BlackStormAngel — Kaori's Horror Fairy Tail [NSFW]
Published: 2012-02-22 23:09:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 153; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Once upon a time... In a far away land... Lived a young girl named Kaori. Or so that's what all fairy tails start out like. Real life is a little different. More dark and scary than the fake worlds adults made up for children. Naturally She would know... Little Kaori... Would know better than anyone else just how horrid reality could be.

" Kaori! Where are you! " A woman screamed out into a vast field in search for her daughter.

" Kaori! " Her Father's voice followed. There you have it... Reality. A tiny little girl was taken from her family while they were on vacation out in the country. The child with long blond hair and lovely blue eyes resembled an angel from old lore. Who wouldn't want her for their very own? She was sweet... Adorable... Innocent... Fragile... And now very alone. Her parent's wouldn't stop their search. Their screams carried over the rolling hills where the wildflowers bloomed. Though their calls wouldn't reach her ears. The tiny girl was passed out inside of a strangers vehicle. The poor little girl had no idea just what was going on. Being only ten years old she wasn't prepared for what was to befall her. The wind had picked up outside of the car... They were in ireland... The winding roads though the country were like a maze. Unless you know where your going as this stranger did. After what seemed like an eternity the man pulled over at a small cottage. Got out of the drivers seat. Then softly lifted up the tiny angel. Her golden waves fell around his arm as he carried her inside. When the girl awoke she was dressed in new clothes that she had never seen before. Little Kaori was adorned in black and white... Like words planted on a white page of a book. Slowly the child lifted up her tiny body in order to get a glance at her new environment. Clearly she wasn't in the field still gathering flowers. Obviously her parents weren't with her. But then... Where was she?

With small movements the child swung her legs over the bed she had been placed on. The covers were soft... The mattress like a bouncy cloud... Even the pillows were silky and when she pushed on them with her small hand an imprint fluffed out of it. Before she could step down she heard a voice address her. " Don't move! " He said sternly. Quickly the girl froze... Not to obey mind you but he had caught her again off guard. Listening Kaori heard the thudding of heavy boots to the wooden flooring. Then in came the view of the one who had snatched her... Her eyes fell wide as she saw his features... Remembering when he took her then flung her inside of his car so hard that she had passed out. What was she supposed to do? The man was tall and had short red hair with dark green eyes. His expression holding contempt or anger for this tiny girl. When her body started to shake he kneeled down to her level then with a gentle hand he stroked her golden hair. " Shh... Just stay still... My little Hana. " Hana? That meant flower in japanese. Kaori thought that he might have her confused but before she could say anything his hand was harshly planted to her mouth. " Don't Speak! Just stay quiet! " He stated. Once more she obeyed. " Good girl... " He cooed as he removed his hand. " Poor Hana... You seem really tired... If your hungry I can get you something to eat. " What did this man want with her! The ten year old child was so scared she didn't know how to contain it.

Small tears came from her eyes as soon as she realized this man wasn't a good one. He gave off bad vibes and she wasn't even supposed to be there. " What's the matter Hana... Don't cry.." He said softly as he ran his hand softly through her hair. " It's okay... You don't remember me right now but it will all come back. My lovely little girl. " Was he nuts!

For weeks the child named Kaori stayed with the strange man. The only reason he kept her alive even was because she was quiet and didn't move from her spot in the bed. The room he had her in was a little girls room and everything in it was brightly colored. The only thing dark was her clothes along with the strangers attitude. One night when he was asleep in the other room across the hall the tiny girl drew up her courage to go and investigate the cottage further. For the first time in what seemed an eternity the girl allowed her feet to touch the wooden floor. She wore no shoes so she knew each step would be light and noiseless against the hardened surface. Her dress fluttered about as she snuck from her room... The door was always open but unfortunately so was his door. Kaori knew not what his name was, But she did know he was mean whenever she tried to do or say anything, And even though she was a child she knew he was half out of his mind. With soft tender steps she passed by his room... The long dark hallway seemed endless as well. Yet she kept moving. One foot in front of the other until she heard a noise behind her. From within the mans room she heard a Thunk! The heavy boots were sounding. Swiftly she opened the closest door at the end of the hall... A closet most likely... She cursed under her breath because she had been so close to the living room. Holding her breath she listened closely... ' Thunk... Thunk... Thunk... ' Sounded those boots. The noise was still far off so she wasn't in too much danger yet. With a small sigh she leaned back against the wood behind her thinking it was a wall... Oh how wrong she was.

