Bellidonax — TGO Application: Tambara

Published: 2012-06-21 02:03:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1308; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 52
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Description Name: Tambara (Tam or Bara for short)

Age: 3 Years

Gender: Female

Breed: Bombay

Chaw: Dabble


-Illusion spell- lvl 1

Job: Dancer I wanted her to be a Queen's Maiden

Faction: Gypsy

Home: F13

Schillings: 25

Banker: =whitefeathersrain



-|Ruby Headdress|- A lovely ruby suspended on gold string that end with two round studs that attach to her ears. This unique accessory was something her father had made for her mother on the night they had become mates and when her parents disappeared all that was left of them was this pretty trinket and though it was no replacement for her parents having it did help her get over the pain of losing them.

-|Fools Gold Earring|- A large fools gold hoop that was given to her by a young pirate that had been her first real crush. He had promised to return for her when they were old enough to be mates but he never did. On cold lonely nights she sometimes will sit alone, looking at the stars and think about the handsome chocolate tom, praying that wherever he is that he is safe.

-|Black Choker|- A gray leather choker with a red gem embedded in the center. She was given this simple article of jewelry by her adoptive mother when she joined a band of gypsies who taught her to dance and play music to entertain others and earn money.


-|Dancing Skirt|- A gorgeous gold (or what appears to be gold, the merchant wasn't specific) belt with a red silk skirt and beaded strands on both sides that clank together when she dances. It took Her a long time to get up the money to buy this but no matter what she still believes it was a great investment even when she's not wearing it.




-|Optimistic|- Tambara is a cheery soul who has often been told she had "a personality as bright as the sun" as her sister Jasibel had always put it. Always seen with a sparkling smile on her face and a skip in her step she is well known for her infectious giggle that is as bubbly and joyous as she. Even when things look bleak she looks for the silver lining and she never hesitates to try to find a solution so everyone can be happy.

-|Sociable|- Energetic and full of life Tambara doesn't hesitate to talk to strangers, in fact she enjoys introducing herself to new people. She sees everyone as being a friend until proven otherwise and likes to see the best in even the worst of people. As easygoing as she is Tambara believes it's necessary to keep an open mind when it comes to others and to always try to understand their point of view even when it conflicts with her own.

-|Pacifist|- To no one's surprise Tambara does not believe in conflict of any kind and will try to work things out via talking or trying to make others laugh. When things cannot be settled without conflict Tambara will shrink into herself and get quiet until she can no longer deal with the tension she feels around conflict and she will show a side of her rarely seen, her anger.

-|Poised|- Graceful as a swan and twice as agile Tambara finds agility and peace of mind to be an important part of any occupation. Everyday she looks for a quiet place to sit and meditate but she would rather be out making new friends or dancing till her paws ached. Staying calm in any situation comes natural for her as she maintains a balanced and optimistic state of mind that allows her to think clearly in a pinch.

-|Clever|- Tambara may not seem it while laughing at a sloppy drunk's lousy joke but she is quite intelligent. Hiding her wit behind her girlish grin makes life easier so she finds no reason to correct others opinion as she goes about her business unmolested by questions she'd rather not answer. Though it is not in her nature to scheme or do anything to lead others to harm she finds that on occasion it is necessary to get the desired results.

-|Trustworthy/Secretive Despite her fun loving and cheerful nature there are some things Tambara would best like to keep to herself.She is loyal to her friends and is trustworthy enough to keep even those she dislike's secrets, after all they really aren't hers to tell. She has a tendency to pry into other peoples business but she knows when to keep her mouth shut if its not something that should be spread.

Additional Information:

Talents/ Hobbies:

-|Dancing|- Tambara is an excellent dancer from her days as a wandering gypsy. She loves the more jubilant and lively dances that inspire others to join in but she has also become accustomed to slower more sultry dances to impress her admirers. Either way she enjoys dancing as it makes her spirit soar in a way that nothing else can.

-|Singing|- Being a social and outspoken person Tambara has no problem singing for groups of friends. She believes that music is a way to calm the soul and singing is the form she likes best. It matters not to her whether it sounds good to others as she encourages others to join in her merriment.

-|Playing with orphans|- Having lost her own family at such a young age Tambara finds it comforting to spend time with kits that likewise don't have families. She has a soft spot for kits that only seems to grow with every visit to the orphanage and she dolts over the orphans as though they were her own, entertaining them with small simple illusions of butterflies or bringing her favorite childhood story along to read to them.

