BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH — ItalyxreaderxRomano - Trick and Treat [Dark]

Published: 2013-06-10 22:40:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 5568; Favourites: 106; Downloads: 1
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Description It was a grey Saturday morning in the town of -wtf why are you asking me what town?-
You had just risen from bed and gotten ready to head out to Soah's shop for some things you needed for the house.You walked down the cobblestone path of the town towards the city junction in which said shop would be.There it was.A small blue shop with a blue haired girl of 16 inside wearing a sleeveless Chinese dress with one green eye and the other red counting money behind the cash register.You walked in with a smile and greeted her.She instantly lifted her head and jammed the money back inside the cash register once she saw your innocent face."Hey _____.What can I get fer ye?"She asks waving with her black finger less gloved hands and a cheerful smile.You smile in return and hang out at the counter."I'm here for some ribbons or hair accessories."You tell her with a smile as she turns around and continues putting up swords onto some glass shelves behind her."Oh!Just in time.We just got new shipments overnight."She beams and goes to the back storage to pull out some boxes.There she pulls out some black lacy ribbons,each have a cherry red rose on them that looks too beautiful to even be real.You stare in awe at the ribbons as Soah smirks in amusement."So what's going on with you?"She asks and ties her hair into a low ponytail leaving out two short strands of hair to frame fer face.You giggle as she slips on some pitch black sunglasses to look like her Canadian boyfriend and smiles stupidly at you."I'm getting a job but I'm not too sure about walking home.."You trail off."Why?"She asks as her sunglasses droop a bit and rest on the bridge of her nose."I might be let off work late sometimes and I have to walk through some woods."You finish softly.She gasps dramatically and covers a hand over her mouth."______ dear,Don't you know about that forest?"She asks as your brow raises in confusion."No..?"You trail off as she gasps again and smirks at you."There was once a rumor about strange events going on in that forest.Something about devil children luring people into the forest."She tells you placing a hand on her hip and the other stroking her chin quizzically as she tries to remember.You feel fear course through you as her expression changes from goofy to serious."You need to be careful ______.There are some bad things happening in that damned forest and I don't want anything happenin' to ye.Oh the innocence of a child.It's too gruesome to even talk about."She tells you in a serious tone."So,want these ribbons or not?I'll make em' half price for ya'!"She laughs cheerfully.You shake the story off thinking of it as only a rumor and pay for the ribbons whilst talking with her about work and whatnot.You finally leave the store and go home to prepare for the next day.

-----n e x t d a y-----

Finally you get to work earlier than expected and begin your job.
You begin to type in the paper work with mugs of coffee littering your desk as you force yourself to stay awake.A couple friends of yours walk up to your cubicle worriedly as you type furiously ignoring the cramps in your thin calloused fingers.Tuscany,Versailles,and Cambridge stand by your cubicle,dark circles under their eyes as they watch you looking uneasy."H-Hey _______,I can finish those for you if you want."Versailles suggests looking like she's been hit by a bus rather than looking elegant and drinking tea with Austria.You sigh and look up at them.Cambridge's curls are now flat and tangled,Tuscany's pigtails are now drooping and touching the floor,and Versailles' low side braid is now all over the place in tight knots."N-no..I-I c-c-c-can d-d-do this.."You manage with shaky breaths.They nod seeing as you won't give up and leave drowsily.You continue to finish your work with only a stack of files left.
By the time you're finished it's already 3:00 A.M. and you're extremely tired.You can't even walk or get up from your twisty chair.With the little strength you have left you lift the coffee mug from your desk and down the liquid inside.You finally lift yourself from your seat,turn off all the lights in the office,and lock up once you've exited the building.You walk down the wobbly pavement a little  drowsy and feel the coffee starting to wear off.

Deep, deep within the fog, a captivating voice echoes
Come, come, until you're deeper into the heart of the forest
Hurry, hurry, you'll only get closer if you're quick
Come, come, now isn't it fun?
Let the games begin

