Blitters — There Be Some Major Pimpage

Published: 2010-12-31 04:42:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 2677; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 13
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Description Name: Edric Fitzgerald

Age: 21

Physical Description: Because of his luxurious life of swindling, Edric has been able to avoid starving to death but remains a lanky bastard. He has a large/wide foot size, long neck and legs, and broad shoulders (all made the more awkward by his height and slender 5ft9 figure). His short, uniquely messy blonde tresses, scruffy sideburns, and well-kept eyebrows and goatee strike fear in most, as no one has time to look that good without reason.

Edric is never one to be without style, and takes pride in personal grooming. Another aspect to his striking appearance is his skin; an unusually healthy (and unusually CLEAN) peach tone, his outer layer lacks any noticeable scars or signs of wear.

Also, you’ve probably noticed that furry appendage on his shoulder. That’s a White-headed Capuchin, of which are native to the forests of Central America and extreme north-western portions of South America. They can live up to 54 years and ears fruit and insects. You just learned something. The monkey’s name is Chavez, and Edric received the creature years ago (pre-Incident) as a gift. Currently, Chavez is used in many of Edric’s scams, such as stealing from the unsuspecting, performing on the streets, or causing distractions when Edric’s jaw is about to be broken.

And yes, there’s a cow in the background. Her name is Mirabel. Edric hasn’t the ability to teleport himself nor the patience to ride a bicycle (with all his stuff, he’d probably tip over anyway), and so was thankful when he received Mirabel. He won her in a makeshift dairy farm somewhere in the southwest, and at first wasn’t thrilled on having an extra mouth to feed but the cow proved valuable soon enough. Mirabel’s a sturdy beast and can travel long spans of desert, and she also gets along fine with Chavez.

Lastly, not that he’s complaining, Edric’s facial features tell of his youngish age, though he uses this (like anything else he has) to his advantage (especially around the ladies, BAM) (and…some guys…if they’re into that.) (PFFFT HAWT).

Clothes: Edric can’t look dashing in clothes that rip and tear! Being well-off with various scams, he can afford higher ranking trades. Currently Edric owns a tan cowboy hat, a durable brown trench-coat with red fur lining (don’t ask, it’s his personal style), a warm black turtleneck, and black leather pants. All of his clothes are either traded or commissioned, depending if funds are high, and he does his best to make them last (such as seeking repairs and sifting through rubble rather than buying new pieces).

His feet, as mentioned before, are rather large, which wouldn’t be a problem if reliable shoe stores still existed. Since discovering two of the exact type of shoe in ruins is impossible, Edric always has an extra pair of boots around (his favorite being brown cowboy boots, but tan construction boots will do).

Despite his taste in fashion, Edric is fully aware that feeding Chavez and Mirabel/having medical supplies are more important, and is willing to sacrifice extra clothes in exchange for these necessities (though he does this begrudgingly).

Powers/Weapons: Edric has the ability to see detailed memories of a selected person, almost as if he’s watching bits and pieces of a movie. This is accomplished by making any sort of contact with the victim, such as locking eyes or touching their shoulder. He uses his magic to his advantage in his scams, often pretending to be able to speak with dead relatives or predict people’s futures based on their memories. When that doesn’t work, sometimes he pulls religious teachings he memorized as a child and preaches to small crowds, all for a price of course.

As he is in no way immune to energy attacks or simple flesh wounds, Edric carries a variety or weapons. On his person alone he has several Balisong knives (aka butterfly knives), one 6 inch hunting knife (God forbid if he needs to hunt), and a 40 Caliber gun. He also is in possession of a spaded-shovel and nightstick, and don’t ask what he’s done with them.

Anyway, regardless of this impressive collection, Edric’s most valued weapon is a bulletproof vest, of which he pried off a dead police officer not soon after killing him. Scamming people in general is a dangerous game, but in post-Incident times scamming gets you gruesomely killed, often in front of a large, angry mob, so having such a vest is crucial if people aim for your chest.

