Blankeye-Sigma — Nagamonogatari 13: SDD - Belphegor Archidiavolo

#belphegor #nagamonogatari #archidiavolo
Published: 2018-05-10 18:16:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 1072; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Name: Belphegor Arcidiavolo

Species: Archdevil (former Dark God) 

Abilities: Dark Magic, Creating Clockworks, Absorbing Sins

Age: About 7000 years old

Occupation: Demon Prince, Contract Partner

Location: Drosselmeyer Manor

Title: “The Ancient Demon of the 7th Deadly Sin”

Likes: Sleeping, Being Lazy, Supporting Elena, Trolling People

Hates: Boredom, Unnecessary Work

Extra Boss B Theme: Unfathomable Acedia Paradigm ~ Grandfather Clock

Mishiranu follows Cecilia to the annex near the manor, hoping he will finally find Seishi and be reunited with him again. But then he senses a strong demonic presence in the building and as soon as he enters the house, he runs into a blonde man with blood-red eyes and demon wings. And it seems like the demon was already waiting for him.

The terror dimension is ruled by the royalty of demons who are considered as the princes and dukes of hell. They are powerful, extremely old and infamous for their misdeeds. However, even the royal demon clans have a hierarchy to keep the chain of authority and avoiding anarchy and chaos.The most powerful and biggest clan is the Archidiavolo family. Almost all members belong to demonic royalty and even those who just carry the name Archidiavolo, are highly respected by other demons. The probably most infamous family members are the seven princes who represent the deadly sins.

Belphegor Archidiavolo is, despite of his laziness, a very powerful demon and the prince of Acedia, the seventh deadly sin Sloth. A long time ago before he became the carrier of the title as a demon prince, he had a very close relationship to humans and was actually an ancient dark god called “Baal Peor”. He was known to put marriages to the test and supported those who had a lucky marriage and destroyed doomed relationships. Belphegor used his knowledge to teach people to search for treasures and become skilled merchants and to gain great fortune. But even though he was a great ally and a mentor of mankind, he still possessed a very malicious character and often misused his position as a leader to kill his boredom. And because he was a dark god, he used his authority and people’s trust to make them commit crimes or doing immoral deeds to gain more power. Of course they did everything he told them but Belphegor made sure that his worshippers would never get infected by corruption. Even as a god of sins, he could hardly handle such a dangerous source.

Belphegor was not only infamous for being extremely unpredictable and wayward in his actions, he was also known for being lazy in many ways. He hated unnecessary work and usually didn’t care for other people’s troubles because it would take too much effort. He was too lazy to be a purely malicious and evil god but he wasn’t motivated enough to be a good person. So he always did what he wanted so he could be a helpful ally but also a dangerous enemy.

Though he was careful not to create corruption on accident, many benevolent gods mistrusted him and planned to stop him. Dark gods always had a bad reputation for causing great mischief in the world and causing serious problems. The benevolent gods agreed that a dark god should never be worshipped as a god and tarnish their own good reputation. Belphegor managed to calm them down and promised he wouldn’t cause problems to other gods as long as they didn’t try to overthrow the dark gods. He believed that even demons and dark gods had a right to exist and have power since there wouldn’t be any goodness if there wasn’t any evil in this world. Despite his rather lazy and lackadaisical character, he possessed a great rhetorical talent was one of the few diplomats of the dark gods and often managed to keep peace between the benevolent gods and the dark gods. However, the god Yahwe refused to tolerate Belphegor’s sinful actions and declared war on him. It was the beginning of many wars between two religious groups. After a few years Belphegor got tired of this. Even though he always managed to win the wars, it started to bother him and he got sick of his role as a god. It was a job with too many responsibilities and he was tired of taking care of so many worshippers. So he decided to stop caring about this whole religious debate and let Yahwe defeat his army. Many of his worshippers were executed for their sinful crimes and his reputation was completely ruined. His last fellows abandoned him when they found out he lost this war on purpose because he was too lazy to keep fighting and so they started to despise him as a demon. So he officially lost his title as a god and was classified as an archdevil. After being defeated by Yahwe, he had to flee to the terror dimension and became a member of the Archidiavolo clan and became one of the seven demonic princes who represent the seven deadly sins.

