Billie-Bonce — The Cossack: character design

#cossack #characterdesign
Published: 2011-02-07 00:20:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 14223; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 329
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Description The character designed for the Fantasy World of Aiers [link] . Visit for more info.

Name: Levko Nepyipyvo
Race: Human, Caucasian.
Age: 32
Height: 180 cm
Skills: Skilled warrior. Handyman. Poet and Musician.

Some details
Levko Nepyipyvo insists that he is an descendant of an old noble Ukrainian Cossack family. The legend tells that his grand-grandfather was a real Ukrainian Cossack.

The grand-grandfather was taken prisoner in a battle, and as a slave he was a rower at a Turkish galley until he was liberated by pirates who attacked the galley. Then he joined the pirate command and have been to all the continents of the Earth. One day he visited an ancient temple in the mountains of South America. When he came out of the temple, he noticed strange changes around, but only two days later, when he met strange people with long pointy ears, he realized that he was transported to a different world. Nobody could show him the way back to the temple. Since then he and his descendants look for the temple that can bring them back to the Earth, but in vain.

Very likely, all this story was invented by that very grand-grandfather who just decided to follow the traditions which he discovered in an ancient book. But Levko really tries to find that temple. He persistently looks for somebody who may know the way. With this purpose, he time to time visits a slave market and buys exotic slaves that were brought from faraway places.

Perhaps, search for the temple is not his only purpose, because he always buys pretty girls, mostly elven. Funny thing, but despite his experience in dealing with crafty traders, he always goofs. All the girls sold to him by dwarfs never had those skills and knowledge which he expected. But surprisingly they usually proved to be nice, kind, and sexy.

As the Ukrainian Cossack, Levko is an orthodox Christian. He believes that his worst enemies are Muslims and Catholics (however, he is able to deal with them peacefully). He realizes the danger that the Orcs cause, but he considers them as animals, like wolves or hyenas. He likes various races of elves (especially girls), but he have never seen drows yet.

With his first slave girl he went to the Orthodox priest to baptize her, but the priest angrily refused. He also said that Levko will never get blessing to marry an elf girl. Levko was very upset, but he didn't refused to live with the elf girl. And since Levko was already a sinner, he decided that he may go further and live with more than one elf girls. What he continues to do.

He is very gentle with girls, and they are happy to stay in his house for awhile. Then he simply lets the girl go if she asks him, and soon he goes at the slave market again. Usually the girls leave his house with a great skills of traditional Ukrainian embroidery of shirts, towels and tablecloths, and with great experience of cooking Ukrainian food and drinking Ukrainian liquors.

Levko is a good warrior, he used to be a mercenary, and he keeps himself in a good shape. He says that he learned from Saracens, but it doesn't seem to be the truth. Also Levko knows some crafts, like wood carving. He has a small farm where he fattens hogs and geese. Being aware of possible attacks of orcs, he dug the long tunnel with several hidden exits to escape from his house in case of danger.

His surname literally means "Don't Drink Beer", but in fact he drinks beer, and Ukrainian vodka (horilka) with pepper, and cherry cordial. After drinking, he may take a pandora (traditional musical instrument of the Cossacs) and sing long sad ballads. He has a great voice, and he himself composes his ballads.

Maybe I have forgotten something about him... Then I'll tell it later.
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Comments: 64

Billie-Bonce In reply to ??? [2017-10-11 16:24:53 +0000 UTC]

Ну, белая рубаха с вышивкой и красные штаны - это классика, в таких костюмах ансамбли народного танца выступают Была задумка истории про этого казака как он случайно попал в мир с эльфами, орками, троллями и прочими персонажами. Но так она и подвисла без развития.

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Chaigling In reply to Billie-Bonce [2017-10-11 16:41:12 +0000 UTC]

Оу, да? Ну, не знал) Не то, чтобы не знал, но про классику узнал сейчас)

Знаю, читал: ты плохо говоришь на английском, а на русском бы тебя проигнорировали 

Я знаю, что ты чувствуешь )

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Faulkwing [2011-10-20 09:37:08 +0000 UTC]

Cossacks and elven girls, curious concept

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Faulkwing [2011-10-20 11:35:30 +0000 UTC]

У меня был свой сюжетец на эту тему, но писать по-русски без толку - здесь это два-три человека прочтут при хорошем раскладе. По-украински - и того хуже, не хочу пиарить эту свою галерею. А по-английски я пишу плохо - и долго, и грамматика никудышная. Рисовать - еще дольше... Так что, скорее всего, свой сюжет я благополучно похороню.

