BettyBest2 — What Can I Get You? Pt 2
#fanfic #hawk #nnt #melizabeth #birthdaygift #fanfiction #fluff #romance #thesevendeadlysins #writing #nanatsunotaizai #meliodas #elizabethliones
Published: 2016-07-25 14:36:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 2721; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from The Seven Deadly Sins/ Nanatsu No Taizai. They all belong to the wonderful Nakaba Suzuki.

This story, however, belongs to me.

Thanks lickitysplit for reading over this! You're amazing!

-What Makes You Happy-

The breeze is nice and cool as she gazes out over her balcony. Elizabeth inhales contentedly as she enjoys the summer scents that mingle through the air. Her gaze trails over the vibrant grass rustling in the breeze and the tall trees of a forest they've settled next to in their search for a member of one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Elizabeth leans a bit further over the green railing as her hand fiddles with the beautiful necklace she received for her birthday. The very thought still makes her blush and a sweet smile rise to her cheeks whenever she touches it.

In the time since then, she's been nothing but a stumbling mess around Sir Meliodas due to nerves and fluttering butterflies that seem to swarm her stomach at his warm gaze. She hasn't yet figured out a way to repay him for such a wonderful birthday. She's determined to make it happen one way or another, no matter how much he insists that he doesn't need anything in return.

As her thoughts wander a sound from below catches her attention, drawing her blue gaze downward. She's surprised to see Hawk outside nosing around with something in almost a tizzy. Her hand gently rubs along her necklace as she studies him further. "I wonder what he could be up to…" From what she can tell, the pig seems rather nervous. Without a second thought, she turns from the railing and heads to the exit of her room. Whatever Hawk is up to, she wants to help out if it'll help calm him down.

She opens her door and rushes out without looking. In her haste, she barrels into a sturdy body. They both fall over in a tangled heap. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" She's apologizing before she can even regain her breathing. Her heart is beating frantically from the fall. The moment the body beneath her begins to move, her heart's motivation for speed changes.

Strong hands grasp her rear barely covered by the skirt of her tavern uniform. The voice muffled by her chest comes out entirely too pleased as she squeaks meekly. "Oh, it's fine, Elizabeth. I'm pretty happy where I am."

Her face steadily grows redder at his tight grasp upon her. She hesitantly places her hands on the floor to try and push herself up. "S-Sir Meliodas… I-I was, um…" Her mind is woozy as embarrassment and jitters swarm her. Being so close to him always sends her thoughts scattering, leaving her to react by emotions alone.

She squeaks softly as he suddenly sits up and effortlessly helps her to stand in a fluid motion. His hand holds hers as he smiles up at into her rosy face. "It was an accident, Elizabeth. No need to feel embarrassed. Now you were heading downstairs, right? Let me help you," Before she can even try to protest and explain that she'll be fine, he sweeps her up into his arms and swiftly moves down the stairs.

Elizabeth's hands wrap around his shoulders as her heart pounds against her chest. Her breathing is stuttered as he carries her as if she's lighter than air down the flight of steps. He then deposits her lightly on her feet. Her hands slowly remove themselves from his form as she turns her gaze down. She can't possibly find the words to form a coherent sentence after that.

A warm palm lightly strokes the top of her head causing her blue eyes to shoot up in astonishment. His grin is boyish, but entirely pleasing as he voices brightly, "We wouldn't want you to trip now would we?" He winks and her heart flutters. She shakes her head "no" as he removes his hand. It's official. He's rendered her completely speechless.

Meliodas' palms go to his pockets as he turns back to the stairs. "I'll see you later then, Elizabeth!" the short blond is out of sight before her tongue is in working order once more.

Elizabeth places a hand upon her cheek. The warmth there practically burns her. "Oh, dear…" Surely he notices the effect he has on her? How did things spin so quickly out of control? The Dragon Sin has become a very important person to her. She's positive by the way her heart quivers every time he's around that she's developed feelings for him. What kind and how strong, she's yet to let herself analyze too deeply.

In her flustered musings, her blue eyes catch sight of pink outside of the tavern's windows. "Hawk!" Right, she was on her way to assist Hawk. Scurrying to the front door, she's once again enveloped in the sunny outdoors of late afternoon. Elizabeth travels around the circular tavern and stops just short of the very outspoken Hawk. "Do you need some help?"