-|Reading|- Whether finding a quiet spot for herself or sharing an old favorite with friends Tambara enjoys time spent reading the written word. She loves the way the words fit and flow together harmoniously like the moves of a dance or notes of a song and she often finds herself drawn into the world within the pages. Reading anything from fictional adventures to factual volumes Tambara spends most of her free time searching for a new book to read.


-Music: Nothing beats music in Tambara's eyes, he loves both fast and slow songs and she could care less what instruments are playing as long as they harmonize and sound pleasant together. Whenever she hears music she gets the urge to dance, an urge she more often then not happily obliges.

-Art: Tambara enjoys anything that is beautiful and nice to look at. She sometimes feels a prick of envy toward those that make art but has found she has no talent for it herself. Saddened by that fact she tries to think only of the beauty of the works and the joy it brings while looking upon art.

-Festivals: The bright colors and cheerful atmosphere of festivals is exactly what Tambara likes. She loves the joyous expressions on every face and the laughter that floats in the air as cats from all over come to enjoy themselves. Nothing could be better then so many gathered for a celebration and some good old fun dancing, singing and maybe even a drink or two.

-Dancing in the rain: When it rains and cats take to their homes Tambara likes to go out and have a little fun. Though she dislikes the feeling of mud squishing between her toes she doesn't mind the mun in itself and will usually return caked in mud after a good downpour. Spinning and twirling and laughing as the rain falls down around her, Tambara loves the sense of freedom that accompanies the rain.

-Kits: Tambara loves kits. It matters not what they look like nor how they act, she just loves them. Someday she hopes to have a large family of her own but till then she satisfies her enjoyment of the energetic kittens by visiting the orphanage.


-Large Crowds: Despite her social personality Tambara has a slight phobia of large compact crowds. When she starts to feel enclosed she will often slide to the ground and cover her ears, softly singing a lullaby her mother used to sing to her to calm her down.

-Small Spaces: Somewhat claustrophobic Tambara will avoid small spaces at any cost. She doesn't like for others to see her so distressed at such a simple thing but she cant help the fear. She has no memory of a reason for her fear but if is scares her so much she figures there has to be a reason.

-Weapons/ Violence: As irrational as it may seem in a world fraught with danger Tambara has always had a strong aversion to violence or even the idea of carrying a weapon on her person. She likes to think that everyone is naturally good and that as long as she is nice no harm will befall her.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

-Parents- Seraphine X Trent
-Siblings- Jasibel *long lost sister*
-Mate- None
-Kit(s)- None


|Kit-Teen-| Born of a wealthy she-cat and a swords-smith Tambara lived quite a comfortable life with her sister Jasibel and her loving parents who showered the two with love and affection but that was all taken from her at her one year celebration. The family home had been filled with guests all there to wish her and her sister happy birthday, the laughter and dancing a mask for a plot she had yet to figure out. Everything seemed to be going fine, everyone was happy and enjoying themselves until it came time for the evening toast when it became known that Tambara's family had disappeared. The party goers helped the young Tambara search the home for her family but all that was found was her mothers headdress and signs of a struggle in the parlor. The room was a mess with furniture overturned and a few drops of blood leading to the open windows, everyone assumed the worst. For the few days after that Tambara was in shock, she couldn't except that her mother, papa and dearest Jasibel were gone forever and though her family's friends tried their hardest to console the young cat she would have none of it. When she heard the town talking of her family as though they had truly died she could take no more and with tear stained cheeks she fled, her distress carried on an angry shout "My family isn't dead and i'll prove it! i'll find them, you'l see, their alive!".
|Teen-Young Adult|- Weeks then months went by and there was no sign of her family, it was the dead of winter and with no food or shelter Tambara began to lose hope. Too weak to search anymore Tambara collapsed into a mound of snow where she passed out, when she came to there was the crackling of a fire nearby and she could feel its heat against her fur, looking around she found she was surrounded by a small band of cats in rags who danced around the fire in such merriment she had never seen. The cats movements were so alive and spontaneous and even with the sorrow she felt at the loss of her family she could not help but to smile at the gypsy dance.
When the gypsy's moved on so did Tambara, following the joyous travelers and learning their ways. For a time that was enough to soften the hurt she felt until she could come to terms with it and she agreed to join the band for a short time. The provided her with safety and a sense of family she had long missed while she stayed to help with choirs and take care of the young. It was several months before she started to join in with the performances but when she did she felt more alive then she ever had, momentarily forgetting her worldly worries as she listened to the laughter and joy of the onlookers. One of those onlookers however she would never forget. The charming young pirate had called on her after a performance and they had hit it off, him spouting compliments and poetry as though it were normal for a tom to speak in such a way. Of course it wasn't long before he had to move on but as he prepared to leave her he made her a promise, a promise to return and make her his mate. When they had parted ways Tambara's heart went with him.
No longer interested in the catawals of admiring toms she left the traveling gypsys and for a while she lived alone on the open road. She was soon to turn three now and had learned much but as she came to a new place she stopped. Finding herself at an orphanage she smiled at the kits and decided then that she would stay there till the day her pirate returned to her. But he didn't come no matter how she waited.

