BeccatheHedgebat06 — The Frozen Soldier
Published: 2018-09-23 20:05:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 988; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description   I’m sure you have heard Washington Irving’s tale about the school teacher, Ichabod Crane, and the beheaded Hessian soldier, the Headless Horseman. However, the quaint village of Sleepy Hollow has another lesser known legend. This tale starts in late December of 1864. Three years prior, a man named Sebastian van Hohenheim was chosen to spy on Theodore Anthony, a cruel and ruthless Confederate general and mayor of Richmond, Virginia. He knew the job was risky and that he would be held prisoner or tortured and executed for betrayal. The same thing would probably happen if General Anthony found out that Sebastian was married to a runaway Native American slave with whom he had a son. Of course, his wife, Luna, was worried sick about his decision. But, she knew it was for the best. The only ones who knew Sebastian was an espionage for the Union were the members of his resistance group which consisted of Union soldiers, Confederate soldiers who didn't like General Anthony, the townsfolk of Richmond who were tired of the harsh taxes, and the slaves who were treated cruelly by him.
 When Sebastian arrived in Richmond for the first time, General Anthony immediately took a liking towards the German man and made him his secretary. Sebastian was relieved that he didn't have to fight in the front lines. He still had to witness something terrible, however. It felt like Sebastian was staring into the gates of Hell. Because he was General Anthony's secretary, he was forced to watch innocent civilians, Confederate Soldiers, and slaves being brutally tortured and executed on a daily basis. Sebastian knew he couldn't do anything to save them, because he knew the same thing would happen to him if he even tried. Eventually, this began to take a toll on him and guilt began to overwhelm him. In order to make things seem right, he would slit his wrists once for each person, whether it was a man, woman, or child, who died at the hands of General Anthony and his regime. Sebastian's anxiety and paranoia began to increase when the tyrannical Confederate general was around; he would flinch at the sound of his name and end up in a panic-like state at the sound of a woman or child’s agony. To top it all off, he has nightmares about the tortures and the executions and barely got any sleep at night. Instead of resting when he should, he worked nonstop until he passed out due to exhaustion.  His friend and roommate, Beckett Jones, knew something was wrong and he wanted to get the help that Sebastian needed. Sebastian was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to psychological trauma at the age of 27. He was honorably discharged, but he still persisted because he knew that General Anthony would get suspicious and would probably send him to a mental asylum where the patients were treated cruelly and were painfully experimented on. Those were only the beginning of Sebastian’s complications. 
  The morning of December 21st, 1864 was frigid, and snow was descending gracefully from the sky above. It felt like the first time in forever that Sebastian was able to get a full night's rest. Like every morning, it’s the same old routine: Get up, get dressed, drink a mug full of dark roast coffee, eat breakfast, etc. While drinking his coffee, Sebastian looked over the finished paperwork that he had to deliver to his tyrannical boss later that day. The thought of doing such a facile task made him feel timorous. A few moments later, Beckett emerged from his bedroom fully dressed, but his curly, mousy brown hair was slightly tangled and disheveled.
  “Morning, Sebastian.” Beckett greeted him with a yawn as he walked over get breakfast and coffee for himself.
  “Good morning, Beckett.” Sebastian replied as he continued looking over his paperwork.
  “How did you sleep?” He asked while sounding concerned.
  “I’ve slept well.” Sebastian replied. “It seems like the medications that Johnny prescribed to me are working properly.” He continued.
  “That’s wonderful.” Beckett sighed softly in relief.
  Sebastian nodded his head in agreement as he took a sip of his coffee.
  “By the way, I also have paperwork to deliver to the Tyrant today.” Beckett explained.
  A wave of relief washed over Sebastian since he didn’t have to ask Beckett to come with him. He loathed having to face the Tyrant alone and having someone with him that he trusted helped ease his anxiety slightly.
  “If that were the case, we mustn’t dawdle.” Sebastian stated. “It would be best if we didn’t keep him waiting.” He added.
  After a few minutes, they finished getting ready and collected the necessary materials needed. Then, they put on their winter garments and exited their cabin, shutting the door behind them.
