Blue-Blood-Rose — Stellen: Preditor Park Part four. [NSFW]
Published: 2014-06-13 07:23:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 43; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Once Raven shut the door he turned around and looked at Kit who was already in the kitchen area. "Oh boy." He muttered with a slight smile. One thing about Kit was she was an amazing cook. "Living on Raman AGAIN I see." Raven's eyes shifted back and forth.

"Says the collage student, about what? ninety-nine percent of you live off Raman!"

"That's sterotypical Raven.....it's ninty-three percent."

"Oh big difference!"

"That's a whole six percent!" Raven could hear the oven being turned on and Twenty Minutes later Kit had made Cinamon rolls. Frosting and everything. Raven took a bite out of one and nodded in approval. Kit turned on the T.V and sat down on a rather large blue couch he had.

"The contraversal Reality T.V show 'Preditor.' Will be airing today." The new reporter must of been in the middle of a report Raven turned it up a bit. "Many are protesting it calling it 'inhumane' We have the head of it all over Satalite phone. The old man that Raven had spoke with took half the screen and the reporter Michelle West took the other. Under the old man's part of the screen read 'Mike No.' Obviously a fake name, if he didn't give Raven a name.  "Mr.No first of all thank you for your time we know you are very busy getting that Special Suprise for both viewers and participants alike."

There was that pause that always happened when the message hadn't gotten all the way through until about three seconds after the person was done talking. "Thank you Michelle, I'm glad to take the time to clear things up, I have been hearing protests and such I'll answer any questions you have."

"I think the question on everyone's mind Mr.No is what is Preditor? Some of the ads have needed to be shown during Adult Television as the violence is nearly too much for many." Mike nodded at this.

"The sad truth is Michelle Violence is a part of every day life, Not everything is all sunshine and rainbows. Preditor is but a game for these fine men and women to let that primal side of themselves out, I've given them an entire jungle to let that side of them out. Who is Prey and who is Preditor?" Raven could hear the excitement in his tone, he cleared his throat. "There's more to it than that. These people are criminals, scum, a waste of space. They crowd our prisons where we feed them and give them more attention then the elderly do in nursing homes. Pedofiles and mass murderers and the lot." Mike went on but Raven rolled his eyes.

"So you're going to televise them doing what they would do outside prison? That sick bastard!" Kit growled.

"Sick bastard who knows about Navy Pier." Raven said with grit teeth. Kit turned to Raven confused. "Guy was outside the complex last night with a couple suits wants me in a game I'm guessing that is the game." Kit nodded.

"And the prize for winning is a full pardon?" This part of the interview caught Both Kit and Raven's attention, they both became silent.

"That's correct, along with two billion dollars." Raven could see Michelle was trying not to make a biast remark. "In addition this is government funded But this is more than just a game to some, because the prize for others is something they can't get anywhere else." Mike held up an envelop with writing that said 'Navy Pier incident.' Raven grit his teeth even more he almost stormed out the door but Kit's voice caught him like a net.

"Raven wait!" Raven stopped and turned to Kit with a dark look in his eyes. "There might not be anything in that envelop this guy might of heard about your involvement in the incident and how strongly you are attached to it. He mentioned Justin didn't he?" Raven nodded. "It's like you have it plastiered on tee shirts about How close you and Justin were Raven, he's using Justin to get to you. You have something he wants, you've always had those gifts of yours that have made you rather infamous in the criminal underworld, how many people want you dead?" Kit had a point, But if that was the case why didn't he just pop Raven in the skull last night and be done with it? Who was this guy?

"You're going to look into this anyways aren't you?" Kit asked.

"Yup!" Raven said checking his gun and taking two extra clips.

"You be careful..." Kit said seriously.

"Aren't I always?" Raven asked as he left.

"A better question would be are you ever?" Kit asked turning off the T.V and locking the door before leaving.
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