bobtffdddd — cartman The Coon vs Chara

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Description south park The Coon vs undertale
Eric Theodore Cartman is one of the four main characters of South Park. He is an overweight and sadistic kid with many disturbing qualities.
Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 9-C, possibly 9-B, higher with Toon Force | Low 7-B | Low 7-B

Key: Default | The Stick of Truth | The Fractured But Whole

Name: Eric Theodore Cartman, The Grand Wizard, The Coon

Origin: South Park

Gender: Male

Age: 10

Classification: 4th grade kid | “Grand Wizard King” | “Ninja Manimal”

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Social Influencing
Occasional user of Toon Force
Broadway Force (United various kids and made a great music just to curse Kyle's Mom)
Regeneration (Mid, Was able to recover from this)
Electricity Manipulation with the V-Chip
Minor Biological Manipulation with a flute (Can force people to defecate themselves by playing "The Brown Noise")
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Electricity Manipulation
Fire Manipulation
Status Effect Inducement
Ice Manipulation
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Martial Arts
Status Effect Inducement
Resistance to

Fragrance Manipulation (Resisted farts from The New Kid while being interrogated while The New Kid ate things to make his farts smell bad, though he did eventually vomit, and then confess the information they wanted to know)

Attack Potency: At least Street level, possibly Wall level (Although he is consistently portrayed as the weakest kid in South Park, he is still physically comparable to the other main cast), higher with Toon Force (Was able to shove Disneyland up his rectum) and his v-chip (His v-chip caused severe damage to an undead Saddam Hussein, who survived being shot by several rounds of bullets) | Small City level+ (Fought the future version of himself) | Small City level+ (In the same league of power as The New Kid)

Speed: Below Average (Usually struggles to keep up with his friends and was stated to be the slowest student in the school. Was last place in the Special Olympics) | Sub-Relativistic with Relativistic Reactions (Could keep up with his future self and others from fractured but whole) | Sub-Relativistic with Relativistic Reactions (Comparable to Fastpass)

Lifting Strength: At most Athletic Human (Shook and partially lifted a table that had 8 of his classmates on it; should be comparable to characters like Timmy, who threw a javelin) | Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Street level, possibly Wall level, higher with Toon Force (Was able to send a kid flying with a kick, which should be on this level) | Small City level+ (Able to harm his future self) | Small City level+ (Comparable to Human Kite and The New Kid)

Durability: At least Street level, possibly Wall level (Survived getting run over by a bus, a beating from PC Principal, and a lightning strike. However, he did have some minor to severe injuries from these incidents and had to be hospitalized afterwards. He also tends to overreact to minor harm, such as a light slap from Kyle) | Small City level+ (Tanked hits from his future self) | Small City level+ (Tanked hits from The New Kid)

Stamina: Generally presented as Below Average | Unknown | Unknown

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with v-chip

Standard Equipment: None notable | His staff, hair spray, lighter | Coon claws

Optional Equipment: Flute, v-chip, pistol

Intelligence: At least Genius in terms of strategic thinking (Planned the death of Scott Tenorman's parents in a very complex fashion. In general, Cartman has planned several complicated actions in advance. In just the span of under one minute, he was able to track down the phone number of a psychiatrist's wife, manipulate her into thinking her husband was a pedophile with a criminal record, and drive her to suicide just because the psychiatrist called him fat. He knows how to speak foreign languages, is a talented ventriloquist, musician, inventor, and photographer, and understands enough about economics, politics and religions to manipulate them with little effort. He is a master manipulator and has gathered the masses, both his classmates and adults, without much effort and has manipulated others into doing whatever he wants, such as organizing an entire legion under the banner of Adolf Hitler and frequently takes the leadership role in his various agendas like the militarized "Ginger Kid" and "Coon and Friends". He is also ambitious with a strong sense of entrepreneurship who has started more than one successful company, has almost conquered the world, gotten away with murder, and has rubbed elbows with some of the world's most famous people), Average otherwise (Tends to be too lazy and spoiled to put his intellect to use due to usually being portrayed as ignorant and gullible otherwise. He was easily fooled by Scott Tenorman into buying pubic hair, as he thought he would instantly hit puberty from purchasing them. In "Go God Go", he froze himself for 5,000 years instead of simply waiting 3 weeks for the Nintendo Wii's release, and even then, he missed the console's release. Once believed he could fly by using cardboard wings, and he thought he was "invisible" when he walked up onstage naked in front of the entire school).