Though he was on very good terms with the Archidiavolo family and highly respected by other demons, he was still frustrated about the hypocrisy of the benevolent gods and secretly held a grudge towards them for a very long time. If he wasn’t recruiting other dark gods to become members of the Archidiavolo clan, he spent most time of his life sleeping or being lazy as long as there wasn’t any work to do. But he still managed to become one of the 12 closest confidants of the emperor of the terror dimension and a close friend of the king. Even after losing his title as a god, Belphegor had still contact with many gods and even befriended some of them, despite his status as a demonic prince and holding a grudge against Yahwe and other hypocritical gods. Most of the time he was just too lazy to cause any problems. Because of his good relationship to many gods, he often managed to settle disputes between gods and demons. This position allowed him to gain many helpful information and he used this knowledge to support people who summoned him or he used them for his own benefit. As long as things didn’t escalate, both sides would tolerate his self-willed actions. But his unpredictable actions made him very dangerous too. A few centuries ago, Belphegor got too bored with his peaceful life without any interesting events. After being rather peaceful and extremely lazy for the last 3500 years, he got tired of his life and decided to change it by getting some entertainment. When he came to the dream dimension Somnia and met the dream demon queen Akki Abunage, they became good friends and Belphegor promised her to support her as an ally to conquer the dream dimension. A group of demons from the terror dimension joined him and they started a war against the Phantasus siblings. Belphegor didn’t really intend to conquer a world but considered it as a prank to kill his boredom. After accidentally killing the guardian of Somnia, the demon army attacked the palace but were defeated by Yume and her brother Kataru. And they didn’t go easy on them. Every demon got punished for their crime and so was Belphegor. The demon prince of Sloth was sealed into a grandfather clock, doomed to never rest for all eternity.

Belphegor was trapped inside the grandfather clock for many centuries, unable to break free and escape his prison. The grandfather clock somehow came to the human world and was sold to a medical officer of health. He was a close friend of the inventor and clockmaker Christian Elias Drosselmeyer, whose nephew was cursed and transformed into a nutcracker. When the old mage came to visit the children of the Stahlbaum family during Christmas, his godchild Clara was attacked by the mouse king when she was playing with her dolls in the living room at midnight. She saw that the mouse king was about to kill the nutcracker she got as a present and threw her shoe to chase away the mice. But then she stumbled and hit her head on the glass plate of the grandfather clock. Clara accidentally broke the seal and released the imprisoned demon prince.

Belphegor, who was grateful for being freed, became Clara’s contract partner and helped her to fight off the mouse king and changing Drosselmeyer’s nephew Hans back into a human. Belphegor remained loyal to Clara until she married Hans and became a member of the Drosselmeyer family. He promised that he would always be a loyal teacher, friend and protector of Clara and her descendants as a sign of gratitude. After Clara realized that she possessed some kind of magic abilities and unintentionally used it to free Belphegor when she cried for help, she tried to study magic. But most mages already left the human world and Clara felt like nobody except for her husband’s family could understand her. And she didn’t want to keep magic a secret. She was fascinated by it and wanted to learn more. Belphegor convinced them to move to Nakatsukuni where they began a new life. Hans’ uncle Christian Elias Drosselmeyer accompanied them and created the clockwork town Horarium City before he died. Clara and her husband became the new heads of the Drosselmeyer family and dedicated their lives to become powerful mages. Belphegor showed them all secrets of magic and science and when they both passed away, he took care of their children. He also became the mentor and friend of Aaron Stahlschmidt and helped him to realize who his true family was after he learned that he wasn’t a human but a demon. Centuries passed and the Drosselmeyer family became a clan of highly skilled and powerful mages and gained great fame. But then they started to lose interest in their family’s business and the clan slowly started to die out when the children married into other families and the name Drosselmeyer became a relict of an old forgotten generation. But the lineage of Clara Drosselmeyer still existed and one day two children were born who possessed great magic potential. The first one was Alicia who was born with a bad health condition but still possessed a very kind heart. The younger sister was Elena, who was the most powerful magician in her family. She had the potential to become the greatest magician in Nakatsukuni but her parents noticed that something was wrong with her. When her family asked a doctor for help and got the diagnosis about Elena’s autism, they didn’t feel able to cope with it and believed it was some dangerous illness and Elena was mentally retarded. When Belphegor heard about this, he offered to become Elena’s caretaker. Since she was a heir of the Drosselmeyer family and inherited her ancestors’ power and talent, it was a good opportunity for Belphegor to restore the family’s reputation as the greatest mage clan. He became Elena’s contract partner, father figure, mentor, caretaker and closest friend. They developed a very deep bond and Belphegor noticed that Elena had an extraordinary talent for clocks and other mechanisms. She was almost obsessed with this kind of work and surpassed even Belphegor. The demon prince realized why Elena possessed such a great talent but was completely unable to interact with people on a social level and couldn’t live on her own: she was born with the savant syndrome. Fortunately Belphegor already made many experiences with humans and their disorders and illnesses and knew how to handle her. He taught Elena everything he knew and she was by far his best student. But still… she would never be able to live alone and would need someone who looks after her. The only person who was still close to her was her twin sister Alicia. Belphegor knew that Elena would always be dependant on him since her parents didn’t want any contact with her. But he never regretted his decision. He actually developed great sympathy for her and even started to consider her as his daughter even though they weren’t blood-related. Though he missed his carefree times and was bored sometimes, it was still worth it because he knew that he was the most important person for Elena and she wouldn’t be able to live alone.