' Wham! Went the wooden backing... Then with a loud scream she went tumbling down a flight of stairs. Luckily she kept herself from passing out... Only to find herself in the darkness of a basement like room. " A... Hidden room? " She questioned to herself. Her lovely child like voice sounding foreign to her now. Slowly she crawled around seeking out a source of light... But then... ' Thunk... Thunk... Thunk. ' Came the boots. Creak... Came the door to the closet... Wham... Came the sound of the secret door... Thunk... Thunk... Thunk... Until the steps paused on the middle of the stair case. A flash burned her eyes... It blinded her... The lights were way too bright. Those cute orbs of blue adjusted in a slight haze... Like a cute doll she was on her hands and knees. Horror filled her eyes as she sounded another scream only to be sized by the stranger of whom never gave his name. " Shh... It's okay Hana... You wanted to see right? " The shock of what she saw in that basement would be burned into her minds eye forever. Inside that room was a metal table. On the metal table a girls body was strapped down... Blood covered the floor and bodies hung on hooks in the walls. All of their heart's were removed. The one on the table had the same dress that she wore still on her body. " Aren't they adorable Hana? Just like angels... " Kaori wanted to puke. Yet that hand kept her from doing so. Why was he doing all of this? What did he have to gain? " Oh... My sweet Hana... So lovely... " He cooed as he pet her hair. She was shaking just like she had the first time she arrived at the cursed cottage. Kaori kept her mouth shut. That's all she knew to do... " Your probably wondering who these others are... But don't worry Hana... I love you so much more than these others. They were failures you see. They just couldn't learn. But you can... Can't you my beautiful Hana. "

With that said the little girl named Kaori was taken back to her room. There she stayed playing into the mans sick fantasy. He fed her like a baby... He dressed her in the same outfit after every bath... He carried her around all the time like a doll. The girl wondered if her parents were still looking. It had been a month since her abduction. The child counted the days. One by one. As she had when she dared walk. Now she couldn't bring herself to even move. " Hana... Your so cute... Just like an angel... Such a well behaved child. " The man would always praise her if she stayed put and did nothing. He would always brush her hair and take good care of her. He would even read her stories which always started with ' Once Upon A Time... ' The endings always happy. Every ending... Yet she was so scared and sad that nothing truly seemed happy at all.

A full year had passed her before she even knew it herself. The man looked at her with hatred as if she were something evil. She had grown a little in height... Her hair had grown longer and more wild... While her eyes faded with life like a dolls. The scary man picked her up then shook her while screaming out " How Dare You! Don't you dare grow up! Don't you ever change! " He yelled. Kaori started crying again... It wasn't like she could stop growing. Is this what happened to the other girls? Was it them aging that made him go crazy? " Stop it! Don't you dare change! " He had cut her hair. Then told her not to grow anymore and if she did she would be punished. Though try as she might she grew a little more each passing year. Now twelve years old the young teen stayed like his doll. " Your sick! " He screamed at her. " I thought I told you to stop changing! Is that so hard! Oh my Hana! My little Hana why are you still changing! I thought you were different than the others! " He had beaten her more than once. Yet it still seemed she wasn't able to stop growing. That night... Kaori stood up from her bed then stepped back into the hall. She could hear him talking to himself in his bedroom... Saying that he needed another one... A better one... One that wouldn't change. Knowing her time here was going to come to an end anyway Kaori bravely treaded down the hall. Listening she heard his foot steps... Thunk... Across the wood. She ran to the safety of the closet she had been in last time. Only this time she walked down the steps. The corpses stank with a rotted sent. Their flesh dangling off of their corpses. Finding a knife that he would use to cut out the hearts she stood firm... Then came the steps... ' Thunk... Thunk... Thunk... ' A pause as those burning lights stung her eyes like they had two years ago. Their she sat like a good doll... Next to the table... With the knife tucked away behind her back... Tightly clasped in her hand. " Hana... Oh my lovely Hana... Why do you defy me... Why must you run. I know... I know my love... You want to be beautiful is that it? "

