BeluFan20 — Mis iniciales favoritos

#pokemonstarters #chikoritapokemon #charmanderpokemon #snivypokemon #oshawottpokemon #tepigpokemon #fennekinpokemon #chespinpokemon #froakiepokemon #poppliopokemon
Published: 2017-06-27 01:11:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 753; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description Ok, quise hacer esto.
Mis iniciales favoritos de cada tipo en diferentes niveles de gusto.

La razon por la que me encanta Charmander es: Porque siempre he amado a los dragones, desde que era chiquita, y aunque Charizard no es de tipo dragon, su diseño me gusto demasiado, ademas de que Charmander siempre me parecio tierno.
Popplio me encanta porque: Que puedo decir... AMO A POPPLIO, desde que lo vi no dude en elegirlo como mi inicial. No podria describir mi cariño a este pokemon de agua.
Chikorita me encanta porque: Como Charmander, tambien siempre me han gustado los dinosaurios, y el diseño de Chikorita me enamoro al instante y aun mas cuando vi a la Chikorita de Ash.

Me gusta Fennekin porque: Su diseño es excepcional, perfecto y adorable. Me gusto demasiado cuando lo vi por primera vez en el anime y sabia que para esa region (Kalos) tendria que ser mi inicial.
Me gusta Froakie porque: Bueno, adoro a Froakie y no dude de su potencial. Como digo, un pokemon es fuerte si se entrena bien y con cariño. No podria estar mas orgullosa de este pokemon.
Me gusta Snivy porque: Bueno.. les sere honesta, no sabia cual poner en este puesto, Snivy o Treecko, pero decidi poner a Snivy porque me llamo bastante la atencion. Tiene un diseño bastante agradable, y no, yo no me guio por el poder del pokemon sino por como luce. Y Snivy es uno de los que mas me gusto de Unova.

Ahora... el puesto 3 es para los... pokemon que no me gustaron.

Tepig: Aunque me encante Tepig, sus siguientes etapas lo arruinaron todo.
Oshawott: La verdad es que Oshawott no me atrajo la atencion, pero no dudo de su potencial, pero no es un inicial que yo quiera para mi. Lo siento.
Chespin: Aunque en si su primera etapa es tierna, a mi no me llamo tanto la atencion. Aunque fue divertido ver al gloton Chespin de Clemont/Lem, no es un inicial para mi equipo. Lo siento.

Ojo, que no estoy criticando a estos ultimos, simplemente es que no me llamaron la atencion y claro que no les voy a hacer bullying diciendo que son horribles, tontos o lo que sea, solo digo que para mi gusto no me llamaron tanto la atencion. Espero que respeten mi opinion. Y ahora, mensiones honorables (de los pokemon al que no supe que puestos darles ya que solo elegi 3 para cada lugar y uno de cada tipo).

Mension honorable para: Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Mudkip, Torchic, Turtwig, Piplup, Chimchar, Litten y Rowlet.

Gracias por su atencion.

Okay, I want to do this.
My favorite started of each type at different levels of taste.

The reason why I love Charmander is: Because I have always loved dragons, when I was a little girl, and although Charizard is not dragon type, I liked the design too, and Charmander always seemed tender.
I love Popplio because: I can say ... I LOVE POPPLIO, when I saw it, I do not waver to choose it as my started. I could not describe my love to this water pokemon.
I love Chikorita because: Like Charmander, I've always liked dinosaurs, and the design of Chikorita I love instantly and even more when I saw Ash's Chikorita.

I like Fennekin because: Its design is exceptional, perfect and adorable. I liked it a lot when I first saw it in the anime and I knew that for that region (Kalos) it would have to be my started.
I like Froakie because: Well, I adore Froakie and do not doubt his potential. As I say, a Pokemon is strong if you train well and lovingly. I could not be more proud of this pokemon.
I like Snivy because: Well .. I will be honest, I did not know what to put in this position, Snivy or Treecko, but I decided to put Snivy because I call quite the attention. It has a pretty nice design, and no, I'm not guided by the power of the pokemon but by how it looks. And Snivy is one of the most I liked about Unova.

Now ... the position 3
Tepig: Although I love Tepig, his next stages ruined everything.
Oshawott: The truth is that Oshawott did not attract me the attention, but I do not doubt of its potential, but it is not an initial that I want for me. I am sorry.
Chespin: Although in its first stage is tender, I do not get so much attention for me. Although it was fun to see glutton Chespin from Clemont it's not an started for my team. I am sorry.

Eye, I'm not criticizing these last ones, it's just that they did not call my attention and of course I will not make "bullying" them saying they are horrible, stupid or whatever, I just say that for my taste they don't call me much attention . I hope you respect my opinion. And now, honorable posts (of the pokemon I did not know what position to give them since I only chose 3 for each place and one of each type).

Honorable mension for: Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Treecko, Mudkip, Torchic, Turtwig, Piplup, Chimchar, Litten and Rowlet.

Thank you for your attention.
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