Bermattra — The old man who knows where to go

Published: 2016-09-26 05:14:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 961; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Day 272
Gilgamesh: Alright, the rokurokubis said our answer on where your brostination is, is up in a tower on a high mountain on top of a unicycle on a stool  next to a gnome playing tiddly winks.
Sam: With a direction that specific, we can make there in bro time.
Monochroma: Then why do I see eight more over there?
Sam: How did we miss those?
After searching the first 8 and going through 8 different awkward situations, they found the right one.
Sam and Gilgamesh climbed up with the help of a grappling hook sword while Monochroma flies up in the shape of a bird and made it to the top of the tower and Monochroma reverts back to her usual form.
A knife flew right towards the 3 and Gilgamesh deflected it with his sword.
???: Hey, who's deflecting my knifes, can't you see I'm trying to pin the tail on the fourteenth amendment!
Sam: Actually it looks like you were trying to hit us.
Monochroma: And there isn't anything behind us to give you an ally baby!
???: What? *removes blindfold* dang it!! 14th amendment you chicken, get back here so I can pin ya! Donkeys these days, guess I'll have to get a fifteenth amendment.
  Gilgamesh: PLEASE! You have to be the one we're looking for!
Monochroma: Of coarse he is, there aren't any towers on mountains on whatevers left for us to look. On the other hand I do believe, I caught a glimpse of a ninth one
Gilgamesh: Cut that out Mono.....
Sam: Alright mister......eh......
???: A lot of people call me unibrow Rufus, maybe it's because that's my name.
Sam: Unibrow? What are you... Oh brodality poop strike I just noticed it!
Monochroma: ew he's got hair growing out of his forehead!
Gilgamesh: Not that big of a deal
Rufus: It is!!
Gilgamesh: Okay!  
Sam: Okay, I think I have brojusted to the situation, now is it true that you know where Ragnarok is?
Rufus: Sure, but do you know what he even looks like?
Sam: No
Gilgamesh: I never met him.
Monochroma: I don't think I was born before than.
Rufus: Of coarse, He didn't really give the news in person, all that happened was a big toot of a horn and a loud and mighty voice yelling that the world will end in exactly one hundred years, not very many people saw him do that, I was part of the ones that did.
Gilgamesh: Wait, you actually saw him!?
Monochroma: How do we even know he is not a she?!
Rufus: Pretty sure he's a guy, girly, but I do recall what stance, what pose, what stature he made when he blew that big ol' horn of his, then he started glowing for a brief moment, he said the news and left.........and that was last time I saw him, unless you count a week ago when he asked for a cup of peanuts, but I don't want to sound racist, I mean there is a chance that he's not the only bipedal elephant man with a horn.
Sam: huh...you know when I said he was an elephant, I thought I was just joking.
Monochroma: Yeah, leave that kind of business to me, Sam.
Rufus: When I was getting the nuts for him, we talked about why he would want to kill all life on the world...
Sam: Oh boy this is gonna be awhile isn't it.
Gilgamesh: Might as well get comfortable. *Sips out of a bowel he found on the floor* Why do you exactly have a drinking bowel on the floor?
Rufus: That ain't no drinking bowel, sonny.
Gilgamesh: oh goh..... *BARF* eh........
Rufus: Yep That's some good times right there! Now where was I? You know what, I'll start back at the beginning of the story.
Sam: Oh c'mon seriously!?
Monochroma: I wasn't really listening.
Rufus: Well I won't deny a little girl!
Gilgamesh: Oh my stomach doesn't feel good!

three hours have passed and unibrow Rufus is still telling his story while a lizard man is peeking through a window tower, our heroes are currently in.

Lizard man: Lookssss like they're disssstracted, I can take advantage of thisss moment and ussssse this cccccccycloptic cutter sssstag beetle to take them out for lord Burnfacccccccce!

The beetle flies into the building about to attack the first person it sees.

Sam: Bro, I don't know how long I can stay up from this, Mono tell me when he's done...
Monochroma: Sure, okay.

Rufus is talking about his story.

Monochroma: ?     A bug, why is it giving off a suspicious look, is it waiting for Sam and Gilgy to lose attention?

The beetles flies by Rufus, knocking him out and is heading towards Monochroma who then ducks under 
Monochroma: Gilgy, we have to do something about this bug, it's going crazy!
Gilgamesh: ugh...right... I'll handle this! *His sword clashes with the beetle's horn* dang he's resilient, he managed to be completely fine from the steel of one of my various blades!
Monochroma: That doesn't seen physically possible!
Lizard man: (Oh but it isssss, the ccccccycloptic cutter ssssstag beetle'ssssss horn hasssss the capability to match even the sssssstrongessssssst of bladessss and with the inssssect ssssensssse it is capable of perfect dodgesssss, no way they get by without being cut to piecccccccccessssss)............... (Why am I even sssssssssaying thisssss?! It'ssssss not like they're lissssstening.)
 Monochroma: Come on Sam, there's a bug that knocked out the old guy, you got to help us squish it!!
*The beetle swoops by Monochroma*
Monochroma: EEEEK! *Transforms into a turtle then hides in the shell*
Gilgamesh: If only we can shoot this nutzo beetle down with something... like some kind of bug.....squirter...... eh I got nothing. * Gets a flame sword in hopes of spooking the beetle with the flames while also in hopes of hitting it*
Monochroma: *Reverts back to usual form* Stop buzzing around here you poop! * throws a dinner plate at it *
The beetle uses it's horn to slash the plate into two pieces
Gilgamesh: It cut the plate into two halves with it's horn, this must be a cutter beetle!
Monochroma: * Turns into a knife * Well I got a real cut for him! *swooshes towards the beetle but it dodged the attack*
Gilgamesh: Curse you insect reflexes!!
Monochroma: Curse you short attention span!!! *morphs back to her usual form*
Lizard man: (It'ssssss funny that the beetle isssss taking thisssss long to kill them, even though I'm not laughing!)
Gilgamesh: How deep of a sleeper are you, Sam!?
Sam: Bro deep!...............did I miss something?
Monochroma: Nope you didn't miss anything at all! ACK!! *ducks away from the beetle*
Sam: Oh that's a cutter beetle!
Gilgamesh: And we'll be cut out of existence if you don't do something about it!! *Blocks the beetle's attack*
Sam: What do expect me to do about it!?

