Bluexorcist93 — Yoda Vs Meta Knight

#metaknight #starwarsyoda #versus #yoda #metaknightkirby #deathbattlescrewattack
Published: 2018-04-03 05:08:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 3905; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 0
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Warriors, brave and experienced soldiers or fighters trained for battle. While most warriors are described as big and made of nothing but muscle sometimes size isn’t everything, no matter what origin you are from anyone can be a warrior. Today these two, while small as they are, are one of fictions tiniest warriors but can still live up to the legends;


Jedi Master Yoda


Meta Knight the Star Warrior

But put them together in a battle to the death... who will be victorious?

Mini Warrior Showdown!


Yoda – the oldest and wisest Jedi master of Star Wars. Not much about Yoda and his race in known but Yoda was born 900 years before the Battle of Endor who belonged to an ancient and mysterious alien race. According to one legend, Yoda originally did not even know that he was Force-sensitive at all and his path to becoming a Jedi began when he left his home planet to search for employment. Along with a human who also searched for employment the two traveled in a ship but before they could reach to they’re destination they’re ship was struck by a large asteroid severely damaging it and they crash landed on a swamp like planet (not Dagobah but similar). They spent a few days there before being found by a strange individual; a Hysalrian who is Jedi called Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo, who revealed to both of them that they were incredibly Force-sensitive. Master Gormo offered Yoda and his friend to become his Padawan’s to train them in the ways of the Force which both of them agreed. Not long after their training was complete a Galactic Republic starship picked up their distress signal and rescued the two friends, who were now full-fledged Jedi, and took them to Coruscant where Yoda would continue his training at the Jedi Temple as a Jedi Initiate. As time passed, he proved himself to be a skilled Jedi and eventually becoming a Grand Master and head of the Jedi High Council. Despite being about 66 cm tall and being 900 years old, Master Yoda was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force and skills in lightsaber combat. He is an adept strategist, a skilled diplomat, and even without a lightsaber is still skilled in unarmed combat. Yoda wields a green Shoto Lightsaber or a miniature lightsaber that’s just as old as he is, Shoto Lightsabers are like regular lightsabers but designed to be used by smaller Jedi’s like Yoda. Jedi’s learn different forms of lightsaber combat, while Yoda has mastered pretty much all of them he prefers to use Form IV: Ataru also known as "Way of the Hawk-Bat" or the Aggression Form. Ataru is an aggressive combat form relying on a combination of strength, speed, and agility. Ataru is characterized by Force-assisted acrobatics such as somersaults and leaping strikes, both for offense and defense. Another characteristic of the form was its fast-paced and effective against single opponents while also preforming powerful strikes from multiple directions, though weaker in prolonged combat and confined spaces. As a Jedi Yoda is able to tap in and manipulate The Force, an energy field that connects everything in the galaxy and is created by all living entities. The Force is what gives a Jedi its power, with it Yoda can do multiple things; lift objects and individuals with telekinesis, send objects and individuals flying with force pushes, foreknowledge their opponents next move and predict future events, influence the weak minded or plant a suggestion into them, make the target forget about the users existence, sense an individual's feelings, signify danger of a hidden attacker, enhance the users speed to superhuman levels, enables to user to slow down time and perceive everything in slow motion, empowers the user and their allies with the force to increase their resolve and effectiveness which is how Yoda overcomes the infirmities of old age when in combat, deflect blaster bolts or other projectiles or other force attacks such as force push and force lightning, calm the mind of an animal and tame it, preform a technique called Tutaminis which absorbs harmful heat or electrical energy such as blasters and force lightning and even redirect it, and even boost Battle Meditation by boasting the effectiveness of the users allies while demoralizing the enemy. For being around for 900 years Yoda has quite an achievement belt; he telekinetically moved two massive starships to collide into each other with ease twice, his powers were comparable to Thon and Nomi Sunrider who were both some of the most powerful Jedi in history and survivors of the Great Sith War, evaded the tracking missiles of a Hailfire Droid, he acknowledged his dark side and retains control over it instead of ignoring it, faced a Terentatek which is a vicious force resistant beast that normally requires teams of Jedi to take down and won, can influence the minds of strong-willed individuals, learned the secret of retaining his identity after death, stated by Count Dooku himself that if Yoda ever went to the Dark Side his powers would become so great not even Darth Sidious would be able to stand against him, is one of the few Jedi to know how to create Holocrons, effortlessly disarms Asajj Ventress who can hold her own against Jedi Masters like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu, survived Order 66, trained Luke Skywalker as well as other countless Jedi, was equally matched against Darth Sidious, protects the Galaxy as a Force Ghost, and he is one of the most marketable characters in cinematic history (not really his achievement but still pretty good). As he once said “Heeded my words not, did you? Pass on what you have learned. Strength. Mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is”, and while he is regarded as the most powerful Jedi of his era he too has faults. As stated his fighting style heavily relies on the force to maintain his mobility in combat, and while his stature makes him a small target he can easy be thrown about and has a lack of reach. Ataru uses up a lot of energy meaning if a person can cope with their defense he can be overwhelmed after a while. For all his years as the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, he has never actually fought a Sith Lord before Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. Old age has weakened him physically, without his force powers Yoda needs to walk with a cane. Due to his size while he knows how to physical combat his level of strength is lesser then an average human. As wise as he is Yoda is a traditionalist meaning he believes that once someone walks the path of the dark side they cannot be redeemed. Also his unique speech pattern makes it difficult to understand him sometimes. Even so, Yoda’s intelligence, experience and skill makes him the most powerful Jedi of his time and certainly not to be estimated.