The man drew closer to her. " I know... My love want's to remain young and lovely just like the others... " When he stood in front of her she waited for him to kneel down as he always did. His hand softly caressed her cheek then gently ran through her long golden waves. " My poor Hana... I understand you completely... Don't worry baby... I will take good care of you. " When he said that her eyes opened wide before she slammed the butcher knife in his head. The blade went clear through making him ' Thunk! ' To the ground. Over and over Kaori stabbed him. Her lovely colorless dress tainted in his blood. Her golden hair flying into the energy she put into each blow... While her devilish blue eyes glared at his mangled body.

Once Upon A Time... There was a girl named Kaori... Who transformed into Hana... Or was she Hana who had Transformed into Kaori? Either way reality was too much even for her. Slowly she Stood up with shaky limbs. Her breath fell in short pants as she stared at the body before her. The knife still planted in her hand as she walked out of that room, Up the stairs, Down the hall, Into the living room... And there she saw a phone. It was so close yet always seemed so far out of reach. With it... She called her parents... Even to that day she remembered the number to their house. When a woman answered it sounded like a completely different person... Was this her mothers voice?

" Hello? Who is this? Hello? " The woman questioned over and over. She didn't recognize the number. " Who is this! " The woman demanded. In only but a soft whisper the young teenage girl uttered the word " Mama? " In a soft whisper. The woman was speechless for sure... She had handed the phone over to her father. The mans voice came firm. " Who is this! Is this some sick joke?! " He was harsh. Yet Kaori recognized his voice... " Papa? " She uttered softly. He too fell silent before she said in a choked up voice " C-Can I come home now? I have been a good girl... I can come home right? " Tears fell from her face as she leaned over the small table that housed the phone on top. " MAMA! I wanna come home! Please! Papa it's me! " She cried. The knife in her hand dropped to the floor with her as she cried on the phone. As soon as her call came in... Her parents called the ireland police. Her Father made arrangements to fly to their vacation spot while her mother kept her talking on the phone. When the police arrived with her Father none of them could stop the man from rushing into the house. The men in blue had their guns drawn and all they saw was a small twelve year old teen crying on the phone on the floor. When she saw her father he looked so different. She wondered if he thought she looked different too. " I thought you were dead. " He cried as he held his daughter. For the first time... Kaori was safe... Though the night would always stay with her. The time she spent in that cottage would have changed her in more than one way even if she didn't notice it yet herself.

Years had passed and the young girl turned into a lovely young lady. Her parents let her dress however she wanted and let her change as much as she desired. Though the kids at her japanese school weren't so nice. They would pick on her often... However she could ignore them good enough. Yet sometimes her attitude toward others would change... Once she even shoved another girl down the stairs and laughed while calling her an ugly old hag. No one knew it was her... Neither did she... It would seem though... That something wasn't right in her mind anymore either. Once she had found a baby bird on the ground then stepped on it until it stopped moving. Yet she had no idea.

" Once Upon A Time... There was a girl named Kaori... She died and turned into a flower... Wilted away then became something more beautiful... Don't you think so? " She asked her first victim. A guy in an upper class... He had always wanted to get with her even though she was a freshmen in high school. He thought she was beautiful and when he told her she did a one eighty. " Shh... Don't cry... It's not going to hurt that bad... Let me make you beautiful too... " She cooed before killing him. Apparently mysterious deaths were happening at the school. Kaori was told to be careful and like the other students she was frightened as well. Who could be killing people? She wondered. It was as if a spirit from her past was beginning to haunt her again. Once Upon A time... That's how it always starts out... But the ending is never happy in reality.
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