Weaknesses: He is fat, cowardly, lazy, egotistical, and bigoted. | None notable | None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques
The Grand Wizard

Surge: Gains 5PP when perfectly attacking an opponent.
Gluttony: Cartman uses 2 doses with one potion, doubling its effectiveness.
Magic Missile: Cartman throws a tampon at an opponent for small Gross damage and Gross Out status effect.
Flame Strike: Sprays the first two foes in a row with fire! Targets start Burning if done perfectly.
Burning Cloud: Blasts all enemies with a mighty fart. It will shred off a bit of armor from armored opponents.
Curse: Activates his v-chip and curses up a storm of electricity against a single target.
The Coon

Prime-Time Coon: (Special move): Claw all foes and make them Bleed.
Coon Claws: A terrible scratching that applies Bleeding.
Coon Lunge: Charge into the fray, claws flying.
Coon Pounce: Damage and swap places with a foe.

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Kevin McCallister (Home Alone) Kevin's Profile (10-C version used. Both had a day to prepare)

Inconclusive Matches:

Chara is the true name of the first human to fall into the Underground. They are Asgore's and Toriel's adoptive child as well as Asriel's foster sibling. Although mourned by the Underground's residents after their death, their adoration for the fallen child belies a much more sinister persona that few are privy to and is only revealed in segments on the Pacifist Route before being showcased in full on the Genocide Route.
Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B | Unknown without a host. Varies through LV up to at least 9-A while using Frisk's body | 2-B

Key: Pre-Death | Post-Death | Absolute

Name: Chara (Name in-game varies depending on what the player chooses to name them, but "Chara" is the true name)

Origin: Undertale

Gender: Unknown

Age: Pre-teen at the time of death

Classification: Human child, The Fallen Child, Adopted child of Asgore and Toriel, Asriel's adopted sibling, Manifestation of the player's willingness to kill just to increase their stats, The demon that comes when people call its name

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics
SOUL Absorption and Fusionism (Humans can absorb monster souls.[1] Combined with Asriel's SOUL of which split control of the body between them[2])
Limited Invulnerability (As a human, they should be capable of getting INV like Frisk does)
Self-Sustenance (Type 1; As a human, they should be the same as Frisk)
Longevity for their SOUL (A human's SOUL can exist even after death[3] and can exist for incredible amounts of time, the 6 Human SOULS are a good example of this)
Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Should be capable of taking SOUL attacks like Frisk. A single human soul is nearly as strong as all monsters[1])
Resistance to Heat Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation, and possibly to also Poison Manipulation (As a human, they should be the same as Frisk due to them not being bothered at all from those)
Immortality (Types 1, 5, 6 and 7), Incorporeality and Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 1, Aspect Type 1. Lost both their body and soul after dying while having their soul combined with Asriel's[2], the latter collapsing into dust[4] and his soul disappearing[1], reducing them to a nonexistent being who needs to possess hosts such as Frisk in order to interact with the world again. Flowey described them as empty inside just like him, him lacking a soul)
Possession and Breaking the Fourth Wall (Took control of Frisk through the Genocide run, as shown with the text recognizing Frisk as Chara unlike in the other Routes, Flowey instantly recognizing them as Chara despite having a different appearance and other big changes in personality than Frisk's that other monsters notice. Despite said control can be broken if the Player does not collaborate with them in their guidance, Chara will still take full control of Frisk at the end of a True Pacifist completed after a Genocide run[5])
Fear Manipulation (Chara's Influence has been shown to make victim's unnaturally scared, an example being Doggo who couldn't even see them or know if there was even someone there, Chara also did the same to Flowey even though flowey considers himself emotionless[6])
Likely Resistance to Empathic Manipulation (Should be the same as in their Absolute due to them lacking a soul)
All the powers they would have without a host outside of Incorporeality and Nonexistent Physiology.