Personality/Mental Description: Today, Edric holds a calm, sleazy demeanor. He walks with a strut (add this with his trench-coat and mysterious gusts of wind) and has a ridiculous smirk on his face. He has a terrible case of ‘unwarranted self-importance’, and in all honesty, is a slimy charismatic douchebag. His social skills are impressive and he gets along with practically everyone, usually winning over his toughest customers with compliments or small talk.

As with all young men, Edric is turned on by anything that moves. He doesn’t miss an opportunity to have a fling (though this rarely happens as he comes off a bit desperate and nervous), and does not want to ‘settle down’ anytime soon (or, like, ever).

He has a dark humorous outlook on life and tends to steer clear of young children, as they do not understand sarcasm and are prone to endlessly ask “why”. Edric has no problem with ripping children off as they are among the easiest targets (the others being the old and the disabled).

Although Edric appears to have everything together, his inner workings are the opposite. Along with immense survivor’s guilt, he has a deep-seeded paranoia of being constantly watched and/or followed. The later is not always chalked up to paranoia, as he does scam a lot of people.

He has ‘selective isolation’, in which he can and does interact with various people to fulfill basic needs (trade, food, sex) and can also spend months out in a desolate wasteland with only his wits about him.

Whenever Edric sleeps, he does so with his back to a hard, sturdy surface in a sitting position. He only ever feels comfortable in secured areas (meaning he’s checked the area thoroughly and removed any threats), and has all his weapons at his disposal. While awake, Edric observes his surroundings and is notorious for taking the ‘flight’ option in ‘flight or fight’ scenarios, though if cornered and pissed off enough, he will and has killed. He doesn’t like it when blood gets all over his clothes, so tries to avoiding physical fights.

Before the Incident: Edric was born to a farmer and his wife in New Mexico. He grew up spoiled, as he was the couple’s only child and they were wealthy (well, wealthy by New Mexico standards), and never learned how to milk cows or had to wake up before seven in the morning.

He had plenty of friends in his small, plain town, and was known as the class clown in school. Always in trouble, Edric would act out for attention but was rarely punished at home.

In spite of being annoying and selfish, Edric had one good friend, Hernando, whose father was a farmhand. For his tenth birthday, Hernando’s father gifted Edric the infant Chavez, who Edric smuggled into school constantly.

How did they survive the Incident?: On the day of the Incident, Hernando and Edric had decided to go to town to see some big screen action flick. Edric spent a good twenty minutes begging his mother to drive them but switched his argument to her just driving him, thinking Hernando was the cause of her reluctance. No matter, the answer was still no, and the two ended up taking the hour walk to town (Chavez included). They really wanted to see that movie.

To save time, they took a shortcut and were halfway through a flat, empty, field when Edric began bleeding profusely from his nose. Before he was able to wipe the blood from his chin and nostrils, Edric’s vision began blurring and eventually he ceased see at all.

He didn’t realize he had passed out until waking up several hours, though his vision was still impaired. Unable to see and still suffering from a sickening nose bleed, Edric crawled and felt around until he found Hernando.

Upon first touching the corpse, Edric did not comprehend his friend was deceased but knew something was definitely wrong. Hernando was cold, and not responding to him. Being the spoiled child he was, he had yet to witness any sort of hardship, such as death or blindness.

He somehow made his way back to his home with Chavez in his pocket, and, despite being blind, was immediately aware something terrible had also happened to his home. Buildings and manmade structures had collapsed around the world, and his house and barn were not spared. As this was half a day from when the Incident had happened, all farm animals were running freely about as the fences had also been torn down.

Edric could not find his way back to his house because of the commotion, but managed to climb into the safety of his father’s (now unusable) pickup truck and stayed there for three days. On the eve of the third day, Chavez brought him an apple, and after another nap Edric woke with his sight returned. He wished it would go away again after discovering his parents bodies (both of which were out in the open and showed no signs of foul play) as well as various farmhands.

Still in shock, Edric returned to Hernando’s body and stayed there for an unknown amount of time, temporarily unable to move on.

How did they adapt to the new world?: Hernando’s body was covered with blowflies and had began bloating when Edric was found by a group of survivors. He did not put up a fight when two rough hands grabbed him and stood him upright, but Edric was unable to turn his back on Hernando (physically), until the same hands steered him to the group and eventually out of the desolated town.