(почему-то длинный русский текст deviantART принимает за спам и отказывается принимать - пришлось разбить ответ на две части)

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Faulkwing In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-10-20 16:27:39 +0000 UTC]

Анонимная галерея? Правильно, я тоже не хочу чтобы люди о моих вкусах знали.

Я хочу написать парочку рассказов по Фелярии на английском... но боюсь не смогу написать так как хочется... мне это кажется чем то очень серьезным и хочется серьезно подойти но это требует много усилий в любом случае. >_>

Рисовать я не умею совсем, к сожалению... А на какую тему рассказ, кстати?

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Faulkwing [2011-10-20 17:28:47 +0000 UTC]

Про казака и эльфийку?

В двух словах - попал случайно казак в мир, где кроме людей живут еще и гномы, эльфы, орки, и всякая почая нечисть. Искал он дорогу домой, да так и не нашел. Зато купил себе у противного гнома-работорговца симпатичную эльфийку, которая должна была стать его проводником. Но как оказалось, гном его обманул, и толку с той эльфики не было... Однако в силу случайных обстоятельств и опасных приключений эльфийка захотела с казаком остаться. Соблазнить его было несложно

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Faulkwing In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-10-20 17:32:50 +0000 UTC]

Tarnsman of Gor напоминает)
Я почему-то думала что там будет что то про зыбучий чернозем честно-говоря)

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Faulkwing [2011-10-20 18:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Нет, но самое обычное болото там таки должно было быть. Казаку сказали, что болотные эльфы владеют такой магией, которая сможет вернуть его в его мир. Но добраться до болотных эльфов без проводника невозможно - надо найти такого эльфа, который оттуда родом. Вот так гном и впарил ему эльфийку - дескать, она оттуда. А она скромно молчала. Почему-то эльфийка была не просто с ошейником, но еще и со скованными за спиной руками, и с тяжелой цепью. Казак повел ее к кузнецу - снимать оковы. По пути она попыталась сбежать, и угодила прямиком в топь. Тут-то казак и понял, что о болотах у нее нет ни малейшего представления. Только напрасно деньги потратил.

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Faulkwing In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-10-20 18:36:15 +0000 UTC]

Мне почему-то сложно себе представлять казаков в таком сеттинге..они для меня наверное навсегда останутся или мультиком, или карнавальным персонажем, как сейчас) Конечно, в настоящих сказках образ у них гораздо более интересный Смесь кочевников и славян, или может, скорее - славяне-кочевники. Интересный образ, одним словом. Но с Gor'ом ассоциируется плохо

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Faulkwing [2011-10-20 19:44:55 +0000 UTC]

Все, как я говорил, начиналось с мира , где он намешал всех и вся. У меня история была задумана простенькая, как и все в моей галерее. Немного фетиша, и все дела. (Или много фетиша - для неподготовленного читателя/зрителя). А образ казака, кстати, вполне мультяшный.

Потом идея понравилась , но он пишет профессионально. Он решил, что сюжет можно использовать для широкой аудитории, поэтому все связанной с фетишами нужно оставить очень дозировано и очень завуалировано. А у , как оказалось, и свои казаки есть, так что мой ему не понадобился.

Причем, казаки у него называются как-то по-другому, а словом "казак" у него называются небольшие двуногие драконы, на которых ездят верхом. O_O

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Faulkwing In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-10-20 20:07:17 +0000 UTC]

Даа, у него интересный пост у него - чуть ниже. С украинским колоритом) Такое действительно лучше не переводить на английский... Теперь мне кажется что украинский текст мог бы очень интересным получиться. С трудом могу себе представить украинское фентези, да еще 18+

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Faulkwing [2011-10-21 07:41:36 +0000 UTC]

Он меня вообще очень удивил. На самом деле, украинского языка он не знает, писал это с помощью Google translate (и, вероятно, пользовался какой-то литературой), но чувствует очень хорошо. По крайней мере, он мне присылал довольно длинные наброски, так там и править-то было нечего.

А насчет украинского фентези... По-моему, главная проблема - избежать приевшихся штампов (а в этом "нетипичный" сеттинг только поможет), а еще более главная - чтобы это интересовало хоть кого-нибудь кроме автора...