(May Write more in depth if/after acceptance.)


-Good Friend/ Best Friend
-Dislike/ Hate

/ Angelica: [link] "I haven't talked to her much but from what i'v seen she is quite a caring she-cat and takes great care of the young orphans. They all seem to love her so much."
Occupation: Mother Caretaker
Home: Orphanage
Owner: ~XForever-aloneX

/ Sullivan: [link] ""
Occupation: Royal Help
Home: A14
Owner: *HipsterTea

Roleplaying Example:

Ren gave a sigh as he started his tale at the very begining so she would understand better while trying to keep it brief. "youv no doubt noticed that im not from here. Im a pirate, raised on the sea and taught to plunder and steal....as a kit I was found in a barrel and the captain took me in, he was well traveled and knew so much of the world. for a long time i idolized him, learning to fight and navigate so i could get the respect of the crew...he was like a father to me..when he retired he left the ship to me...." when he mentioned the captain his voice echoed his sadness but it was nothing compared to what was to come. "i was a good captain but i made a mistake and my whole crew has suffered for it." he paused after that, admitting his guilt out loud making the pain so real once more that he wished his heart would just stop beating. he wasnt sure if he could go on but the second half was more what she wanted to know then that in which he had already said.

When Tabia said nothing Ren reluctantly continued, heaving a weary sigh before beginning to speak once more. "It was my mistake that landed me here, that lost me not only my home and family but the lives of several of my crew members. If i had only payed more attention i would have seen that ship approaching and we would have been prepared..." he trailed off, the events of that night flooding back so clearly that he could smell the crisp salty air and feel the wind ruffle his fur then as it had that fateful night fighting suddenly broke out, the crew barely getting the strangled death cry of their firstmate before all hell broke lose. the clang of blade against blade echoed in ren's ears as the images of the raid played in front of his eyes. As he watched in horror his friends were slaughtered in battle, his crew outnumbered as the bulk of them were trapped in bellow deck. tormented by these memories Ren hadnt noticed that he had gone silent nor the single tear that slid down his cheek. When he spoke next his voice was horse with the strength of his emotions and his whole body had gone rigid with tension. "We were under attack before anyone knew what hit them...and when it was all over a dozen or more of us were chained paw to paw and forced down into the cargo bay of the raider's ship along with any valuables we had aboard...for several weeks we were there in that cramped dark place with little water and no food, every once in a while a new prisoner would be added to the group...when they docked we were finaly pulled out of the cargo bay but the sun blinded us and we were weak and confused...to confused to realize that we were being sold. we passed from slave trader to slave trader some that beat us nearly to death where some took better care to keep their stock alive...but it didnt matter. As we were marched across the desert with blisters on our paws we dragged along any that fell behind...a few never getting up again. This is our final stop and there is so few of my crew that made it this far without starving...and now it is just me...alone.." he trailed off once more as he finished telling the details of his enslavement and just sat there with his head bowed in a way that he had never been seen, even through his trials at the hands of the slave traders he had always held his head high, had always refused to admit to himself that it was all his fault that his crew had lost their lives and that there were kits somewhere that no longer had fathers because of him. His guilt and sadness was so palpable that the air around him seemed to stiffen and all sounds from the city below seemed to retreat as though leaving him to his sorrows.
(Example from BGL, 6/12/12, Ren me & Tabia ~catlvr32 )

Owner: ~Bellidonax


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Comments: 37

Fainalotea [2013-12-18 19:48:21 +0000 UTC]

Aw I remember this guy! XD so cute

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XxfoxflamexX [2012-08-29 08:22:47 +0000 UTC]