"If so powerful you are, why leave?"

(Music for Yoda; www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlYCxb… )


Meta Knight – a mysterious warrior and rival of the Kirby Series. Meta Knight's backstory is unknown except that he is the same race as Kirby is and was one of the last surviving Star Warriors who battled the entity known as Nightmare and his army. Meta Knight came to Dream Land and became a servant of King Dedede along with his followers Sword Knight and Blade Knight, as the planet's monsters would hopefully bring a young Star Warrior to Dream Land so they can fight Nightmare together should he ever invade the planet Popstar. This young or infant Star Warrior Meta Knight would soon encounter and train would be known as Kirby and his hope from the many confrontations of monsters in Dream Land would one day make Kirby strong enough to assist him in defeating Nightmare or any other major threat that invades Popstar. As stated Meta Knight is a mysterious character, often doing things with hidden intentions and his relationship with Kirby is truly unpredictably whether being bitter rivals to being steadfast allies to one another at a moment's notice. Best way to sum up Meta Knight is that he is a “Friend or Foe” kind of character yet carries the characteristics of a true knight. He respects the code of chivalry and always offers Kirby a sword whenever he fights against him. While he seeks to make Kirby a Star Warrior he too seeks to become stronger. He is calm, collected, very observant and only interferes when needed. For someone who is only about 2-3 ft tall, Meta Knight is a force to be reckoned with. Like all Knight’s Meta Knight carries a sword, his signature weapon is the indestructible blade Galaxia. Created by the Photron ruler of the fire people it is said to possess infinite power, with he can shoot out sword beams, fire balls, elecricity and even other Galaxias. His Dimensional Cape allows him to warp and teleport short distances, manipulate space, and can reconfigure into a pair of bat wings for flight. Meta Knight is famous for his incredible speed, he’s fast enough to create tornados and his sword strikes are faster than the naked eye to catch. He’s fast enough to keep up with Kirby’s warp star and flew from Popstar to the solar system in seconds, capable of FTL speeds. Meta Knight also has a few abilities like Meta Quick which temporarily increases Meta Knight's speed, Heal (don’t think I need to explain this one), Knight Call summons either Blade Knight or Sword Knight to assist him, his signature move Mach Tornado is a deadly spinning attack, Drill Rush same thing but in Drill form, and in Super Smash Bros his special attack is Galaxia Darkness where if anybody is touched by his cape they are temporarily paused in time as the world around is covered in darkness for a few seconds than does a powerful slash that cleaves the blackness away as well. Meta Knight is a complete badass, he continues to fight on par with Kirby and is considered one of the most strongest warriors in the galaxy, defeated Galacta Knight who before was the greatest warrior in the Galaxy three times as well as cut off one of his wings, is capable of defeating Drawcia who has reality warping powers and was able to turn "the world" into a painting including a massive portion of space, survived Drawcia's deletion wave which consumed multiple solar systems with relative ease, defeated clones of Dark Matter and Queen Sectonia, traded blows and defeated King Dedede twice, helped Kirby defeat Magolor, has almost never lost to Kirby at his max potential, helped Kirby in the majority of his fight against Star Dream a wish granter machine which is one of the most powerful reality warpers, built his battleship the Halberd and even destroyed it… for some reason?, deflected blasts from Magolor, saved Lucas and Pokemon Trainer from being devoured from a mini black hole, helped defeat Tabuu, and is worthy fighting Nintendos greatest fighters in Super Smash Bros such as Pit, Link, Samus, Marth, Caption Falcon, Mewtwo and Cloud. Meta Knight is a true speed demon but he too has flaws, because he heavily follows the code of chivalry he won’t fight an unarmed opponent and will give out a sword before a duel, while honorable this can work against him. His small limbs and short sword gives Meta Knight short range even in close combat. He will often flee if his mask breaks and he often loses to Kirby because he holds back to an extent. While not really a weakness but Meta Knight is banned in Super Smash Bros Brawl tournaments. While he may have his shortcomings, Meta Knight is deadly and should not be trifled with.


