pavrzlove [2014-11-09 22:43:28 +0000 UTC]

Will do!  May I ask what kind of accessories/designs are within their abilities?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pavrzlove In reply to Bayflight [2014-11-09 23:18:11 +0000 UTC]

very simple ones, basically. Anything they themselves or their bird can put together 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to pavrzlove [2014-11-10 01:02:21 +0000 UTC]

Updated!  Thank you so much <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

alixseven [2014-11-09 16:43:28 +0000 UTC]

A suna and yUi yOU DID N O  T

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to alixseven [2014-11-09 22:43:35 +0000 UTC]

oh but I did

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bangarain [2014-11-09 15:53:13 +0000 UTC]

So pretty *w*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to bangarain [2014-11-09 22:43:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

eliza1star [2014-11-09 15:52:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to eliza1star [2014-11-09 22:43:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2014-11-09 15:44:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to wiskrr [2014-11-09 22:43:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Masterofrainbows [2014-11-09 15:41:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to Masterofrainbows [2014-11-09 22:44:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!  <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Masterofrainbows In reply to Bayflight [2014-11-09 22:55:39 +0000 UTC]

your welcome you diserve it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0