Bayflight — Diamani - Sylveon

Published: 2013-11-14 23:19:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 2562; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 5
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B A S I C  H U M A N  I N F O R M A T I O N

{ Name } Diamani

Nicknames || Dia (very popular)

{ Age } Seventeen

{ Birthday } December 9th

{ Gender }

{ Appearance } [ Summary | Eye Color | Hair Color | Height | Weight | Body Type | Accessories | Scars / Disabilities ]

Summary || Diamani’s PokéHuman self is a very slender, delicate, and average-sized girl with thin features, even in her pointed face.  Her expression almost gives her a fairy-like quality, especially in the way her eyes often seem to drift away as she becomes lost in her own thoughts.  However, Diamani is not the most graceful- she often stumbles and trips on her own feet, for even after a few years of being a PokéHuman she finds walking on two feet difficult.  Her hair is long, wavy, and airy, consisting of a soft golden blonde hue that contrasts with her sky-blue eyes.  Diamani always wears a variety of pink and white, though the outfit shown is her absolute favorite.

Eye Color || Pale-blue

Hair Color || Golden blonde

Height || 5’4”

Weight || 109 pounds

Body Type || Delicate, thin

Accessories || Diamani always is found with her special scarf, which usually leads other Pokémon to assume her hidden Sylveon self and humans to assume she has a fondness for the species.  She keeps a little bow in her hair and a hydrangea flower charm attached to the edge of her right shoe.

Scars / Disabilities || None

B A S I C  P O K E M O N  I N F O R M A T I O N

{ Species } Sylveon

{ Gender } Female

{ Level } 29

{ Type }  Fairy

{ Ability }  Cute Charm

{ Nature } Gentle

{ Stats }  [ Attack | Defense | Speed | Sp. Attack | Sp. Defense }

Attack ||

Defense ||

Speed ||

Sp. Attack ||

Sp. Defense||

{ Move Set }  [ Fairy Wind | Misty Terrain | Quick Attack | Swift }

Fairy Wind || A magical wind is stirred up and buffets the enemy.

Misty Terrain || A strange mist covers the ground and protects the user from status conditions.

Quick Attack || A high-speed bodily assault on the foe.  Almost always strikes first.

Swift || Never-missing star-shaped rays are hurled at the enemy.

{ Accessories }  Hydrangea Flower- a small charm of a bluish-purple hydrangea bloom hung around Diamani’s tail by a string.

L I V I N G  D E S C R I P T I O N

{ Faction }  Gang Ursa

{ Occupation } [ Day Care Center | Flower Shop ]

Day Care Center || Diamani leaps at the chance to help out at the Day Care Center; she adores spending time with the collected Pokémon and Eggs there.  Often the Pokémon in care recognize her as one of them in disguise, and thus she tends to be more successful with them than the actual human caretakers.  Whenever she is called on to help watch, Diamani rushes to do so.

Flower Shop || Due to Diamani’s love of flowers and her green thumb, she keeps a modest flower stand up alongside the route, near the Battle Chateau.  Diamani picks both flowers from the many fields nearby and those she grows by herself, offering an array of beautiful blooms.

{ Residence } Route 7 (for both PokéHuman and Pokémon self- sleeps in her flower shop or the flower fields)

P E R S O N A L  I N F O R M A T I O N

{ Personality } [ Sweet | Timid | Wary | Innovative | Cowardly | Curious | Pacifist  ]

Summary || This little Sylveon, clumsy and curious as she may be, is a sweet and gentle Pokémon with an even softer heart.  Though of course such things may be good at times, Diamani is not one for combat- or conflict of any sort, for that matter.  Bullies would have a field day with this shy and cowardly Pokémon.  Though Diamani wants with all her heart to be braver, when troubles arise her instincts kick in and force her to flee.  Thus this Sylveon has hardly any friends and makes a modest living by herself alongside Route 7 without much interaction with others.  She may be bright and a helpful Pokémon to befriend, but it’ll be a bit of a struggle to actually get her to open up.

