This is one of my new cats, Butterscotch.
She came with the name. She's about four, not sure exactly, I'd have to look at her papers if I wanted to be certain.
She's a strange girl. She has a lot of traits my previous cat, Sassy bore. Namely the ditziness and similar facial structure.
When we brought the new kitties home, we set them up in my mom's room. She was sleeping in the chair, so was cool with it. Hell, it was her idea.
She's curled up on one of the beds, namely in my dad's robe (R.I.P.)
It didn't take her long to adjust and soon enough she and another named Teetee broke out when I went to feed them. They wanted the run of the house, even ignoring Lester's wailing and tantrums. Butter just wanted to party and Teetee wanted to explore and find a lap, aka my mom's.
Photo taken by blackstarlight17