Quick-Play Spell Card
Lore: Target 1 "Cybel" Monster Card you control; destroy it, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Cybel" monster from your Deck or face-up Extra Deck with the same Level as the destroyed monster, but a different name. If this card is banished by the effect of a Fairy monster, or an "Cybel" card: You gain 1500 LP, then you can send 1 "Cybel" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Cybeling Comforts" once per turn.
Trivia/Pic Credit:
- This is card #43 of the Garden of Archimedean Booster Pack.
- "Avariti, Selfish Cybeling" appears in this card's artwork.
- After the tumultuous tumble through an otherworldly gate, Leegirsu, Grell, Bonin, and Myscheivous awake in a strange land. there's haunting lights everywhere, the air is sharp with the scent of incense and mana, and a small imp peering in on them. Questioning her brings news; they're not currently dead, which is good. But what they are in is the home of the chaos fairy Cybel, the Sanctuary of the Cybelings, which is bad. And without her captured children anywhere to be seen, the empty-handed heroes may just find their way to a far darker otherside sooner rather than later.
- Pic credit goes to Lena (Zoal) on danbooru.
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