  It took them a few minutes to walk from their cabin to the Anthony estate where the Tyrant resided. As soon as they entered, Sebastian began to clutch onto the finished paperwork tightly while trying to mask his nervousness. He despised the fact that he had the feeling of dread that he couldn’t control. After a few moments, Jackson Feluca, a Confederate soldier with the same psychotic mindset as the Tyrant, walked past them in the opposite direction while the tyrannical Confederate general was a few paces behind him. The both of them stopped in the middle of the narrow hallway so Sebastian and Beckett couldn’t advance any further.
  “Good morning, boys.” General Anthony greeted both Sebastian and Beckett.
  “Good morning, sir.” Sebastian replied while shivering slightly.
  “Sebastian, are you alright?” He asked him. “You’re shivering.” General Anthony added while looking concerned.
  “Yes, I’m fine.” Sebastian lied while shivering. “It’s a bit cold in here. That’s all.” He continued.
  “You’re wearing a winter coat.” Jackson stated. “How in the world can you be cold?” He asked Sebastian in a rude tone.
  “Jackson, we have to return papers to our boss. Please, don’t give us a hard time.” Beckett quickly changed the subject while giving Jackson an irritated look.
  The two of them gave their finished paperwork to General Anthony. Then, he handed Sebastian a folder overflowing with papers.
  “I want you to deliver these crucial documents to General Deidrich.” General Anthony demanded Sebastian. “Before I forget, all of you could go back to your families for the holidays if you choose.” He continued.
  “Okay.” Sebastian and Beckett responded simultaneously.
  Jackson and General Anthony walked around Beckett and Sebastian. Then, they disappeared around the corner.  After that, Sebastian and Beckett left the Anthony estate, shutting the door behind them.
  As soon as they stepped foot out of the door, General Deidrich quickly ran up to them.
  “You two need to come with me right now.” he explained, out of breath. “I’ve gathered as much of the resistance as I could.” General Deidrich continued.
  “Could you please tell us what’s going on?” Sebastian asked while sounding utterly perplexed.
  “I’ll explain everything once we get to my estate.” He responded.
  Wanting to know what he was talking about, Sebastian and Beckett went with General Deidrich to his estate. Once inside, he quickly shut the door behind them. He led them to the study, their main meeting place. At the center of the room, there was a large table. Everyone that was present was sitting down. Sebastian and Beckett sat down with everyone else. General Deidrich was still standing, however.
  “Now that everyone is present, I’m now able to explain why I brought you all here today.” General Deidrich stated.
  “With the way you were hastily running up to us, I thought you being chased.” Johnny Finch, one of the doctors at the base, replied while looking uneasy.
  “Did the Tyrant form a secret police force?” Edeline, General Deidrich’s daughter, inquired with curiosity leaking from her voice.
  “I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.” Rita Alder, one of his servants, agreed while nodding her head.
  “I’m not sure. But, that can be a possibility.” General Deidrich answered. “Sebastian, do you have the folder that the Tyrant gave you?” He continued with a question. 
  “Yes, I do.” Sebastian responded.
  “Do you know what’s inside?” General Deidrich asked another question.
  “No, sir. I do not.” Sebastian answered the question honestly. “He told me to give this to you. I didn’t want to meddle into your affairs. Currently, I await your permission.” He continued as he stood up and gave the folder to General Deidrich.
  “Your permission is now granted.” He permitted him.
   General Deidrich walked over to the table with the folder in hand. Then, he opens it and places it on the table for everyone to see its contents. Sebastian walks over to read what was inside. His eyes widened in shock.
  “Oh no...This is not good.” He muttered while sounding fearful.
  “Well, what does it say?” Robert Shaw, an elderly gentleman who owned a small market in town, asked him impatiently.
  “Are you sure you want me to read this aloud?” Sebastian responded with a question while looking skeptical.
  “Of course I do!” Robert answered. “We have to know what that lunatic is up to!” He added.
  Sebastian picked up the written letter that was on top of the papers and cleared his throat.