Positive Traits

Sweet || Diamani, by choice, would never wish to hurt a fly and comes off as the kind one who always gives travelers a cup of water or the weary a place to rest.  She despises fighting and bullying and doesn’t quite know how to deal with it.  One thing’s for sure- those who long for peace will find solace around Diamani.  If ever one is searching for a shoulder to cry on or a helping hand, all they’d have to do would be to seek out this little Sylveon.  Shy as she is, Diamani would cringe at the thought of turning away someone in need or using harsh words.

Innovative || Diamani is well known for her colorful and beautiful flower arrangements, but blooms are not the only subjects of her artistic abilities.  Diamani also has a love of painting, though the supplies are too expensive for her modest pay to afford.  She often finds unique and admittedly rather strange solutions to even simple problems, solutions that most are surprised at but Diamani believes are the best way out.  She adores puzzles and other things of the like, and is usually found occupying herself with either these projects or her flowers.

Negative Traits

Cowardly || Though her peacefulness ensures no aggressiveness towards others, Diamani has a cowardly heart.  If a situation turns nasty, her instincts seem to kick in and rush her from a situation.  Diamani struggles with the idea of standing and fighting nowadays, after what happened in her past, even if she has strong moves.  She would not be the type to throw herself in front of another, or the Pokémon to bravely take the hit so her ally could finish the battle.  Diamani loathes this certain characteristic of herself, but she also recognizes it isn’t going away.

Timid || As stated before, Diamani is a very shy and cautious Pokémon.  It takes a lot of coaxing for her to open up and a little bit of work to actually befriend this gentle Sylveon.  Helpful as she is, Diamani has trouble letting go of her natural fears.  She may be a tough one to crack, but those who manage to get her to let her many guards down will find a sweet and loyal friend.  However, even if multiple Pokémon manage to do this, Diamani’s shyness never really goes away.  Each Pokémon has to start over on their own, instead of Diamani learning and adapting.

Neutral Traits

Pacifist || Diamani loathes conflicts and therefore tries to resolve them when she can; however, she struggles with being hard on anyone.  This causes her arguments to generally come across weak, though at times they do help.  Diamani will not stay where there is fighting, and this is why she stays on the riverbanks by the Day Care.  However, her hatred of fighting also leaves her defenseless, as she hates to use her powers now, and will generally leave her in dangerous situations when up against a bristling foe.

Curious || This lovable Sylveon will often go wandering off along her route in search of new smells or to follow strange-looking humans that catch her interest.  Diamani’s sharp curiosity has both helped her gather helpful information and landed her in bad situations before.  Often when she is talking to others, Diamani will find something seemingly more interesting and lapse off in the conversation, staring after whatever has captured her attention.  Diamani tends to ask many questions about subjects she is unfamiliar with- or, she will when she feels unthreatened by the other.

Wary ||Diamani may be a curious one, but she is also a very cautious one.  She has trouble trusting, as hinted at before, and doesn’t like to leap into situations- unless of course her curiosity has taken over!  Even then, Diamani likes to take the calmer, more well-trod path to better ensure her safety.  She has difficulty with handing over her “wellbeing” to others, which in her case is simply letting her guard down or letting them get too close.  One has to be just as careful when trying to befriend her.

{ Habits }

• Diamani always goes out in the mornings to water the flowers.  She picks them only at dusk.

• She adores the sunrise and sunset and always gets up or waits to see them.

{ Fun Facts }

• Diamani always smells like flowers.

• She has a horrible fear of Poison-Types and the night.  She sleeps by the river so she can see the moon.

• If she could afford them, Diamani would buy a set of oil paints and brushes.  She only has two colors, blue and red.

• Diamani actually is a beautiful singer, but rarely ever does so because she is so self-conscious.  No one has ever heard her before.

{ Sexual Information } [ Orientation | Preferences | Experiences | Status | Current Interests ]

Orientation || Believed to be hetero-sexual

Preferences || Males

• Males:

Diamani would definitely be attracted to one who was not as timid as she; certainly two just as shy as the other would get nowhere!  “Opposites attract” would most likely be true for this one.  Diamani would fall for the stronger type, and definitely wants, most of all, to be loved for who she is, including her faults and her fears.  Someone who can’t accept all of her would not be Diamani’s choice.  At the moment, Diamani is actually quite scared of males in general, so it would take a more patient Pokémon to win this timid girl’s heart.

