BleedingRose1994 — IGO's Ingredient File: Puffer Shark Whale

#beast #fish #food #originalanimal #sharkwhale #toriko
Published: 2023-03-12 17:33:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 779; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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I watched Toriko during its run, all the beasts and ingredients were so awesome that I've been imagine all sorts of original beasts and foods and doing all sorts of sketches. Needless to say, many difficulties came in the way, such as biologies, not my forter.

This is one of the earlier sketches.

Puffer Shark Whale

Type; Fish

Capture Level; 28

Diet; Small fishes

Length; Three times bigger than a regular Shark Whale.

The Puffer Shark Whale is the distant cousin of the Puffer Whales, though being related they are not as equally delicious as their cousin but still a delicacy.


The Puffer Shark Whales are consider docile fish, they don't shown any aggression nor cowardness, even being close to a predator it does not react. Despite being docile, it does possesses survival instinct as it will swim away from a predator or unleash the poison. They usually spend time swimming in peace and eating.

Powers and Abilities;

Poison Sack;

Like their distant cousin, they possess nerve poison sacks in their bodies. When sensing danger, the brain nerve sends a signal to release the poison around the skin, the strips on them changed into a poisonous colour. Unlike the Puffer Whale's poison, the Puffer Shark Whale's is extremly noticable that even an inteliigent predator could not come closer, and the poison changed the flavour unlike their cousin. And they can't be eaten like Puffer Whale poison, so it is avoidable.


It possesses a powerful suction that allows them to suck a school of fish, even sucking the fast black marlins.

As food;

Not as delicious as the Puffer Whale, it's meat is so delicious with a hint of freshwater fish despite being a seawater fish-type. Other part of its body can be eating.

-Fins and Backfins;

By drying and grilling, they can be eaten.

-Skin and strips;

Boiling them would make good fish broth.


The main central of deliciousness.


The organs is full of nutrious, giving one person with a cold high chance of recovery. By grating them into paste, can be use into any dish.

It can also be use for different dishes depending with one parts;

-Puffer Shark Whale Loaf;

A meatloaf, technically a fish loaf, made of the paste organs and ground fish of the Puffer Shark Whale. Taste good with no-name herb, no-name salt and no-name spice, taste even better with sauce made of Sea Tomatoes.

-No-name Fish Soup;

The Puffer Shark Whale broth makes the perfect base for a fish soup.

-No-name Sandwich;

The Puffer Shark Whale meat is one of the ingredients that goes well with each other.

The Puffer Shark Whale is an idea I came up way back before I start opening a fanfiction and deviantart accounts, an idea I give to a fanfic author with his Toriko fic. Sadly, I've forgot some things about the Puffer Shark Whale, its been years.

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