  “It says: Dear, Barron Deidrich. I have come up with a plan that would make those damned Yankees fall onto their knees and plead for mercy. For this plan, I will create biological weapons by the use of experimentation. I will begin experimenting on slaves and other undesirables because I can’t afford to risk the lives of my soldiers and other employees. If the experiments are successful, soldiers will be chosen for this procedure. The papers provided in this folder will do the explaining for me.” Sebastian read the letter aloud.
  The entire group looked through the papers to see what the Tyrant was talking about.
  “If he thinks I would experiment on the slaves, he has another thing coming!” Johnny ranted sounding unamused. “This plan of his is inhumane!” He continued angrily.
  “I don’t think you would live long enough to see that happen…” Sebastian replied in a somber tone.
  “What do you mean?” Johnny asked Sebastian while looking nervous.
  “The other day, I overheard the Tyrant saying that you were going to be executed soon.” He explained. “Looks like another nightmare of mine is going to become a cruel reality. You could be executed tonight, tomorrow night, or the night after that. I don’t know when for sure.” Sebastian continued while looking down at his feet.
  “What happened in the nightmares?” Johnny inquired.
  “You were arrested and placed in front of a firing squad; the Graybacks, eager for your departure to the afterlife, have sadistic grins on their faces. After the count of three, everyone in the firing squad shoots you at once. None of them aim for your head, however. They don’t want your death to be instantaneous; They want to see you suffer, even if it was only for a moment.” Sebastian told him while shivering slightly. “To avoid your gruesome fate, please come with me up north. I plan on helping the slaves escape and I want you to help me.” He added, pleading for Johnny to come with him to avoid his demise.
  Johnny stood up from his seat. He walks over to Sebastian and embraces him.
  “With all of the horrors we went through, I believe you.” Johnny comforted him. “I don’t know if your accurate nightmares about the executions are a coincidence or you have psychic abilities; It’s either one or the other. But, I don’t know for sure. I shall travel with you in order to keep your mental health in check.” He continued.  
  “Don’t be ridiculous. Those nightmares are based around my fear of losing people I care for the most; They’re nothing but coincidences.”  Sebastian replied as he embraced Johnny in return. “Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I really appreciate it.” He added with a small smile.
  “You’re welcome, Sebastian.” Johnny responded while softly smiling back.
  “Shall we start packing tonight?” Sebastian asked.
  “Yes. I think we should also leave tonight.” He answered.
  Then, the entire resistance group discussed their ideas for sneaking the slaves up north. After a few hours, all of them left the study to go about their daily business. Little did any of them know that Jackson Feluca was eavesdropping on their conversation the entire time.
  When night fell, Sebastian and Johnny finished packing. Then, they and some of the slaves snuck into the train station and jumped into a storage car on a train heading northward bound. The village of Sleepy Hollow was one of the many stops on its route. After a few minutes, the train started to move. Everyone present in the storage car, except Johnny, fell into a deep sleep. He didn’t really understand how Sebastian could be so courageous despite the nightmarish situation he was going through. Then, Johnny realized the answer; Sebastian had a wife and son back home that he needed to protect. He understood why Sebastian wouldn’t quit his job as the Tyrant’s secretary after his diagnosis. At first, Johnny thought that he was being stubborn. Later, he realized that wasn’t exactly true. Johnny remembered speaking to the Tyrant about Sebastian feeling uncomfortable because he was forced to watch the public executions three years ago. He warned him that Sebastian’s mental health was at stake. Of course, the Tyrant didn’t care; He only cared about money. His response to Johnny’s request still sends chills down his spine to this very day.
  “If Sebastian develops a serious mental disorder, I’ll just send him to the mental asylum; That should cure him.” The Tyrant’s voice echoed in his head.
  Johnny knew that mental illnesses like Post Traumatic Stress couldn’t be cured; The symptoms could be hindered with medication. If the Tyrant tried to send Sebastian to the asylum, General Deidrich wouldn’t let him.
  After three hours, Sebastian suddenly awoke; His eyes widened in terror and he quickly covered his mouth to prevent making any noise.
