beachballtf — Amy the Squasher
#ball #tf #transformation #balltf #volleyballtf #inanimatetf #inanimatetransformation #balltransformation
Published: 2019-06-29 04:04:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 9520; Favourites: 50; Downloads: 0
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 There you were, walking down the sidewalk just minding your own business reading messages on your phone when.


    A feminine voice shouts out from behind you followed by a rustle of leaves . You quickly glance behind you but nobody is there. But it was a bit cloudy all of a sudden, as you are suddenly cast in shadow. Weird, it was a nice day. You look up but can’t make out the sky, instead a large dark circular disk is rushing towards you.


    An immense pressure crashes into your head, driving strait to the ground without even slowing.


    The wet sound echoes out from your body as pain blossoms everywhere as every inch of your body is crushed between the disk and the hard concrete beneath. Your ears ring from the pressure, and every fiber of your body quivers from the violent flattening. As suddenly as it started it was over as the weight lifted off. Not that you were in any better position.

    All you could see was strait up, and filling up that view was a strange looking girl with a massive hammer tucked behind her back. Ripped pink fishnets, neon blue boots, black leather jacket topped with a rainbow colored hair that framed an almost sadistically painted on smile.

    “Oh look at you and how cute you look!” Your attacker squeaked out, her voice a very high pitch. Her hammer slams to the ground as she talks, as if forgotten as she reaches for your body. Her dainty hands wrap around your sides and off the ground you go, ending up face to face with your attacker. “Aww! You’re even cuter up close.” She pinched your cheeks, hard, “Just look at that expression. Didn’t see it coming, did ya? Well of course you didn’t silly, cause I’m Amy, the sneakiest Squasher around!” As Amy said this she looked up, as if her words were meant for the world and less for her captive. She even began to absently twirl you like a giant coin in her hands.

    The spinning stopped with a jolt at the end of Amy’s speech. “Now what to do with my little… OOPS! Sorry about that” Amy had been talking to your rear, giving you an odd appreciation of height in your new form as you stare at the ground. Situation rectified, Amy continued. “So as I as saying, what to do with you.” Her eyes drew mischievous and catlike with her last statement as she began to look around. She noticed two groups on individuals in the distance. The first a group of kids, were tossing basketballs into a large plastic basket on a pole with multiple exit holes on it, trying to guess which home the ball would come from. The second group was a more young adult crowd, chilling around and using a slack line for fun.

    “So what do you think? Ball or slack line?” She paused for an answer that would never come from your crushed body. “No opinion? Well lets leave it to a coin toss then. Heads a ball and tails a slack line. Ready? Good. Well lets get started then” With an almost inhumane snap of the wrist Amy sent you spinning into the air. Up and down became a blur of motion too quick to follow and suddenly you crashed into the ground.


    A sharp pain in the read passed into you but eventually you come to rest staring into the sky

    “Heads!” Amy shouted out as she hopped up and down. She took her tiny bag and began to dig through it. “Not this one, not that one either. Maybe? Nah. Ooh, found it!” The girl snapped up bringing a small , foot operated air pump from her sac. She sets the pump next to you and takes the nozzle to your mouth, but Amy immediately notices a problem. Your mouth, just like your body, is completely squashed flat!

    “Huh, that’s a problem. Well let me try this! She shoves her thumb as hard as she can between your lips. A little wiggle and she is able to get a part of your lips to lift up. As her thumb begins to enter your mouth a sweet taste begins to feel it. That and a sticky feeling as the thumb tacks to anything it touches. Looks like Amy likes her sweets. Regardless of this information, the girls begins to track her thumb and her fingers around the rim of your mouth. With each pass she is able to slowly stretch out and up your lips, creating a circular tube into your mouth.

    “Ahh, perfect.” Said Amy, reacquiring the pump nozzle and jamming it unceremoniously into your mouth hole. “Ready? Of course you are! Silly me. Alright, lets get started with a countdown. On three. One… Two… Three!” With a hop Amy drove her foot into the pump pad. A sudden explosion of air filled your mouth, creating a buildup of pressure that pushed hard anywhere it could.


    The nozzle shoots out of your mouth and up into the air before falling and slapping you in the face.

    “Huh, that’s disappointing.” Amy sounded dejected at the results of her work. “What to do, what to do” she thought aloud, tapping a finger against her lower lip. She went to her bag and began to start digging again. “Aha, found something”, from the corner of your eye you could see the girl holding a roll of tape. Unceremoniously, she wrapped the tape around your lips and the pump nozzle, locking them together.

    “Ok, ready? Good. On three then. Three, go!” Amy rushed through her dialog, annoyed at the waste of time she just went through. She stomped down on the pump, and immediately the pressure shot up again in your mouth, quickly rising up beyond the last failure point.