Status || Single

Current Interests || None

| Quick Fling

| The One

| Lasting Relationship

{ Relationship Tracker }

Heart Chart- coming soon!


{ Family } [ Mother | Father | Siblings | Aunts | Uncles | Cousins | Nieces / Nephews | Offspring ]

Mother || Ditt- a very simple-minded and rather clueless Ditto.  Never left the Day Care after capture.

Father || Jolt- a headstrong and proud Jolteon with a bit of a temper.

Siblings || Unknown- presumably many.

Aunts || […]

Uncles || […]

Cousins || […]

Nieces / Nephews || […]

Offspring || None

{ Backstory } [ Before Birth | Kithood | Childhood | Adolescence | Adulthood | Old Age | Death ]

Before Birth || Of course, everyone has heard the tale of the Trainers who have gotten the great notions in their heads to build “dynasties” of their favored Pokémon.  Though no human has actually seen a Pokémon lay an Egg, most have gotten the idea and have even set up ways to amass many of them.  Ruran Camillo was no different once he got his hands on an Eevee.  Fascinated by the idea of eight possible evolutions, he quickly put his newly-evolved Jolteon into the Day Care Center and waited to experiment with evolutionary stones on the Eggs he guessed would appear.

Kithood || Ruran had already raised a Vaporeon and a Flareon when Diamani’s Egg hatched.   She was nicknamed Eeve for the time being and immediately thrown into a tough battle schedule.  Ruran’s other Pokémon- a Quilladin and a Fletchinder- along with the stronger, evolved Eevees were not very fond of the little newcomer.  She was far too gentle and shy for their liking, seeing as Ruran had his heart set on challenging the Elite Four someday, and believed she would ruin their chances.

Ruran was partly devastated when Eeve evolved into something small, airy, and pink.  Yet though he considered getting rid of Eeve at that very moment, he quickly realized that her new evolution had given her a strong power.  Renaming her Sylv, Ruran worked the little Sylveon as hard as he could to try and beat the weakness out of her.  She was only at nine levels.

Childhood || Sylv’s “childhood” was not that of doting under the affections of a kind Trainer; hers consisted of being driven at a breakneck pace to get stronger.  However, Ruran was not satisfied with Sylv, even as she tried hard as she could to please her Trainer.  He was not ideal, but he was still the one whose hands she had hatched into.  This meant nothing to Ruran.  When another Eevee born shortly after Sylv evolved into a Glaceon, Ruran jumped at the chance to trade Sylv away for a Kirlia.

Sylv became the new focal point of her second Trainer’s team, something that the other Pokémon resented at once.  Again, Sylv was the point of hatred for her companions.  The new Trainer, a girl named Arya, had only traded for Sylv in order to beat her archrival, who had a Deino with devastating Dragon attacks.  Once this was achieved, Sylv would be traded away- but Sylv did not know this.

However, when the fateful battle came, Sylv steeled herself to fight a Deino- when instead a Seviper appeared.  Arya foolishly believed her Fairy-Type would have no trouble, but Sylv was promptly destroyed in the battle.  The horrifying experience left her with an inerasable terror of Poison-Types.  Just the idea of a move even as weak as Poison Sting still makes her shudder.

Arya was disgusted with the outcome of the battle, in which her fore-thought key member had failed to ever meet the foe she had been designed to defeat.  Sylv was not even healed by the girl; she awoke lost and abandoned in a field of flowers.  The Sylveon was still very weak, and stayed lying in the bed of blooms for days.  It was a wonder she didn’t die before the Pidgeotto found her and brought her Oran berries.

The Pidgeotto’s name was Harper, and she, too, was a previously abandoned Pokémon.  Though she was much tougher and easily irritated, Harper took a liking to the little Sylveon and seemed to “adopt” Sylv.  She questioned Harper about her life, but always the Pidgeotto offered the same short sentence: “Humans are bad luck.”

Adolescence || Harper attempted to get Sylv to battle again and get stronger in a hostile wilderness, but the Sylveon refused.  She liked the flower fields of the route and the serenity of the nearby river.  She had no idea she had come back to her birthplace.  Just up the gravel road was the Day Care.