“Come back when you can put up a fight.”

(Music for Meta Knight; www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3gLNo… )


Who do you think will win?

Yoda belongs to George Lucas

Meta Knight belongs to Nintendo


NEXT! Battle of the Mad Scientists! Doctor Octopus Vs Mr. Freeze; bluexorcist93.deviantart.com/a…

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Comments: 8

Sindenovah [2022-03-18 23:38:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

amtboyce [2020-12-29 23:45:09 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

TheArtisticAstro [2018-04-07 02:42:05 +0000 UTC]

Yoda ftw

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kirk327 [2018-04-03 13:54:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh man, this'll be extremely tough to call. However, being the Star Wars lover that I am, and having played Super Smash Bros. Brawl and multiple Kirby games many times, let's see if I can figure out a plausible scenario where one of these guys will win more often than not. Granted, I'll lose either way, since I love both these guys. Oh well, here we go.
Round 1: Physicality-This is probably the toughest of them all. The reason for this is because most of Yoda's best showcasing of physical prowess have been shown when he was using the Force, which I feel falls more in line with powers. So without the Force, he isn't winning any marathons, and it'll be hard to take any hits from Meta Knight. By contrast, Meta Knight has a much more naturally powerful physical prowess which he is sure to use to its full potential. Meta Knight gets the physical advantage.
Round 2: Combat Skills and Tactics-This is also tough to call. Although these two have relatively short reaches with their respected blades, that's never stopped them from using them well in battle. While I think Meta Knight has a more complex fighting style, it'll be hard for him to best Yoda in a saber clash. While Ataru is a tiring form for most who use it, Yoda has higher reserves of stamina, so he can keep his efforts up with the form for a far lengthier period of time than other Jedi. Something else Yoda has in his favor is he has had centuries to develop his skills. Also, while Meta Knight is incredibly smart, so is Yoda, though I feel the Jedi master will have an easier time figuring out what move Meta Knight will use next. On the other hand, I feel that while it's not impossible for Meta Knight to figure out a good strategy to use effectively against Yoda, it seems to me like he would have to put more effort than he's used to. After all, Yoda is easily smarter than most he's fought before; no way Kirby's intelligence rivals Yoda's. Meanwhile, Yoda is likely to keep himself out of Meta Knight's reach until he has a good feel for his abilities. Then he'll go all out and use every skill and ability he has at his disposal. Yoda gets the somewhat comfortable edge for his combat skills and tactics.
Round 3: Powers-Out of all these major categories, I think this one will play the biggest role in deciding who wins. While Meta Knight wields a wider variety of abilities than Yoda, he doesn't have anything that Yoda couldn't adapt to. He can shoot beams from his sword; Yoda can deflect them. He can launch balls of electricity; Yoda can redirect them. His cape could offer him a chance to tip the odds in his favor, but if Yoda becomes wise to its abilities, there's nothing stopping him from ripping it off of Meta Knight. Also, to prevent an unnecessary lengthy fight that could potentially threaten the safety of others, Yoda could just telekinetically hold Meta Knight in place and beat the crap out of him. If he chooses to do this, Meta Knight will only have his healing ability to fall back on and keep himself alive. But let's not sell Meta Knight short here, as it's unlikely that Yoda will think to do that on the spot. He'll want to get a feel for how Meta Knight fights first, which could give Meta Knight a good chance of using his powers against Yoda to devastating effect. Even so, because of how long Yoda's powers have developed over the centuries, there is still a significant gap between himself and Meta Knight. Yoda gets the edge for his powers.