The pig squeals as he jumps up in the air. He looks almost frazzled before his wide eyes soften in relief. "Oh, it's just you Elizabeth…" He suddenly bounds to her side as he circles her and looks at her closely. "Are you alright? I sent Meliodas to check up on you so he wouldn't be around for a little bit. He was a little suspicious, but shook it off in his haste to get upstairs. That perve. I'm so sorry! I hope he didn't do anything! I was going to be real quick just in case."

Elizabeth laughs softly as she kneels down to Hawk's level. Her hand goes to his snout as she tilts her head. "I'm fine, Hawk. Now why would you need Meliodas out of the way for a little while?" Her sight trails to what Hawk was previously messing with and her eyebrows raise curiously. "Is that a bottle of ale?"

Hawk turns from her as he trots back to where he left the ale in the grass. "I was trying to think of a place to hide this. This is Meliodas' most favorite ale! Even more so than Bernia ale. It's really hard to get your hands on, let me tell ya," Hawk explains as he holds up the bottle within his snout rather pleased.

Elizabeth's brows furrow in confusion. "Okay… but why are you getting it for him, although that is very sweet of you," the silverette commends as she gently takes the large bottle from the pig.

"I had to find something the guy would like for his birthday. He is one hard guy to find something for that's for sure. But you can't go wrong with ale!" Hawk declares proudly as he tries to puff out his chest.

Elizabeth's hands grow cold against the bottle within her hands. "B-birthday?" Sir Meliodas' birthday is coming up and she didn't know?

Her shell shocked expression is missed by the porker as he glances nervously towards the tavern windows to make sure Meliodas isn't around. "Well, yeah. It's in three days. Didn't you know?" He finally looks at the pale expression on Elizabeth's face and feels a frown of worry begin to take over his visage. "You didn't know… Oh, Elizabeth! I should have told you! You just feel so much like family already I just forgot that you might not know…"

Attempting to stop her heart from melting into a devastated mess, Elizabeth gives a disheartened smile to Hawk. "It's okay, Hawk. I should have taken the opportunity when it was my birthday to find out when Sir Meliodas' was. Don't blame yourself. Sir Meliodas only had two days to find something for me. Surely I can find something for him in the time I have, right?" She asks almost seeking an answer of reassurance.

"Yeah! You know him pretty well now, so I'm sure you'll think of something! I can help too, if you want?"

Elizabeth nods a bit weakly as she stands with the bottle cradled in her arms. "I'll definitely take you up on that offer if I need it, Hawk. I'll hide this for you, okay?"

Hawk's back straightens as he gazes up at her with wide relieved eyes. "Really? Thanks, Elizabeth!"

With determination swirling inside her, Elizabeth marches back into the tavern as the bell above the door announces her reappearance. She stops and waits for any signs of Sir Meliodas. When he does not appear she quickly ascends the stairs and heads straight into her room, not wanting to risk him coming from his and finding her with the special ale. With her door closed tightly behind her, Elizabeth's shoulders sag. "How could I have not known…?"

Sulkily she trudges to her bed and shifts to her knees. It's not an original hiding place, but surely Sir Meliodas won't be looking under her bed anytime soon. The floor is a little dusty, but she pushes the bottle to the back. She scoots from beneath her bed, then immediately flops backwards on top of it. She stares at the circular ceiling with weary eyes. "I know so much about you and yet it feels as if I've only touched the surface of what makes you, you, Sir Meliodas. I have no idea of what you could possibly want…" She bites her lip fretfully as her hand goes to the heartfelt gift he gave her. How could she ever give him something that will mean as much as his gift does to her?

Her mind fogs and dims and before she knows it a light rapping is heard against her door. "Say Elizabeth? It's opening time. You awake in there?"

She sits up immediately as she runs a hand over her face to wake herself up more. 'I fell asleep? At an important time like this?' "Y-yes, Sir Meliodas! I'll be right out!"

There's a pause. "Okay, then. We'll be downstairs."

Elizabeth scrambles to her feet as she rushes to find a mirror. Once located in her bathroom, she finger brushes her hair, then gently clasps her necklace and places it inside her shirt. Her clothes are a bit wrinkled, but it can't be helped. The princess exits her room and hurries downstairs where she can already hear people chatting. The town of Norwind is rather small, but business is business no matter how tiny it may be.

