BlueGrassRevival — jean-jacques leroy | conceited
Published: 2019-01-14 17:05:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 714; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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“Now I rule the world, and the starry sky spreading above,” (y/n) sang quietly to the song playing in her earbuds - her eyes, although usually closed as she let the music fill her body, drifted around the room filled with the Canadian idol. Posters, signed photographs bought online, tickets to every skating competition, even curtains - homemade of course - designed to resemble his short program costume.

“I will rule the world, JJ, just follow me! Catch me if you can, and look at me,” she continued, stuffing her house keys into her jacket before bounding out the door into the melting snow. Another successful year for the king, JJ, in his skating endeavors, which meant motivation for her to carry on each day with a smile. Some would say it was weird for her to wrap her mind around only that one thing, day in and day out, but she was just a fan of him. Probably the biggest fan anywhere, obviously excluding JJ’s lucky fiance, but still in the rankings somewhere.

“I look in the mirror, the king smiles at-” Just as the closing line of the song began to play, (y/n) coughed in surprise. The song had glitched, cut off right before she managed to finish the last word. What was that? she thought, whipping her phone out of her pocket and pressing the play button to her favorite song multiple times in a row. But her heart sank.

“This audio file is not supported,” her phone read, and a crying gasp left her lips when she realized that the song was broken.

“W-Why would you do that to me!?” she shrieked at her phone, prepared to break it but then realized she didn’t have the budget to replace it again. Just keep the words of JJ in mind, I can find a way to fix this. I can just get a CD until it gets fixed! Another determined smile bounced onto her lips, and she raced down the street. It was only ten minutes to walk from her house to Timmins Square - Sunrise Records was waiting for her.

“Where is it, where is it?” she muttered aloud, racing through the wide selection of CDs and records until her eyes fell on it. A JJ CD. It was everything she had ever wanted, and even more - actually, it was shocking to herself that she hadn’t bought the simple thing yet. Just as her excited fingers reached to wrap around the plastic case, another hand snatched it before she had the chance. A more tan hand, obviously with manicured nails.

“Excuse me, that was my CD,” she exclaimed, eyes snapping up to whoever was taking the music she couldn’t live without. The man laughed as he examined the case.

“Actually, it’s my CD,” he said, raising the cover next to his own face. They were they same man. The man standing across from her was JJ Leroy, figure skater, pop singer, and her idol. Another gasp left her lips and her hands instantly clamped over her mouth.

“N-No way...Th-This can’t be real,” she whispered, once she removed her hands - her glistening eyes filled with tears of joy as a burst of squealing left her lips. “I-It’s so great to meet you, Mr. Leroy, I-I adore everything you do, I’m a really really big fan!” JJ was quiet for a moment, watching her spazz about meeting him, but he quickly let out a laugh.

“Thanks, always great to meet a fan,” he said, waving the CD at her again before heading out of the aisle, as if that was all that was needed to be said.

“W-Wait, hold on a second!” she exclaimed, chasing after him and grabbing onto the back of his jacket - with gasping, wheezing breaths of excitement, she quickly released his coat after realizing what she had just done to him. “P-Please, can I have a picture with you? Please?” After another minute of close examination, he laughed again.

“Oh, what the hell, why not?” He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to his side - it was just too much for (y/n), she thought she would die from too much love. Both of them took out their phones, and thanks to the bright light of the morning, the lighting was perfect for two memorable selfies. Just as he was about to leave again, (y/n) squealed one more time.

“W-Wait, wait! I-I have a question, JJ!” she shouted with enthusiasm, bouncing to catch up with him once again - the breathlessness of the situation had been swept away finally, and she started to believe once again that she was actually in his presence.

“M-More like a statement/request combination,” she explained to the waiting Canadian man. “S-See, I listen to ‘The Theme of King JJ’ every single day, I can’t go a day without singing it, I know it all by heart! B-But...The file was corrupt, and this is a new phone, so I-I can’t exactly get it back! Wh-Why are you buying the last copy of the CD that’s here?” He laughed once more, examining the cover as he thought of his reply.

“Well, I wanted to be able to listen to it when I’m at home...I lost my other copy, or maybe I sold it, I can’t remember. Plus, the cover picture looks amazing,” he finished, copying the hand motions used to spell out “JJ,” his signature move - the exact thing done on the cover.

“That’s awfully conceited of you,” she muttered before slapping a hand over her mouth in surprise. “I-I mean, please! Let me have the CD, I-I can’t go a day without listening to that song! I’ll pay you for it, as much as you want!” JJ didn’t want to have to be mean to his fans - but he really wanted the CD more than he assumed anyone else could ever want it. Carefully considering his options before too much attention was drawn to the situation, he crossed his arms with the plastic case still in hand.

“Can you sing the song to me, in that case?” he asked with a smile - of course he wanted her to sing it. (y/n) was quickly realizing that her idol was completely self centered, but she wasn’t going to let that ruin her mental image and fantasies. Taking a deep breath in, she was more than ready to start singing the song to him. Until someone tapped on her shoulder.

“Miss...We have more copies of the CD, you don’t have to do that,” a concerned employee said from nearby, obviously one that had been listening. She felt an embarrassed blush bloom on her face when she realized how close she was to bursting into song for her favorite person in the world, the creator of said song. As the employee left, JJ was stifling a laugh, although she wasn’t sure if it was meant to be mocking or sympathetic.

“Just take this one, I’ll get the other one when he comes back,” JJ said with a bright smile as he pulled a Sharpie - obviously one he had had in case of situations similar to these - and scribbled his name across the cover of the case. “And...Never give up, even if the night should fall, alright?”

“O-Okay, thank you, JJ!” she exclaimed with an excited giggle as she bounced out of the store with the now priceless CD.

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