And so Sylv swore off fighting.  She still remembered her devastation at the Seviper’s hand and shuddered at it.  Harper had no sympathy; she had fought many times, and had both lost and won.  Sylv had only ever been in one real battle, and it had ended in a terrible defeat.  She took a liking to the flowers that had held her when she was so weak.  Harper rolled her eyes at the Sylveon’s newfound love of them, but said nothing.  They lived together for several years, even if Harper did come and go.

Sylv was about thirteen when the news of the strange device called the Dittech quietly spread across Kalos.  The idea fascinated her, but Harper recoiled.

“Humans are bad luck!” the Pidgeotto hissed, swearing off the “evil” device.  Sylv could never quite quash her curiosity.  What would it be like?  Could she learn more about the creatures who had raised her?  Harper was disgusted with Sylv’s outlooks and left a year later, when Sylv finally got her paws on one.  The third abandonment crushed Sylv.  She never was able to trust very well again.

And so she used the Dittech as much as she could to escape the pain of being a Pokémon, yet the agony never left.  She finally decided to get a new name.  She didn’t want that given to her by the Trainer who had never wanted her, the one used by two who had become disgusted with her.  When she set up her first floral arrangement, a passing human remarked that they were just as beautiful as diamonds.  The Sylveon jumped at the word.  Diamani.  At her first chance, she leaped to become a part of Gang Ursa for protection and for understanding.  She had to know she wasn’t the only one who was fascinated with human life.

Diamani set up a modest flower stand with exquisite flower bundles.  She always marveled at the painters who liked to gather around the route, and even once traded her favorite arrangement to try one’s paints.  She found she adored it.  However, the meager money she made from her blossoms was not nearly enough to buy her paints or canvases.  It took two years to amass a blue tube and a red tube of paint, three skinny brushes, and one rough canvas.  She could never bring herself to paint it until the right idea came.

She also found happiness in helping out at the Day Care.  Ruran had long since taken his Ditto and Jolteon and moved on- most likely he had children of his own now- and Diamani found joy in raising others and watching Eggs.  She still continues her simple life alongside Route 7 the same way she has for a few years.

Adulthood || […]

Old Age || […]

Death || […]


{ Plotting } Plot meme:  TBA

{ Roleplay Availability } [ Notes | Forum | Chats | Skype ]  If she is accepted ;m;

Notes ||

Comments ||

Chats ||

Skype ||

{ Time Zone } Eastern Time

{ Roleplay Sample }  From %The-Golden-Butterfly

One paw...in front of the other.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Step by step...

Her eyes were curiously blank, fixated on her tiny white feet.  Snowy, really...how strange for such perfect, clean things to exist in a cold and dark world.  She had tried so hard to keep the images away, but they had to break at some time- everyone had a breaking point.  Now Palette relived the fight.  The struggle.  Watching Aiolos mercilessly mauled.  She had never seen such horrible things before...such...but how?  She couldn't understand.  How could the spirits let something like that happen?  They cared, didn't they?

She was so grateful that she had gotten away from camp.  Palette could never let Akarui or the others see her like this.  It wasn't natural, yet she knew it was because she had never seen a true fight before- to go from seeming peace to what had occurred was enough to drive any cat mad.  I am coping, she lied.  I can get better.  It'll get better with time.  Yet Palette felt as if it was a hole within her, and her heart fluttered strangely as she considered another option.

What if...what if she spoke with Damek?  Would he understand?

Her pawsteps faltered slightly, black images replaced with one of his dark eyes, mesmerizing and deep as they met her own.  His voice...talking about her eyes.  Palette didn't understand why he always made her feel so different, didn't understand how that one simple sentence had sent her to thinking about it for so long.  So many things didn't make sense anymore...

Here's my girl <3

If you want to roleplay, please just ask! 