Almost all of Frisk's Powers and Abilities (While using them as a host, Chara should have access to almost all of their powers due to them showcasing even the ability to SAVE and LOAD, though the ones achieved through Peak Determination are not included, given that they were never displayed through the Genocide Route)
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Body Control (Capable of warping their face to an inhuman degree[7])
Possibly Abstract Existence (Type 1. Became the player's feeling of a number increasing[7], although if this is meant to be taken literally is debatable)
Time Manipulation, Reality Warping, Existence Erasure and Information Manipulation (Type 2. Erased the entirety of "Undertale", destroying the game world alongside all of its files, with attempts to reverse the damage through messing with said files being ineffective. Should be comparable to Frisk and restored the entire game world with possibly a TRUE RESET[7])
Possibly Type 1 Acausality Negation (Has possibly used a TRUE RESET to restore the entire game world, with the TRUE RESET also erasing the memories that Flowey and Frisk gained through resets)
Possession and Fear Manipulation (Should still have these powers even after reaching the Absolute)
Resurrection and Immortality (Types 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Reliant on the player's desire to increase their statistics. Should be able to rewind time upon death like Frisk and harnessed enough DETERMINATION to likely do so[7]. Can stall the Player for all eternity)
Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 1, Aspect Types 1 and 4. Implied to still be in a nonexistent state even after getting enough DETERMINATION to being able to interact with the world from their own again, as they talked as the void left after the destruction of the game, with later on saying that their human soul wasn't actually theirs, but "yours"[7])
Extrasensory Perception (Knew that the SOUL the player gave them resonated with a strange feeling)
Soul Manipulation (Capable of taking the Player Entities SOUL, although only if it agreed to giving chara their SOUL beforehand)
Acausality (Type 1, Completely unaffected by RESETS)
Breaking the Fourth Wall (Can knowingly communicate with the Player Entity)[7]
Supernatural Willpower and Empowerment (Harnessed the extreme amounts of DETERMINATION that the Player produced, which is the extreme strength of will to keep living,[8] and allows the user to increase their statistics depending on how determined they feel or also to survive attacks they would normally wouldn't, a good example of a DETERMINATION user being Frisk)
Resistance to Type 1 Acausality Negation (Showcased to not be affected from the TRUE RESETs used from the Player, as they have permanentely changed the Pacifist Route ending after reaching the Absolute, and those changes are impossible to revert even with a TRUE RESET, but only through non-canon editing to the game files, other than noticing the Player making multiple Genocide Routes, with the game world being destroyed and recreated from Chara at the end of each of them)
Likely Resistance to Empathic Manipulation (Cannot understand the sentimentality of the player and those feelings any more[7], which the demon may be literally unable to understand. Flowey's lack of a soul made him believe he was unable to love other people and thus lacked compassion)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Should be comparable to a Frisk with Minimal Determinaton and LV 1)

Attack Potency: Unknown without a host (After their death, Chara became a nonexistent being who cannot interact with the world from their own). Varies through LV up to at least Small Building level while using Frisk's body (Can increase their power from gaining LV through killing people up to LV 20, although LOVE primarily measures violence and willingness to hurt, which is extremely effective against monsters. At LV 10/11 they could already harm and eventually kill Undyne the Undying)

Attack Potency: Multiverse level (Destroyed the entire game and its cosmology, and recreated it[7]. As Sans says in his Genocide fight, with every RESET a new timeline is created, with Flowey alone having RESET and LOADED so much that he has done everything the Underground had to offer, seeing 'every line of dialogue, every set of numbers'[6], etc. Due to the nature of the RESETS, there is canonically no cap on how many RESETS could be done, and thus the game can hold any amount of timelines that are generated from the RESETS, even if countless of them are made through constantly resetting over and over[note 1])

