part 2 in my MLP headcanon series! Here's the first one here, on pegasi family migration:
This info sheet is on magical influence in Equestria
1) When Celestia and Luna became rulers of Equestria, they wanted to share their power with their subjects. They spread the magic evenly amongst the ponies of Equestria, so that they too could share in the magic, and hopefully, better defend themselves from the threats Equestria faced.
Since then, most of the traits have faded away into the gene pool, but every so often a foal with extra magical influence is born. This influence is referred to either as Solar or Lunar Influence; depending on whether the influence is based in Celestia’s or Luna’s magic.
Traits from these influences are highly regarded, and some ponies will even go as far as to fake having them, like casting magical spells on their manes.
(most common in unicorns)
Ponies influenced by Celestia’s solar magic can have affinities for animals, plants, warmth, or fire.
Physical appearances can include:
Warm body colors like yellow, red, and orange
Iridescent hair
Multi-pronged horn (if a unicorn)
(most common in pegasi)
Those with influence of Luna’s lunar magic can have affinities for speed, water, flying, or cold.
Physical appearances can include:
Cool body colors like blue, purple, and white
Slight bioluminescence (eyes and hooves glow to various degrees at night)
Feathery mane around neck (if a pegasus)
3) Rarity is a unicorn with very strong Solar Influence- she has the iridescent mane trait, which shines in light or dark, and is very coveted. She's incredibly proud of her mane. This also appears in her hooves, which are also iridescent. Sweetie Belle actually also has this influence, but it's not as prevalent
Rainbow Dash has Lunar Influence; her eyes glow at night, not very strongly, but definitely noticeable.
Twilight is an extremely rare case and has both Solar and Lunar influence! Like Rainbow, her eyes glow at night, and she has iridescent hair like Rarity, though Twilight's is much more subtle and only noticeable in bright light.
4) What Celestia and Luna didn’t know when they come to power, was that even though they had defeated Discord, he also shared some of his chaotic magic with the ponies of Equestria, so that he might have an inkling of influence despite being trapped in stone. Incredibly rare, this magic manifests only ponies’ appearance and behavior.
Pinkie Pie is one of these ponies, which is how she got her pink colors, and is the reason behind her “Pinkie Sense.” This is the same magic that allows Discord to sense magical disturbances!
There is no standard appearance for ponies with Chaos influence, and they can have unexplained colors and abilities, like being able to predict the future, seemingly breaking the laws of physics, and having wildly different traits than their biological family. The Chaos Influence also tends to show up mostly in Earth Ponies, though there’s really no explanation as to why this is (or at least that’s what Discord says).
So yeah, there's all that! I've mentioned this influence from Celestia and Luna in a couple next gen bios, so i decided I needed to elaborate on the idea.
You're welcome to use this headcanon for your own nextgens, but some credit would be appreciated! <3
do not repost without credit!