You stood at the entrance to the eerily quiet woods and shivered a bit at the cold.Okay,maybe Soah's story had scared you after all but good thing she told you to be careful.You pulled out a black stun gun just in case and grasped it firmly inside the pocket of your coat.You took a deep breath and started down towards the path leading into the darkness.Oh your parents were going to be furious and this was the only shortcut to get home!You walked a little faster hoping to get closer to the exit.
'hey c'mon..'
You whipped your head toward the noise.It was completely parallel to the direction to get home!How convenient.You couldn't help but be worried you being the compassionate and caring person you were.You decided to screw it and go down the other path.'Please let nothing bad happen..'You breathed and continued down the path.
'Bastardo..shut up..'
There it was again!You continued to follow the noise down the path.The path seemed a little safer.The poisonous brush seemed to be cleared out of the way to make a smooth concrete path with glowing lanterns hanging off the tree branches as if it were some fairy tale wonderland.You'd hate to admit it aloud but you felt safe.Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.You followed down the path only to stop at a dead end..well..not really.There in front of you were two large steel gates that lead to a vast mansion that seemed to glow in the darkness magnificently.You felt your mouth hang open as you neared the gates and stared up in awe at the mesmerizing sight.
"Ciao Bella!"
"AHHH!!!RAPE!!RAPE!!SON OF A FUUUUCK!!!"You screamed pulling out the stun gun and waving it all over the place as the two boys who had tried to surprise you backed away a little freaked out by the maniac trying to electrify them."U-um..excuse me?"One of the boys asked.You instantly froze looking at them.Twins?One of the boys had light almond hair with eyes to match wearing a white dress shirt and a black vest with a thin black ribbon tied loosely around the collar and black finger less gloves.The second boy had olive eyes with dark auburn hair wearing a grey dress shirt with a white vest and a thin violet ribbon tied around the collar loosely, a scowl on his face with a smile on the other."O-oh!I-I'm s-s-sorry! ha ha!"You apologized and laughed nervously extremely flushed from embarrassment."Ciao!I'm Feliciano!"One of the boys cheered with a bright smile."Ciao.I'm Lovino."He grunted.They looked about to be your age as well which was strangely odd."Sorry for scaring you there bella!Mind if we welcome you to "a game of secrets"?"He asks with a cheerful grin,gesturing at the mansion.You feel yourself blush a bit."I-I..really it's no problem!"You manage and bow."No no we insist bella!Let us take care of you!"He cheers once again with a wink.You avert your gaze to Lovino.He looks at you,his eyes softening and almost looking pleading or..hopeful.There may not be use of words but the connection through eye contact is enough atleast.You trn to Feliciano who has a pleading look of hope on his face as well.You sigh and smile a bit troubled."I..I guess!"You tell them.Feliciano cheers with a 've!~' and the twins drag you through the gates.You feel as though the atmosphere has changed.

-----I  n    T  h  e    M  a  n  s  i  o  n-----

"Ve!~"Italy sighs as you sit down in a black throne like chair in the lavish living room.They seem to be nice.Maybe just one night will be alright.I'll just tell mother and father about what happened and maybe they'll understand you sigh dreamily as you begin to relax in the comfort of the chair and Lovino hands you a teacup and saucer."How can I re pay you for all of this!"You gasp."What do you have?"Feliciano asks.You rummage through your pockets."Here's some cookies I made."She smiled and handed them to the boys.One bite and they fell in love."They're delicious!"The giggled.You smiled."Is that all?"You asked worry in your voice."Of course dear,of course."

The cinnamon stick is a magic wand
With just one flick the syrup will swell
Into a dream so sweet you'll forget you knew bitterness
Sheltered by the canopy
You'll fall deep asleep

"Ne,ne!Why not try one of these ______!"Feliciano grins and pints to a white table covered in sweet treats."T-thank you!"You blush as he takes your hand and escorts you,Lovino grabs your other free hand,the two of your hands gently resting in their palms as you walk."Here!"He cheers and holds out a cinnamon stick in his mouth.You blush furiously."W-w-wha?!me?!"You stutter."Ci!~"He coos.You blush a bit as he winks at you and you take the treat into your lips.The flavor is so alluring!It's sweetness melts on your tongue yet the aftertaste is bitter.The more you eat the sweeter it gets.You unconsciously continue to munch on the cinnamon stick until you feel a soft pair of lips meet yours.You heat up and try to pull away only to be held back by Feliciano.He kisses you biting your lip and slipping his tongue in and exploring your every cavern.You moan as Lovino glares at his brother and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you away.You cover your mouth as Feliciano smirks at his brother."Aw~That was no fun Lovi~"He pouts.Lovino growls."I told you not to call me that."He snarls and glares piercing daggers at him.Feliciano chuckles a bit too darkly for your taste."Shall we continue the game?"Feliciano asks with a bright childish smile.Lovino pouts."Not until I've gotten my share."He smirks as Feliciano's eyes widen in shock.He dips you and with a delicate finger smears syrup across your lips and kisses you full on the lips.You feel him slip his tongue inside your mouth and explore every inch of it.You maon once again as the kiss grows hot only to have him end the kiss and bring you back onto your feet and wipe his mouth casually.Feliciano looks a little dark but goes back to his childish smile."Come now _______!We have something we want to show you!~"He giggles as the two take your hands once again.They lead you up a flight of marble stairs to a roof top deck with a pink plush bed in the center of a pond.You gasp at the beautiful sight and a smile breaks out on your face.What was happening?Why were you so happy?