One day Alicia disappeared and even Belphegor had no idea what happened to her. Elena didn’t take it well. She suffered from a mental breakdown and a panic attack. She started to throw temper tantrums and didn’t know how to deal with this drastic change in her life. Alicia used to visit her every day and spent time with her. Now she was gone and this put her under great stress and she

even refused to eat. Belphegor got really worried about her and was afraid Elena would lose her will to live. Fortunately he managed to calm her down a few weeks later and helped her to return to her daily routines. But he could still see how much Elena was suffering from this loss. When they met Beatrice and Elena found out that her mother was actually Alicia, Belphegor had to agree with Elena that something was suspicious about the Horloge family. In order to help Elena with her plans to investigate this mystery, he helped her to create a split personality and even changed Liz’ appearance so she wouldn’t get noticed. But Belphegor was still worried that something might go wrong so he asked Aaron to support Elena and become Cedric’s assistant so he could watch over her and make sure nothing will happen to her.

When Alice fell down the stairs and died, Elena/Liz panicked and asked Belphegor for help. Fortunately the archdevil and former dark god had many good connections to other beings and could find out very easily that Seishi Jakumetsu possessed the power to revive people. After Alice was revived in a doll body, the necromancer collapsed due to using too much energy and his internal wounds opened. The situation was about to escalate when Aaron swore to take revenge and planned to kill Cedric for lobotomizing Beatrice. Belphegor wouldn’t have stopped him if it wasn’t for Elena’s sake because he agreed with Aaron that this monster deserved to die for all the atrocities he committed. But he could understand Elena’s point of view as well and he didn’t want her to suffer even more if another close family member gets in great danger. Belphegor promised to take care of it and fabricated Seishi’s kidnapping, being aware how dangerous Mishiranu could become if he gets triggered. While Elena/Liz was waiting for the arrival of the guardians to stop Cedric and Aaron, Belphegor took care of Seishi, whose internal wounds opened when he used too much power again. He hid him in the annex of the Drosselmeyer Manor and treated the wounds of the still unconscious necromancer.


Belphegor is a very unpredictable and wayward character who can be a helpful ally but also very mischievous. As the demon prince of the deadly sin Sloth, he his dominant character feature is his laziness and lack of caring for certain things. He loves sleeping and not working, he is too lazy to be purely evil and malicious but also too lazy to be a benevolent being. So he only does what he wants, which makes him different from his fellow demons. As a former dark god, he is extremely powerful and is very self-confident in fights and goes even so far to make fun of his enemies sometimes. But Belphegor strongly dislikes being called an evil god since dark gods usually just focus on gaining power by making people commit sins but they aren’t as destructive and blood-thirsty as evil gods. He also possesses a playful side and is talented in rhetorical speeches which is the reason why he is the peacekeeper who keeps the terror dimension and Nakatsukuni in harmony. But when he starts to get bored, he can be extremely selfish, reckless and dangerous. Despite his demonic character, he still has a soft side and deeply cares for Elena and goes so far to live a life that can be very boring for him. But he is still willing to endure the boredom for Elena’s sake and to make sure that she is happy.