    The pressure shot up even more, pushing harshly against your body.


    Again more, it begins to hurt


It hurts, everything is quivering under the pressure, it feels like your mouth is about to burst.

Stomp POP!

A tear erupted through your body as the air forces its way beyond your mouth and forms a cavity of air within your body. Your body begins to wobble on the ground, no longer a flat disk against the ground. Amy pauses for a moment to check where the sound came from before continuing

Stomp Stomp Stomp

    The air pocket expands, rounding out and forcing your body to follow.

Stomp Stomp Stomp

    Rounder you grow, wobbling back and fourth as your body grows taunt against the growing pressure. Amy pauses in her stomping to take a moment to check her toy. Her fingers probe deep into your body, the lack of resistance looking to be unsatisfactory to her as she begins to stomp more and more.






    Everything is so tight


    Every in of your skin is beginning to vibrate against the pressure.


    Everything is too tight, one more stomp and you feel like you will burst. Thankfully Amy gets off the pump a second time and probes again with her fingers. Unlike last time her fingers barley make a dent in your skin. A moan of satisfaction escapes her lips at your current form.

    “Perfect, now lets get that nozzle out of your mouth, can’t have fun with my new toy with a tube sticking out now can we my little ball?” She crouched down behind your, outside of your warped field of view. Her knees stuck out to either side of you and she began to apply a light pressure to the side of your body, securing your round shape in place. With precision she pinched the base of your lips between her index finger and thump, rolling them back and fourth until a perfect pinch was formed. Next Amy pulled the tape and the pump off, leaving your skin an angry red from the gluey strips that had been bound to it. And with a classic balloon twist tied a knot in your lips.

    Your captor shot to her feet, an excited energy started to fill her movements. “YAY!” she called out to nobody in particular. “Look at you, all round and bally that you are. But a ball is not a ball if it cant do ball things right?” again there was no way to answer that question, with your lips bound shut the way they were. She picked you up in an effortless movement, with her hands caressing each side of your hear. “So let see how you bounce then, shall we.” Amy released her grip on you as you were shoulder level with her. Down you plummeted, the ground rushing up with no way to stop the impact.


    The hollowness of your body rings out as your hit the ground, flying back up into Amy’s waiting hands. Amy laughed out in glee, obviously excited in the results. Again and again she dropped you, each time you bounced back up into her waiting hands. Her grip changed, and no longer were you being dropped but dribbled into the ground, harder and faster with each dribble till suddenly you soar way up in the air, past the tops of some of the nearby trees. But you don’t hit the ground this time, instead you land gently into the girl’s waiting arms.

    “Well I think you are ready for a little fun right?” She asked again, and again no response. It was as if Amy though asking was getting permission. But she began to take off to the kids playing their game regardless to what you wanted, tucking you effortlessly under her arm as she did so. “Hey kids, mind if I join?” the two of you had arrived at the bucket on the pole.

    “Who are you lady, and why does your ball look so weird?” One of the kids responded. The rest seemed nervous talking to such a strange lady that had appeared before them.

    “I’m Amy and this is my ball.” She pointed to herself in an exaggerated way before holding you out before the kids for a moment. “Look, I wanna play too. Hey! My turn, think fast.” She lobbed you up to the basket, positioned 10 feet off the ground. It was a perfect shot as you arched though the air and into the basket. You hit one of the sides and begin to spin around the device, sinking lower and lower into it. You see the holes at the bottom for moments at a time time as you take on a quick spin.


    You bounce off a hole, not quite center enough. Then another. Each hit slows your speed. Again and again you glance off a hole till you speed settles to a crawl. You hit one more hole, and suddenly your no longer moving.You feel the rim of the hole on your lower half, a little smaller than your body was.

    “Hey lady!” A kid called out. “Your ball is stuck.”

    “Ahh shoot!” Amy answered back. You hear the patter of boots beneath you and sounds of exertion at someone jumping. “Common, common, common. Why did I have to make you so bit.” The jumping stops for a moment. “Hey ball I’ll be back and I’ll fix this, I promise.” With that statement you hear her run off to who knows where, leaving you trapped in a kids playground device. As soon as she had entered your life she was gone, and for the first time since this all started you hope this will not be the last. If you wish to have any chance of returning to normal that is.

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Comments: 3

doormatlizardess3 [2019-07-31 13:13:37 +0000 UTC]

Love your writing! ;3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

beachballtf In reply to doormatlizardess3 [2019-07-31 21:05:33 +0000 UTC]

Glad you enjoy it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

nndragon4 [2019-06-29 10:29:22 +0000 UTC]

Hopefully I get freed soon. I don't mind being her ball

👍: 0 ⏩: 0