  “You’ve had another PTSD induced nightmare, didn’t you?” Johnny asked him giving Sebastian a worried expression.
  “Yes.” Sebastian responded sounding depressed. “If I accidentally woke you up, I sincerely apologize.” He continued while avoiding eye contact.
  “There is no need to apologize.” He assured him “I’ve been awake the entire time.” Johnny continued.
  Sebastian slowly sat up.
  “Was it the same one?” Johnny asked him.
  “No, it was different this time.” Sebastian answered. “Instead of you being executed by a firing squad, my wife and son perished by being beheaded with a guillotine and I was forced to become a test subject for the biological weapon experiments that the Tyrant is conducting.” He added.
  “Where does this take place?” He inquired.
  “In my hometown.” Sebastian answered truthfully.
  “Wait...Why does your hometown have a guillotine?” Johnny asked another question while looking perplexed.
  “The mayor thought it was a more humane way of execution and the death is instantaneous as long as the blade remains sharp.” Sebastian explained. “The gallows used to be a Hangman’s Noose. But, all of the townsfolk, me included, were uncomfortable seeing the person being executed dancing the Hangman’s Jig if the execution itself went wrong.” He continued.
  “Is that when the muscles in the neck and back are torn causing the person being executed to spasm in agony while suffocating to death?”  He asked him.
  Sebastian nodded.
  “You’re quite a strange one...In a good way.” Johnny stated.
  “The things that are considered normal for the spider are absolute chaos for the fly.” Sebastian replied with a small smirk while shrugging his shoulders.
  “You should get some more rest.” Johnny suggested.
  “Johnny, you need the sleep more than I do.” Sebastian replied. “You didn’t get a wink of it.” He continued.
  “You do have a point.” Johnny admitted in defeat as he laid down.
  “If anything happens, I’ll take care of it.” Sebastian assured him. “I promise.” He added.
  “Okay.” He replied as he closed his eyes.
  Sebastian stared at the night sky as the train continued to travel north. The rest of the passengers were sound asleep.
  Meanwhile back at the Confederate base in Richmond, Jackson Feluca was in a hurry because he wanted to tell General Anthony what he had just heard. After a few minutes of running, He made it to his office. He was ranting to Beckett about some of his slaves escaping and how Johnny Finch managed to get away before his execution. For Beckett, the Tyrant’s ranting went in one ear and out the other because he wasn’t interested. He was thankful that Sebastian was able to save them.
  “Mr. Anthony! I have some news for you.” Jackson declared.
  “What is it?” General Anthony stopped ranting to Beckett to hear what Jackson had to say.
  “You’re wondering why some of your slaves escaped and why Johnny Finch managed to get away. Well, Sebastian van Hohenheim is to blame.” He answered with a smirk. “He was a Union espionage in disguise.” Jackson added.
  Beckett’s eyes widened in shock. The true identity of his best friend was exposed.
  “Please tell me you’re bluffing.” Beckett pleaded.
  “I’m not kidding.” Jackson replied in an irritated tone while he was taking out a notebook. “I have all the evidence right here on these pages.” He continued with a smug smirk.
  Beckett really wanted to smack that smug smirk right off of his face. But, he was still aghast about the fact that Jackson eavesdropped on their entire conversation at the Deidrich estate. As the tyrannical general read through the notebook, his face became beet red due to anger.
  “I can’t believe I was taken for a fool by a Yankee!” General Anthony shouted vehemently. “That spy shall be punished! Jackson, from now on, you are my new secretary. Your first order is to gather all of my soldiers who are genuinely loyal to me. The traitors shall die!” He continued.
  “Looks like Sebastian finally got his wish about him giving the job to Jackson.” Beckett muttered under his breath.  
  Beckett managed to run out General Anthony’s office as quickly as he could. He had to warn General Deidrich and the rest of the resistance group that both Sebastian and Johnny are in jeopardy before it was too late.