It's okay to be lost, mesmerized by mirages
If you loosen the blindfold it won't be fun
Watch your step! I'll take you by the hand
So, right away
Entrust yourself to me

You fall back first onto the bed and feel the boys wrap a blindfold around your eyes."What are you guys doing?"You ask a bit curious."Well we can't have you having nightmares can we?It's okay to be lost!Entrust yourself to me!They won't be dreams without hallucinations!"Feliciano explains.The two kiss your forehead and exit the room.leaving you there to dream and dream and dream and dream.

-----D  r  e  a  m  s-----

The sun shines and today was the next day you were going to visit the italy brothers bringing cookies as you always did.You knocked on the large mansion door only to be hugged by the little children which you saw everyday.They were so cute not to mention short!You treated them as if they were your own little brothers.It had been months after you had stayed at the Vargas brothers house.They hadn't changed a bit.They were still the small children you met at the park.You smiled as you dug through your pockets and pulled out two pink pouches tied with red ribbons.The boys cheered and took the cookies from you making to thank you with a cheek.Your parents were fine with you taking care of them and that you were late,thank god.You honestly thought they were going to scold you and make you quit your job but they had actually been very considerate.

-----T   i  m  e    s  k  i  p   i  n    d  r  e  a  m  s-----

It had been 16 years since the day you had given the boys cookies and visited them.
You were now old and aged quite beautifully if you must say so yourself.Soah had married Matt and moved to Canada,The Italy brothers took very good care of you in your golden days even though they were now 18 and still quite young.They had lives to live.So before you passed on you had told them to take care of themselves and fall in love.It seems they had fallen in love with someone with ______ eyes and _______ hair much like yours.They really did love you dearly.You were truly happy they found love and had children and married.
In the end it was all a happy ending.
Everyone lived,happily,ever,after.

-----D  r  e  a  m    e  n  d-----

For some time the blade of doubt has been fading in and out
The mercy of love has no place here
Through a slit in the blindfold you peeped
And saw the shadows cast by the lantern
Suddenly, your hair stands on end

You awoke from your pleasant happily ever after to the sound of two boys laughing.
You looked around and noticed you were tied to a chair,the blindfold had a whole in it and you could see what was going on.You dare not move or even speak a word.The boys were talking about something and laughing.You weren't sure what but it seemed really funny if both of them were laughing.
Right then and there you noticed something strange about the men.
You couldn't put your finger on it.You thought harder.
You held in a gasp as you realized what had happened from analyzing their appearances.
Their eyes were now a deep blood drenched orange
Your heart began to beat faster and faster every time they blinked.How?You searched for more traits of their sudden change and looked averted your gaze to the jack-o-lanterns that cast off a sepia glow in the room.That's when it hit you like a ton of bricks.
Their shadows
Their shadows took the form of two children and somehow changed and switched to a beast every time they laughed.
Your fear suddenly rose when from the hole you saw Romano peering in through the ripped fabric.His smile was twisted and sick as if he just wanted to rip you to shreds yet caress you and cradle you in his arms.Why did you have to wake up?Why had your happily ever after ended so early?It was so..

My my, what a wicked child! You're already awake?
If the blindfold came off, then shall I blind you?
Come now, smile! Let's see that precious face
Slip back into your skin
and go back to the show

Romano cheered as Feliciano slipped off the blindfold.He placed his fingers at the ends of your lips,lifting them to curl into a smile.You couldn't move and you definitely wouldn't.You were practically paralyzed at this point.He flashed you a twisted smile as the two boys looked at you with wide happy expressions that seemed horrifying rather than happy.Were these truly the same smiles you had seen before?How could you not see this?

"...Hey, give me some?"