Elizabeth catches Sir Meliodas' gaze behind the bar for a split second on her way to a waiting table of women. He smiles and nods encouragingly before his attention is taken by the few men at the bar. Elizabeth sighs wistfully. He's much to kind to her…

"Excuse me, miss?"

Focus fully captured once more, Elizabeth turns her sights on the three woman all possessing a nurturing air about them. Her smile instantly brightens. "I'm sorry. What may I get you?"

The brunette with short curls answers for the other two. "Just a round of your best pale ale."

Elizabeth nods. "Alright. I'll be right back."

At the bar, Sir Meliodas turns his attention from the boisterous men and moves to stand in front of her with wide eyes. With a small blush she relays the order. Three bottles of ale is given to her on a tray and she turns away with a small thank you. Her thoughts begin to wander as she walks. Various ideas of what he might like floating through her head. 'Perhaps another pair of boots? No… A new sword? Well, he doesn't really like them and the one he has seems to work for him fine…' She seems to be running into dead ends as she thinks about the blond bar owner.

Not paying enough attention to where she's going, Elizabeth misses the foot of a chair in her path. The world begins to rapidly blur in her vision as she falls towards the ground. Her scream halts shortly when an arm wraps around her and the other deftly catches her tray with the bottles of ale. Her hands twitch in her near collision with the ground. Elizabeth stares wide eyed into Sir Meliodas' comforting expression. "You seem to be falling a lot today. I don't mind though. It just give me the chance to be there to catch you!"

Her breath leaves in a soft whoosh at his words. He straightens her out and hands over her tray. Elizabeth's gaze is incredibly grateful as she gazes into his green eyes. "Thank you, Sir Meliodas."

He puffs out his chest proudly before walking off. "No problem!"

Elizabeth blinks and nearly fidgets with her skirt in fluster before she remembers the customers she need to give the ale to. The three woman are staring at her with knowing smiles and her blush intensifies. "H-here you are."

They each take their drinks with gracious thanks. The brunette calls for her attention. "That young man there your sweetheart, dear?"

The princess clutches the wooden tray to her chest as she tries to glance discreetly in Sir Meliodas' direction to see if he'd heard. He hasn't by the look of things. As if feeling her gaze, he turns his eyes to her and smiles, taking her breath away. She quickly turns her head back down as she tries to calm her heart. "N-no. Sir Meliodas is just a really good friend." Friend doesn't nearly sound right, but it's all she can think to say.

The long haired blond of the group laughs good naturedly before patting the empty seat beside her. "Good friend is putting it lightly. Even good friends wouldn't clear the distance he did just to catch you. Have a seat, dear!" she urges with a smile.

Elizabeth looks around and notices the lack of customers. It couldn't hurt, but the moment more people come in, she has to get back to work.

As soon as she sits the ravenette voices over her bottle of ale. "Now why the down mood. With a sweetie like that, you shouldn't be so down."

Elizabeth's hand almost goes to her necklace. Then she remembers it's beneath her shirt. "Well… His birthday is coming up and I have no idea of what to get him…"

The brunette smiles kindly in reassurance. "That all? Oh darling, after years of being married we three have come to very easy solutions to figuring out what our significants want on their special days."

Elizabeth perks up as her expression brightens. "Really? How?"

The brunette takes a brief drink. "Well, first what do you want the most for him?"

Elizabeth's brows knit lightly as her hold on her tray tightens just the slightest. "I want… I want for him to be happy."

The three women share a glance then the blond picks up where the brunette left off. "Then what makes him happy?"

The princess thinks long and hard, but she truly can't seem to figure out what makes the bar owner truly more delighted than anything in the word. Thus her shoulders sag once more. "I don't know…"

The ravenette points her bottle lightly towards the silverette with an encouraging smile. "You figure that out and you'll have your answer."

The tinkling sound of the entrance bell ringing captures her attention and Elizabeth stands from her seat. "Sorry, I must get going. But thank you all so much for your help!"

With almost clumsy steps she makes her way to greet the new customers all with thoughts of what could possibly make Sir Meliodas truly happy swirling through her mind.