  Sebastian, Johnny, and the slaves made it safely to Sleepy Hollow on December 22nd, 1864. The slaves managed to get edible food, clean water, warm shelter, and a job in which they are paid. General Deidrich, Beckett and the rest of the resistance group are trying to beat General Anthony and his regime to Sleepy Hollow in order to warn Sebastian and Johnny about their impending demise. The Tyrant and his own army of loyal followers only had one thing in mind; They wanted to make Sebastian pay for thwarting their plans.
  On the evening of December 24th, most of the townsfolk, including Sebastian and his family, were on their way to the Old Dutch Church to attend Christmas Eve service. General Deidrich and the rest of the resistance found Sebastian before the Tyrant and his regime could.
  “Sebastian! You and Johnny are in grave danger!” Rita exclaimed.
  “The Tyrant has found out your true identity. That snake, Feluca, eavesdropped on our conversation back at the Deidrich estate.” Beckett explained. “You, Luna, Johnny, and Samuel should hide while you still can.” He continued.
  “That is too late to do that!” A masculine voice thundered.
  The Tyrant and his regime surrounded them on all sides.
  “Sebastian Remus van Hohenheim, you are under arrest for being an espionage for the Union and for forming a resistance group to overthrow me!” General Anthony declared furiously while turning his head slightly to face Johnny. “Johnathan Edward Finch, you are also under arrest for evading your execution!” He continued vehemently while as he got off of his horse.
  “My, my. Looks like the hunter just became the hunted.” Jackson stated in an amused tone.
  “If you want to hurt them, you have to get through me!” Beckett shouted at the Tyrant.
  The Tyrant walked over to Beckett and picked him up by the collar of his shirt.
  “You are all bark and no bite.” He sneered. “Boys, looks like he have another traitor to deal with.” He continued as he threw Beckett on the cold, snowy ground.
  Beckett groans in pain and tries his best to get back onto his feet. The Tyrant turned his head to face Sebastian.
  “As your punishment, your wife and son shall be executed at your town’s gallows and you shall become one of my first test subjects for the experiment I’m conducting on biological warfare!” He declared.
  Luna’s and Samuel’s eyes widen in shock.
  “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.” Sebastian declined while shivering in fear. “You were after me! Don’t drag my wife and son into this mess! Execute me instead!” He continued while giving the Tyrant the death glare.
  “Sebastian! What in the world are you doing?!” Luna asked while looking aghast.
  “I’m saving your life.” Sebastian answered calmly. “This may seem selfish of me; I don’t want you or our son, Samuel, to be added on to the Tyrant’s bodycount. I’ve already seen enough people suffer by his hand. So, I’m giving up my life to save you and Samuel.” He added.
  Luna embraced her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck.
  “I said this once and I’ll say it again; I’m worried sick about your decision.” Luna stated truthfully. “I know you're doing it with the best of intentions.” She continued while looking mildly concerned.
  “Darling, I promised to protect you and Sam even it meant had I had to die in the process.” Sebastian replied. “That is a promise I intend on keeping. You two deserve to live long lives and to prosper. This world may have teeth and it could bite you whenever it pleased. I know you two can make it through; You’re strong enough to do so.” He added as he embraced Luna in return.
  “I hope we are strong enough.” Samuel, Sebastian’s 10 year old son, commented while looking down at his feet.
  “Sam, both you and your mother are strong enough to survive; I’m sure of it” Sebastian assured him. “Remember, I'll be there with the both of you in spirit.” He added with a small smile.
  Samuel joined the embrace with his parents.
  “Sebastian, this might be the last time I will be able to tell you this; I love you.” Luna said as tears began to form into her eyes.
  “I love you too.” Sebastian replied as he leaned in closer towards her.
  He gave Luna a quick, farewell kiss.
  “If I do move on, our paths may cross again on the other side.” He stated.
  “I apologize if I’m interrupting your final goodbyes. But, do you have any last words?” General Anthony interjected rudely.
  “Yes, I do.” Sebastian responded. “You are the most pathetic excuse of a man I’ve ever come across in my entire life. All you care about is money and you don’t care about the lives of your own people. I gave your slaves food, water, and other materials for them to survive and I don’t regret it. People of different races aren’t gods or demons; They’re human just like the rest of us. All of us should put our racial differences aside and treat each other like equals. Promise me that you won’t harm or kill my wife and son. If you do, you will regret it.” Sebastian continued angrily, his tone remaining calm.