You could only utter those words wishing you had the cinnamon stick once again to make you well no matter how bitter the aftertaste was.

What happened to make your eyes so wide? Your body is trembling
Shall I bring you some warm milk?
Now now, come inside! It's very warm in here
The stuff from your pockets will be enough in return

You hadn't noticed it but you were.You were trembling in fear,trying hard not to run or cower or even flinch.You were absolutely horrified and possibly scarred for life.Never had you seen something like this or even witnessed much less encountered a situation as this.What were they going to do to you anyway?Were they going to hurt you?Please,anything but that.Soah was right.Mother was right!you shouldn't have gotten a job in the first place and you should have been more careful.Tears began to spill profusely from your eyes.
"Now now dear don't cry!Tears don't suit such a pretty face!"They cheered as more tears spilled.The only question that lingered in your mind was why had it been you of all people!No,You couldn't think like that.It was either have someone else suffer or sacrifice yourself."Come on now do you have any cookies my dear?"They ask wiping away your tears gently.You didn't dare speak a word.

Give me something, hurry, hurry
Hey c'mon, right away
Abandon the notion of having a choice
We'll lure you in with lies, so just slurp the sweet honey
Give me some, hey now, hand it over, right now

They chanted wishing for your cookies which had no bitter after taste to it.The sugar that lasted and spread across their tastebuds letting them relish in the sweet taste just a while longer.Their sweets never did that.Never
"I-I don't have any."You breathed sadly.
Their eyes widened as they froze.No sugar for them to enjoy.No fun.no pleasure.No freedom.
--------E   N   D--------

Soah switched on the Television with her boyfriend Matt.
-----news headline-----
"Today a woman walking through the woods saw the body of a young teenage girl about 16 hung by the branch of a cherry blossom tree in front of the gates to an abandoned cottage by black lace hair ribbons with two dolls hanging beside her,one hung by a thin violet ribbon;the other a black thin ribbon.We do not know the details but it seems the girl was walking home alone late at night after work and took a short cut through the woods."
-----Matt and Soah-----
Soah gasped and covered her mouth as tears spilled from her eyes seeing the images of _______ being hung by the ribbons she bought her just yesterday.

Right now!
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Comments: 20

TereziPyropeTheSeer [2015-03-09 05:18:23 +0000 UTC]

Dude you should of given them the goddamm cookies

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MasahiroYuki [2014-12-22 04:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Is it weird that I was playing the song while reading?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheGayParade [2013-08-18 07:41:13 +0000 UTC]

Spamano is spam. It says that right in the name.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sakunae [2013-06-16 00:34:52 +0000 UTC]

I knew what was gonna happen but I just... Aww... Why?! I want happy times with demon children...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH In reply to sakunae [2013-06-16 07:02:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sakunae In reply to BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH [2013-06-18 04:53:32 +0000 UTC]

Toby! Nice one. lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SkyWarriorKirby [2013-06-12 05:29:15 +0000 UTC]

Vocaloid reference? Vocaloid reference.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH In reply to SkyWarriorKirby [2013-06-12 05:31:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

religiouscornrose237 [2013-06-11 22:49:10 +0000 UTC]

But but but I likes it. ;-;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH In reply to religiouscornrose237 [2013-06-12 01:39:17 +0000 UTC]

I just kinda feel like I rushed it and the plot seems kinda junky but thank you so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

religiouscornrose237 In reply to BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH [2013-06-12 01:39:48 +0000 UTC]

Hehe I know the feeling. Yw.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MapleKitty34 [2013-06-11 00:19:48 +0000 UTC]


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BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH In reply to MapleKitty34 [2013-06-11 01:15:54 +0000 UTC]


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MapleKitty34 In reply to BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH [2013-06-11 01:27:48 +0000 UTC]


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BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH In reply to MapleKitty34 [2013-06-11 01:29:26 +0000 UTC]


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MapleKitty34 In reply to BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH [2013-06-11 01:30:30 +0000 UTC]

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BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH In reply to MapleKitty34 [2013-06-11 01:41:17 +0000 UTC]

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MapleKitty34 In reply to BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH [2013-06-11 01:48:12 +0000 UTC]

And that is how one properly Fangirls. Take notes, children.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH In reply to MapleKitty34 [2013-06-11 01:52:33 +0000 UTC]


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MapleKitty34 In reply to BICHESRSNICHESNSTICH [2013-06-11 01:54:10 +0000 UTC]


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