Final Verdict:
A battle between these to is, imo, much closer than most people think it is. In Yoda's corner, he has the accumulated wisdom and experience gained from the course of several centuries, an unrivaled connection to the Force, and incredible tenacity with the lightsaber. On the other hand, Meta Knight has his natural physical prowess, more complex combat skills, and a wider variety of powers. Now I feel this battle would most likely start as a pure saber duel, with powers playing a role in a later part of the battle. It's difficult to determine who would strike first, so let's just say they meet in the middle, striking at the same time. Their blades would clash in midair and would continue to do so, with neither one gaining much ground at first. However, Meta Knight would be taken aback by Yoda's ability to keep up with him for so long, though he wouldn't show it so easily. Knowing that his saber skills alone won't be enough to best Yoda, Meta Knight would warp himself away from Yoda, putting some distance between the two of them. When he has done this, he will fire multiple laser blasts at Yoda, only for the Jedi to deflect them all away with ease. He'd try the same thing with his lightning attacks, but this would prove equally ineffective. All the while this happens, Yoda would be doing everything he can to close the gap between them. Knowing it would be futile to try and stop Yoda, Meta Knight would go in with a new tactic. Right when he and Yoda come face-to-face with each other again, Meta Knight would wrap his cape around Yoda and pauses him in place, allowing him to knock Yoda down to the ground, disarming him in the process. As he rises back up, winded but still alive, Yoda will see Meta Knight making no further move to attack him, unwilling to keep the fight going while his opponent has lightsaber is out of his hands. Perceiving this in an instant, Yoda would extend his hand, reaching out with the Force, focusing all his efforts on Meta Knight. His sword would fly out of his hands and his cape would be pulled free. Yoda would then proceed to pound Meta Knight into the ground again and again, but Meta Knight would keep healing. Seeing no end to this conflict, Yoda would call back his lightsaber, freeze his opponent in place and slash vertically downward on Meta Knight, cutting him in half.
I declare Yoda the winner.

Well, there you have it. As I said before, I don't believe this fight would end as quickly as most might think. Yoda and Meta Knight will recognize each other as a worthy opponent to one another. It's really a battle of simplicity vs complexity, which can allow the fight to go either way. Honestly, I don't know whether knowing I was right or wrong will make me feel better, as I love both characters and I'll be bummed no matter who wins. Basically, it's Yang vs Tifa all over again for me. XD

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Bluexorcist93 In reply to kirk327 [2018-04-03 15:47:10 +0000 UTC]

I feel ya, both of them are fighting opponents with abilities new to them; Yoda has the force but Meta Knight has the speed and teleportation. I might have to flip a coin on this one lol JK, but my real question is can a lightsaber cut through Meta Knight's sword? 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

kirk327 In reply to Bluexorcist93 [2018-04-03 15:54:58 +0000 UTC]

Well there are some materials that a lightsaber can't cut through. Of course, this is going off material from the expanded universe, which is sadly no longer part of the official canon. Not that I've put much stock by that. I may have just been watching too much Doctor Who and stuff, but I see Star Wars as more of a multiverse thing. XD

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Bluexorcist93 In reply to kirk327 [2018-04-03 18:59:54 +0000 UTC]

I mean its possible, Stan Lee did say he wanted to do a Star Wars and Avengers crossover if the opportunity ever present itself 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

kirk327 In reply to Bluexorcist93 [2018-04-03 19:01:09 +0000 UTC]

Doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0