Speed: Subsonic+ (Should be comparable to Frisk with minimal amounts of DT and low level monsters like Froggit) | Unknown without a host. Varies up to Hypersonic while using Frisk's body (Could keep up with Undyne the Undying), Hypersonic+ with Sea Tea (Can move faster with the Sea Tea up to reaching twice their regular speed) | Immeasurable (Harnessed incredible amounts of Determination, giving them the power to destroy Undertale as a game entirely, due to their incredibly high Determination, they should be comparable to other high DT users like Frisk[note 2])

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Should be the same as Frisk) | Unknown without a host. Peak Human while using Frisk's body | Likely Superhuman (Should be immensely superior than before)

Striking Strength: Wall level | Unknown without a host. Varies through LV up to at least Small Building level while using Frisk's body | Multiverse level (Destroyed the game in one blow)[7]

Durability: Wall level (Should be comparable to a Frisk with Minimal Determination and LV 1. Survived their fall into the underground[9]) | Unknown without a host (Is a nonexistent being who cannot interact nor be interacted with in conventional ways). Varies through LV up to Small Building level while using Frisk's body (Can survive multiple blows from Undyne the Undying) | Multiverse level (Unaffected by their destruction of the game)[7], the ability to SAVE & LOAD and Immortality makes them extremely difficult to kill permanently

Stamina: Unknown | Infinite without a host; Superhuman while using Frisk's body | Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range | Unknown without a host. Standard Melee Range, higher with Equipment, Several Meters with Yellow Mode, Universal+ via the SAVE System while using Frisk's body | Multiversal

Standard Equipment:

Real Knife
Real Knife
Real Knife: The Genocide Route weapon counterpart of the worn dagger, with Chara implying to have had this before death. Grants 99+ AT, making it the strongest weapon in the game.
The Locket: The Genocide weapon counterpart of the Heart Locket and beats like a heart would. Grants 99+ DF, making it the strongest armor in the game.

Optional Equipment: The items Frisk uses when they possess their body.
Intelligence: Unknown (As a simple child, before their death, they were already knowledgeable about the workings of SOULs and formulated a plan revolving around them, but were also likely a bit naive, as they presumably thought that putting flowers in a pie would have no negative consequences.[10] After their death, while little is still known about their actual personality given the small amount of time they've shown to talk on their own, they have showcased to be as good as Frisk is in fighting while possessing their body, being able to defeat incredibly skilled enemies in the Genocide Route such as Undyne the Undying and Sans, who are notable for their ability to fight with difficult bullet hell attacks, with the latter also being able to use the rules of the game itself at his advantage. They have also convinced the Player in making a deal with them, persuading them in giving their SOUL to restore the game after that Chara has destroyed it.[7])

Weaknesses: Chara needs someone with strong enough Determination and capacity for violence to manifest and needed to possess a host to interact with the universe before they had reached a sufficiently great level of power.


More info on these reasonings is shown here
More details and info behind this speed rating is wrote here.

Chara's tarot card art
Chara's tarot card art
Pacifist Route Post Card after doing a Genocide Route.
Pacifist Route Post Card after doing a Genocide Route.
Chara's fall into the underground.
Chara's fall into the underground.
Wide Eyed Stare
Wide Eyed Stare
Version of the Post-Genocide Pacifist Post Card by Fangamer.
Version of the Post-Genocide Pacifist Post Card by Fangamer.
Chara looking
Chara as seen in at the end of the Post Genocide Pacifist Route, if you choose to stay with Toriel.
Chara as seen in at the end of the Post Genocide Pacifist Route, if you choose to stay with Toriel.

Notable Victories:

Riku (Kingdom Hearts) Riku's Profile (Absolute Chara and KHI Riku were used. Speed was equalized)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
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