  “Alright. We won’t kill them.” The Tyrant said just to get Sebastian to shut up.
  Sebastian felt all the weight that was on his shoulders for the past three years fall off. General Anthony and his regime marched Sebastian to the town’s gallows. That night, he greeted Death like an old friend. After a few moments, the blade fell and he was beheaded. Since Sebastian was dead, General Anthony didn’t keep true to his promise and shot Luna in the head causing her to die instantly. He ordered some of his men to kill Johnny. On the count of three, the men shot him at the same time. None of the bullets went through his head. Johnny perished in a pool of his own blood; Yet, he had a smile on his face. Then, the Tyrant and his men killed anyone who opposed them. This event will go down in history as the Christmas Eve Massacre.
  Several days after the death of Sebastian van Hohenheim, Johnny Finch, and many others, General Anthony was in his office doing like paperwork like usual. He was thrilled with the amount of money that came to him because of his harsh taxes. Everything seemed to be normal. Suddenly, the room began to get colder. It got to the point where he could see his breath. Knowing something wasn’t right, the Tyrant got up and check his windows to see if the were open.
  “None of the windows are open.” He muttered to himself.
  He walks over to his fireplace and places some logs inside of it. Then, he ignites the wood with a flaming match. The room was slightly warmer than it was before and he started to get back to his work. After that, frost began to form on the windows. This was where it was getting strange. Frost was forming on the windows inside the building and on anything that was made of glass inside of the room. The flames inside the fireplace shrunk and turned blue in color.
  “What in the world is going on?” He asked aloud.
  He got up to check on the fireplace. Then, he heard the door to his office open. It slammed closed after a few seconds. He turned his head towards the door to see if it was Jackson that came in. It wasn’t him, however. There was a figure standing in the darkest corner of the room. It was too tall to be Jackson.
  “You didn’t keep your promise.” A masculine voice with a thick German accent spoke in an angered tone.
  General Anthony recognized that voice and his eyes widened in shock.
  “You’ve killed my wife after you promised you wouldn’t.” The figure spoke again.
  “What are you talking about?” General Anthony asked in a rude tone. “Step into the light where I can see you!” He continued with a demand.
  The figure stepped into the light to reveal a familiar face.
  “No...This isn’t possible.” He stated full of dread. “I have gotten you beheaded!” He continued, looking cross.
  The figure in question was Sebastian. The only thing about him that appeared different was the metal choker that was around his neck.
  “I told you that you would regret it. I will make you pay for all of the monstrosities that you have committed.” Sebastian replied bitterly.
  Sebastian took a rifle that was mounted on the wall and pointed it at General Anthony. Knowing the gun was fully loaded, he tried to escape. The only way out of the room was frozen shut. Sebastian placed his finger on the trigger.
  “Farewell, Tyrant. May God have mercy on your pitiful soul.”


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Comments: 6

ghastlywingz [2018-09-23 22:05:39 +0000 UTC]

This story is so well written! You did a great job!
Also, did Johnny come back from the dead, or did he move on?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BeccatheHedgebat06 In reply to ghastlywingz [2018-09-23 22:27:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I decided to rewrite Sebastian's origin story for a college level English class I'm taking in school. I'm currently in 12th grade. I showed it to my teacher when I wasn't finished with it to see what I should fix and she liked it. 
Johnny does come back from the dead. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghastlywingz In reply to BeccatheHedgebat06 [2018-09-23 23:47:41 +0000 UTC]

You are very much welcome! And good luck with your college-level class!


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BeccatheHedgebat06 In reply to ghastlywingz [2018-09-24 09:17:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ^u^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ghastlywingz In reply to BeccatheHedgebat06 [2018-09-24 12:27:30 +0000 UTC]

You’re welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BeccatheHedgebat06 In reply to ghastlywingz [2018-09-24 19:46:10 +0000 UTC]


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