Mishiranu: “I have enough of this already. This all feels like a terrible joke and I am the fool.”

Belphegor: “Ah there you are. Well, you took much more time than I have expected and you have kept me waiting. But at least you are here now.”

Mishiranu: “So you are the one who fabricated Seishi’s kidnapping and actually kidnapped him from the Horloge mansion?”

Belphegor: “Sounds like you already know everything. And your face looks pretty adorable when you are angry.”

Mishiranu: “I’ll say this just one time: give Seishi back. I’m currently not having any patience for games.”

Belphegor: “Hm… let’s see… Letting your sweetheart go? Nah!”

Mishiranu: “What do you mean by ‘Nah’?”

Belphegor: “For some reason I don’t really feel like giving him back.”

Mishiranu: “Are you kidding me? Do you think this is funny?”

Belphegor: “No, I actually think it’s fricking hilarious.”

Mishiranu: “Okay, that’s it. You asked for it!”


Belphegor: “Alright, alright. I think we can stop here. It’s been fun but we should stop here before your Stigma is getting out of control again.”

Mishiranu: “Wait what? How do you know…”

Belphegor: “I had a nice chat with a certain old spider and he asked me to give you his regards.”

Mishiranu: “You know my dad? So what was this charade all about?”

Belphegor: “Well, taking care of a girl that can’t live on her own is a nice thing but sometimes I miss the old funny times when I could still do whatever I wanted. So I just wanted to kill my boredom and see how strong you really are.”

Mishiranu: “You trolled me?”

Belphegor: “Basically yes. That’s what dark gods do sometimes. Well, your adoptive father also asked me to do him a favor and I can’t say no to a good old friend.”

Mishiranu: “Does he have some information for me?”

Belphegor: “It’s actually a warning for your grey-haired guardian friend: an ancient enemy is about to escape from their prison and the Hillocky Lowlands will be descend into corruption if that happens. And said friend will need the help of the time-trader. Just in case that things might get nasty.”

Mishiranu: “And why didn’t he tell me that himself?”

Belphegor: “You know that old spider. He knew that you would come here so this made things much easier. Anyway, I had my fun with you and I told you what that old spider told me. I will bring you to your sweetheart and then look after Elena. It sounds like she really messed up with your friend…”


Unlocked Spell [Grandfather-Clock Prisoner]

Bloodline Sign [Dark God Baal Peor]

Forbidden Magic [Demonic Sin Accumulation] (Slowly healing himself)

Gear Curse [Clockwork Virus Contamination]

Cheating Sign [Dishonorable Deception] (Survival)

Damnation [Ticking Pendulum Nightmares]

Royal Evil [Sinner of Acedia]

Belligerence [Unholy Blasphemic Incantation]

Treachery [Always Playing with Biased Dices]

Rewinded Clockwork [Repeating Nocturnal Events]

Moral Sloth [Ambiguous Paradigm]

Clock Sign [Your Time’s Running Out] (Survival)

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Comments: 3

Kizune-Chao [2018-05-11 05:23:35 +0000 UTC]

BELPHAGOR, BUDDY! Long time no see! And with a new look, too!   
At least this project isn't completely somber now...

That said, his presence here can only mean one thing.

It won't be long until she makes her grand entrance once more...


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blankeye-Sigma In reply to Kizune-Chao [2018-05-11 06:32:42 +0000 UTC]

Unfortunately "Lilly" won't have her comeback in this project but I already made plans for her and her mother in a future project but it will take some time time until I get there. If you want to see other old characters again, you can tell me. The main reason why I don't brig back so many old characters is mostly because I don't want people to think I'm running out of ideas and just keep recycling old stories and characters.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kizune-Chao In reply to Blankeye-Sigma [2018-05-28 05:24:59 +0000 UTC]

So she IS coming back, just not this time.

...Well, at least I was half-right. Close enough. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0