The beetle flies forwards to Samuel's face

Sam: Except bring the pain on this bro hater!! *Slams the bug then throws it out the window*
Lizard man: (Oh I didn't sssssee that in the future...)
Monochroma: Wow! That punch was super duper!
Gilgamesh: The old man sure doesn't feel super or duper and if there was a third word that rhymed with it, it won't be it either.
Sam: I'm no doctor,  but I say this is at critical condition..... He didn't say where Ragnarok is!
Monochroma: Oh no he did, neither of you weren't paying attention.
Sam: And you're not lying about that?
Monochroma: No, this is clearly important and I...

The lizard man crashed through the window and kicked Monochroma in the head.

Sam: Monochroma!!
Gilgamesh: Who's this now!?
Lizard man: You knocked out the cccccycloptic cutter sssssstag beetle, now I'll knock you out to death!
Monochroma: ugh.......
Gilgamesh: So you're the one who sent that bug to attack us!
Sam: You got some nerve attacking an old man and a little girl!
Lizard man: You must be joking, I've seen the conflict that just happened and I'm not wrong when I ssssay thisssss child issssss not on the sssside of normalcccccy!
Sam: Well sea shells sea shells by the sea shore!
Lizard man: *spews slime onto Gilgamesh's face than tail smacks a distracted Samuel *Look, all you to had to do wasssss lay down and die than thossssse two casssssualtiessssss would be unharmed that'sssss all.
Sam: Casualties? Is that what you think? cuz I think it was more intentional than just a casualty... especially if it's focused on a innocent little girl!
Lizard man: That jusssst ssssoundssss sssstupid what you jusssst sssssaid there...
Gilgamesh: It kinda does, bro.
Sam: Well I don't need to be smart to know that this disruptive reptile works for Burnface, and I'll make him pay for what he's done!
Gilgamesh: Okay you do that, I'm gonna be busy cleaning my glasses.
Sam: Well then, more for me!
Lizard man: You pathetic fool! If you believe Lord Burnfaccccce issssssss sssssso evil, then you are wrong! Becausssssssse from all the talessssss I've heard the bad guysssssss alwayssssss lossssssse, but Lord Burnfaccccccce hasssssss been winning
sssssssincccccce he came into rule, sssssso I know, you're evil and I'm a goodie little two shoesssssssssss! *Jumps towards Samuel* ssssskill, power, and sssssssstrategy hassssss nothing to do with victory!!!
Sam: *He grabs the lizard man by the neck* Interesting philosophy you got there, I should try that out just to see how deep in the naughty list you are! *Punches the heck out of the lizard man like crazy, than jumps out of the tower, falling to the solid ground while doing another stream of consecutive punches on his face until they hit the ground with Samuel on top.
Lizard man: M..ma..ybe... jump..ping....towardsssss....him wassssn't...a....g...great....idea..... *Becomes unconsious*
Sam: I think I proved just how low you can go.
Monochroma: Ow... next time, keep a watch out for face kickers, Gilgy where did Sam go, I was gonna say where that Ragnarok guy is.
Gilgamesh: He just went on one heck of a ride downhill.
Monochroma: That sounds fun, I wanna ride too!

Gilgamesh slides down the mountain riding on a sled shaped Monochroma

Monchroma: You alright, Sam? *reverts to her usual form*
Sam: Yeah:, I just became the new reason how the dinosaurs became extinct, even though he's not dead.
Monochroma: Hey Gilgy, what's that goop dripping on your hanky?
Gilgamesh: Just the slime this lizard creep spat me with.
Monochroma: Oh no! I know this kind of lizard, Gilgy, I hate to break it to you but, you're gonna die
Gilgamesh: What!?
Monochroma: Gotcha good with another trick! That lizard's not poisonous, believe me.
Gilgamesh: Making people think they're dying is not funny!!
Sam: So you were gonna tell us where Ragnarok is?
Monochroma: Right, I was going to.... oh my gosh the old man!!
Rufus: Hey where you snappers with whips gone too?!
Sam: He's fine

So Monochroma explains that Ragnarok's motivation was to prove to King Macruel that his idea of how to destroy the universe was a good idea but was rejected for being to slow, but now that Macruel is gone, Ragnarok is now on the verge of trying to one up Macruel by doing something he couldn't, and she also says where he was heading.

Now our heroes continue their journey.
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Comments: 1

shulktime490 [2016-09-26 23:20:02 +0000 UTC]

Old people are smart...unless it's my grandfather

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