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Faulkwing In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-10-21 07:48:54 +0000 UTC]

Не надо на читателя ориентироваться.. хотя, я и не сильно разбираюсь в этом.

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Faulkwing [2011-10-21 14:04:54 +0000 UTC]

Я тоже не сильно разбираюсь, но я бы сказал, ориентироваться на читателя надо, а вот потакать читателю - не надо.

Если нет читателя, то зачем писать? Или рисовать? Для самого себя эти истории записывать не надо. В уме они уже давно проговорены не раз, их можно пересказывать себе на ночь, как колыбельную, а иногда и днем, чтобы отвлечься и отдохнуть... Некоторые персонажи уже настолько живые, что я легко представляю их на улице или в транспорте.

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Faulkwing [2011-10-20 11:33:02 +0000 UTC]

Все началось с Шабазика

Он напихал в свой мир всех-кого-только-можно-было-придумать. Ну я и подумал, а почему бы и не казак... Как оказалось впоследствии, у него там уже свои казаки есть, правда, они скорее донские чем запорожские.

собрался было целую повесть написать. Пишет он отлично, я читал, но только по-русски. Однако, дела, дела... Похоже, и ему сейчас не до того.

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Ferrabra [2011-02-12 15:04:55 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-12 20:10:40 +0000 UTC]

I like it

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-12 20:20:23 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-12 20:37:29 +0000 UTC]

Guta (Гута) has meaning in Ukrainian. It means the workshop for production of glass. Hence, there are many objects in Ukraine with such name. But I don't think it may be an obstacle.

On the other hand, "Guta" sounds more like Ukrainian (or Gypsy) name, "Guti" is more like Western-European.

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-13 08:26:34 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-13 10:50:17 +0000 UTC]

Such behavior shows that the girl is very smart - it's the only reliable way to control Levko.

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Ferrabra [2011-02-09 10:16:07 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-09 13:13:50 +0000 UTC]

To the English-speaking people, and to all who would try to translate this. I tried Google Translate on this. I laughed a lot. Seriously, I have no idea why it constantly translates "my" as "his" or "their", and vice versa.

I can assure that the speech is quite colorful and funny. That's how a Cossack would behave in tavern!

Единственное маленькое замечание по русско-украинскому переводу. В украинском языке используется звательный падеж (кличний відмінок), поэтому, обращаясь к орку, казак скорее всего сказал бы не "Орк, ...", а "Орче, ..."

А вообще - звучит очень колоритно!

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-09 13:36:02 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-09 19:48:16 +0000 UTC]

Yes, the language may be a problem.

Could be, Levko met some nimble helper, who introduced the basics of that world to him? A goblin, maybe, or somebody else...

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-10 07:00:12 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-10 11:04:10 +0000 UTC]


Sirko would be appropriate name for a warg, but nor for a lizard. It's hard to give a name for a dinosaur... Well, probably, Levko knows some words in Latin. May be, Typhoon could be the name - the creature is so strong and fast.

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-10 11:46:44 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-10 15:45:38 +0000 UTC]


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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-12 10:45:13 +0000 UTC]

While I reflect over the character of the girl-elf. At the same time I enter the imagination people in an Ukraine map and the adjacent countries. I believe, to the east from Don there lived orks-nomads who went astride vargs. There is a thought what these orks, and also devas (or giants), coming from Iran to the north, have ruined a civilization elves, living on caucasus (again caucasus!). Others elves could live in area of Carpathians. This girl could be just the native from Carpathians. It is normal?

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-12 19:51:25 +0000 UTC]

Why not? There are dense forests, rapid rivers, vulnerary plants, sources of mineral water, deep snow and avalanches in winter, wild animals, and many legends. But if we need rocky cliffs, then the proper place should be farther to the West, closer to Krakow (in High Tatras, that is the highest part of Carpathians). Another high and rocky part of Carpathians is farther to the South, in Romania. It's the place where Dracula lived.

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-12 20:14:50 +0000 UTC]

Or north of Slovakia? Like, there mountains high ...
Or Transcarpathian region?

I think in the real high mountains are inhabited by elves, dwarves which is off limits. A girl - from those who lived in low wooded mountains.

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-12 20:49:42 +0000 UTC]

Transcarpathian region is a flat plain, good for agriculture. Hence, there are dense population. I think, elves are more likely live in the mountains. If high mountains are not necessary, then the place may be anywhere in Carpathians.