Stealthily Elizabeth sneaks into Sir Meliodas' room early in the morning two days later with a goal in mind: Find Sir Meliodas' measurements. It's a small part of the plan she and Hawk came up with for Sir Meliodas' birthday. Hawk is keeping him busy as she tries to find items of his that she can use to figure it out. Knowing his room decently well, she heads towards the wooden wardrobe to the left of his bathroom door and opens it wide. She expects to see different clothing choices, preferably something close fitting so she can know precisely what his size is. Her eyes round as rows upon rows of baggy white shirts and white pants greet her instead. "What…?" She paws through the cloths thinking it must be some kind of mistake. Why does he have this many of the same outfit? Then it occurs to her that he gets into fights and he might need to replace his clothes more often than not, but… does he not own anything else?

She pushes the clothes aside and leans into the wardrobe. Maybe there's a hidden compartment in here somewhere? Sir Meliodas might have something like that… As she leans further with a craning head, seeking something that's not there, her foot catches onto the edge of the wardrobe and she trips inside of it, pulling down a good number of clothing with her.

Her yelp is muffled within the clothes that smell just as wonderful as Sir Meliodas. Elizabeth twists and pushes the clothing off of her with a worried frown. She made a mess of his clothing… Clearly he'll notice even if she does manage to put everything away?

"What'cha doing? Playing dress up?" A light voice asks startling her greatly.

She shivers at the way Sir Meliodas gazes at her. Almost as if he's in a delightful daydream. It causes her stomach to flip as pleasant tendrils flit about through her system. 'His eyes look so warm... so content.'

"I have a few clothing ideas for you in mind if you are…" He continues eagerly.

Her face warms as she tries to get out of the mess of clothes. "Um, n-no, I was just trying to… to f-find your measurements…"

His eyebrow lifts and that daydream like aura disappears from his form. It's replaced by genuine curiosity as he takes her hand and pulls her up with seemingly no thought. "My measurements, huh? Well, why didn't you just ask?" His smile is jovial as she watches him make his way to his bedside stand.

Elizabeth twiddles her hands. She should have known better than to try and sneak something past him. He has a way of figuring things out.

As Sir Meliodas begins to write something down on a piece of paper she catches something he mutters to himself. "How could I ever forget them? They haven't changed in over three thousand years after all…"

'Three thousand years? What?' "What was that, Sir Meliodas?" She voices tentatively while stepping closer.

He spins in her direction with a bright smile. The piece of paper is ready in hand. "Oh, nothing. Here you go!"

She takes it hesitantly before she drops her curiosity. "Thank you, Sir Meliodas! And s-sorry about the mess…"

Sir Meliodas shrugs. "Ah, it's nothing. If you wanna make it up to me though, we can play dress up later tonight, if you want…" His eyes turn mischievous as his hands reach up to grasp both her breasts. They squeeze in a way that has her knees wobbling and her breath shuddering.

"S-Sir Meliodas…"

The room door bursts open almost on cue and Hawk barrels into the Dragon Sin. The two crash to the floor with a thunderous rumble. "Keep your hands off her you creep!"

Elizabeth only raises a hand to her cheek as she attempts to calm her racing heart.


Meliodas stands at the bar later that day with a relaxed expression. Once again Elizabeth walks by with a nervous expression. Her eyes flit to and from him as her hands twist anxiously before her. He doesn't ask her about it though as he did earlier. She'd most likely give him the same response of, "It's nothing!" Rushing the words as her face morphs into a beautiful red hue.

She and Hawk are hiding something. He can read that easily enough from the way she clearly tries to hide their conversations and glances worriedly in his direction whenever she and the pig conspire. Whatever the princess is nervous about, it clearly has to do with him. But he can't for the life of him figure out what it can possibly be about. As far as he knows nothing important is coming up. And they're also getting closer to a Sin if the information they picked up on last night is anything to go by, so that can't be it either.

As he wipes out a mug, Elizabeth once again passes by, this time heading out. He only smiles happily in her direction as she exits. The silverette stumbles at his gaze, causing him to chuckle. She's absolutely breathtaking… What he wouldn't give to have her as his… Shaking the longing thought from his mind in the silence of the tavern, Meliodas takes out a cloth to wipe down the tables. Certainly Elizabeth and Hawk will be gone for a while. Might as well get the place spruced up in time for the night's opening.