Care to rp?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bellidonax In reply to XxfoxflamexX [2012-08-30 22:57:15 +0000 UTC]

sure id love to <3 (sorry i only just got back to you...iv got a lot of appointments lately)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxfoxflamexX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-08-31 06:23:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you C: what would you prefer, Note or forum? (That's fine, i've been a little busy lately myself x3 )

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Bellidonax In reply to XxfoxflamexX [2012-08-31 18:05:00 +0000 UTC]

*sigh* unfortunately i'v just found out i'v been kicked from the group =/ Probably due to my inactivity

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XxfoxflamexX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-08-31 21:08:13 +0000 UTC]

Maybe because of the activity check? :c to reapply you have to do a full picture with your character meeting with the emporor... I think that's what it said and if you have been removed because of the activity check... ono ihope you get back in!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bellidonax In reply to XxfoxflamexX [2012-08-31 21:17:54 +0000 UTC]

thanks...it might be better for me to wait till im more able to remain active...iv got a lot going on in my personal life and it would be unfair to occupy a slot while having so little time to use it. I'll wait and see what happens but ill keep tabs on the group. hopefully we can rp when things settle down

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XxfoxflamexX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-09-01 06:29:25 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaa I understand. I hope everything is alright! And I hope we still can c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Instrumental-Artist [2012-07-03 06:16:19 +0000 UTC]

We will definatly have to rp sometime!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bellidonax In reply to Instrumental-Artist [2012-07-05 17:06:47 +0000 UTC]

sure! thatd be great ^.^ tambara is such a kind loving cat im sure our cats will get along

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Instrumental-Artist In reply to Bellidonax [2012-07-06 01:56:40 +0000 UTC]

Yeah~ I will have to note you sometime!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Whitefeathur [2012-06-24 15:32:23 +0000 UTC]


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Bellidonax In reply to Whitefeathur [2012-06-24 15:34:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you ^.^ I worked very hard on her and am really hoping she gets in

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felinemon [2012-06-21 17:19:30 +0000 UTC]

Aww! She's so pretty!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Bellidonax In reply to felinemon [2012-06-21 17:35:57 +0000 UTC]

thx...and im sorry i haven't gotten around to responding to your note, im working on a very time consuming project to test my abilities

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

felinemon In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 18:00:12 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome- and no problem, I don't mind being patient. <^^>

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XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 02:03:39 +0000 UTC]


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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 02:07:56 +0000 UTC]

mhm cause i wanted show her asymmetrical design

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 02:14:56 +0000 UTC]

She reminds me of the Phantom of the Opera

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 02:16:32 +0000 UTC]

lol its the wrong side tho

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 02:17:38 +0000 UTC]

I know but still!

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 02:23:11 +0000 UTC]

can you see a preview image? cause its not showing it on my comp and its p***ing me off.

btw read her tallant/hobbies

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 02:31:54 +0000 UTC]

I couldn't before but I do now.


asdghskljgfadlfgkdjvfdj I love her even more now!! ;U;

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 02:38:37 +0000 UTC]

lol ^.^ i did that before i knew your cat was in the orphanage XD

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 02:42:29 +0000 UTC]


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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 02:43:11 +0000 UTC]

^.^ if i get in they will see lotsa eachother

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 02:44:01 +0000 UTC]

And I plan on making three NPC Orphans

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 02:57:33 +0000 UTC]

i saw ^.^ its awesome that your aloud to make NPCs

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 03:02:13 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad that I can. Now, when Anggy goes out she can have a tag-a-long with her

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 03:04:15 +0000 UTC]

did you hear bout how the slaves work too? i think it works alot better that way then having them be actual charecters

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 03:05:23 +0000 UTC]

No I didn't. Humm, I thought that I read the whole blog...

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 03:07:45 +0000 UTC]

it was in the comments XD

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 03:11:40 +0000 UTC]

What blog ;n; *Fails at finding it*

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 03:31:08 +0000 UTC]

its in currency systems comments

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 03:32:26 +0000 UTC]

*Goes to Read*

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Bellidonax In reply to XForever-aloneX [2012-06-21 03:40:13 +0000 UTC]

it basically just says that they are NPCs that can be bought. still much better then having them actual characters that other people play

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XForever-aloneX In reply to Bellidonax [2012-06-21 03:45:00 +0000 UTC]

Right. I agree with that.

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