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-13 08:19:00 +0000 UTC]

I assumed that habitat elves depend on two factors - the gradient of the terrain and the presence of woody vegetation. That is, a flat treeless plain - clearly not a place for elves. Swamp? Perhaps, but the swamp elves - perhaps the most savage and vicious breed of elves. Wooded hills and low mountains - this place is almost perfect for the elves. Therefore, the Carpathians are quite suitable for the settlement of elves. Elves can make further forays from their places of habitat, may move to other suitable places for them, can live out their seats, but the elves are always returned home.

Perhaps there is another race of high elves, whose homes are located above the fortified area of growth mountain forests. In Europe, such beings could live in the Alps and the Pyrenees and the Caucasus. I doubt that the elves live somewhere east of the Volga river - there inhabit other creatures.

Habitat for gnomes also depend on two factors - the availability of the outputs of rocks on the surface and probably on the presence of water. Therefore, between dwarves and elves, there is always competition for habitat. Maybe somewhere they concluded agreements on the division of areas of vital interests and even cooperated with each other.

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-13 10:41:12 +0000 UTC]

This sounds very realistic. I think, the elves can live in Altai and Tien Shan, too, but they probably never communicate with European elves, and very likely they even have no idea about existence of each other. They are separated by several thousand miles of the steppe, where very unfriendly creatures dominate.

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-13 13:38:13 +0000 UTC]

Altai and Tien Shan - yes, it is likely. And the mountains that run through Afghanistan and Iran, elves impede travel thence deities - devas.

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-10 15:59:39 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-10 16:45:59 +0000 UTC]

Забавно! Читается хорошо.

Но тут уже полезли артефакты машинного перевода. Я подредактирую украинский текст, ОК?

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Ferrabra In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-10 18:15:12 +0000 UTC]

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Ferrabra [2011-02-10 19:36:00 +0000 UTC]

Так может вернемся к почте? Тут общаться удобно, но все же есть большие ограничения.

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Caregan [2011-02-07 14:03:03 +0000 UTC]

i like the way that shabazik's world is slowly filling up with characters

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Caregan [2011-02-07 19:14:23 +0000 UTC]

Yes, this goes well. The only possible problem is that the world becomes overfilled with characters, races, events, and storylines

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Caregan In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-08 09:43:19 +0000 UTC]

is there such a thing?

i suppose shabazik might die of overwork! XO

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Caregan [2011-02-08 11:51:08 +0000 UTC]

I got an impression that his world comprises the analogues of all human nations of the Earth, plus all the fantasy creations ever seen anywhere, plus a great part of science fiction. And he is able to find a proper place to virtually any character. At least, he already had the whole area populated by the Cossacks

Seriously, I wouldn't be much surprised if the next who will assault the lovely drow trio would be a tentacle monster

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Caregan In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-08 16:36:43 +0000 UTC]

the breadth of his world is impressive... but i think it's also its weakness - by including very close copies of existing historical nations, religions and cultures there is a risk that each culture will be less interesting and original because it is so clearly based on a single real-world model...

still does make it easy for people like you and me to invent characters who fit in easily!

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Shabazik In reply to Caregan [2011-02-09 00:43:40 +0000 UTC]

Well: thanks! X3

But my idea is this:

The humans perpetuate they cultures (with logic changes affected by circunstances, and new human nations can born from these interactions), meanwhile I leave my creativity "free" with the non-human nations and cultures:

Dwarves, drows, elves, orcs, etc... There, I can experiment and use all my imagination... meanwhile in the humans I give them way to feel closer to my world, as something more "real" :3

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Caregan In reply to Shabazik [2011-02-09 09:15:49 +0000 UTC]

yes, you certainly don't lack for imagination with all the stories about qui, fluffy, the drow, etc!

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Shabazik In reply to Caregan [2011-02-09 16:08:28 +0000 UTC]


However, I do have developed as well human cultures originals, but we haven't seen them in any of my stories...

for example, the Kdaimon and Nutks: they where "cutted away" from their human cultures as they became forced vassals of demons, and take then a completely different cultural evolution. X3

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Caregan [2011-02-08 21:12:52 +0000 UTC]

Your characters are awesome! I love the romantic and melodramatic feeling that your pictures evoke

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Caregan In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-02-08 23:04:59 +0000 UTC]

thank you for saying that ^ ^

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