She can't believe Sir Meliodas' birthday is tomorrow! And still she hasn't found anything that would be worthy to give to him on such a special day. The realization nearly brought tears to her eyes which is why she asked for Hawk's assistance.

"Don't overthink things, Elizabeth! He'll like whatever you get him, I'm sure of it!" Hawk reassures as the two make their way into the small town.

Elizabeth nods slowly as she tries to believe those words. She just wants him to be pleased. She wants to see him smile with such utter joy at whatever she gives him that her own knees wobble and her heart swoons in response. It has to be perfect. Just like his wonderful gift to her.

The two had come up with an idea to simply throw a small party with the three outdoors. There'll be dancing and drinking and she only prays that he'll like it. In the town of Norwind, Elizabeth and Hawk stroll through the marketplace with goals in mind. "So you go and find a dress and something for Meliodas to wear while I go search for someone willing to play some good music!" Hawk declares with a determined stomp of his trotter.

Elizabeth clenches her fists at her sides. "Right!"

Hawk turns away from her as he heads in a compelling direction. "Be careful out there! And don't spend all your money on something silly!"

The princess' cheeks redden at being reminded of that incident before she waves after the pig. Once alone, she ambles into the streets of the town in search of a good clothing shop. People stroll around her, giving her barely a second look in their excitement to buy and sell their items. Bright colors come into the corner of her vision as she rounds a wide turn. A broad smile comes to her face.

It's a soft blue stand with fabrics of all different kinds. Even flowers decorate the wood in a tasteful display to catch one's attention. It's exactly what the princess is looking for. She rushes towards it to see a nice looking elderly woman handling the cloths with care. When the woman notices her, her eyes twinkle in welcome. "Hey young dear! How may I help you?"

Elizabeth's hands clasp together. "Well, I'm hoping to find a dancing dress for me and some clothes for a friend of mine as well…"

The woman's hand grasps hers gently and begins to lead her through the rows of cloths. "Well, then you've come to the right place. You have your friend's measurements as well correct?"

Elizabeth's face explodes in flames as she remembers how she got them. "Y-yes."

"Then let's get started!"


The day has been entirely nerve-racking as she tried not to blurt out "Happy birthday!" to the bar owner. The plan was for the party to begin at night, like a surprise party of sorts, but she wanted so much to say the words to him. To be able to celebrate the entire day with him as he did with her. Hawk was insistent though. So to stem the urge she did just about everything for Sir Meliodas. His reaction to her cooking breakfast—not that she was any good—cleaning the bar, and practically pampering him was uncertain. From the questioning in his green eyes, he had absolutely no clue as to what she was up to, which surprised her. He must understand that she's just trying to make his birthday as relaxing as possible, right?

The day journeys on in a sluggish crawl, tearing at Elizabeth's patience with the relentlessness of a rabid wolf. She couldn't be happier when the evening finally arrives. She rushes upstairs to change into the beautiful dress the elderly woman helped her pick out. The material is extremely soft to the touch as she slips it over her skin. She hardly ever wears black, but she thought that maybe Sir Meliodas would enjoy seeing it on her…

Her skin flushes at the thought, but she shoves it away as she smooths the material against her thighs where it ends just above her knees. The sleeves are short and off the shoulder, giving a nice view of her neck, creamy skin, and the necklace Sir Meliodas gave her when she places it on. The elder woman was insistent on her dress having a curving breast line, but as she looks at herself in the mirror she wonders what his reaction to it will be.

Walking in black flats towards her bed, she picks up a white box containing the clothes she picked out for Sir Meliodas. Her heart is thrumming like a humming bird within her chest, but she inhales deeply anyway. "Okay. Here goes." The princess exits her room and lightly pads down the stairs.

She sees Sir Meliodas before he sees her. But the moment he hears her steps he turns towards her. She has to stop walking in fear of falling down the rest of the steps from the way his eyes widen in pure reverence upon her figure. His eyes seem to sweep over her over and over, darkening slightly in color much to her fluttering heart's delight. 'He likes it. Good…'

With shaky steps she continues down the rest of the stairs and gasps as warm hands grasp her arms carefully. She forces herself to stare into his inviting gaze. "Elizabeth, you look so beautiful… What's the occasion?"

She feels as if she can practically melt from how sweltering she feels from his tender complement, but her lips purse in confusion. What does he mean by that question?