Those hands belonged to Pastor Paul, from the town over, and the group he was leading was made up mainly congregation members. The group slowly grew as they migrated from town to town, preaching how this was not the Rapture or apocalypse, but a test given by God. Edric was told he survived because God had given him a mission, and for a while the boy became religious.

For a while.

The group labeled themselves as ‘the Leftovers’, and Edric stayed with them until he was roughly fourteen, in which he strangled Pastor Paul in his sleep and killed a police officer (the one with the bulletproof vest).

Upon the first moment Pastor Paul made physical contact with Edric, his powers manifested. Edric understood instantly that Pastor Paul was not a good man. In fact, he was very, very bad, and had memories of pedophilia and murder and more pedophilia and—oh God. Unable to escape (and afraid of what Pastor Paul would do to him if he tried), Edric stayed with the Leftovers and gained Pastor Paul’s trust (though made sure to avoid Pastor Paul whenever possible).

There were some positives in the Leftovers, such as him and Chavez getting hot meals via fire and a comfortable place to sleep. Edric was able to ignore the obvious insanity of both Pastor Paul and the Leftovers for a few years after getting over his fear, though this could not go on forever.

So Pastor Paul eventually tried to molest Edric. Though the attempt was not successful, Edric was enraged, and you would be too if you knew Pastor Paul. After Pastor Paul tried to take what little innocence Edric had, the boy had an epiphany; there never was a ‘God’, Pastor Paul was using religion as a ploy for power, and yes, Edric would kill him and leave with enough supplies for him and Chavez.

Obviously Pastor Paul had to die, he was a liar and manipulative sick fuck. Or maybe Edric just didn’t like old men trying to molest him. Probably both. He also killed Pastor Paul’s personal security guard, a disillusioned and fully geared police officer, with a sledgehammer after being caught leaving. Then he set fire to the Leftovers church and left for good. What a skilled little boy.

From that pivotal point on, Edric learned how to live on his own, such as how to trade, how to make friends, and how to lie convincingly. He moved from settlement to settlement to town to wasteland and back to settlement, having no reason to stay in one place for too long, and eventually took up a nomadic lifestyle.

What are they doing now?: Edric is a con artist and scammer and a slimy douchebag, but more importantly, he’s good at what he does. He has enough weapons to keep him and his property safe, and enough things to trade to feed himself, Chavez, and Mirabel.

Because of this line of work, Edric has as many friends as he does enemies, and he’s been hunted down one too many times, some of which were truly ridiculous (for example, he stole a guy’s belt. The victim called his whole damn posse to get that belt back, and Edric gladly returned it after being tied up and beaten. Then he killed the posse and took the belt back. It was a good belt.).

However, compared to many survivors, post-Incident life’s been good to him as mentioned before. He isn’t dead, for one, and lives a somewhat comfortable nomadic life with a cow named Maribel and monkey named Chavez.

Always on the move, always meeting new people (and always scamming them), Edric is currently on the very outskirts of the City, of which he goes to every once in a while to see familiar faces, trade pricy items, and swindle a few newcomers (he knows better than to try that on the permanent inhabitants).
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Comments: 6

SarcasmSociety [2010-12-31 07:23:25 +0000 UTC]

By cow? oO

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blitters In reply to SarcasmSociety [2010-12-31 10:40:03 +0000 UTC]

Pfft, but of course.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SarcasmSociety In reply to Blitters [2010-12-31 18:41:28 +0000 UTC]

That's very...interesting.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Miss-Haha [2010-12-31 05:59:50 +0000 UTC]

O_O .....lots...of stuff...to read...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Blitters In reply to Miss-Haha [2010-12-31 06:47:42 +0000 UTC]

You have no idea how long this took me.
No. Idea.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Miss-Haha In reply to Blitters [2010-12-31 06:53:03 +0000 UTC]

I can tell. *flumps from exhaustion* And to think I've been spending the past three days finishing my final fursona's ref. @_@

👍: 0 ⏩: 0