Diamani belongs to me.
Pokémon belongs to Nintendo.
Format for written reference belongs to =Hollyseven and was used under her permission.
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Comments: 32

Equiknots [2014-01-26 02:05:10 +0000 UTC]

|T what is this. How did I not know. Psshhhh I'm slow.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alyestra [2013-11-26 07:49:59 +0000 UTC]

Another Sylveon ;D I'm using Sylveon as well.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to Alyestra [2013-11-26 20:18:35 +0000 UTC]

Awesome!  <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shiokaraazu [2013-11-25 17:50:17 +0000 UTC]

ahh what a cutie ; w ; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to Shiokaraazu [2013-11-25 20:38:48 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ryuutou [2013-11-25 17:40:52 +0000 UTC]

eee, she looks like such a cutie <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to Ryuutou [2013-11-25 20:38:39 +0000 UTC]

fakjaldsk thank youuuu c,:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ryuutou In reply to Bayflight [2013-11-25 20:39:43 +0000 UTC]

you're very welcome, dearie ;//v//;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DellyDevil [2013-11-25 17:26:30 +0000 UTC]

Become a magical eevee.

She so cute <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to DellyDevil [2013-11-25 20:38:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much!  <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

s1gnalbeams [2013-11-25 17:25:10 +0000 UTC]

omg so cute~ nwn

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to s1gnalbeams [2013-11-25 20:38:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SozinThis [2013-11-25 17:20:56 +0000 UTC]

BAYYY!!! *snuggles*

 we have to rp... because Miko needs to meet her and they need to eb friends to make up for all teh last akaxpalette rps.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to SozinThis [2013-11-25 20:38:12 +0000 UTC]

Awww XD  <3  Sure!  If you wanna send a starter sometime that'd be great ;u;  Setting, plot, I'm not picky~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AriaVen [2013-11-20 01:35:54 +0000 UTC]


Oh my goodness <3333

Her human form is sooooo adorable!!!!!


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to AriaVen [2013-11-20 01:55:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness thank you!  ;O;  I struggle with humans sometimes but I thought she looked pretty good- I'm so glad to know she looks alright <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AriaVen In reply to Bayflight [2013-11-21 00:32:50 +0000 UTC]

You did amazing <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ElunaTalnae [2013-11-17 19:46:44 +0000 UTC]

One day I will join that group....one day....maybe LOL

I can't draw people

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to ElunaTalnae [2013-11-20 01:54:23 +0000 UTC]

Yessss do it

I thought I couldn't either, but my friend gave me a hooman lesson for facial structure.  If you want a copy I can give it to you sometime ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ElunaTalnae In reply to Bayflight [2013-11-20 02:11:07 +0000 UTC]

What pokemon should i dooo?

that would be wonderful if you could

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to ElunaTalnae [2013-11-21 02:04:00 +0000 UTC]

Noted you c;

Hmmmm...I don't know!  What about something nobody would do, like a Sentret or Zigzagoon?  Or perhaps a Shedinja, something cool like that

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ElunaTalnae In reply to Bayflight [2013-11-21 02:55:53 +0000 UTC]

I saw! Thank you <333

And hmmmm.....or what about an espurr?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to ElunaTalnae [2013-11-21 22:28:16 +0000 UTC]

Oooooh yes

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ElunaTalnae In reply to Bayflight [2013-11-21 22:36:55 +0000 UTC]

I cant into my Obsidia-TGB account

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SozinThis [2013-11-17 06:41:34 +0000 UTC]

ermahgerd! Sylveon! <3333 snuggles* her and Miko have to be like.... girly friends in all the right ways. I see pillow fights, hot chocolates and gossiping in their future.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to SozinThis [2013-11-17 14:06:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes <3  ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

R0B0tak [2013-11-15 00:15:47 +0000 UTC]

So precious! ;A;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to R0B0tak [2013-11-15 00:17:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!  ;U;  I love your reference too <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

R0B0tak In reply to Bayflight [2013-11-15 00:41:57 +0000 UTC]

No problem! 

Bahaha - thanks! xD <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AriaVen [2013-11-14 23:26:32 +0000 UTC]

That pose is so perfect and adorable! Oh my goodness I cannot wait to see more of this lovely oc you have here <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bayflight In reply to AriaVen [2013-11-14 23:27:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ;u; <3  So excited for this group

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AriaVen In reply to Bayflight [2013-11-14 23:32:35 +0000 UTC]

o u o glad to hear it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0