"You idiot! It's your birthday!" Hawk, standing not too far to the side, nearly has steam billowing from his ears.

Elizabeth watches Sir Meliodas blink a few times as he tilts his head. Her mind is a buzz of bewilderment at the realization. 'He didn't even know? Why is that?'

After a moment, he speaks candidly. "Oh, you're right." His gaze lands back on Elizabeth as something occurs to him. "Is that why you've been worrying the past few days, Elizabeth?" He looks almost sheepish to her and his green eyes turn apologetic.

She nods her head and clutches the box in her arms a little tighter. "I just wanted your birthday to be as special as mine was, Sir Meliodas."

Her stomach squeezes pleasantly as a tiny smile warms its way to the blond's face. She feels his hand atop of her head and she almost sighs aloud in bliss. "You didn't have to do anything for me, Elizabeth. My birthdays don't really mean that much to me."

Hawk trots up to him with a huff. "Don't mind him, Elizabeth. He's always like this. Here you go, Meliodas. Happy birthday!"

Sir Meliodas' hands slide from her form, taking all of his warmth with it. She hides her pout as he reaches down and grasps the bottle Hawk carries within his snout. She watches his brows shoot up in astonishment. "Where'd you get this? This had to have costed you an arm and a leg!"

Hawk stands tall in pride. "As the Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal, I have ways of doing what other mortals may find nearly impossible!"

Sir Meliodas chuckles and Elizabeth feels her insides tingle at the sound. "Well, thank you, buddy! I'll definitely enjoy this!"

The princess twists a foot nervously as she looks down. Her voice is almost too quiet in her own ears. "Happy birthday, Sir Meliodas!" her hands shakily hold the package out to him for him to take. "These are for the party Hawk and I planned for you…"

She misses the way his gaze softens as his hands accept the white box. "Thank you, Elizabeth. I'll go put them on right now."

When he's out of sight Elizabeth raises a hand and places it over her racing heart. She can hardly breathe when he's around, twisting her insides into dazed knots. Hawk's voice helps her focus and brings her mind back to something she was curious about as well.

"That dope. Forgetting his birthday again…"

"Why is that, Hawk?" She watches Hawk think for a while as he forms his answer.

"I don't know really. He just never deems it as important."

She wonders why when the sounds of boots hitting the stairs causes her to turn. Her eyes practically glaze over as she ogles the Dragon Sin. Entirely different to his baggier clothing, he now adorns a black closer fitting open collared shirt tucked neatly into similarly black pants. His belt is a dark green matching the accents upon his boots. Elizabeth tries desperately not to stare at his muscles bleeding through his shirt or his toned arms, but for some reason it's almost incredibly hard for her not to.

He stops before her with one hand in his pocket and the other holding the bottle of ale Hawk gave him. He gazes up at her with a wide grin that she gets lost in. "These are really nice, Elizabeth! Thanks!"

"Y-you're welcome! You look very h-handsome, Sir Meliodas," She finds the words spilling from her lips in a stuttered rush. Her cheeks practically glow.

His eyelids lower as his grin shifts into a smirk. "Thank you. Now come on! We've got a birthday to celebrate!" he easily hooks his arm with hers and pulls her flustered form towards the tavern's exit with Hawk right behind them.


The night wears on in a seemingly successful fashion. Meliodas thoroughly enjoys the ale he was gifted. He jokes lightly with Hawk, jabbing lightly at the porker and wrestling with him as if the two were siblings. As soon as the kind musician Hawk found finally arrives, Meliodas quickly pulls Elizabeth to a perfect spot beneath the stars to begin swaying gently to the violin.

Her hand tentatively rests upon his shoulder and the other rests in his grasp. She keeps his gaze even as his other palm rests lowly on her waist. His eyes are content as they lock on hers almost in a trance. The whines of the violin guide their slow motions almost in synch with the rhythm of their hearts. Elizabeth feels herself drowning in the molten gaze of Meliodas' green eyes. She can hardly deny the way her heart swells for him. She's sure, as she sidles a little closer to him as they spin slowly, that she cares deeply for him. She might even be falling for him. The kind, sweet Sin of Wrath means the world to her. She only wants him to be happy…

With a hushed breath she speaks to him through the tranquil night. "Sir Meliodas, is this what you wished for on your birthday? All I want is for you to be happy, so whatever you ask for I'll do my best to give it to you…"

Meliodas gazes at her for a quiet moment before he releases her hand in favor of cupping her cheek. She wants to rest her forehead against his at the soft way he smiles up at her. "Elizabeth… I already have everything I need to be happy right here with me. But if you're really concerned, I have something in mind that you can do for me."

