"New Super OnG World" is a adventure/comedy Super Mario parody comic series that follows the adventures of two best friends Otto and Gordo who got themselves transported into a similar-looking parallel world which they have to save from the clutches of the evil Koblimpire and find a way back home.
Prologue: A sudden Surprising Starter. pt 16.
Wow! It sure been a long while since the last page of this series! Anyway...
It appear That the Turnip Kingdom is about to slowly enter a dimentional crisis as rift began to open. And Gordo seems to wonder about....
pt 15 . : New Super OnG World: Prologue pt 15 by Blockdasher91 on DeviantArt
pt 17. : New Super OnG World: Prologue pt 17 by Blockdasher91 on DeviantArt
*New Super OnG World is based and inspired of the Super Mario franchise which belong on under righted ownership of Nintendo. (c)*
Otto, Gordo, Turnipette, Professor T.X. Cendrik and the other Bulbs belong as OC's to me.