Made here:…
Updated for the third and final time. I've redo Queen Icesisity's dress with her new look (which, for a detailed version you can see here:…) and added her daughter: Yuki/Princess Yukiko (I have changed her dress. She still has the previous one I used). The fuku the girls have is their Mythic form (which you can see here:… . When the girls obtain their Mythic form they gain new names expect for Sailor Lunar)
From left to right:
Top row
-Krissia/Sailor Star Myth (She becomes Sailor Star Lighter when she gains her new form). She is Seyia/Sailor Star Fighter's Mother.
-Sarah/Sailor Tempest (She becomes Sailor Cyclone when she receives her Mythic form). She is Sora/Queen Azure's sister (Haruka's Mother)
-Iris/Queen Icesisity/Sailor Glacier Moon (She becomes Sailor Frost when she receives her Mythic form). She is Queen Serenity's sister
-Armina/Sailor Crystal (She becomes Sailor Radiance when she receives her Mythic form)
-Celosia/Sailor Vol (She becomes Sailor Vulcanus when she receives her Mythic form). She is Edelia/Sailor Magma's and Nephrite sister - Celosia and Edelia are twins.
Bottom row
-Chika/Sailor Infinity (She becomes Sailor Myriad when she receives her Mythic form). She is Princess Serendipity/Sailor Lunar's lover.
-Sapphira/Princess Serendipity/Sailor Lunar. She is Queen Icesisty and Queen Serenity's cousin. Her Mother is Lady Acantha.
-Yuki/Princess Yukiko/Angelic Sailor Glacier Moon/Angelic Sailor Glacier Moon (She doesn't receive the Mythic form. Instead she receives the form Rini/Princess Amity and her senshi receives). She is Queen Icesisity's daughter
-Zahar/Lady Gaia/Sailor Solar (She becomes Sailor Vitality when she receives her Mythic form). She is Queen Amaryllis's Sister and Prince Endymion's aunt
-Edelia/Sailor Magma (She becomes Sailor Scoria when she receives her Mythic form)