Her hand shakily goes up to cup the back of his upon her cheek. 'He has everything he needs to be happy? What can that mean?' Trying not to let her mind spin out of control with the possibilities, Elizabeth nods her head. "I'll do it. Whatever you want."

Elizabeth watches with bated breath as Meliodas smoothly shifts to one knee while keeping her hand in his. Hawk scrambles to their side with astonishment written across his face. "Meliodas, what—?"

Meliodas doesn't acknowledge him as he keeps his eyes closed. He bows his head regally. The strength in his words causes Elizabeth's eyes to water. "Elizabeth, I may not be worthy, but I wish to pledge my honor, loyalty, devotion, and life to you as a knight. I swear to protect you, to watch over you, and to always be by your side for as long as you'll have me. You have my knight's honor, Elizabeth, that you will not lose me as your protector, your friend, your lo—"He stumbles over his speech slightly with a sheepish grin. Then he continues with a determined resolve. "You won't lose me as whatever you'll have me as." Her lips tremble as he turns bright eyes up to gaze at her fully. "So how 'bout it? Will you take me as your sworn knight, Elizabeth?" She can tell that he's trying to disguise his nerves with a cheeky grin, but his eyes give him away. Her answer will mean the world to him.

He wants to be her sworn knight…? Knights honor and their codes of chivalry are taken very seriously. The words he spoke to her, everything he said, he'll honor until his last breath. And this is what he wants as a birthday present? A few tears slide along her cheeks as she grips the hand he holds tightly. "Y-yes, Sir Meliodas! Of course, I'll h-have you…"

The blond looks utterly relieved as he rises to his feet, but not before laying a kiss upon her hand. How such a simple gesture from his warm lips can leave her breathless is beyond her… His arms wrap around her waist just before she feels her heart lodge in her throat at his head resting serenely upon her chest.

"Hey!" Hawk immediately protests, then seems to reconsider grudgingly. "…Fine! But I've got my eyes on you! If you try anything funny with her…"

A shiver washes down her spine as Sir Meloidas sighs softly against her skin. She lowers her arms around his shoulders and settles back into the soft motion of their sways. Such an eventful night. More than she ever expected to happen…

"Who would have thought, being the birthday boy would grant me such privileges?" Meliodas chimes softly with an easy laugh.

Elizabeth smiles warmly and gives into the urge to lower her head atop his golden locks. They smell wonderful. Like a wooded forest… "Well, it's your day to get whatever you want and to feel blissful…" A stray thought flows through her mind as the two twist gently. "Sir Meliodas? If you don't mind me asking, how old are you turning today?"

He exhales softly. "3,355."

"What!?" Her head shoots up in shock as she figures she imagined the number.

She hears him laugh as he pulls her closer to him again and rubs his hands soothingly along her back. "Nothing, Elizabeth. Don't worry about it." As he lays his head back down against her chest his next words ease her mind and brings utter joy to her face. "Just know that this is the best birthday I've had in a really long time…"

Princess Elizabeth settles her arms around him once more and squeezes him close. This is what she wanted. His happiness. It's starting to become a large focal point in her life now as they grow closer in their time spent together. Sir Meliodas practically falls into a dazed snooze against her as the soft whines of the violin play on in the background. Elizabeth gently places a caring kiss atop of his head with a fluttering heart. She'll make it her goal to keep him happy. Today was only the start.

Happy Birthday, Meliodas! All he really needs is Elizabeth to be happy, I hope you all enjoyed this two shot! It was a blast to write!

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gsunny6 [2020-08-10 03:33:19 +0000 UTC]

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TheatricTheo [2016-08-16 02:49:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BettyBest2 In reply to TheatricTheo [2016-08-16 21:35:40 +0000 UTC]

Hehe   I live to cause such bursts of emotions!

It's a true pleasure to learn that you enjoy it that much though!! Melizabeth is such an amazing couple to write for! I can't get enough!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0