One of a few questions the the father/daughter duo got. As mentioned in the little announcement, this is a little mini series I decided to make just for the whole month. Once the month comes close to the end, I'll end it and bring it back for another month down the road.
Looks like Shantae And Mark did get some questions, and this is what they had to say.
Same rules as the Ask Rotty, Sonic, And Sora, ask the Half-Genie Wishmaker and her father/Genie Master anything you want and they'll answer it. Please respond with Hey Shantae, Hey Mark, or Hey Shantae and Mark in the comment section of this announcement image. Just like it's sibling, I'll be collecting questions solely on the announcement image. I just make it easier to gather up the questions and find them easily.
Hey Shantae, what was your very first wish you granted?
Hey Mark, what's it like being both a Genie Master and father to a Half-Genie Wishmaker?
f you have more questions or would like to participate, please ask your questions on the announcement image:
If you are unfamiliar with Shantae And Mark as a whole, here's a link to the group containing the father/daughter duos adventures (… ). It helps getting to know these two.
Please no videos and make sure it is a question, or questions, not a statement. No Dares, no Challenges, no Pranks! I am backed up on projects limiting any time to watch videos for the characters to respond to, also, these are not reaction pics they are Q&As, so please no videos until further notice (pictures are fine). Not all questions will be answered, but of the few that will be answered (if any). If a question has already been answered, I will reply back and show the question but feel free to ask a new one (Don't reply back with your new question/questions, make it a brand new comment so it doesn't get lost). Remember to add the name or names of the characters you want to ask (questions without names will not be answered).